Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings - How to Play

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[Music] hello everybody i'm leo the community manager for empire building war games and we have maria with us today hi everyone maria is our head of operations and today she joined me to show you guys how to play conquest thank you for joining me for taking the role of the hunter kingdoms i always like the spires i like big monsters so today we're going to be showing our players how to start playing conquest from the very beginning teaching all the rules how to go how to go about it what is um you know the different rules you see in conquest and how how to play the game and the great thing is that everything we're going to be using today is included in our core set product placement heart balloon so uh in addition to that we're going to be using the steel legion and the marksman clones expansions which by the way right now we have a great a great promotion for that and if you get a corset we give you for free a regimen of steel legion and a regimen of marksman clones for you to be able to play the exact same battle right so today we're going to be seeing how to play the game without the characters just basic stuff and a few things about what what we're going to be doing so you have the hundred kingdoms and your objective here is to kill the abomination okay right and my goal here is to survive for three turns or kill all the humans usually the latter is funner and i'm probably gonna try to go towards that so let's see now one of the things a lot of you folks will be noticed is that that usually in a game of conquest nothing starts on the table right so everything comes in in waves and in reinforcements as the game goes along but in this case we assume that the game has already been at the fourth or fifth turn you know and this is why we have heavies and we have a mixture of regiments on the table also you have a regimen of household knights in reserve and i have a regiment of brood drones and reserves as well and we're going to see how to use that when time comes so the first thing i'd like you to do is i want you to notice that you have a command card assigned to every regiment a command card is essentially a tracker like denoting when each regimen will activate as we go through the command stack and i'll show you how to make one right now so i want you to pick up all of your cards including the ones in reserve okay and i want you to arrange these cards in the order that you would want them to play so for example if i want to the abomination to go first i'm going to make a deck at my command stack right and place the abomination on top right for example if i want to play the first growing throne second then i would put them right next and so on and so forth so take your time and decide what you want to do don't worry about the specific rules right now we're going to see them exactly we're going to see them as the game goes along okay let's see so i do not show you my command card at any point okay actually let me let me think if i want to t a little bit and win can i maybe maybe i could see okay and try and see a little bit but no uh okay so let's now having played this demo a few times small advantage a small small i think i know how to go about it okay so don't worry about about deciding how the household knights will play we'll see when you draw their card and talk about it so don't worry about it right now okay so i have my command stack ready so do i perfect and what i want you to do is i want to grab a die and we're gonna roll off remember low is good in conquest so we want low that is a four for me and a two for you it's great all right so you get to draw your first command card first okay so you reveal it to me and that is the mercenary crust woman oh man that's gonna i think i know where they're gonna be shooting at okay so before we go into details about the rules tell me your strategy what you're thinking about doing and i'll help you go go about it well my idea was these guys um i can use distance right yeah they can shoot from afar they can shoot from afar that's why it's quite an aggressive defensive sort of thing i want to get used to this um so that was my idea starting with the mercenary crosswoman okay okay what do you want to do you want to suit the abomination do you want to go for the marksman clones what do you want to do a little bit weary of them because they're also yeah they fire a lot of shots and they also have a very low armor right which means that your armor piercing bolts will go right through them however here is a really good here is a really good choice you have to make because you're either going to try and focus on them and let's say try take a few of them off the table or you can focus on your main objective and try and put a few wounds on the abomination it's up to you well i'll try to survive at this point since you're objecting you want to kill me no what i'm going i actually want to okay perfect all right so now uh once again you have a little bit of a uh you have a choice here right so you'll notice that on your card it has a quite it has some special rules and one is that says bar is one okay that means that you fire one shot per per crosswoman okay right so that is 12 shots and then you have range that he says about it says 20 inches right in brackets right next to that now 20 inches is your maximum range how far you can shoot but that's the maximum range not the effective range the effective range is half that okay so in this game there's pre-measurement for those watching at home and that means that at any point during the game we can always take a measure tape and measure everything at any point at any point okay so let's see measuring here i see that we are 16 inches apart right yeah so that means that if you stay still and you fire you're going to be in long range firing over over half reigns right uh causes the enemy regiment to be obscured obscuring means that you only fire half shots roundup so in this case instead of 12 you would fire six shots right now given that you have you notice that you have a stat it's m m stands for march march is how far you can move right now even if we even if you move them and march them forward that would be five inches closer and 10 15 you would still be out of you would still be out of effective range so no matter how you take you go about it you'll be over long range however you do have a choice to stay where you are and aim and then volley and we're gonna see how that works with the action system so how many actions do i have so every time that's a great question so every time you activate a regimen you get two actions right now shooting is one action within itself however there is very specific actions that can be used twice for actually at this time only march can be used twice for me to get closer to my enemy so for example let's let's take a look here for the abomination you're a little bit over 11 inches away right once again that means that you're going to be over over effective reins right that's over half of your range so with the abomination you would you could for example take uh take let's say a risk and say that you can even you can either spend your first action to aim meaning you're not going to move you're going to stay where you are and then shoot so that means that you're going to fire half shots but more accurate or you can take a first action to march march forward come within effective range and fire all of your shots but less accurate and we're gonna see what why that matters now in the case of the marksman clones things are a little bit more clear you can keep your distance and at the same time you can up to march and um so you can opt to aim and then shoot okay i'm gonna help you a little bit and these guys have an effective range of 14 inches which means they are not in effective range either so they'll need to they will have yeah they will have to make a similar decision there either to aim and shoot or to move and march and shoot so i have another question oh can i know i can look up at any point the statistics for your abomination for example yeah actually uh actually you can even you can either use your your arm builder from your mobile device or from your computer you can print print different uh seats with with the rules we give everything for free online right or you can of course you can scan the