Congo: L'embarcation de L'enfer | Les routes de l'impossible

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We could believe in an exodus. Believe that all these people are refugees. In fact, this is a regular line that carries passengers on the Congo River, one of the rivers most dangerous in the world. The captain is a stuntman. He is doing well, he's a real fighter. There is life, the birth. In Congo, we help each other. where misery finds you, this is where you will find your family. If someone slips, it falls under the lilies and dies cut up in small pieces. 2000 passengers pile on top of each other for several weeks. I miss everything. I have nothing left to eat. My only provisions, it is the water of the river. It's not okay, I'm hungry. I'm sick of it. If it was up to me, I would go down and I would leave. The edges of the Congo River, fishermen *Wagagna* risk their lives every day for a few fish. God bless this river who feeds us and makes us live. The Congo River is sacred. For a man to have strength, they have to fight during the *Kbobo* ceremony. The plane costs the equivalent six months salary. Since the road disappeared, the Congo River has become the only line of life to connect Kinshasa, the capital of the Congo, in Kisangani, the third largest city in the country. A journey from another age which meanders over 1700 kilometers in the heart of Africa. This looks like a boat graveyard, a junkyard. And yet we are in the port of Kinshasa, one of the most major cities in Africa. Rice, palm oil, spices, all goods are transported on the back of a man, because the cranes do not work not for a long time. Amid this tangle of boats is the GBEMANI, a freight carrier which also carries passengers, but without cabin. To travel, you have to be a place on the deck of the boat. Everyone settles in as they can. The GBEMANI then takes looks like a floating slum. On board, 800 people who leave to find their families for a funeral, a marriage. Others dream of fortune and embark to try their luck in the diamond mines at the other end of the country. But in the Congo, the scale of time does not have the same value than anywhere else. It's been almost a month that these travelers expect departure blocked on the deck of the boat, under a blazing sun. Tired, at the end of my rope, every day they hope to finally leave, and every prosperous day, the owner of the boat comes to tell them the bad news. Today, he is worried, because anger growls among passengers. Prosper doesn't know what to invent anymore to keep passengers waiting. so he lies again and again, for some, the departure is tonight, for the others, it's tomorrow morning. We've been here a long time. We thought we were going to travel tomorrow, but so far, we haven't traveled yet. In Congo, we don't respect customers. In developed countries, the client is king, but with us, the customer is poor. The Congo is plagued by an evil that blocks and disrupt the whole country. Corruption. The GBEMANI remains at the quay, because prosperous refuses to give a bribe to the fuel delivery man who, coincidentally, doesn't have a single one tank truck available since several weeks. If you have the money, here we do it quickly and that's how, we are in Congo, You know. It's a wind of revolt which begins to blow on the GBEMANI. The news just came. Gasoline won't happen today. Prosper, try to calm down the angry crowd. Without the help of this passenger, it could have gone wrong for Prosper. So he resigned himself. He paid the famous bakchich to the gasoline delivery man. He awaits his arrival on the side of the road. in a hurry to leave, passengers take supplies in hand. 30 cans of 200 liters everyone unloaded. He was also waiting this departure with impatience. His salary depends on it Captain Rene is paid at the crossing. So he wants to drop the moorings as soon as possible. The mechanic is not there? And like always that he takes his command, he does not forget to thank the first of the captains. Lord, at these times, I take possession of this boat in the mighty name of Jesus. I wiped out all power of the devil and Satan. I push them away in the mighty name of jesus and I take possession of these boats in the name of Jesus. I push back any spirit of incident. Spirits of the dead, epidemics in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen. The GBEMANI will finally take off. Both motors did not run for many months. In the port of Kinshasa, there are no rules. The boats pile up one behind the other in the greatest anarchy. The GBEMANI is surrounded by a dozen ships. The GBEMANI measures almost 100 meters. So, to help him maneuver, sailors install large cables on each side of its flanks, and stretch them to make it turn to the right or to the left. A maneuver extremely dangerous for passengers crowded on deck. The cables are so tight that they are on the verge of breaking. Once the mooring cable has been cut, it can amputate the legs. Above all secure passengers. Because there are tremors. There is a violent blow there. It can rock people, and there are people who get hurt and who even lose their lives. A month late the GBEMANI finally rushes on the river. For passengers, it is deliverance. As soon as you leave the port, two barges come to stand alongside on each side of the boat. The convoy thus formed carries now about 1700 people. GBEMANIE is changing in a floating city. On board, little space for passengers. The first arrivals went up their camp in the middle of the bridge. Almost a first class. Others, for three weeks, will have to be satisfied to remain seated without even be able to lie down. Worse still, some camp only a few centimeters from the edge. After long months unemployment, Adonis embarks for a new life with his wife and her six children. He found a job