Conjoined Twins Special | BORN DIFFERENT

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hello Edmund Ali hello even if I do one at the wall about a doctor's little signature on police with Sally Lou these are awesome [Music] Nev and Nelly are crania pega scan joined twins born with their craniums fused together they are attached at the back of their heads with only 6% of conjoined twins being crania pegas they are the rarest kind in the world it's only this villa was Jennifer dank not thinking capacity the potato knows he does as I said income to loafer data yes push the alien a drive open and Anna puts the now living in the Netherlands the twin started out life in very different circumstances hervana insulin armor lettuce inside America and my mother is Rafa coma that is falling that's in adult Valencia me to tell you not to say au revoir it was here are negative men I think I have some referrals from unique and the half of our funded Moloch met the Voodoo to mark a message saying of your least I didn't had a long coma but the moment I decided to order that world was out of food patron a buffoon Attila on investigation it was discovered the twins share an important vein in their head which makes it impossible to separate them 7 Enid Adelaide slack added that her in a forehead and ended on acid are and Doug would invite the ICL to carry Holly she don't hide in Austin he hadn't yeah the Moho behalf and that will ever need there now 18 the twins have learned to adapt to their condition with just a few frustrations respective me the boss of the home name is a sebacic notion if I snitched on stir things up with other bosses don't several events solo pauljlee leaf although money - Brittany - Kuznets Rana translators this before on the kiken hara fishy after day also Medina's govinda XII axis Hornos Musashi a cabinet an event at for cyclical nature of åland devoted in dune and either a natural yoghurt I don't live for now autumn or come to Seoul also by Giacomin Cacodemons a highly long but very who need to build a better bring an info bond you have mentioned best friend Eric main now equate madama taka special you're nodding and say ugly / abstract and avoiding what Africa stars Ferrari me if you need obviously need a booty drinking Domo of making at the market adviser Hill disrespectful without such as was universal sign of the veneerings embodies an arm stellar concert altar photos of monomer form part of a supercell finger [Music] having put up with the looks for this long Nev Nellie decided to take back control and start at their own YouTube channel heaven I charge of canals about myself may they - the result now sedative NASA compound in the sky turn good national folk we said ok Lily from Ida the heavenly you can really see the Vitale money for TV Guide is today fish hello the ISIS Harper is it's an F - f is collimator and that been ACOG glided circular lights you know that habit of Nutella sting of the SM life is working - for no shame tinea my also delays rusty for by senses a look at me after you are done getting up to your nail a thank you Wow yeah beautiful from to Unicode weather actually the Achtung the fear of sorrow holla Nino ik field and also have a variety synovial fluid ik denk that the power to come serve a post you come order tarik hey love Monica sky de Ville of order yellow one cuz I'm trying does it belong right sir there's a portal I was referred for will affect all server folder the arson [Music] kids will come up and just like look on a little bit and they'll just say are they stuck in and I'm just like they got stuck inside the tummy and now they're here and this is what happens first we kind of take a peek to make sure they're really awake Carter likes to sleep more than Callie does the Carter will pop back up hi hi oh hi hang on Callie and Carter are on fellow SEO pages conjoined twins meaning that they share from the stomach down into the pelvis area it takes two people normally to wash them oh is that code this parts Callie this parts Carter's their blood supply clashes together like two waves into one body they have separate hearts separate stomachs separate heads of course and mostly of separate personalized personalities have separate personalities [Music] Jason's first day of school this is actually our first time without brother for a couple of hours usually they have brother to play with it's okay daddy be right back that's what we can see the little faces a little but this is the first ultrasound we had this is the day that we found out they were possibly conjoined July 15th then do believe 10 weeks 2 or 3 days as well that's only 100% found out that they were conjoined was in this picture just kind of like flipped us upside down yeah they told us that they had high drops which kills almost all the babies I get it so [Music] the very very beginning we thought abortion would be the best option no one wants to you know carry the kids are not much just have him die [Music] we didn't know we stuck with our gut and here we are this is the first picture we regarded them face to face as a face right here in a another face right here this was