card of your your opponent if they have already played and of course you can you can take a look okay now in this case uh and this is why you you're going to notice that some of the cards have a qr code now every time you get a you get a regimen within an expansion right instead of buying it from the core set you'll notice that the card has a qr code in it and that is because you can scan it with the iron builder i'm gonna actually i'm gonna show it when we uh when we get to the marksman clones how that works okay and that is the reason for that is when we update the rules you don't have outdated cards essentially okay excellent so so right now the the statistics that you care about for these guys are there a defense of one okay right and that there are a range of 14 however they have a bar house of two instead of the one that you have but they don't have armor piercing special rule we're gonna see how that works okay so i will still look at them perfect okay so i i'll aim and shoot aim and soup perfect okay so since you're uh far away that means you're only going to fire half shots so that is 12 half that that's six correct now the mercenary crossman have a volley characteristic you'll notice that it's the v correct of two that means that you have to roll equal or less than two and that's true for everything in conquest low is always good so we want ones and twos right now let's see okay that is four hits i'm very happy sorry i can't hide it folks you can be good at this game as well if you roll really well you don't you don't there's no name for any sort of strategy actually this is great because like when i like i i told you before you have you'll notice that you have armor piercing one right armor piercing means that you reduce enemies defense by one right so i have a defense of one minus one that's zero so i cannot roll a zero that means that i get four casualties right away so these four are out that's a great thought i'm just very very excited okay let's go okay i mean it's a it's a good thing you didn't show the abomination because it would be it would be dead okay now something very important folks you're going to notice that as the game goes along um every time we take casualties or runes from melee combat we have an additional resolve step but that's not the case for range combat right when you get shot you don't uh suffer any any sort of leadership overall plan at least so we're going to get that so that was a great first activation for you that was that concluded two actions from the coursewomen now it's my turn so let's see i'm gonna play with the abomination oh man hyped i i i knew it now the abomination has quite a few rules uh to it so let's see what we can do now i have i have a few thoughts here and now and this is you know always in conquest you're gonna find yourself having to make different decisions right now i know that the steel legion are very strong in close combat in fact they're so strong that with a good roll you can kill the abomination outright now what the other thing that i'm thinking is that if i go for the menatarums you know i can do some good damage but um i risk being flanked by the steel legion right so what i'm thinking about is that if i go to at the crossover and it's very possible that i will kill them outright at least i know that the only thing that will flank me is the amenatarims which can still really hurt me because they do a lot of attacks it's a big block and it's important to know that everything in conquest can do damage to anything right you're never safe if the game is very fast paced and it's very violent as you notice especially if you're all well so now the disadvantage of me doing that is that i'm attacking a regimen that has already activated and therefore has already dealt damage to something that to one of my regiments therefore i'm not diminishing your power at all because whatever i'm if i destroy them it means that i'm destroying something that has already caused damage to me right now that has already put me not in a very good spot but i'm going to do it trying to survive the still legion because these guys can go through pretty much everything don't mess with the still legion okay so what i want to do is that i want to pre-measure and right and i pre-measure and i want to see the distance between my abomination and your regimen of machine encouragement how do you measure the distance is it from the front corner or from the back so i was i was about to so what you do is that the distance between two regiments right is measured from the closest point of one regiment to the closest point of the other so i would take this corner of my abomination and measure it to the closest point of your of your regiment of missionary crossman now going from closest to closest point i see that i am a little bit over 11 a little bit less than 12 actually and so i want to i want to attempt to charge now i have a march you only see i have a march of 10. it can go really fast right march of 10 means that pretty much i can cover most of the distance however however when i charge i roll a d6 and i add whatever i roll to my march if that is enough to cover the distance perfect i make it if that's not enough right then that means that i fail the charge and i only move towards my target as far as i rolled okay so in this particular case i need i need an overall 12 which means i need to roll two and up in order to make it if i roll a one unfortunately i'm not going to make it so that's that's a gamble i'm willing to take the other option is for example that if you if you don't have such a high march uh stat what you could do is you could march as a first action and then charge however the drawback is that you don't get to attack because attacking is an action with within itself therefore first action would be to march and the second action would be to charge in this case what i'm trying to do is to charge as a first action get all the bonuses like we're going to discuss later and then clash as a second action so i'm gonna declare my my charge let's see row high and a two barely makes it it's gonna be you're not going to play for a while you're not you're not doing very well today as an abomination i'm disappointed in the person trapped within it as the despise actually read the lore you'll notice why so uh even though this is the closest distance i want to make sure that i move the abomination in order to engage as many enemy stands as possible regardless of what i wrote right rolling ensures that i cover the distance from that point on i want to make sure that i come right here in order to engage all enemy stance now an engage stand is one that is in base contact with an other enemy stand even if it's corner to corner okay right so that was successful charge and i have good news for the aspire players not so good news for the crosswoman players overall and that is that before i move on to clash i get to do impact hits and that's something that monsters cavalry brutes all do so in order to figure out how many impact attacks i'm going to be doing i'm going to take my attack value that is 10 and half that so five exactly like we did before with volley i have a clash of two i need equal or less and i do not roll a single success that's good for the crossman so far now when you charge you get a you get a all different bonuses right but this only applies to the class action right now the impact attacks are part of the charge action that's why i didn't add any modifiers or anything extra now i go into my second action right which is my actual class action so i have 10 attacks i have a question it's a very basic question so what is the difference between clash and attack so attacks is the amount of dice that you roll so it's it's pretty much how many hits you're going to inflict on your opponent in this case every attack is characterized by a die in this particular case so if i have 10 attacks i'll roll 10 dice class is the value right that that essentially denotes how easy or how hard it is for me to hit something okay so in this case i have a class of two i get a plus one because i charge that's called the inspiration bonus so i need so that goes up to three three and under let's see that's not a good role at all however unfortunately for the person i have the flurry special rule and that means that i get to reroll the mist hits that is another three okay that's great so you'll notice that i have a cleave