Construye tu Propia Fuente de Agua Decorativa Casera

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Hello such people Proyectatumente This new episode I'll do an update of one of my most popular projects and is like making a Mini Water Pump home with this new project you will be able to make homemade water sources as you'll see below the materials we will need 20 milliliter syringe about 60 inches of hose for aquarium bonbon tube instant glue a small motor that can draw from a toy that we have at home such as for example a truck cellphone charger that already are using we will go very well for this project because it gives us continuous 5v and as this project is designed to be water sources all the better why not spend on batteries Also we will need a bottle plastic which will take a piece of plastic and the base of the bottle and we will begin disarming the syringe and the parts that we will need piston and cylinder cut the cylinder more or less the mark of eight milliliters then make a hole in the center of piston the hole we can do by heating a metal or as you can see in the video using a soldering iron this hole that we have to have the diameter edge having the engine peguemos so that when the piston engine is coupled to well Now let's make the propeller and This will do a cross cut the tube of bonbon this court can do so using the method you want but it seems that much better if they do as I am doing in the video bottle we going to get a piece of plastic and the entire base of the bottle that later we will need the piece of plastic we take a small strip and divide it into two equal parts put them together and simultaneously do a small cut in the center yes without cutting the pieces full this is in order to be able interlocking the two parts to give us the shape of a cross as we see in the images have a small problem and the shape of the cross is not maintained to solve this simply do slightly wider cuts and this would suffice we couple the blade to the shaft and look using superglue and with this we have almost complete helix but as we see not entering the cylinder for this we will cut the blades of a piecemeal until you can get after this cut leaving more or least half a centimeter tube to which may be fitted the propeller to the motor shaft hose split into two equal parts one for input and one for the exit put a hose nozzle in the syringe that would be the water inlet and the output we will have to make a hole in the center of the cylinder of the same diameter hose to do this we can use the tip of a cutter or scissors stick the hose in the hole made in the cylinder taking care that the hose will not be too into the cylinder as this could stop the blades and that we are not going to take off the hose movement we put a little hot glue the next thing we do is the electrical part which is perhaps the easiest part we'll just weld or knot the two wires having the charger to the two motor contacts and if we want to put a small switch we can do it very easily just let go one of the motor cables knotted cord and the motor switch and the other wire switch it knotted wire you just drop isolate using tape and with that we have a better way on and power off and so easy we are finishing our home water pump   now let's make a small water fountain very impromptu so that you can see the basic operation of this small pump as you can see is nothing other world just make a hole in the base and one on top connect the water inlet pump the hole in the base this union sealed using silicone hot and that would be it We would only fill to be a centrifugal water pump so small and especially home I would say going well but if you want a pump more powerful water all you will have to do is feed at a higher voltage and it'll do some tests feeding it to different voltages that may give an idea what kind of sources can build good friends that's all I hope that you liked you know if they liked it let me know giving like to Favourites sharing the video with friends and if the first time you see one of my videos do not forget to subscribe, it's free the likes are also free if perhaps XD Good bye bye
Channel: Proyectatumente
Views: 1,968,392
Rating: 4.8965368 out of 5
Keywords: fuente de agua casera, fuente de agua decorativa, manualidades decorativas, pasatiempos relajantes, fuente relajante, fuente feng shui casera, como liberar estres, water fountain, bomba de agua, Decora tu casa, decoración de interiores, fuente antiestres, experimentos caseros, hobbies caseros, manualidades faciles, inventos caseros, electronica basica, bomba centrifuga, mini bomba de agua, Water (Chemical Compound), regalos caseros, manualidades de reciclaje
Id: _tKyYRUotN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 31 2015
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