Carter right here this is the first time I've actually I think looked at these since the girls were born because I would just think that they were going to die as soon as they were here after the 24 hours once they were born Carter had a little bit of breathing problems but there they were doing good I have two perfect babies like a huge pressure was just removed from us because now the dread of my babies are gonna die when they come out it's gone because they were here and they were here to stay [Music] this one's callie callie's when uh her lays back she's more relaxed she has a little bit of scratches on her face because Carter beat her up in the car she's she's just something else she fights with her sister she'll fight with a dog she'll fight with Jason she fights with us so she's actually very vicious yeah you is this county Carter's room they sleep in here they take naps in here they get their diaper changed in here sometimes they'll get dressed in here and they have their little music box that they can't sleep without so they just wake up I usually will nurse them and then that's when they go into the living room where they spend most of their time we were vastly unprepared for babies we didn't have clothes completely caught us off guard this is the first outfit I made for Callie and Carter I actually buy regular clothes from the back and I cut them in half a certain way did I play on the ground they can scoop to get everywhere around the house so Kelly and Claire's clothes just like that I've made about 20 pieces so far I'd say how much I've made they like the venture into the kitchen and try to spill the dog food other than that they just hang out here what you learn the ABCs okay just think it's along with them good if they are crying and one of us are busy he'll go in there and play with them until we're done what does Cara Lee do she likes to play with things what does it was Carter do she's she's scoots I'm Andy has this Callie and Carter have is that different yeah or Callie and Carter what are Calicut are they special mm-hm are they like other babies No [Music] there's been old ladies who have been like oh god wouldn't have wanted those children alive some people just kind of stare good job they don't expect them to walk till about 4:00 but I honestly think it's gonna be about 8:00 so we don't expect the coordination to start happening until they are a lot older we don't feel comfortable separating the twins because they're gonna be more unhealthy when we have them separated than they are right now the only way we would do separation surgery for accounting Carter's if a health issue arise or if they want to be separated we want them to under completely understand the risks the girl's health is really good they don't have to take any medication they get like little colds here and there like normal kids hopefully the future holds good things for them and that they are just happy and the skin that they're in and that they don't want to change because we love them the way they are just knowing that they're healthy and you know they're learning it every day right it's a good feeling knowing that to them nothing's wrong they are not afraid to do anything [Music] when people first see our story they like to ask a lot of questions right the most common asked question was do you remember being enjoined [Music] to get around we do different things for different places I think we adopted fully because we didn't ever have two legs yeah so we don't have anything to run off of we feel like we're or the same as everybody else there's just a few things that are a little different the best thing about having one like it just like we only have to paint lines out of toenails so that's really nice yeah mostly little kids stare but when adults stare at us we kind of like or like it's strange cuz they should and they should they should know not to stare it's rare to be a conjoined twin the doctor said that we weren't gonna live past 24 hours but after we passed that they said that we would wouldn't live past eight sharing one kidney for the both of us so that's why we got separated the feeling of being attached to someone else is weird me Kendra Dean there's no media she has an N J to because she doesn't eat very well [Music] it wasn't always just cut and dried that we were gonna separate them and that's all that there was to it there's so much that goes into a huge decision like that you have to make sure that it's the right thing for that we went to a lot of different doctors psychologists anything that I could take them to just to make sure that they were ready and it wouldn't harm them we just called it cut apart day we didn't like understand really know what it meant [Music] when we got separated Kendra got the kidney and then I went on dialysis for nine months until my mom donated her kidney and then ten years after I got that kidney it rejected and I went on to house she was on dialysis for two and a half years and so she would go three hours three times a day so it ended up being about four hours three times a week she just took it in stride and she had friends on dialysis that