Constraint Making in DaVinci Resolve using Expression

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Namaste guys in this video we are going to learn how to create this uh using expression so you can see when the red ball coming near to the blue bow its size is increasing so this is what we are going to create and using the expression so let's see how to proo this so first right click and create a new Fusion composition let's give the name tutorial ball drag it here now some common mistake done by the beginners that they extend the timeline from like this never do that always extend from here okay what's the issue if I extend here let me show you if I click on here and go to the my timeline notice my timeline starts from negative and this is not a good thing if you come from industry standards so press control Z make sure that your Tim line always start from zero notice it is now on zero so this is the correct approach now first thing I have to do is I have to create two balls so let's see how I can make it so I will add a background node then a circle ellipse node and select this background press shift space type transform click on merge merge this and this now click on the background node change the color as per your requirement I like the red one so click okay click on transforms oh sorry click on the ellipse and click on here equal to so I'm taking its width now if I decrease the width notice the size is decreasing good first part is create select theps type uh ball one so this is the first B select this press contrl C to copy press control V to paste select this ball press f2 type ball to and connect this click on the background this time I will change it color to let's say blue color click okay on transform I will move it here now a question comes to mind so what I will do to you know do the animation thing example if I move it forward I want it size increase so let's see so click on the transforms right click click on expression uh right click sorry so basically what I want uh connect to I with expression now notice that modify is activated so this is basically what I want so in numbers type the value one okay now go to the tools and select this transform click on here to pin it now go to the dis transform so basically what I want that when this world move forwards this will increase so how can I approach it that is the important thing so this transform okay this one moves and this one okay remove the expression from here first and remove expression expression so basically I want to add expression here modify with expression first create the modifier tab after that in width equal to space and here also equal to and this will connect to the width now watch carefully how to write the script so I will type double I if if what if the position of X notice it automatically takes from where I want transform one but position if position of X is greater than zero then what I have to do then uh let's see my script then expression one okay then uh I will go here type one don't worry I will tell you what is everything so go to the modifiers number on okay cut it if and position X greater than zero comma I already paste copied that expression one do N1 okay plus this one start 3 comma control V bracket close now notice that my expression is still red it means it is not correct there's some issues so let's see what the issue so I will press control a copy and I will open my Notepad that's control V let's see where transform one if transform one one okay want to transform one okay looks good to me is there any comma dot nothing like that let's see let's see if okay double I I have to write double I not if dou I now notice red color is gone now if I try to move it it size is inre increasing now if you want to increase the size more just uh change this multiplier uh that is this three you can change this value let's say five so if I increase it you can see so let's try to understand what this this expression say so I'm saying hey if my red ball value moves greater than x okay if my B value move greater than x then expression N1 what is the value of expression N1 it is one okay so one uh 1+ how much I move multiply by 3 for example I move 0.159 0.159 into 3 so this much will be the width of my circle just in case if my expression is not true it means if the value of x is less than Z or equal to Z then its value be uh it scale will become expression N1 and value is what one so I hope you guys understand what is going on here so it's quite simple tutorial uh nothing high five fancy but I hope you learned something Basics if you have any kind of doubt and queries feel free to ask thanks for watching and have a great day namaste
Channel: MouryaWorks
Views: 137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve Tutorial, scripting in DaVinci Resolve, expression in DaVinci Resolve, constraint Making in DaVinci Resolve using expression, expression for beginners in DaVinci Resolve
Id: oQ0jgRuhe5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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