Connecting a mixer to a Power amplifier.

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hello guys hello guys hello guys we are in yet again for another episode for another new video remember we are streaming live from decibel audio Kenya we are the best when it comes to retail and wholesale of sound equipment of public address system so we deal with the sale of music instruments and public address systems so speakers microphones guitars mixers to measure but a few lights okay so these are lighting controls for your disco for your stages we have everything when it comes to sound equipment so today we want to do a video and the video will be about a simple video of how to connect a plane mixer or a passive mixer together with an amplifier a power amplifier right so we're going to get you through step by step on how to do that and Alex is already setting up the mixer as you can see right over there so I'm uh I'm just buying time before he does that but you want to show you a simple video we decided uh as much as you're going to do complex sound videos we're also going to take through all our audience all our clients from the basic as now we go on to do even the harder or the more complex stuff so today we want to do a player mixer connecting it to a power amplifier then our signal from the power amplifier or the amplifier into their speakers all right so without further Ado let me show you whatever Alex is doing over here he is so this is Alex so this is our plane mixer that we're going to be using today this is called a decibel audio ct80s so this is our own mixer it's a very good plane mixer and right over here we have another amplifier it's a digital amplifier with a digital display so it's showing the fun of kids showing the temperature of the amplifier and it's also showing the decibels all right so these are very professional power amplifier it's also a decibel product it's called decibel audio da6000. this is very powerful it has two channels channel number one or channel number two and then at the back it has we have connected the this is where you connect the speakers so we shall be doing that shortly you have speaker number one the speaker number two these are 2 200 Watts times two all right so what are we doing here so you connect your signals or your inputs into the mixer all right so we are using this cable to bring signal from our laptop right over there it's coming all the way into channel number one so that's channel number one so it's coming here so we shall be using this slider teller number one to control whatever input is coming in this channel so remember whatever you do here you can copy or you can apply the same knowledge into all the channels all right so whatever we do here you can also be able to do here now depending with the specific input that is coming in that channel then this is our main left and right so these are the main signals that are coming out of the mixer going into the amplifier so we only have two cables in this setup these two cables that are coming out so remember this is these are inputs these are called inputs this is where you put in on uh you put in your microphones your guitars music whatever instrument what whatever input that you have this is where you use to import them and then this is the main outputs it's called the main output controlling the left signal and the right signal as they indicated here so L is for left R is for right so they are coming out from the mixer going into the amplit fire so the yellow one and the blue one so they are corresponding here they're coming to the left and the right sides then we have these two these are the speakers we have a signal coming from the left side a signal coming from the right side these are the speaker cables normally connected via with the help of this uh um Jack pins that are called pecans these ones are called XLR the male and the female right so without further Ado we come here we have a bit of controls we have gain control this one is uh volume control you will only use this one when you need more Punch or when you need more decibels to gain all right so you will only use this one when you are Channel or when your feeder is beyond the you or the zero DBS as well as your main left and right when they are beyond the U or the zero DBS then now you can be able to add more gain so normally my gain is that is at -5 very small so what does that do or how does that help you that helps you because you are able to get very extremely clean sound coming out of your mixing console because the gain levels are extremely so very low okay so we use the slider first to control but before you even come to the sliders you are you have HF so these are frequencies called a high frequency these are the tweeters then we have the MF right over here so these are the mid frequencies so these are the mid-range frequencies then we have the LF these are the low frequencies then these auxiliary I'll show you this next time this is an output so it's off these are effects we don't need them now so they are off so this is the pan so the fan function is to separate either the left or to the right um Channel all right so we've said it has all the mixers have left and right to be able to give your stereo output so the fan is to specifically drive your signals either to the right or to the left or to meet either left and right the right so this is the pan I'll show you how it works uh later then this is the channel function so this is to control a specific Channel this is a slider to control a specific channel so remember like this one is an eight channel so it has Eights eight input sliders this effect slider these are the main and left and right selected so without further Ado let's see if you have some sound so my high frequency mid frequency and low frequency have all been set at zero DBS that's at the center so that is very safe very clean sounds let's see how it is coming out so remember we've done our connections but still our volume from the amplifier we all normally advise you either put your amplifier off when you are doing the cabling then after you've done the cabling after you've switched the amplifier on make sure your volumes are always off so this is just in case of anything you might not end up blowing your speakers so because now we have all the signal sets we can adjust the knobs a bit there just to test and see if we have some signals coming out and going into the amplifier so then we slide this a bit I can already hear some sound then you can add the left and the right right over there let me change the song because of what we call the copyright copyright so we are using our own music so that we don't get suit for using other people's music so we are using our own as we do that probably and we are ready then we can be able to hear some music coming in so you're using the sliders the maze and the amplifier now you can be able to do zero DBS there and they are [Music] then there is this indicator right over here so this indicator is an LED indicator that shows you the number or the amount of DBS that you are doing so we are currently uh working from -14 to -11 so we still have a long way to go if you want more power we're able to do that so remember we said this one we have the freedom of doing up to zero DBS which is there the channel as well we can do 0 DBS there all right so if the power is not still enough the advice will be don't go for the gains before you do maximum or when you before you do um much load into the amplifier if the amplifier you have matches the power with the speakers that you are using then you have the freedom to increase the volume of your amplifier actually it's advisable to do maximum volume if the speakers are much in power with the amplifier so if it are safer to do to do more more power from the amplifier is done using your gain to increase the volume that's what you find most speakers getting blown because people are misusing the gain the gain knobs all right so we are still not touching our gain again it's still minus five so we have very clean sound coming out of the mixer going to the amplifier all right so let's hear [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we are still doing minus three DBS I hope you can see there [Music] we have very clean sound coming from our speakers so remember uh when you're using specifically this amplifier it's able to indicate even the clip indicated right over here so whenever you see this clip indicator Lighting on probably will go as red you are distorting or you have distorted sound and that is what will cause your speakers to blow out that is what will make your amplifier to blow out so remember don't ever let your amplifiers clip so that is it for today's video we have we have we have covered the good parts so we call it a day that is another video of how to connect a mixer into an amplifier very simple and directs and we are glad that we have customers here who will know to say hi so here they are just say hi so those are our happy customers right here decibel and there's another one here there's another one here wants to say hi hi hi hi this is our happy happy customers then we have maturity here say hi [Music] so we are really excited to do that video uh coming up very soon so see you and watch out for more amazing videos remember we are streaming live from decibel audio Kenya the best shop when it comes to sound and uh music equipment so guys say bye bye until next time cheers guys
Views: 7,774
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Keywords: connecting a mixer to an amplifier, how to connect a mixer to a power amplifier
Id: 2qFuikjlYdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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