Connor's Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Test Results

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[Music] so we just got back from our trip from Birmingham and from getting a br and we can have some huge news to share but first I'm going to show you a little bit about the visit kind of what we went through and some of the procedures [Music] so I'd always plan on being one of those moms you know the ones that never let their kids watch TV and we still have a really strict schedule where they only get to watch TVs for one hour during the weekdays and then the weekends I'm a little more flexible and we travel that's okay and there's one other time and that's when we're in the hospital or in the hospital that's other kids yelling in the background but all those human bombs and before I break out the iPad and movie he does get upset just with ciao and from four months old has been you know poked and prodded and he's just putting put through the ringer and so anytime you see somebody in scrubs he's terrified and he doesn't want them to touch on them so anything I can be able to help make him feel more calm I'll do it absolutely but um he's a little better now he's doing better and so he doesn't always upset himself so much and then we have some tools that work and we use them because it'd be cruel not to [Music] yes mommy oh he's so brave [Music] but all in all you did great and it was a kind of a no big deal procedure and you went back just fine cross the bubble wall and then tell the nurses hand and then after he saw that mama wasn't going with him that he started to kind of get upset he was very brave and she said that other nurses tried to take him while he was back there and he was like no mom said that you were okay you're the one that she came in me off you so I I only want you so she the only wanted this one particular Maris [Music] so Josh and I knew something wasn't right which is why we really push for this ADR and we're so glad his audiologist at school told us about it because we never would have known this is an option we just didn't feel like he was gonna gun test and we kept kind of complaining and we were right but we didn't know which way it was gonna go and usually with ABR it goes worse and that's what they're kind of preparing us for so they'd been doing these tests and their question marks all over it and what they did we're telling us was basically car couldn't hear much he was almost death all the way across the board across most frequencies so after ADR we got the best news we've gotten in such a long time and he can hear and he can hear something so well we were speechless I mean nothing the audiologist looking at his results was also speechless she's so surprised and we were so happy and so joyful and I mean this is the best Christmas gift we could ever get and it came on a day when you know around the time when he was first diagnosed and so being in that hospital and you know hearing that news and I don't know it was just it was really good it was really good it brought back it gave it gave me some new memories to replace the old bad ones so huge amazing wonderful I mean just yeah best Christmas gift of all time so my son can here mm-hmm and so he's normal like this is what we consider normal hearing because this is you know this is pitch Anna and then this is volume uh-huh and so I'll do an X and an O where his right ear and left ear are they're pretty symmetrical they're almost identical so that is the softest level that he hears that sound so and that's where all that energy is for the F to ask the th yeah and so he's totally hearing um so anyway so he is definitely this is the softest level he can hear uh-huh so he's hearing these sounds like if he's right next to you or me and if it's loud he's hearing those but not like he needs to connect only like you said kind of muffled sounding but this is a lot of stuff that he is hearing a lot these are the things he is missing at Adam symbol this is all normal and it's just up here this is the only place where the hearing that is amazing that's so great yes and in just in my frequency you know like I told you that the testing we did today does not test this high it does not test up to 8,000 Hertz yeah um but you'll see there's nothing and there's nothing like yeah Bernie stripping yes he's so manly Herbert's trophies are usually big about but it's definitely not something that like when we consider programming hearing aids we want the information in 2000 and 4000 that's where the most that's where the most speech is these skin tones that help us determine exactly what someone's saying anyway they say like the research is shown like I think 3/4 of the energy and most consonant sounds are around 4000 Hertz like 3000 4000 so and you know everything was normal up to 4 so I mean I really feel like if he if those were just programmed appropriately he certainly began idea but there's right access to it he's not gonna be blind on the water with the low frequencies and hi after we did a Br he only had one g-tube and one of the things he was doing is he was pulling them out all the time so I think he's pulled out a g-tube once every month or so and so it's just super scary so it's just pretty frightening the thought of him pulling out another G - because if he pulls one out we only have three hours to get one back in and if we don't get one back in time then that whole seals up and he'll have to have another surgery so we would have to take him back up to Birmingham for what was the most surprisingly painful surgery that he's had so far so it kept him down the longest he it took him longest to recover and he just had the roughest time through the g2 placement surgery which he's had a ton of surgery he had a central line placement and a PICC pin placement and he had a port placement and a GJ placement and he had all sorts of surgeries like I can't even count up the number of surgeries that he's had and the g-tube surgery was the worst so of all of them as far as pain is concerned oh here we go we were able to get good to go at least have spare now it's something so we're desperate we're heading home thank God I'm tired almost four o'clock eight hours in our the hospital visits he went to an audiologist the MT specialist his GI specialist eating clinic and now I need help he is like pounding the milk he's so hungry [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Connor Strong
Views: 508
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Connor Strong, Connor Strong Family, brain cancer survivor, embryonal CNS NOS, baby beat the odds, survivor, 3 three and under, toddlers, three toddlers, stepchildren, stepmom, stepson, stepfamily, mom, dad, mother, son, daughter, twins, pediatric brain tumor, brain tumor, brain tumors, speech therapy, hearing aids, deaf, hearing test, physical therapy, feeding therapy, g-tube, pediatric cancer, childhood cancer, brain surgery, hearing loss, abr, Auditory Brainstem Response
Id: 1vnxIURGJks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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