Confusing name, great laptop - Lenovo Yoga Pro 9i

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10 years ago lenovo's yoga brand invented the very first convertible laptop and now to celebrate that they have created this right here the very first Lenovo Yoga that isn't a convertible uh yeah this is the new Lenovo Yoga pro pro is very important Pro 9i which is no longer convertible but also heck and Powerful let's check it out and huge thanks to Lenovo for sponsoring this oh [Music] before we get started we need to clear up some confusion that is entirely lenovo's fault this right here in all of the world is Lenovo Yoga Pro 9i except for North America whereas the Lenovo slim Pro 9i which is different than Lenovo Yoga Slim totally different laptops anyway we've got two of them though this right here is the 14 inch and let's see what it has for a charger here we have a 140 watt charger which is being delivered over USB type c love to see it man over 100 Watts type c they're actually doing it and this right here is a very small brick this has to be gallium nitride also here we have the 16 inch knot yoga in North America Pro 9i is there anything else in here presumably if you get a actual production version for the 16 inch we have 170 Watts but it is not delivered over USB type scene the color that we have here is tidal teal and I do have to say it looks pretty darn good around the side we have a full size SD card reader excellent start guys two Thunderbolt 4S HDMI 2.1 aha fact Checkers say HDMI 2.1 we also have two full-size USB type A's headphone microphone combo Jack a little webcam turn off switch can you see that there and also the power button is on the side right here so normally when you have a small device and a big device you kind of just repurpose the motherboard for both of them now we'll have to take these apart later and figure out what exactly is on the go but I can tell you for sure it's totally different on this looking at the i o so on this side we have our power input USB type a HDMI 2.1 Thunderbolt 4 and a headphone microphone combo Jack then around on the other side we have our full size SD card reader and another USB type A normally you'd expect them to be you know pretty much the same between the models but here it is just entirely different I'm rather surprised let's have a look here this feels very good okay let's get rid of the mouse map you can get this mousepad at also this water bottle the chassis is made out of CNC machined aluminum and it feels like that this is an excellent feeling laptop and there's no real soft spots 16 the same okay 16's a tiny bit softer than the 14 but that makes sense it's a much larger laptop also has a larger trackpad geez they're spoiling us look at this most of the time when you have two laptops that are in the same family they just sort of cheap out and so they'll make a really nice track pad for like the 14 15 inch version and then the 17 or a larger inch version just kind of gets the exact same track back here though for the 16 inch they have a bespoke actually very large size trackpad and I really appreciate that also a numpad alright let's have a look at what we're dealing with for specs here I know for sure that it's an Intel processor because the eye part of the 9i means Intel here we have an I9 13905h oh dang this this is a powerful boy so 14 cores total six performance cores eight efficiency cores and a max turbo frequency of 5.4 gigahertz we'll see how she does in a chassis like this I imagine that the 115 watt maximum Turbo Power will not be achieved in this machine which is okay here we also have 64 gigabytes of RAM although it won't tell me what the speed is a micron one terabyte SSD Intel Wi-Fi 6E love to see that and the star of the show and Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 so this right here is up to 80 Watts on the GPU which again laptop this big pretty darn impressive on the 16 the specs are exactly the same the only difference is that that GPU is able to draw up to 100 watts of power and the total system can draw up to 130. let's have a little look at this keyboard so there is a 0.3 millimeter dish in every single key and they seem to be very happy about that also there is a millimeter and a half of travel which should be keyboard's excellent absolutely love it good job guys so the edge of the laptop is round here this right here has enough Palm rest space that my hands can very easily just rest on it and you don't have to worry about the kind of sharp edge down here that's because I have the speakers along the sides whenever they put it up on the top then keyboard moves down trackpad gets smaller my hands get hurt by the sharp edge down here but nope keyboards up high trackpad's really big and I am comfortable back to the rounded corners for a second the only spot that's sharp is down here on the palm rest it actually is nicely rounded like up here where your hands don't go ever this is going to be hard to see because it's just kind of playing hard to see let alone doing it with a camera and a brightly lit set but this right here is a mini LED display and it is extremely bright up to 1200 nits Peak brightness the problem though and you'll see this on Max as well is that there's a little bit of uh Bloom around it you see around the mouse when it's on a very dark page with a black background around it there's a little bit of a halo around bright objects that is just a limitation of the tech and something that OLED overcomes but then it's not nearly as bright as this now apparently this will be better on production versions this right here is an engineering sample and they said that it isn't tuned quite perfectly but I just want to point it out because even like it's a technology thing you can tune it as much as you want but at the end of the day there's gonna be a tiny bit of Bloom but you get all that brightness this is a fantastic looking display and has one of my favorite features which is color space switching so say that you have Adobe open that wants to have Adobe RGB and it will actually display that to you then when you go over to your web browser you don't have to go in and be like oh I no longer it'll just go straight to srgb so everything that you're seeing is going to be color accurate no matter the content and you don't have to worry about making sure all of that is good yourself love it love that feature the resolution is 30 72 by 1920 and the active signal mode is 83 or 165 Hertz and it can dynamically change between those depending on what's happening on the display which is I was not expecting this to be 165 Hertz panel they very specifically tell us that we're not supposed to game on it too much in this but uh I want a game of it this one here we have Dolby Vision heck yeah it's about 0.1 milliseconds response 0.2 millisecond response time they put this on a Creator laptop and they tell us not to game on it what the hell are they I'm opening valheim it's a cottage creation app also screen specs 242 PPI display Peak brightness of 600 but also it gets up to 1200 and small bits and 10 bit color while we're discussing screen specs or continuing to discuss them the 16 inch model is 3200 by 2000 but otherwise essentially identical to the 14 inch hmm so we are screen