Connect to AWS EC2 instance via ssh from windows

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[Music] hello and welcome in this video we'll take a look at how to connect to our Amazon ec2 cloud computer so the first thing we need to do is sign into our Amazon console if you have if you don't have an account please create an account for yourself so let me sign into my console and you should just type in ec2 in the search box over here and press Enter and it will bring you to the ec2 dashboard you need to launch an instance and I I have some previous instances here but I'm going to launch a new instance so click this blue button that says launch instance and you can search for the kind of instance that you want there are really a lot of alternatives here with all different kinds of software installed but I'm just going to choose a very simple Amazon Linux 2 ami instance so I'm just going to choose this ami select and I need to choose the kind of computer I want I'm going to choose a t2 medium and review and launch now there are lots of options that you can set here but I'm just going to use a default option and just go ahead and launch my computer the next thing is it's going to ask for a key pair that it wants you to create a key pair is something that you can use instead of a login and password it's a more secure way of connecting to your ec2 instance on the cloud so if you don't already have one you can go ahead and create a new key pair you can give it a name and you can download it and it will be downloaded as a dot M file now just please make note of this we are going to go back to this after a little while and meanwhile you can go ahead and continue to launch your instance and it's going to launch your instance and this is going to take a little while and meanwhile you can view your instances and you can see that this is the instance that is pending launch at this point now while it is trying to launch we need to download a software called putty or PU TDY it's a free open-source software available on party dot org and you can click on this link here to download it and you can basically download 64-bit or 32-bit installer download and double click on it and it'll install putty on your computer you also need another file called putty having done that now go to your dot pimp file go to the folder that contains your dot pimp file it may have been downloaded in my case it was downloaded in my downloads folder so I'm just going to copy that and paste that into a folder in my desktop called cloud I'm going to paste this here in this folder and now I have to open puttygen and I have to read this particular file into puttygen so go ahead and click the load on partition go to your folder that contains your file and select all files and you will see the new file that you just created the PEM file open it click OK and save as private key and you can you don't need a passphrase at this point say yes and give it you can give it the same name if you want and you can just delete the dot Pam you can just do a little dot pimp and save it as dot PPK file and you can close puttygen so now you have my new key pair dot PPK now when you have that you can you're now ready to start your putty go ahead and start your putty now you're going to have to enter some information here from your AWS instance now that your instance is up and running just check for the running sign here you can select that instance and click connect and it will give you some information go scroll down a little bit and copy this ec2 - user at easy - this entire huge URL just copy that and you can go ahead and close it and go to putty and paste that entire string where it says hostname so you can see here ec2 - user at and so on all the other defaults are fine now next go to click Oh this plus sign for SSH and then click on alt a you th don't open the plus sign for that I just click on Earth navigate to this box here and browse and navigate to the folder where you have your dot PPK file double click on it and it'll be loaded here next go back to the session and what I would suggest is give this a name call it AWS - connect - or something like that and just save it so that this connection is available to you the next time you don't have to type all this here and go ahead and open this and you'll be prompted for a security alert just say yes and as soon as you do that it is trying to connect to your ec2 computer on the cloud and if you see this particular screen here that means that your connection is successful now after you're done with your work you should also disconnect from your cloud computer otherwise you're going to be charged for it so first what you should do is you should say exit here next you should go to your running instance make sure it is checked make sure this blue dot is there inside the box go to actions and instance state and stop if you want to use the computer if you want to use this particular cloud computer tomorrow say again then you should just say stop if you don't ever want to use it you can delete it and that's called terminate so right now let's assume we want to use it tomorrow or later so for now you should just stop it so it will ask you for it'll prompt you and you can just say go ahead and stop if you stop it then you will not be charged extra but if you don't stop it for all the time that you have the computer on Amazon is going to charge you for it so after ensuring that it is stopping you can then your session is over and you can sign out from Amazon ok and the next time you want to connect to this all you need to do sign into the console and go to ec2 go two instances and click on this instance that you want to start go to actions start your instance yes start and go back to your putty open your putty open click on this AWS connect to that you have saved load it and actually this time you're going to have to change this particular URL here make sure that your machine is running and make sure that it is selected click on connect again and this time you will have a new URL so you're going to have to copy that and just copy that go to your party and specify the new host name here save it and open and you can say yes again and it will connect once again to your computer so as before I'm just going to say exit once again and close and make sure that once you're done with your session also be sure to stop it yes stop and that completes your second session so thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed this [Music]
Channel: Codible
Views: 129,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aws, ec2, putty, puttygen, ssh, windows, connect to ec2 using putty, ec2 putty, aws putty, connect ec2 with putty, how to connect ec2 instance using putty, putty aws ec2, putty on windows, amazon instance, putty ssh, how to use putty on windows, how to use putty, putty tutorial, putty tutorial for beginners, amazon web services, amazon ec2 instance, ec2 instance, aws tutorial, create ec2 instance in aws, amazon ec2
Id: f52IOtTqcP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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