Console Wars - The Pagemaster - Super Nintendo vs Sega Genesis

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foreign [Music] thank you [Music] did we lose them look the exit [Music] he's catching up we're never gonna make it wait have an idea business cards good call [Music] it worked baby can't resist business cards we made it foreign how was it yes how was your magical journey into a book A book that I the page master sent you into it was a nightmare yeah of all the books why would you send us into American Psycho okay I might have what we're gonna do to you let's be cursed you're going to pound my fears break every vote in my closet but then you're going to drag me across a gravel road and feed my remains to a water are you nuts the 2020s we're gonna try to cancel you well boys no need to be Hasty let's have a redo I'll send you into a good book this time no no no no no more you know what matter of fact no more books at all can you put us in video games oh yeah that would be cool well that could be tough because I am the page master not the game master I don't know maybe learn how hard can it be I'd hate to see somebody trending on Twitter all right all right I'll read some books and figure out where to put your boys into some video games boom there goes the pagemaster page master hey you know what that reminds me of is it page master wow yes man it's like you're in my head sometimes oh Wild I watched the movie but I played the game more yeah me too you know I played it all the time well for the Sega Genesis right but it was definitely better for the Super Nintendo what that's it oh I'm doing this is the oldest brewery in the world today the Hawaiian Stefan Brewery in fries in Germany founded in 1040 yes best page master pagemaster is an action platformer based on the Macaulay Culkin movie of the same name released in conjunction with the film in 1994 it was developed by probe software and published by Fox Interactive version for Game Boy was released but today we're looking at the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis games while they look almost identical there are many differences which one's better let's find out thank you like most games based on movies these games look almost identical for games based on a somewhat obscure 90s movie they actually look pretty good your main character looks just like Macaulay Culkin's Richard Tyler other characters from the movie show up too either as allies or enemies character animation is incredibly fluid too in terms of characters and animations this is one of the better looking games in 16 bits and they look the same for both games the levels are also based on locations from the movie you have worlds based on horror adventure and fantasy the horror stages take place in the dungeon or the spooky Outdoors adventure takes place on boats or on Shore fantasy takes place in the golden brick road various locations inside a dragon and beanstalks again they look very similar in both games and it looks similar yeah but come on two games that look almost the same you know what we gotta talk about cropping this is another case of two games looking the same in the Super Nintendo version is cropped not only that you got some black bars on Super Nintendo if you want to see the whole picture play the Sega Genesis version and if that wasn't bad enough your game's missing animations there's more animations on Sega watch Blackbeard getting hit on Sega on Super Nintendo he's acting like he's not getting hit at all plus check out Richard sliding down his pole on Sega it's a pretty sweet animation not only does the Super Nintendo not have that animation you can't slide down poles at all now to the levels the background of this level has moving waves on Sega on Super Nintendo the waves don't move at all James missing a lot my game's missing a lot let's go to the levels you can see the difference with the very first stage check out the foreground on Super Nintendo you see these transparent chains that add to the horror aesthetic on Sega nothing no chains and it's not just the first level many levels on Super Nintendo have effects not on Sega the Super Nintendo game has fog a vignette and rain many instances on the Super Nintendo game of doing more and it's not just cool effects in the foreground the background is also much more detailed on Super Nintendo you see this dungeon window on Super Nintendo don't have anything in the Sega background clouds in the Super Nintendo background no Cloud on Sega look at the detail in the background on this Super Nintendo level just black on Sega fun it's not just the regular levels the bonus levels look better on Super Nintendo 2. the background of this clock bonus level has a gradient effect on Super Nintendo nothing on second this bonus level on Super Nintendo uses mode 7 to rotate on Sega that bonus level just Scrolls the ground is also more detailed on the Super Nintendo and constantly changes it's just the same thing over and over again on Sega you might be missing some things but overall the Super Nintendo game has an edge with graphics for having more going on in the foregrounds more detailed backgrounds and better looking bonus levels best graphics go to Super Nintendo [Music] there's not much in terms of presentation fairly simple games both games have the same title screen the same title cards for each level and the same simple endings the map for both games is a book because you know pagemaster and the Huds are very minimalistic you have your number of lives tokens and power-ups that's it very similar but my game has things yours doesn't back to the Overworld maps on Sega it actually says the name of the level in the book on Super Nintendo it doesn't say anything now check what happens when you beat a level on Sega level complete doesn't say anything on Super Nintendo you just see the title card again now to the 3D bonus stage when you beat it on Sega you get this screen on Super Nintendo no screen no picture Macaulay for you now to the endings The Good and Bad Endings actually look different on Sega Super Nintendo it just uses the same picture the only difference is a few sentences in the credits you really think your presentation is better my game has so much more