of one clever one is exactly the same as with armor piercing it's just for close combat right now the bad news is that you have a defense of one and i have a cleave of one so so seven uh crows of men will have to run away run away they they die it was a nice way of telling you you lost seven cars because more will will run away so i removed we have to make sure that we remove entire stance so that was very correct what you did and now i have to leave one and now yeah exactly you have to remove three more from that okay okay now like we said before every time we suffer casualties in in close combat right we have to um we have to roll result test for each one okay right and so you took seven hits i did and you have to roll seven resolve test resolve is denoted by r which is two two and i have the terrifying special rule which is exactly like cleave but for moral so that that takes you down to resolve one one so i need to roll one you have to roll once every every fail is um is a closure mine that has run away okay come on guys you guys right i'm rolling for them you're rolling for the ones that have survived these guys are dead okay i cannot bring them back these guys are dead these guys they want to they want to stay alive they don't want to end up there that's why they might be running away oh okay okay i did oh yeah maybe so we'll see okay so they were um they thought about staying to fight but the overwhelming majority has voted against fighting the abomination in combat now for every uh failed resolve test that means you have to take one more wound and in this particular case since every crossman has one wound they all go away now before before we let us say something that when you a big part of resolve is you know it's when you take overwhelming casualties you know some of the soldiers will start running away and that's uh something that is quite different in conquest that regiments will not run away but individual soldiers will right uh and what happens is that for example if you have lost half of your regiment half of the stance right we always you know we always count in stance then your regimen would have count as broken broken has certain uh certain uh negative modifiers that go to it and this is more in uh for special for more advanced rules later on but if you get broken and then get broken again you get shattered and everyone just runs away with no rolling so that's they could be it could be quite devastating perfect so that was my two actions well i'm glad well i have one question now i'm one regiment down so what happens with the turns what happens is it turns with a command step what happens is that you're going to take first of all you're going to remove the card of the regimen that has been out now if the regiment that has gone that has died is already in the command stack that's fine when you go to that card you discard it and you draw another one so that's fine and then next turn uh you're gonna remake your command stack with the cards that are remaining okay which means you'll have one more that's right but the person that has less cards gets a modifier so okay so let's start your next card that was a very good turn on my part still legion oh man good thing i i didn't charge the amount of terms good thing yes when you decided to go for the crossbow i said oh no my strategy didn't work it didn't work it has it has happened to me quite a few times to get to get hit by a still legion in the side okay so what would you like to do what would i like to do so there there are a few ways to approach this okay so there are there are a few ways now one one thing is let's see the steel legion are quite far away from the abomination right it's a little over 11. and they only get in march of five so if you come can you show me how yeah so that's a great almost as if we have prepared for it so you'll notice that the steel engine has it have a qr code and if i go to the army builder on the top right and i select to to scan the code you'll notice that i can go right on it and error all the information will pop up on my phone so here you'll notice they have a march of five okay that means they can only go five they can mark five inches and you also notice that they have a clash of three that means that they can be pretty devastating in close combat right and a cleave of two so they're going to do a lot of damage so the steel legion have can only move five inches forward right but can i march twice exactly you can mark twice so you get you get a few options here one is to march and charge right you're you will not be able to attack me but that means that you are already in combat with me and the abomination has already played which means i cannot attack you back and next turn when we make our command stack again right we will have you have a better chance of playing first okay the other option that you have is you can move the steel legion twice bring them get them ready for a for a charge and then when you're monotone play you can you can charge them and pin the abomination in place in order to set up a charge from from the rear however that has the disadvantage that you're opening yourself up to either getting shot or to getting charged these guys are not very good in combat but they're good enough at delaying you hmm i will change my tactic i'll be a little bit more aggressive i think and i'll actually march twice march twice perfect where would you like to go um so again do i do the three stands need to be in direct contact uh no if you have to engage as many as as many as you want however with a double march you cannot come in contact with me you have to charge charging is the only action that can bring you in contact however actually charging can get you further than double march would because it is the die roll plus okay now the thing is that if you come here and you charge it because you will be here you'll have to charge this side because this is the side that most of your uh stands are can see right and that means that you're going to prohibit your mana terms from charging on the sides so it'll be better to set it up get about here and then charge me however you're always risking the my first ground drones charging you from the flank always decisions yes um you know what i'll leave my oh i have to my seal legion i have to miss myself remember that remember that you also have your knights in reserves these are yeah they're very good when they charge they cannot charge in the first turn but you can always use your mana arms as a tool to pin me in combat and keep me there okay so decisions decisions so i'll do a very i won't charge i um sorry you said if i charge i need to move and then charge or that's right yeah because you're 12 inches away and with a march of five you would have to roll with seven and that that's not possible okay so you would have to make at least one march to get to come seven inches away and then five plus at least two would make the charge however the chance you would you would have to charge in this flank and then that would prohibit the minute armstrong welcome to trey to trey move to combat it's uh wow no we always always fun and always uh a challenge in uh in shapes and geometry no you you it really put me off i i uh i had such i had a plan in my head that did not work obviously no plan survives contact with the enemy yes okay so uh and i have to move my seal legion i cannot change to my men at arms no okay so i'll position my steel legion and i'll take a chance and of course you can be you can try and be bloodthirsty and just kill them but that's a little bit of a heart of a heart let's see you have you're um that's not a bad idea you're 10 inches away that would be a five uh that's a little bit unlikely of a charge but always remember that your your goal is the abomination so and also survival the other one uh not really survival is just my my moral victory not not to kill everybody it's a moral victory actually the one i am the one whose objective is to survive the opportunity to make to get the abomination too so i am i'll position them okay perfect okay which means now the way we move so you want to do a double move i'll do a double move okay now the way we measure uh distance when moving is that we we measure the distance from the point that has moved the most so in this case let's say just for example and you can move them however you like the first action the first move action it would be measured