CONSTRUCTION DE VAISSEAU (éléments, interface, règles, erreurs etc) - STARTIPS : les astuces de papi
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: au vieux gamer
Views: 5,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, gameplay, fr, starfield fr, bethesda, jeux vidéo, xbox, xbox series x, starfield gameplay fr, lets play, rpg, espace, gameplay fr, exploration, todd howard, starfield open world, starfield game pass, skyrim de lespace, bethesda game studios, xbox game studios, carte galactique, exploration planétaire, minage, concentrer le tir, découpeuse, Caelumite
Id: J99h-0GvtIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 2sec (3062 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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