did you know that all the stages have names well you wouldn't know if you played the Sega game no names on the map or when you start the level on Super Nintendo however you do see the stage name on the map you see it again when you start the stage it might be silly but it helps the level feel more unique even the bonus stages are named something on Super Nintendo on Sega nothing and one more thing both games have library cards get them all and get the good ending here's what happens when you find one on Super Nintendo you see a picture of the card and you're told how many more you need what happens when you pick up a library card on Sega nothing they don't tell you how many more library cards you need you got to keep track of it in your own head like an animal both games are missing things but the second is missing more for having names for all the regular and bonus stages and having a helpful library card screen best presentation goes to Super Nintendo lots of similarities with sound let's start with the music both games have music and sound effects by Steve Collett and Nick Stroud [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] let's talk about the ending on Sega the music that plays as the same music from the title screen [Music] Super Nintendo on the other hand has this play during the ending then the credits is a whole new song entirely foreign well your game's missing music too when you beat a level on Sega you get a little jingle on Super Nintendo nothing [Music] so that sounds like five seconds and your song during the ending is just like one note still I have a new song during the credits well it's not over yet because now we're going to talk about the sound effects sound effects are much better on Sega they're a lot cleaner listen to taking out an enemy on Sega it's pretty satisfying now Super Nintendo it's kind of weak the Sega game also has a lot more voiceovers here's a ghost on Sega on Super Nintendo silence [Music] main character says a lot more in Genesis 2. here's when you get a library card on Sega nothing on Super Nintendo here's when you're in danger on City [Music] nothing on Super Nintendo but you know it's not weak on Super Nintendo Landing it sounds like a bomb [Music] Sega game doesn't have that ridiculous sound effect pretty much the same but my having an exclusive song to be to level but for having more sound effects which are much better in quality best sound goes to say good Genesis [Music] all right very similar gameplay very simple games this game is an action platformer you have one button to jump and one button to use your weapon you have power ups you can collect along the way there's magic shoes which allow you to jump higher and rebound off walls they're sticky hands this lets you cling to ceilings and there's different weapons depending on the world you're in bag of eyeballs pirate sword or magic dust don't have a life bar instead the power-ups you collect help you survive every time you get hit you lose a power up if if you get hit without any power-ups you die luckily though the shoes can be retrieved again you just gotta catch them before they disappear other power-ups include a helmet for temporary invincibility there's tokens which you get 100 you get a one up there's a book token to play the 3D bonus game library cards you need to collect for the good ending and one-ups there are also objects you can lift in order to get out of reach items or platforms there are also other bonus levels summer timed and some are just to collect tokens the game is made up of three worlds horror adventure and fantasy each level has multiple stages you go from stage to stage on a world map it's not linear there are multiple paths you can take there are even some stages that are hidden you can even replay stage after you beat it this is useful for getting power ups and making sure you get all the library cards the game's not too difficult if you have a weapon and take your time stages are fairly short you do have checkpoints in the longer stages you also have unlimited continues but you do start from the very beginning of the level and you have to get all the library cards again very simple games that actually do have a little replay value with the multiple paths and endings very similar but there are some differences with the bonus levels like we said before the 3D bonus levels are different the Super Nintendo turns in different directions on second it just goes forward you need to avoid objects in both on Super Nintendo you can take hits as long as you have enough fairy dust and once you die it's over on Sega you get hit once and you die die three times and it's over on Super Nintendo the bonus level starts as soon as you find the power up on Sega it starts once you beat the stage there's also a difference when it comes to finding the other bonus levels for the collection bonus stages you need to find hidden books in both games for the timed bonus level on Super Nintendo you just get this clock power up on Sega it's still find The Hidden book the levels themselves though play the same that's both games in a nutshell right but my game's better my game has enemies that yours doesn't the Sega game has two enemies missing on the Super Nintendo this Pan the piper guy and this deadly flower the Sega game also has an exclusive boss fight you go mono Amano with Dr jekyll's Mr Hyde it's missing completely from the Super Nintendo game yeah let's talk about those exclusives that Piper and flower barely show up and you can't even kill them not missed at all and your Mr Hyde boss fight is really lame first off he's a regular in almost every horror stage so he's not exactly exclusive to Sega second somehow in your exclusive boss fight he's easier you know why he can't hurt you at all what kind of Boss can't hurt you actually it's kind of annoying to fight him you can't use your weapons you have to jump on them a lot so instead of being some welcome variety it becomes this annoying chore that just takes up your time my game has some variety how about I tie your legs to a cement block and throw you into Stone Harbor um what oh sorry it's from a parody video I watched oh [Music] if that's variety I don't want it besides I have something in my game