Consonant Sound / d / as in "dog" – American English Pronunciation

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Hello there! This is the "Sounds American" channel. In this video we're going to talk about the American consonant sound /d/, as in the word "dog." You can also hear this sound in words like "doll" - "bird"- "dad" or "buddy." We'll be using a special phonetic symbol - /d/ - for this sound. The /d/ is one of the six consonants that belong to the stop sounds category. Let's start with reviewing what we learned in the Stops Sounds Overview video. The /d/ is made by stopping the air with the tip of your tongue at the alveolar ridge. The /d/ is a voiced sound. It has a voiceless counterpart, the consonant sound /t/. As with all stop sounds, aspiration is important for the pronunciation of the /d/ sound. The /d/ is made with a slight puff of air at the beginning of words and stressed syllables. At the end of words, the /d/ follows the final stop rule and is not aspirated. Check out a few examples: Now that we've covered the basics, let's find out how to make this sound. Slightly open your mouth and leave your lips in a neutral position. Now, you have to stop the air in your mouth. This is how you do that: Place the tip of your tongue on the alveolar ridge behind your upper front teeth. Now, stop the air with the tip of your tongue and then release it with a small puff. Remember, the /d/ is a voiced sound, so you need to add your voice. Let’s try making it: Now, let's do some pronunciation exercises; we'll start with the /d/ at the beginning of words. Remember that the /d/ should be voiced and slightly aspirated. You may already know how the practice works. You’ll see a word on the screen and hear its pronunciation. Like this: You'll have a few seconds to pronounce the word. Try to practice as many words as possible, this is the most important part of the whole lesson. Let's begin! Let’s pause here for a second and review the final stop rule. When the stop sounds are found at the end of words, they are pronounced without a puff of air. As you may have already guessed, that's what we'll practice with the words in the next group. Awesome! Now let's practice pronouncing words with more than one /d/ sound. Your challenge is to determine if you should or should not aspirate the /d/. Hint: listen carefully to how the words are pronounced. You're done! Congratulations! Let us know in the comments what you think of this video. Click Like, if you like it! Don't forget to subscribe and share this video with your friends! Stay tuned on our Sounds American channel!
Channel: Sounds American
Views: 97,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american accent, american pronunciation, american english, american consonants, consonants, consonant sounds, consonant d, sound d, voiced sound, aspiration, aspirated, unaspirated, voicing, final stop rule, how to pronounce, pronunciation, stop sounds, how to pronounce stop sounds, d as in dog, pronunciation exercise, pronunciation practice, improve pronunciaiton, improve your accent, accents, esl, pronunciation video, speak english like a native speaker, practice pronunciation
Id: N73xPe0x79g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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