as a mechanic in Kisangani, the little family got lucky. She was able to settle in the middle of the bridge. This is the dining room and here the kitchen. The night, it becomes a bedroom. Over there is my little shop, I sell everything. She also transforms in the bedroom. In his shop, he sells soap, cakes, salt. A small income that allows him to buy a valuable asset on the boat. We don't have drinking water and we have to buy it. It costs 100 Congolese francs per litre. If we drink water from the river, there is a risk of catching diseases. We just use it to make our toilet, otherwise we take risks with our health. On the GBEMANI, there is no water or electricity. Every corner of the boat is invested and becomes a place of life. It is almost impossible to move on board. The biggest problem for us, is to go to the toilet. You have to do a lot of acrobatics to succeed. Here, for example, there are six or seven sleeping families. Adonis' camp is opposite the showers. All at the end of the boat. To go wash up, it's a real obstacle course. You have to pass under a truck. Get around hundreds of people, strides many objects. And above all pay attention not to overturn boiling oil pots warming up on deck. We don't have the space to go through there. The slightest mistake and you fall. Look at me, I have to walk sideways between people. Excuse me ma'am, sorry sir. If you stumble, you fall. If you slip you fall too. If you bump into someone, he also falls. Adonis finally arrives in the shower area. Here, it's very dangerous. Take this water, it's a big risk. If the current is too strong, he can aspire, is carried away. An old can as a substitute shower head. As for the toilets, it takes courage to enter it. In back, it's the men's shower, and when we have finished washing, we leave room for others so they can also groom themselves. If we want to meet our needs, we come here. We step over the railing, we go down and we take care of ourselves. That's what we gotta do to relieve himself. If someone slips, he falls under the lily and dies, cut out in small pieces. I have already seen people falling. And they are all dead. The Congo River seems calm, almost quiet. However, the pilot is on the alert. The river is a siren who charms and puts men to sleep hiding the danger from them. Because the Congo carries many wrecks and tree trunks which can tear the hull of the boat at any time. Rules of conduct of a boat, it's like that of a truck except you have to stay there in the middle of the river, because there is no markup who points out the rocks, it's up to the captain to guide us. No markup and even less navigation charts to guide the pilot. Captain Rene is the memory of the river. He's the only man on board to know the exact location rocks and wreckage. You must know the river in the heart of Kisangani, you must know the 1700 kilometers, you must know each place and its obstacles. However, there is a map on board, but its latest update date of Belgian colonization It was 50 years ago. This is the original map, original album from Belgian times. In the 56 years, like that. All these signals here are beacons. They were visible but for the moment, it does not exist anymore, it disappeared. There's a wreck under the water right in the middle of the river. He is placed right in the middle of the pass. There is no no signal there. On board the GBEMANI, there is no vest nor lifeboat. In Congo, It is not mandatory. Each year, several boats sink in the waters of the river, chatting almost every time the death of a hundred passengers. When there is a case of shipwreck, how can we save even a minimum of people? It's almost three quarters of people who are going to die. A tree trunk has just hit the GBEMANI. He opened a breach in the hull of the boat. One of the wedges filled with water. She overflows, extra weight which threatens the balance of the ship. An accident which, apparently, don't worry the passengers. The hull has been found because of a tree trunk which was floating in the water while we were sailing. It went under the barge and it makes holes. If the boat sinks, We're all going to die. We are butchering the hole with cement, where the hull has been damaged. With cement, we will arrive at our destination. And as soon as we arrive, we are looking for a welder for him to fix. After two days of travel, the village of Maluku, dozens of canoes waiting for the boat since weeks. They are filled new passengers and goods to be shipped. Too big, the GBEMANI cannot dock, it just slows off. Everyone tries to get on board as best he can. From Kinshasa, there was no more room available on the ship and yet they are close 200 additional people who come on board. There are many who arrive, we do not know where to put these people who will come after and we don't know how, we always continue to argue. But the space is not at all favorable for those who are there. A work which is impossible. The boat matters now almost 2000 passengers. The new comers melted into the mass. Start then, for crew members, a hunt to stowaways. The trip costs 40 €. This represents one month's salary in the Congo. So many try to escape. Josiane, the ship's cashier, is desperate. She has almost not sold a ticket since their departure from Kinshasa. We are many, It's a little difficult the number is about 2000 or more, there are 36 people who have already paid for the tickets. That's all ? That's all. The ship's crates are empty. For Prosper, the shipowner, it is a disaster. Because there is dishonest people, they embark like this, they don't pay we have to to leave them behind. We are in the process of fight for that money. The money will allow us to pay the crew, to pay for fuel, to pay for the accessories, engine oils. The formalities to divert to the destination. It's been