something like this and that means that your first action will bring you somewhere about here and then your next action will bring you somewhere about here and that will be a perfect point for you later on to charge from the from the back the background illumination okay so do i need to roll die no march you don't have to roll anything you have a march of five and you can go five straight you can go five and then you can take another action to move another five okay no i'll yes that's what i'm going to do so i'll move perfect does this have a name what i'm doing right now uh march right now you're wheeling okay but the this is part of a march action it's not as it's not another specific uh action within itself now if you wanted to change facing completely that would be a completely different action and that would allow you to turn and face whichever wherever you want so i can actually so right now then i would be yes so you can move another five inches forward perfect perfect okay so that was your two actions and that will be on to my activation and that is the forced ground drones now the thing is that i'm going to try and charge you i'm not expecting much i have a clash of one when i charge i get a clash of two that's all very good i can do some damage to you but really they are not they're yeah they're there to really soak up the damage the force grown drones in aspires army can actually become very dangerous but many times you'll notice that a lot of aspire players use them as a resource because biomancers for example they can siphon mass from them and heal something else so many very often it's used as a let's say as a depository of wounds for to to help something else or some some other times they can have they can do a little bit of burst burst damage at the expense of suffering decay so this is something you know the spires always do but in this in this particular case i'm not expecting too much unless i roll really high with not very unlikely i've done some horrible things in playing this game okay so i am a little over six that means i have to roll i have a march of five that means i have to roll two and one wouldn't cut it so charge is the first action and a four that means i make it so i'll charge first of all i get a free pivot right when i start every time you charge to successfully charge you get a free pivot to face who you're charging and then i move in contact and sets away as i in a way that i would engage as many and as many stance as possible so now you'll notice that these two stands are engaged because they're they're in contact corner corner now these three stands are unengaged however they're supporting because the rest of the regiment is engaged and we're going to see what that means okay so first action was to to um to charge second action is to clash now i have one attack each the stands that are engaged attack with all of their attacks so that is 4 8 12. the stands that are supporting support with a single attack per stand so that is 12 13 14 15. however i have the support special rule because they have spears usually you'll notice that you know uh regimens with pole arms usually have support that means that i get to support with two attacks per stand so that would be 15 16 17 sorry 18 total 12 14 16 18 perfect 2 4 8 12 16 18. i have a clash of one i get a plus one because i am inspired so that is class of two ones and twos maybe somewhere in the far away land that how many fives and sixes can there be in a single day either way i have three successes three hits now you have you have to defend i don't have any special rules or any shenanigans or anything fancy okay so you have a defense of three okay you need to roll three or another you take three dice one for everything i take the same one for every a successful hit let's do it come on okay so one one is fine two will have two two are dead now you have to make sure you remove cow's rotis in such a way uh in which when when the stand leaves we will still be engaged so what i mean for example is that you're not gonna take away these two because if that stand goes then we're unengaged okay it has to be from here exactly okay so two steel legionnaires are out now for every casualty that you've taken you have to take one resolve test which means you have a resolve of three you need threes or under essentially you're gonna see if the if some of them are gonna try and run away let's see resolve three okay now one guy will run away however because i'm hitting you from the flank you have to reroll the successful one game is quite brutal and then i lose two another fives okay so we're going to take away a stand that is the best job the first gun drones have done good good on you of course you'll see what happens when they still lead your answer back but that's that's something different okay so that was my two actions it's going pretty well so far however it's very important to remember that at the end of the day the goal is to kill the abomination it doesn't matter how many casualties you take the goal is always to win the game and that is to complete the objective i will hold on to that okay so let's let's draw your next card and that is the mana arms okay so i'm gonna end up pretty much of a pickle here because you are right next to me you can see me clearly i'm within your front arc that means you have line of sight to me and you don't even have to roll anything we're so close right we are a bit like three inches away so even if you're all the one you can still make it you have a march of five correct so i'm assuming you will let my abomination alone and run away no no i don't think so poor decisions were taken earlier okay so now i need to take an action i can my action uh one has to be movement uh it doesn't have to be necessarily you can charge it i'll charge and you'll be able to come in contact with me and also get the inspiration bonus for clashing i have a question i have a charge of two you have a clash of two a clash of two yes in order to see how far you can march you check your march characteristic five so even if you roll the one for example one and five would be six it still makes it so you don't even have to roll i don't have to roll i just move exactly and i make sure i make sure you you engage as many as possible there you go perfect now we always make sure that we engage them in such a way in which we have them flush so for example we try to be as as uh as clean as possible so these guys will be corner to corner just in case you know other other regiments as well in this in this in this way still everyone is everyone is engaged everyone can fight okay so now the same thing with my first chrome drones you have one attack each and you have three stance engaged so that is 12 attacks and you get one attack per supporting stand so that is 15. don't i have any special like the forced grown drones no we just you're just better overall in combat okay so you take 15 dice correct 15. you notice you have a class of two and because you charged you get you go up and get a class of three three's in under three let's see so i see one here two five and six okay okay okay that was that was lucky for me so now i have you notice here i have a defense of three okay so threes and under and i take two wounds i'm gonna use a die for us to remember and then i take two resolve tests now what's important is that single stand regimens do not have flanks for terms of you know being charged from the sides and so on okay so i'm not gonna re-roll that however let's see i rolled the five and a four i failed once so i take an additional wound that's exactly the same at with for example your steel legion or the crossman essentially for every resolve test you fail you take an additional wound it just happens with your models to have one wound each that's why you lost one for every for everyone okay so that's three wounds in uh i have ten wounds total seven remaining okay however the thing is that my abomination has already activated and that means that this turn i cannot take away any soldiers and essentially if you play first you're gonna hit me first that's the that's the deal here okay so that'll be my next activation i'll be the marksman clones so the thing is that right now i am thinking that i'm gonna take a lot of damage from the steel legion the man at arms i might survive but i cannot really survive you know a cleave two attacks right and i know i'm not gonna do enough