Connecting to SQL Server using SSMS - Part 1

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hello welcome to presume technologies I am venket this is part 1 of sequel server in this session we'll understand how to connect to sequel server using sequel server management studio what is sequence of a management studio and the different authentication methods that can be used to connect a sequel server now you need to have sequence of a management studio already installed on your machine if not there are several articles on the web which can help us how to do that so once you have sequel server management studio installed on your machine to open that go to the Start menu select all programs and depending on the version of the sequel server that you have installed you should see a respect to your folder here for example if you have installed sequence over 2005 you should see a folder for that here Microsoft sequence over 2005 on my machine I have Microsoft signals over 2008 so I see a folder for that expand that and within that folder you should see sequel server management studio now select that once you select sequel Server management studio you should see a connect to server window coming up and this is the place where we specify the information that is required for sequel server management studio to connect to a sequel server database now sequel server management studio and the sequel server database are two different things ok so a database server typically contains all the tables and the data you know any sequence of management objects that you create for example it could be trigger view tables data related to those tables etc all of that will be stored centrally on that database server and to connect to that database server the client tools that we generally use is sequel server management studio so keep in mind sequel server management studio is just a client tool to connect to the database server and it is not the server by itself so in a typical development environment the database server might be installed on one centralized machine and usually developers can connect to that using a sequel server management studio that's installed on their respect to your machine in this example you can see that we have four developers and from each of the developer machine we can use the sequel server management's to do specify the information about this database cell for example from them from this developer machine one know if I have to connect to the sequence of a database okay I need to tell okay this is the server name and user ID password and how do you want to connect from this machine to this what do you want to use Windows authentication or sequel server authentication okay the point to keep in mind secret server management studio is just a client tool and not the server by itself and now we will see how to configure sequel server management studio to connect to a database server so if we go back okay so this is the window that we typically see when we open up signal server management studio for the first time now the first choice that we have to make is to specify the server type usually it's the database engine okay but if you are if you want to connect to analysis services or reporting services or integration services which are also respectively called as SS es s s RS and SS is SS is means signals of integration services SS Rs main sequence our reporting services and SS a s means analysis services we don't want to connect to any of them we just want to connect to the database server so that's why we use the database engine here okay in a later module when we talk about sequence of our integration services and reporting services we will see how to connect to those you know databases using the respective options here okay for now its database engine and you also need to specify the server name now if you have a environment like this in a way you have a database server on a centralized machine then you need to specify the name or IP address of that server okay but here on my machine you know the database server and the sequence of a management studio both are installed on my machine the database server is also present on my local machine so if that's the case then I can specify the IP address of my computer itself you know the local IP address which is one to seven dots 0.1 this is also called as loopback IP address here from a networking background so to refer to the local machine I can use the loopback IP address which is or I can also just say dot so dot specifies that I want to connect to the local server or I can specify local keyword here so any of these will tell the sequel server management studio we want to find an installation of sequel server database on the local machine and not over the network so you can either use local dot or an IP address so you can use any of these ok so once we have the server name specified then the important decision that we have to make is how do we want to connect to the database server do we want to use Windows authentication or sequel server authentication now the options available here for you to connect depends on how you have configured the sequel server during installation when we were installing when we were when when we are installing sequel server basically it provides us with two options for authenticating against that installation of sequel server you know those two options are makes the more authentication or sequel server authentication so if you choose mixed-mode authentication then it means both of these options will be available for you to connect to the sequel server if you have just chosen sequel server authentication then you cannot use windows authentication so the options available here for you to connect to the sequel server are basically dependent on how you have installed the sequel server okay for now let's choose sequel server authentication okay if you choose windows authentication then you don't have to provide any of the username or password ok that's because I mean windows authentication basically uses the windows login that you have used to log into this computer so you have already authenticated yourself to log into this computer so basically that username and password the Bender's username password will be used to validate you against this database on the other hand you can also use sequel server authentication so when you use sequel server authentication when you are installing sequel server again you would have specified what is the username and password that you want to use to connect to this installation of sequel server so you specify that username and password typically we specify that as s a system administrator and a password for that okay so we have to provide that username and password so let's provide that username and password and then I can click connect so now when I click connect it should connect to a a and installation of sequel server that's locally installed on that machine and once that's done look at this it's it it has connected to the local sequel server on this machine and then I can basically see all the databases ok and the security related stuff now this window on the left-hand side is called the object Explorer window ok where you can see the database objects you can explore through those database objects that's why it's basically called as object Explorer now if I have to write a query then I need a space to do that and the first thing you have to do is click on this new query button at the top left-hand corner that should bring you up a new query editor window where basically we can type and execute queries ok but again to type and execute queries we need a database so what's the database a database is a collection of tables and all your database objects ok we will see in the next session how to create a database and we will start writing queries ok now so this is your object Explorer this is your query editor window and if I just hover my mouse over there it shows me I am connected to the local machine and then there you see something called dot master that's nothing but the database context that we are currently in so here you can switch the database you know against which you want to write a query now you might be wondering how did I get all these databases here for example system databases if I expand that I have master model M s DB tmdb so what are these as the name suggests these are system databases and how did they get in here when I installed sequel server they automatically got installed and these are required for the functionality of the sequel server ok and we can also create user-defined databases you know by just right clicking on that and selecting new database which we'll be doing in the next session ok basically this session is all about how to connect to sequel server and the point that we have to keep in mind is that sequel server management studio is not a server by itself as many people get confused by that it is just a client tool to connect to the sequel server on this slide you can find resources for and C shape interview questions that's it for today thank you for listening have a great day
Channel: kudvenkat
Views: 4,205,014
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Keywords: SQL Server Management Studio, t-sql fundamentals, t sql basics, sql server from scratch, learn sql queries, learn sql step by step, learn sql programming, learn sql for beginners, learn sql at home, learn everything about sql, sql server free training, sql server crash course, sql training for beginners, sql training online, sql training for beginners youtube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2012
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