five days that the boat has left Kinshasa and he only traveled 400 kilometers out of the 1700 that make up the trip. No one on board knows when it will arrive within a week, in fifteen days, in a month. That is why, The passengers do not pay their ticket. You have to save money to buy food. Every day, small traders of the river boarding. On the menu today garden vegetables, fruit of the forest and fresh fish. But there are rarely for everyone. For a few more Congolese francs, we can even pay monkey meat. He is however forbidden to hunt it, the animal is protected. It's our culture, we are here to eat this animal. It is for us. God did it for us. We're going to eat, because it's good. For the inhabitants of the river, the boat is a godsend. Very little have the opportunity to go to town. So they swap their food for piles, medication or even clothes. To catch their fish, some fishermen take huge risks. At the other end of the river, the *Waghania* people brave the rapids. He uses techniques of ancestral fishing unique in the world. They will look with bare hands the fish that running water stuck between the rocks. The river's anger makes sinners dance with death. In Gilbert's family, we are fisherman from father to son for several generations. Without the river they wouldn't know anything. But there is a price, a tribute to pay. In 1984, I lost my older brother the current projected it against a rock, his name was Cajoli. My little brother whose name was Puma died the same way. Fishermen dived to help him, but it was too late. The bodies of my brothers were never found. They were taken away by the river. It is the suffering of fishing. But we won't stop no fishing is our life. To avoid to dive in the rapids, too often, fishermen made wooden traps, a fearsome fish trap whose fishing they share at the end of the day. The water current is very powerful. As soon as the fish enters the trap, he dies immediately. When we go fishing we sell part fish that we bring back and the rest, it is to feed the family. The money from the sale, this is for our wives and children to pay for school. A dozen families live in this small village without electricity. Gilbert is proud to introduce us to his little tribe. With my first wife, we had six children. I married him in 1982. I am married with the second wife in 1986 and we had three children. And with the third wife? I got married in 1988 and we had four children. The 17 clan members live in this house which is falling apart. On the inside, hardly any furniture, apart from a bench and a chair. For me, my wife and children it's like having a big diamond at home. Our ancestors have always done it that way. If you only have one wife, you will feel bad. It's necessary you add a second one, then a third to finally feel better. To give back tribute to the river. The best wrestlers will clash. They practice the *K bobo*, a sport of strength that the ancients transmit to the youngest to teach them better fight the river. The *kbobo* will give him strength. He can get away with it facing the water current. Without this strength he won't be able to do anything. This is why we teach the fight *K bobo* to our children. The GBEMANI and its captain also fight against the current. After seven days navigation, they did not walk only 500 kilometers. A travel which turns into an epic. Marie Mon Dobet is a nurse. For her, this trip is also way to make money. On the boat, there is no doctor and even fewer infirmaries. With time, hygiene conditions are deteriorating and diseases appear. So the captain appointed him ship's doctor. I am a passenger like anyone. But, I studied nurse, I am an A2 nurse, I finished in 2003. I had obtained my diploma with 62%. With its 62% medical knowledge, Mary goes around the boat looking for patients. Most of those who travel on the GBEMANI never have consulted a doctor. So, with her white blouse and his stethoscope around his neck, Mary imposes. This one-and-a-half-year-old girl has a high fever for several days. Mary diagnoses first an attack of malaria, then changes his mind. I have to put it under treatment for typhoid. It's serious, it kills. It destroys the intestines. The couple has nothing to pay the one euro of medicines. But Marie still offers the first dose of treatment. The journey weakens first the children, especially when the poorest parents give them to drink river water. We need to stop the vomiting we have cases of typhoid. You put on the stethoscopes, the noise there, I know how to tell them apart. There are sibilant gasps, there are crackles, we feel it like tapping the tom-tom. Boom Boom. He is obese, veins, it's hard to find that. You can't see the veins even at the level of the feet. If it was even here, I was going to prick. We are looking for a pill I went asking there, it's not there. It is as if she was the war doctor, because the, conditions are unfavorable. After nine days of travel, GBEMANI is already accumulating nearly six days late. So much time who postpones the treatment of the sick by a real doctor in Kisangani. Captain René has just crossed an invisible border who worries him his boat enters in the province of Equateur. This rich region is the scene of a permanent war between armed bands trying to take control of these gold mines and diamonds. Several boats have already been attacked and passengers killed On the GBEMANI, the atmosphere is tense, especially as the river is loaded to remind them where they are. The 10th day is over. Every evening, Captain Réné goes around his boat. He watches over his capital, as he says. He is paid on a percentage basis those people who sleep piled on top of each other represent for him a lot of money. When they have paid for their tickets, arrived in Kisangani. We are thirsty for money, we accept almost