damage to the to the minotaur so i'm gonna fire at the steel legion now what's very important in conquest is that you can fire in combat that's something that's not usually it's not very common games as long as you have line of sight to them you and you can see them clearly you can fire them and as you see here i i can see i can clearly see from the i draw a line from the very center of the front of each of my stands and i can see the center of at least one of your stance and that means i have clear shots now i have 20 i have 28 inches range and that is more than enough but what i want to see is whether i am within effective range and i'm not which means i cannot have the best of both worlds i cannot aim and also fire all of my shots so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna march as a first action march of five i'll come here and now you'll see that i'm within effective reins now these guys have a lot of shots they have two shots each so that is 16 shots going to the still legion okay now unfortunately i only have a volley of two so only ones and twos to hit okay and that is there's quite a few quite a few hits okay there you are you have a defense of three so anything three and under exactly any three and under is a success that's pretty good that was really good actually you only lost you lost an entire stand and that's good yeah because you rolled quite well i have a question i rolled i have six resolve that that is so your rolling defense defense defense so can you explain this a little bit further because and but i lost only four men yeah because you failed four i oh those are the ones that i lost okay so you failed four you passed six now if you for every every die roll that you fail it would mean that you would lose one more okay now as before as we said before we do not a um we do not take resolve tests from shooting that's only from close combat so you're not going to lose additional soldiers from me firing okay however because i destroyed half of your stance this turn you're now broken broken essentially means you cannot deny uh you didn't kind of deny deals if there you have a character in it you take minus stats it's quite it's quite difficult to operate but however you can use an action to rally that's automatic and then attack which would be the best in this case because they are still pretty good in combat so if they would rally and then they would attack normally you would do quite a bit of damage to the uh can you explain to me what a rally is so riley when we get again back to the legion we'll talk about it essentially rally takes away the broken status you don't suffer the penalties of being broken okay okay so that was my two actions that will be your turn okay surprise surprise the household nights okay so this is i think that the the last remaining important rule of the game and usually um you know figuring out how reinforcements work part of it we figure it out at the beginning of each turn but now for the sake of simplicity and showing the game we leave it for whenever it comes up so what happens is the first thing we have to do is we have to determine a reinforcement line right essentially the reinforcement line is pretty much up to how far up the table we can bring our reinforcements right okay so the first thing i want you to to check is that i want you to tell me which one is your foremost regiment and by foremost i mean the one that is the closest to my table edge okay so that's the steel legion now you'll notice that i have a regiment past that so then that means we disregard them and we check the next one which is the man at arms so right now we have the men at arms as our foremost regiment so we take the rear most point of the foremost regimen in simple in simple terms we take we take this point the point that is closest to us and we draw a line like so parallel to our own table edge okay now what that means essentially is that you can bring your reinforcements first of all from any point from your own table edge or from the sides up to that line and they walk onto the table as if they were just waiting outside so what do i do with props maybe actually in this case it doesn't really matter because the the thing is you cannot charge when you enter the from reinforcements okay however you can move you can march and march again and in this case um the way of the way the abomination uh is placed it's so close to your own table edge that if you march twice and you notice you have a march of eight yes so that is 16 inches up the table if you march twice you can move them with no problem all the way up to here so you would still be able to charge no problem you don't have to bring them from the side you can just bring them from your own table edge but why would i not want to bring them from the side because for example you might have some intervening terrain that would be difficult to come in but in this case it doesn't really make any difference parenthesis the design was by the place especially i have to win somehow you know sometimes i have to win this this is frustrating it's right or do you want it usually you have a plan in mind and it's completely destroyed with just one movement yeah so what we're gonna do of course you always have the choice of coming in from the side and of course in this case i don't think you would wanna that would be too far because you don't really you don't really care coming into the first one drones so i think the best i think the best course of action is to come in from your table edge and come as far as you can up about here and then set up a charge essentially for the next turn to be able nation so next turn you'll have to think about whether you want to go at my men at arms actually next turn i don't really have a choice because uh if i'm not in contact with your knights it means i can only really attack the men at arms i can either attempt to withdraw at the expense of an action and being hit there are no many places for me to go and if you play first which is it might happen you know it's a very good possibility they might if you have less cards you can modify your your your day roll by one for who to go first it's very possible that i'm not going to get much of a choice okay so i think you're in a really good position here regardless of the fact that i've destroyed uh almost two regiments and this is a big part and you know this is a big part of ward games in general is that it's very important to always play for the objective and it's i understand it's a little disheartening to see your army you know being destroyed and see your soldiers going especially if you're they're nicely painted and you put a lot of effort in them but you win the game by completing objectives and that's a big part of conquest right now the objective can be more straightforward such as kill the abomination but in an actual game it's all about scoring points about capturing objectives key points of the map have to be captured and gaining gathering these points is a lot more important than keeping your soldiers alive okay of course doing both kind of helps but you know always you know it's a lot of the games will come down to the last soldier and to the few last points and it's going to be a mana time against the clone or something you know many times the game ends up like that uh and that's the fun of it it's like the struggle all the way to the end and it's one of the the most exciting parts of conquest okay let me pass on the measure tape to you and now where do i measure from you measure from so you assume right that the household knights were waiting just outside the table right so as if they were just like at the edge of the table so you measure from the edge of the table okay so let me see now if you take it up to 16 inches you'll notice that you can go all the way up here yeah all the way oh you can just place them i can just place them okay right here now now can i have the measure tape i'd like to show people at home a nice little trick that i use when i measure for reinforcements you know many times because the reinforcements are right up the edge of the table you know it can get a little bit you know frustrating and many times the edge of the table is really the edge of the actual physical table so many times you cannot just place your miniature hover in the air what i do is that i place the miniature right just at the edge right within the table and i measure from the back