had passed away and she had to deal with the loss of her friends which was really hard I'm just amazed at how well she she did it I don't think I could do it when I get up in the morning I get ready for school and then we get picked up by our friend then we go to school high school has been good so far like people are really nice it's just harder if classes are far apart but other than that it's fun Cantor's more outgoing if you can already tell yeah I'm Way more outgoing than she is we don't think we look like yeah I don't even though we're identical twins we've never been bullied at school or anything we're lucky yeah we're lucky some people aren't aren't as lucky with that they came in fairly timid fairly weak in some areas but they told me that their goal is to be able to walk on crutches in the school by the end of the year we're gonna go out we're gonna try to go up is up the stairs and down the stairs and then we're gonna come back and get you last week Kendra for the first time walked on her crutches here at school she just was beaming a few weeks before that Malia walked up the stairs for the first time here at school on her crutches so they're just getting stronger all the time they're so determined 26 27 28 29 30 excellent I think that they've just taught me so much about going through trials and accepting trials with grace and bravery and I don't know that I could ever go through what they've gone through I've had the chance to get to know them and I'm so proud of all that they've accomplished maleeh and i make dinner every night so we switch off so one of us will make dinner and then other one do like homework or like whatever if we don't have homework we like to film YouTube videos with this camera we just got it we just set up down here and we put this couch here and then we put our camera on a stand and then so on our YouTube channel we just do like different funny videos and like we did a video of our story we were always dream when my parents talk to us about separating less and I don't think we really understood what it meant while we understood what it meant but we did understand the risks of it because we were so young we didn't know what dying was we like doing fun stuff too we like making the videos just like to make people positive I guess we like making them because we're weird do we like sharing our weirdness I think social media has helped improve their confidence it gives something to drive them something that they're really interested in and they love coming to show us mom look what this person said and they were so excited that we responded to them and I'm so glad that they have that in their life the self-esteem that they have blows me away lots of people could learn a lot of things from them we are happy that our parents chose to [Music] both sorry Tommy okay [Music] mera naam simran episode oh man I'm still not America us alone Hamada stephan1 di w bah humbug Dada da-da-da-da-da-da though I am a you together twins driven off and Chevron were born joined at the waist sharing two legs [Music] they also share a stomach but have separate lungs hearts and personalities discommode but it all kind of disc on Monday but I believe hi due to the unusual condition people travel to their village to see them muscle I'll do but the nickname man look up ahead to the death battle mode of the twins of surprise doctors with their ability to be independent despite their unusual condition [Music] [Music] no [ __ ] up [Music] in my mom hi [Music] in 2014 a pediatric doctor suggested that there might be an operation to separate the twins but they were both adamant they wanted to remain joined I'm not a gunman I shoulda English I guess we'll take you I like I love my you go find another hood I got Botswana go tiger hello my name is it despite their story being well known the twins family have struggled to receive any support in looking after them what we soon denied a job but general homology of sass and mangu jianchi my Uncle Peter who my abnormal do it correctly him a local my pal Unga our Mikey seek asylum in the hidden hunger ticket Mikey six era man he don't wanna kiss a man who when he sang to my truck there Abbadon laga Kanagawa haha good chili RBIs Yeti kids kill eggy upon hulu huala Hoggy Hoggy on a cuchini whoa boricua yahoo in love with a higher caldereta sub purchase a sear on Synod Amira chachaka larga or responses on tone [Music] whoa look cosa tongue look healthy jabo ham look at automata is cuca good look cyclist at alotta was my my my sticker they accept our Reds are tell Tina thank you get healthy young it go to hamari but just welfare identify the kids in yellow [Music] you
Channel: truly
Views: 2,801,786
Rating: 4.7648754 out of 5
Keywords: amazing news, amazing stories, amazing story, amazing, barcroft media, barcroft tv, barcroft, documentary, real life, 2019, conjoined twins, twins, identical twins, separation surgery, october 2019, born different, india, utah, neev and nelly, Shivanath and Shivram, Kendra and Maliyah, 245874
Id: tOJRQ19wTFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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