everybody who shows up with his money. And that's why you have to carry up to the ceiling. Even the fear of a rebel attack did not start passenger fatigue. But some are not aware of another danger. For lack of space, they sleep on the junctions what's between the boats hung each other. At the slightest movement of water, the two shells collide and turn into a guillotine. between the two bars, It's not good, it's very dangerous and it can crush it can even amputate his legs with the movement of the boat. It's God who will protect us. three o'clock in the morning, Marie, the nurse, just got an emergency call. A man got kicked in a vice between boat hulls. His heel is severely cut. Mary tries to sew it up with the means at hand. He came to sleep with his family here and when he lay down, he put a leg between the two boats. The crew was maneuvering. And I heard screams. My leg, my leg. Mary has done feats, but she is worried. She doesn't have enough antibiotics for the whole trip. His great fear gangrene sets in. 11ᵉ day in the early morning, but God will stay insensitive to their prayers. Just a few hours later, the left engine gave up the ghost. We have discovered a bolt that had fallen, we are trying to locate where did that bolt come from. We are waiting for the motor obeys. Between bad news a happy event occurs. A baby has just been born. The family did not have time to warn Marie, the nurse. It's a boy ? Yes. -He is healthy ? -Yes. It's that passenger who helped the mother give birth. I slept in my corner, and they came to get me to give birth to this woman, because I am member of the Red Cross. For me it is a great joy the birth of this child. The mother, she stays there, her gaze lost. His long journey to get to the boat was a test. I'm sad because I have nothing. I lost everything I had. The military took everything from us when we were on the road. I only have one part left my other child's clothes. I have no more clothes to fight the cold. I fear for my baby, because we have no more money to buy food. We have no supplies and no place to shelter it. On the boat, news travels fast and solidarity is organized. When we saw him in this state, we wanted to help him although we are not from the same family, in Congo we help each other. where misery is, that's where you'll find your family, that you have a family or not, where there is a problem, there is help. During the trip, two more babies will be born on board. It is always a great emotion for the sailors. I see it often, I am used to I am very happy. Grand father is so happy whom he called his grandson GBEMANI like the boat. Blocked since now 7am, angry passengers come ask explanations to the mechanic. When suddenly the old engine catches his breath. That's the plunger. It is in good condition. And that, it's the connecting rod. She's the one who broke. To catch up a bit late, Captain Rene going to take huge risks. He will sail night on the party the most perilous of the river. A place that never passes usually only two days. Because here the danger is never found at the same location. He is moving. The GBEMANI sinks into darkness with only lighting a big flashlight. Despite the currents, the pilot must maintain the boat in deep water in the middle of the river. The pass is narrow. I show him the way, because there is no longer any markup. If the sailors took the five-meter probe, they wouldn't arrive to hit bottom. But the helmsman will make a mistake. The pilot lost the course. Without projector to illuminate the shore, it is impossible to know the position of the vessel. The boat just ran aground on a sand bank. The system Communication between the captain and its sailors is a bit like travel. Without a radio, sailors located 100 meters further do not hear orders. At sunrise, the boat is still immobilized. All night long, the front of the ship kept getting bogged down in the sand. The sailors did not do their job well. Sure, they must have fallen asleep. We're stuck since 8 o'clock last night, the captain does what he can to get us out of here. We were thinking of doing twelve days of travel, but I'm afraid it's still going on much longer. Seamen will try everything for everything. They will try to separate the barges from the ship to manage to maneuver it. But the operation is tricky. The barge is in danger of getting stuck even deeper. That's it, we glide on the water. Look, everyone is clapping the crew that got us out of there. The passengers sing in their honor. We are all happy. Now the captain must make up for lost time. We got out of the sand. The captain, he's a stuntman. He is doing well. He's a real fighter. The city of Mbandaka is finally in sight. She is half way. Captain Rene achieved it in twelve days instead of the planned six. A long journey which stops there for us. The fights intensifying in the region. The captain disembarks us. He does not want put us in danger. The GBEMANI will arrive in due course in a month. Few weeks later, another ship had much less luck. Overloaded, the *Kia Bounthou* was shipwrecked. 140 people drowned in the Congo River.
Channel: Les Routes de l'impossible
Views: 11,410,785
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Keywords: routes de l’impossible, france 5, documentaire, reportage, automobile, camion, voiture, route, voyage, episode, congo, afrique, routes de l'impossible, les route de limpossible, route de limpossible, route de l'impossible, les routes de l'impossible, congo route de l'impossible, route de l'impossible congo brazzaville, route dangereuse, riviere congo, rivière, bateau, deadliest journey, most dangerous roads
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 40sec (3160 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2019
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