okay so i break it from the back to the back and it's the same thing as if i was measuring from front front that's a quick little little little trick you know if you cannot balance your model outside the table just to make sure you know you don't lose on any kind of movement so that's perfect now i would bring them a little bit like so and always keep in mind that you can chart through your own regimen so don't worry about okay as long as you have enough movement to completely pass through them and in this case you have enough movement to go straight through you go sideways don't worry about it you can make you can make the charge there and at this point it doesn't matter the distance i leave between you exactly because you have a march of eight and really no matter what you're gonna roll rolling will just give you extra extra distance and at this point can i change some miniatures around yeah it is very disturbing to see my own knight charging at the mountain yes let me just um i feel better this way okay so that will be then my last regiment to activate and of course no surprises to boots so here i'm a little bit uh i'm a little bit in a we're in a difficult position because you know my foremost regimen is the abomination and of course you have completely went past its reinforcement line with a steel legion and that means that my first most regiment right now is the first grown drones so their reinforcement line are from here to about here the thing the problem here though is that there is no way that i can move fast enough to intercept the knights from charging which means the best thing maybe i would be able to do is counter charge or hope to charge first the man at arms however because there is only room for one maybe two stands i'm not going to be able to utilize my entire regimen got it right so my reinforcement line would be somewhere about here you know i assume that my stand was waiting just outside the table i have a march of six double march that would be 12 that will be about here so you'll notice i am way too far to be able to do any significant damage the only good thing is that if i march and charge i have the unstoppable special rule which essentially allows me to reroll my charge distance but in this case i don't think it will be enough to to do some damage the abomination will have to hold on its own okay okay so that was my last activation for this turn we went through pretty much every rule that is that we're going to be using for this game so we can move on to the to our second round and see what happens with the abomination okay so we pick up our cards once again i know that's you oh i'm missing a card i forgot and we have to rearrange uh recommend second i know what i'm going to do and i think and i think you know okay so no no wait wait wait i'm still thinking i'm still thinking can i ask you for some help yeah sure so i find myself in a situation where i'm touching the abomination with already one regiment yeah would it be would it be smart for me to have two regiments attacking you know yeah two absolutely essentially what you want to do is that of course you want to charge with the knights as well because as always the the ultimate objective here is to kill the abomination right what i would do is since we're already in gates here i would try and attack with them first before the abomination attacks them because you know i might just destroy two stands and these two stands could be supporting so no big deal but i might destroy between you know attacks and resolve and terrifying and all these things i might destroy three of your stance and force you to rally as a first action force you take all the break uh the broken status modifiers that would be quite helpful and that might actually give me a shot to survive and you don't want that you want to make sure that you attack with the amount of arms first right and once if you attack with your mana times first then really the only option that i have is to either attack the man at arms which they have already activated and essentially once again i'm not really taking away any of your hitting power or withdraw which will take one of my actions away and expense you know being able to do something else and then charge let's say the household knights but then i've already used up two of my actions and i cannot clash i can only do just some really low damage with with okay with impact but you have a defensive three plus one from the sealed four you're not gonna you're not gonna take any damage okay so i would go with mana terms first the night second and the steel agent at this point really doesn't matter i mean uh they they got caught up on yeah yep yeah they're they're having tea with the drones yeah they're having drones okay no i'm very proud i did follow that order okay perfect so we roll a die and you get to modify your roll by one essentially okay so i rolled a four you roll the two you go first okay so man at arms okay so remember when we said before uh that when you charge you gain an inspiration bonus that's essentially plus one to your clash you can use an action to inspire and get that bonus exactly exactly as if you have charts the only difference is that if you inspire you don't get to do impact attacks or all the other stuff that you get from charging but you do get the plus one bonus so that's very important because it will help you hit harder and since you cannot clash twice inspire in class is the best option is the best option so at this point i have a clash of two that's right it will go through three that's right and again the counting the counting is 12 exactly because they're all engaged 13 14 15. exactly so 15 dice yeah these are exactly 15 no no voila whoops so threes and honors please please i you can you can roll another one that's fine we have a saying power bill if you can't hit the table then you can't hit the target no it's a it's a terrible roll so i have what one one two two three three that's it just three hits okay i'll take those odds every day i don't mind okay let's see let's see defensive three let's go okay one more wound i'm up to four and then i have one more resolve you started off like really well and now it's rolling i know because low numbers and you this is the problem that's actually this is it throws off many people it's and until you start uh realizing how the game rolls like you you get really happy and then you're like oh man i've never had this happen to me before that i'm not happy to see a six or a five or a four when i roll a dice okay okay so i'm very happy with that with how that went and now it's the turn for my abomination and that was it yeah that was the two actions so i don't get to do impact attacks or anything because i didn't charge but what i will do is that i will inspire as well and just get straight to attack so the clash of two plus one three almost everything and i get to reroll and that's eight out of ten so you have eight defense roles there is there's good news and there's bad news the bad news is that i have a cleave of one which means i take your defense down by one point the good news is that you have a shield so everything that hits you from the front you get plus one defense essentially we cancel they cancel each other out okay so you do you have a defense of two ones and twos please please please you save two and that's uh six guys will be out right so i take from the back that's right you take from the from the yeah from the back in this case it's just it's also neater can i question can i take two from there yeah okay that's fine as long as next time if when you take any other casualties you have to continue taking casuals from there but that's actually the proper way of taking it you're taking from the sides from the back because it's usually where you know it's unengaged now you're taking six wounds and i need you to take another six resolve tests however there's some good news here now you have a resolve of two right you get minus one because i'm terrifying however you get a plus one to your result because you have a large regiment and that means that you have between four and six tenths so you get a plus one bonus here so again we cancel they cancel each other out you have a result of two ones and twos make sure you have six days uh that was a that was another one okay that was good so one ones and twos okay so two guys are good another four so essentially you can take away this one and we