that's way more useful Super Nintendo has an exit sign might seem silly but it's very useful having an exit is a nice way of knowing you've reached the end without moving on this allows you to explore and collect whatever you need like library cards without worrying about accidentally going on to the next level once you beat the last stage on Sega it's on to the next world no last chance to explore if you missed any library cards too bad plus the exit sign was a plot point in the movie an exit sign there's not that much you need to explore in these games and besides your game's missing something else the Sega game has the ability to pan down not sure what's below you no problem just hold down no jumping blind on Sega the Super Nintendo on the other hand can't pan down yeah good luck taking those leaps of faith the games are easy enough to beat without having to scroll down plus I have something you're missing on Super Nintendo when you exit a level you get a bonus 3D stage lets you collect lots of tokens for the next level on second no bonus stage just on to the next level plus even if you don't beat a bonus stage on Super Nintendo you get to keep any tokens you've collected if you lose the bonus stage on Sega you get nothing good day sir so you got an extra bonus stage big deal my game has a lot more variety most of the levels are just about getting to the end however there is some variety both games do have a level where you need to collect all the tokens before you can beat it but the Sega game has even more variety there's a level on Sega where you need to beat a certain number of enemies there's also two levels that scroll automatically Super Nintendo doesn't have any of these more variety on Sega a little variety is nice but you know what's even better a password exclusive to the Super Nintendo game is a password you get one after horror world and another after Adventure World and not only does it start you at certain levels the passwords include any power-ups and lives you're basically saving another thing you don't have to worry about is the library cards the password includes them too you don't get any of that on Sega because there's no password nothing gotta beat the second game in one shot give me the game with the passwords any day it's close both games are missing things but the password really gives Super Nintendo the edge for being more Explorer friendly with an exit sign for bonus stages between levels and most importantly having a password best gameplay goes to Super Nintendo [Music] both games are very similar but one is better and that's pagemaster for the Super Nintendo it has better graphics with more going on in the foregrounds more detailed backgrounds and better looking bonus levels it has better presentation for having names for all the regular and bonus stages and having helpful library card screens it's lacking in the sound effects department but it's fine when it comes to music and it has better gameplay for being more Explorer friendly with an exit sign for bonus stages between levels and having a password both games are flawed both games are missing things but overall the Super Nintendo game has more best page master goes to Super Nintendo [Music] why do we play those games again because of me oh pagemaster's back better hide this no I am no longer the page master now I am the game master that's right now I can put you in any video game what that's great we have piles of games right there yeah one for him and one for me okay in your girl I'm pretty sure I sent them into the right games he put us in the wrong consoles no do the thing man on Super Castlevania can whip in every Direction Sega guess just can't get it up ridiculous huh it's only pointless yet I can't stop doing it oh oh I don't know how to play please so how do I do no score we're not even fighting for hey Billy Kane what's going on man what are you doing up there Ah that's right you can't play as you one second fine I could take this guy out just gonna jump to the other plane just gonna jump to the other plane to the other okay optic blast optic blast I said optic blast the hell I have an energy bar for this that's my thing I guess I'm just an X-Man sometimes okay plus you're gonna be kidding me why are these controls not working object blast oh oh my God these controls are terrible I can't even steer what is that awful noise it sounds like somebody literally scratching my brain [Music] shot does nothing slingshot does nothing slingshot does nothing come on come on [Music] I can't just grab the ledge the exit's right there let's look at this cool sword no song [Music] so how was it how was it you put us in the wrong games yeah you're done Mister I'll go on IGN you go on Kotaku oh I'm there I'm there hard noise boys don't do that hey I'll tell you what what if I put you in one more game this game Custer's Revenge that's like one of the most offensive games out there and like super sexist not to mention incredibly racist okay I get it you don't want to go well I not exactly I mean it is part of gaming history right and we are history Buffs and you know you you can't view things from the past through Modern lens right it was a different time it was the 80s I mean look at Fisher Stevens in short circuit Al Pacino and Scarface nine to five Soul Man my hearing a yes yes done let's see who gets canceled now [ __ ] [Music] thanks for checking out our latest video be sure to like comment and subscribe support us on patreon for earlier releases bonus content and the Discord and check out our live Channel console Wars live special thanks to Roomba floorback for the donations of the games be sure to check us out on Facebook Twitter and Instagram for more console Wars good news later [Music] get in there you ah oh [Music]
Channel: Console Wars
Views: 36,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: console wars, console wars pagemaster, pagemaster video game, pagemaster games, pagemaster super nintendo, pagemaster nintendo, pagemaster snes, pagemaster sega, pagemaster genesis, pagemaster sega genesis, pagemaster comparison, retro gaming, video game comedy
Id: VXM64Fg21Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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