Connecting Fortinet FortiAP to FortiLAN Cloud

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foreign hey everyone my name is Alex pavlock and I am a systems engineer with Fortinet and today's video we are going to be going over how to connect access points up to 40 Lan Cloud so I'm going to go ahead and share my screen here so the first thing that we need to do here is uh so you're going to go to and you're are going to log into your 40K account uh this does require uh licensing for 40 Lan Cloud so if you have 40 APS you do need a 40 Lang Cloud management license for every single access point that you want to manage via the cloud so once you get your licensing and you claim that into your 40K account you can log into the 40 Lan cloud if you just go under the services here you'll see 40 Lang Cloud so just go ahead and click on that that's going to open up this tab here uh and then we need to claim the uh Cloud key for the access point um you can get that pretty easily from physically looking at the access point um depending on what model you have the sticker might be just right on the top of the AP it might be on the bottom side of it but you'll see a bunch of serial numbers uh with some codes one of them will say um the 40 Lang Cloud key so you want to go ahead and grab that key and then we do need to claim that into our inventory so let's start off from scratch here so if we come over here to devices this is going to load up our inventory we just need to give this a second to load once this loads up we're going to do the add APS option here and this is where this is asking for that key so go ahead enter in that key here and you can see this was added to inventory let's go ahead and let this load again so you can see this has added our AP here and then once we have added this to the inventory we're going to go ahead and deploy this AP and we need to assign it to a network in here my network is pretty basic in 40 line Cloud right now I just have this one network that I've created so every all my devices are going to be in in this one network so there's only this one option here so I'm going to go ahead and click that and we are doing the 40 line Cloud as well so just go ahead and click deploy and now you can see we've deployed this out to that Network gonna come back over to the dashboard here and you can see that we have one access point now uh in our inventory here and if we come down here under networks you can see my combined default Network uh so I'm going to go ahead and click in here I'm going to do some basic configuration for this I'm going to set up how I want the radios configured how I want my ssids uh broadcasting uh show you how to do that with some tags so you can basically just do this automatically so once it comes online it will automatically get all this stuff and configured how you want it once I do these configurations then I'm going to go ahead and actually plug it into the network and it should come online and then pull down all the configs that we have here so let's go ahead and do this real quickly here so we come under Wireless configuration first one that I like to do is Operation profiles this is basically uh how we want our actual radios configured so there's three radios uh in this particular model that I have it's a 433g uh we have Radio 1 which can be 2.4 or 5 gigahertz we have Radio 2 which can also be uh five gigahertz or 2.4 and then we have radio 3 which is going to be the 6E radio uh we have some basic pre-built out uh profiles based on what type of access point we're configuring so 49 is basically done some basic like best practice profiles already here for you so you can select one of these pre-built out profiles or you can totally uh make one from scratch or you can start off with this one and then customize this however you want for example if you wanted both your radios to be five gigahertz and not use 2.4 you can go ahead and uh configure that there so um these are all the different configuration options so I've already enabled my 433g platform profile so that is done there for me the next one that I'm going to do here is the SSID configuration so I'm going to go ahead and add an SS ID I'm going to just call this uh test123 uh let's see and then we have all these other different configuration options for your Society for uh this video's sake I'm going to try to keep this as simple as possible so just a regular uh pre-shared key SSID we're going to make this a very basic password no captive portal we are going to bridge to the network uh we're not going to tag this SSID with any VLAN and that should be okay um if you have uh some u-series APS you can do some of these security profiles on here I currently do not have a u-series AP so I'm not going to use any of these security features on here but you can see that the aps do have the capabilities of enabling security profiles direct me on the access point uh thus blocking traffic at the AP level instead of needing to block it on your firewall which will just one use case you know save your network a lot of bandwidth if that traffic is going to be blocked at the firewall level eventually um why not just block it at the EP and save all that bandwidth on your land so um these are uh some pretty good features here but we're gonna skip that for now um the availability here uh so this is set to available to all access points um you could also configure this with tags and then assign tags to specific APS so you can make this SSID assign it to this testing tag and then go over to your device management um I believe it's under device management but apply that tag and then this access point will broadcast this SSID to just keep this as simple as possible we're going to do available to all APS and it is always being broadcast you could also do this on a schedule if you would like and then this is basically just looking over the configurations on this and we are going to go ahead and apply this so once this access point comes online pulls down configurations we should start seeing the test123 SSID being broadcast um I am going to go head over to my switch plug in this access point and it should uh come online within a couple minutes so I'm going to go ahead and pause this recording I'm going to get this access point online and I will come back once that is once that is done and we're back here um only took about 90 seconds or so uh once the AP powered on um hooked right up to 40 Lang Cloud uh if we come under the access points in status view uh we can see the status is online here um we are we have a local IP here so we have some basic uh information from this access point um if you click on it we can get some more details here uh for the access point um so you get some some basic uh information you can see here uh no clients connected yet um if I click on my available uh SS IDs here um you can see test123 is being broadcasted here so um looks all good uh set up super super easy um let me know if you guys have any questions you can throw them uh in the comment section and I am more than happy to help you guys uh have a good one y'all
Channel: Alex Pavlock
Views: 3,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fortinet, FortiLAN, FortiLAN Cloud, FortiAP, FortiAlex
Id: 4RyfLEo8JpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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