can replace this okay now that actually actually that's that's great because you're not broken which means that essentially really what what happened is that you only lost two attacks if you think about it you only lost two supporting attacks and when they play again at the third turn because we still have one more turn and you still have the opportunity to hit first you don't have to deal with any broken statuses you don't have to waste an action to rally you're you're actually still very good at this point and that's one of the benefits of larger regimens you still have a plus one resolve right you have a lot of good things going for you and that was my two actions so that's your next your next card that's oh correct so that would be the knights the knights i think we can all see that the knights they're they there there's no need for blood to they can they can go back they can go back to their kingdom and just leave them stay right there where they are and move forward and they're going to attack okay so can i move this strategically moving the terrain from it yeah right now we want to show the how the rules play and so on so you can you can charge in i can charge it again here there you go yeah you have to make sure to make it tight now folks at home remember that you can charge through your own regimen so that's in this case it would be a legal move now if you are having sometimes trouble with fitting the regiments or believing that a place it's too tight you can always spend an action to reform in this case for example you will be able to bring a knight in the second rank and so you would uh make make your front you know um narrower in this case if there is like uh you have the charge between terrain or you you feel that you know you don't have enough enough room right you can you can always change your formation and of course you can enter the battlefield in any formation you like as long as your movement is enough you know to bring the entire the entire regiment on the table okay so actually there you have quite a few things here uh going for you one is that the household knights being um have been medium cavalry have impact attacks okay now how that works in this case every knight has four attacks half of that is impact so the two engage guys would that attack with their all of their attacks they will do two and two each the other guy that is supporting will only do half so before we even move to attacking we you start dealing damage right we don't get any bonuses yet like we did when the abomination first charged because we're still in the charge action okay however it's just free damage that you can put out so you have a class of two you don't get a bonus yet because we're still in the charge action so you roll five days once and twos let's see okay one that's not bad and i'll tell you why because you have brutal impact broken impact means that you get essentially cleave of two on the charge on the impact attack okay right so that might be just one however i have a difference in three you bring my defense down to one so that's has pretty good chances of dealing damage to me so let's see i roll a four that's another wound i go up to five and of course i have to roll for resolve i roll four and i roll it that's fine so now you get to actually attack me okay each night has four attacks correct so that's eight plus one from the night supporting so it's eight nine nine that's right correct i have nine diamonds you have a clash of two you get a plus one because you charge you go up to clash of three come on guys threes and under come on ladies so one two three okay so that's three let's see defensive three that's two wounds so i'm up to seven and two resolve tests level four that is one more i am down to two wounds left okay that was a pretty good that was pretty good turn and that that essentially i right now i don't have many things to cause too much damage to you right now so it's gonna be really hard for me to turn this around because next turn you know just needs two wounds two hits for me to die okay okay so let's see marksman clones now what i'm thinking is that um if i focus down on the minute arms you know i will the more amount of times i i take away from the first rank the more attacks i take away from you so i'm gonna hope here and i'm gonna hope i do i deal enough damage so the first thing i want to see is if i'm within effective reins and i am so what i'm going to do is that i'm going to fire them and i'm going to aim and volley all right so that means that is eight shots have a volley of two plus one and go up to three sorry eight sixteen i meant sixteen shots three three's in underground that's pretty good actually that's i think that's exactly half or a little bit less so that's six and uh you have a differences too but because i i see um the majority of my regimen is in your front arc you still get the benefits of sealed so you have a difference of three so threes and under three is an under come on that's right come on guys okay so that's four for out right so we're going to take this regiment out okay and bring these guys in the front now your regimen is broken which means the best course of action for the last turn is to rally next turn because you don't want to have any any negative modifiers you just attack as hard as you can and make sure you know you do deal damage essentially you lost three attacks there two because these two engaged guys are gone and one because the supporting stand only supports with one attack you don't take any additional resolve tests because you don't take that from shooting okay and so these were my two actions we move on to your other action steel legion now they can have a little bit of fun i think they should rally and just attack the drones just kill a few of them okay at this point at this point uh okay so my students so you have a you have a clash of three you don't have to roll anything to to rally so you're you can you spend in action and you automatically rally and then they have one attack each and class of three so you take four dice and roll three threes and under that's two two okay now what happens is that i have a difference of one plus one because i have a sealed that's difference of two however you have a cleave of two so zero two guys are out now i will resolve i only have a resolve of one i have a large regiment so a result of two so that's that's quite good rolling two guys have stayed where they are my my spires are quite quite durable today i know i'm very happy but i i think i think we all know that at the end of the day the abomination's probably going to go down okay so the first ground drones they're going to take uh revenge for their two fallen uh brothers lore wise maybe i'm not sure what they call the fias but let's say brothers in arms in this case or brothers in sitting bone whatever they're holding so that is uh 12 attacks for the stance and gates and then there is uh 12 14 16 18 total 12 16 18. i'm gonna inspire and i'm gonna attack i have an attack clash of one plus one two i hit four attacks and you have a defense of three that is three gone and so you have to roll three years of tests what is this parallel universe that drones are killing and they all they all go away ah just it makes it neater it neatens up the battlefield well only in gameplay you can see lower altering moments okay okay and my last card that would be the bird drones so here unfortunately i am not in a position to so i only have a march of six so i cannot make a 13-inch charge okay and the the issue here is that if i charge them then essentially i'm blocking line of sight from the for the marksman clones and you know i'd rather have the marksman clones firing at the minute arms than you know firing at the at the knights because i'm not going to do nearly enough damage here for every model that i remove essentially i remove a an attack a potential attack so what i'm going to try and do is i'm going to try and charge the knights so i am a little bit over nine away i need a four to charge and up i really six and i'm gonna try and charge and i'm gonna come to a show right so i have five attack seats impact is half of that roundup so i do three plus six attacks and one supporting i have a club clash of two just one you have a defensive three plus one from your sealed defensive four okay so four and under how many one just one just one four and under come on big guy that's that's fine you just take one wound they have a lot of wounds and you take one resolve we're cutting that and you take one resolve so how many wounds do i have uh four each four each you have a three and under uh result three and under okay so you take another one your rolling is impeccable okay now i i go maybe i should stick to the computer no i think this is uh this is good to show people at home how it can really go you know the funny thing is that and i think this is a great representation of how conquest plays is that i truly believe that you that you won in this game and you're gonna you're gonna see why very soon because i'll start with my knights or the the minotaurs even better even better but why because you can then because i'll tell you why um so in this case actually yeah most likely it would be better to start with an ice you have two wounds left that's right the thing is that here when you play you're gonna do essentially you're gonna have to rally here and and do um what you call it and do uh ten attacks a class of two or i'm not going to break these guys best case scenario i'm gonna kill one right now you're gonna do eight attacks at class three so that's better odds for you but then of course but then of course i'll play in between and i will attack with the men at arms the the choice you have to make here is the following that if you attack with the knights first then it means that my abomination is going to hit a squeezier target and i'm going to remove more attacks from you but if you're attacks with the man at arms first yes you will do you'll not have as high quality attacks as the knights would however if i try and attack the knights the knights have a defensive four and they're a much better place to withstand the hit and attack back anyways so we'll we'll see when time comes it's uh it's a good it's it's a good thing you know to think about uh so i have a class of two plus one a class of three i get to reroll because they have flurry okay so that's seven attacks you have a defense of four so four is another four is another okay so that's three wounds so one guy goes away oh sorry and this guy takes another one and three result has a result of three okay fine perfect one more wound and you're good i'm attacking with my knights okay so we have to take the uh we have to take our cards well i don't have that many left right i have to remove the steel legion here here there's a little bit only i'm gonna let you think about it if you attack with the knights that's i also have the brood so yeah you have to think how i'm gonna try interrupting between so at this point yeah since you have two nights it might be a better idea there's quite a few ways to go about actually it's quite interesting the reason why i'm thinking of the two nights is that as a beginner my idea is you only have two rooms left that's right so the minute i kill you it's done it's done end of the game because if i don't survive because you'll attack my knights again afterwards i don't want to lose my i mean i most probably will lose a night and i'll have less attack you're telling me you'll go for the men at arms you're not telling me so i will not i will what i'm saying what i'm saying though is that if i play with abomination and i inspire and attack the menatarums right now they're broken essentially i don't even have to kill them all i need to kill two stands and they're going to be removed from the table that's fine and that means that you're out of 10 additional attacks that you've otherwise had there's 10 attacks a class of two and then if i kill another knight because i can only attack with either the abomination or the boots right i cannot do both in this case it will make a lot more sense for me to attack with the abomination if i don't kill both of these knights right then that means i'm pretty much dead but that if one night survives i still take attacks at a good clash right now if you attack me with the knights you're going to do it you're going to do some attacks you're going to do some hits but you're going to definitely lose on all of your attacks on the meta arms and in this case actually the abomination kills the men at arms and then the brutes essentially you don't get to play anything else and then the brutes kill the knights and i take the game but i can take the game by killing it with my yeah but if you attack me with the men at arms first have you seen my how i roll my die i know i'm i'm just saying here i cannot say i want to minimize the times i actually take the action of rolling okay i think i'm going to take a chance if your dice are bad you want to roll more dice not less dice that's that's it something to think about if your dice rolls are bad right you want to make sure you have more chances to turn that around i'm gonna go with my knights perfect okay take put your hands on the top we still have to roll we still have to roll okay i rolled uh f4 probably you're gonna play first or the one you go first so you draw your top card that's the knights you get to inspire that's regular attacks you don't get minus two or anything that's regular attacks you have eight attacks a clash of three six and two eight perfect okay so three moves because these will determine the game now it's here it's very serious it's three or below yeah that's three's another let's see come on guys come on guys i just that's three attacks okay so let's see i have a defense of three and i go down i take the two ones oh my god that's that that's a good job i love this game good game covet sorry we've uh used plenty of disinfectant before but you see you see what i mean is that it's very important that's why i took a chance i was saying i can't take this anymore if you believe in your miniatures when my miniatures don't perform don't perform well i put them uh i put them on a uh on um let me show you that i do want you to roll die that's that's true but you see that many times in conquest as in every ward game you know you have to make this decisions and sometimes you have to play in the way that is statistically more is optimal but that was a great game did you like it did you enjoy it yes i'm now breathing again i stopped breathing after i left my mercenary crossbow yeah exactly i told you that you know in congress it's very important to always go for the objective and it's always important to play having a very clear image of where of what that objective is and how to accomplish it it doesn't matter what how many forces you lose along the way all that it matters is to be efficient towards completing those objectives that was that was really good so that was an intro to conquest folks uh i hope you liked it if you have any questions and if you have played the game tell us your opinion on the comments below uh everything that we play comes from the starter set and make sure as long as we're running you know our this our great program path of conquest and we're gonna have this great deal that if you get the starter set you get also get the steel legion and the marksman clones and i i promise you you will see the still legion being more active than this in this game you can play this exact same scenario at home with your friends and you can split you know between two friends and and learn how to play and you can expand uh your forces from there and um we have the quick start rules online and we have a quick start rules online explaining everything that we said right here it's a very easy and efficient and effective way for you to always keep an eye out reference everything we have all the rules for free and you can make your forces and build your armies in the army builder and we're gonna put all these links below thank you for joining us mariah thank you for the game i tried my best but you your knights rushed in for the victory that was a great and very close game and i think it was a great representation of how quick paced and how violent you know uh conquest gets because right now we played it was a really quick game and we you know we explain all the rules in between and this is what you should expect from conquest thank you maria thank you thank you everyone and take care
Channel: Para Bellum Wargames
Views: 7,831
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Id: ZwcFN81cNvg
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Length: 79min 22sec (4762 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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