recording at the moment so take this for what it is but we're also currently getting 30 FPS wow this character is very weak it's Paul you didn't even get his name right so here we are in valheim 1080P High running at 60 to 70 FPS which is pretty good not as good as I thought a 4070 would be but it's not a gaming laptop it's a creative laptop okay maybe just needed a second but I am a lot happier now so turned off the screen recording settings were a little bit higher for honest and now I'm seeing 95 FPS that's more in line with what I was expecting there we go Mr boy you're getting punched in the face actually maybe I'm gonna die it's a very low level character getting 95 fps's 1080p though so that's kind of lame oh this is so sweet though look at this look at this there's actually good response times on a creative laptop it's so often that they have a laptop that's built that's incredibly powerful and then the screen that they put on it has just loads of input latency or stuff so even though it is a very gaming capable machine actually gaming on it sucks terrible time this right here though oh it's very good and I just want to remind you like having a high refresh rate display doesn't only matter for gaming you are going to still have increased responsiveness and the ability to do things way faster in I don't know Adobe crash simulator 2023 you'll be able to very quickly like move everything around it's just more responsive in general even file manager you can notice the difference I am slightly curious just how heavy is this thing 3.7 pounds so that is incredibly good for the amount of power that we just saw 16 inch comes in at 4.9 pounds so this right here it's getting up there in weight but it hasn't quite cracked that five pound mark let's give the 16 inch a run I'm still shocked that they made completely separate track pads to use for both of them and on both laptops the trackpad is exceptional so it's nice and large glass topped and it's just in general feels great to use you don't have to like break it in or anything it's not sticky from the factory it is just out of the box a great to use trackpad the keyboard on the 16 is worse it's not bad it still is good like it's the same key switches and they are excellent key switches but there's just a tiny bit more Flex particularly sort of in this middle reddish area but it's not super noticeable but it's enough to take this keyboard oh yeah right right there you can sort of see it a bit of a bit of a soft spot and it's enough to take this keyboard from the A Plus like very easy a plus of the 14 inch and it's more like an A A minus territory because it just doesn't quite have the consistency or the snappy feel across the whole thing that said though some people absolutely die for a numpad I personally take it or leave it but like Josh maybe loves numpads I don't actually know but I'm guessing well 16 is about the same as the 14. um I don't know I don't even say anything more speakers for the speakers I did have to turn their Dolby stuff off because it's pre-production apparently that doesn't quite work yet that'll work when you guys actually get it I do love having Dolby but what also is in here that I saw while I was turning that off they have a full-blown EQ love to see it guys so if this doesn't sound quite like how I want it I could change it to make it so it is so on the 14 inch we get four speakers and the 16 has six so let's see if that makes a difference okay [Applause] [Music] okay that's pretty good but nothing like amazing won't blow you away won't make you have to get a Bluetooth speaker every single time that you want to play crab Brave okay [Applause] [Music] the 16 is a lot better okay here we go all right way crispier way more bass it does sound like there is some DRC when we got to the drop there but like not even in the same league oh 16 inch a plus for laptop speakers four teens like B plus maybe somewhere around there not terrible fantastic oh for the camera we get a five megapixel camera and four microphones to act as not only getting my voice into the laptop but also getting their voices not into the laptop pretty good apparently the tuning is pre-production as is theme of this video but it's working pretty well it's not doing anything dramatic but at the same time that's good it is very simply exposing for my face everything looks kind of boring but in the sort of way where it's good because you want a laptop to just simply make your face look good as a bonus around that there's also Windows hello facial recognition so you don't have to do stuff like typing in your password don't have to worry about that anymore great five T5 screws later and we are in let's have a look under here haha I found you now one thing that's unfortunate about this laptop is that after it leaves the factory you cannot upgrade the RAM but they at least have a decent reason for that so they have their X power which is you know your regular software stuff it optimizes saying blah blah blah blah but also there is Hardware behind it too so your RAM chips are right beside your CPU they are pretty much as close as they can get which means signal path is a lot shorter which means it goes faster in here we have 6400 Mega transfer per second ram which is freaking rapid now for the storage you can replace it right here and we have a 75 watt hour battery let's see how the 16 inch Compares it's pretty fun that all of the screws are also tidal turquoise there we go color match screws that's fancy yeah oh this 100 just woke up oh yep hello do you guys think this is cooling we've got a big old heat pipe right here and I don't particularly feel like taking all of this off so CPU is there GPU is there is this all just memory cooling okay yeah that's all memory cooling must be the same as what's right here but just more chunk so in both of these you get a 75 watt hour bed for the 14 inch that is awesome in a laptop of this size fitting 75 watt hours is darn impressive what's not as impressive is cramming that into a uh 17 inch you can see there's sort of space right here that's sort of underutilized and sort of space right here that's not doing a whole lot and also some space right here that fortunately at least has a bit of utility so we have our first SSD right here and then if you want a second one later you can Chuck it right there nice now of course this being a product aimed at gen Z it means that it needs to be good for the environment as well and this one right here does not let us down so this right here uses recycled aluminum not entirely but most of it and of course the package materials are all nice and good for the whales what does this do do I have a pre-production switch that people normally don't get mystery switch what's the mystery switch do the mystery malware switch you'll definitely be getting rid of McAfee but what you won't be getting rid of is Adobe Creative Cloud because every 2023 Lenovo Yoga Pro comes with a complimentary two month of Adobe Creative Cloud overall I think these are great it's a Creator laptop that has taken the stuff that everyone's learned in the past but like 10 or so years to make excellent gaming laptops and apply those learnings towards a Creator laptop in a way that just makes it better for everyone excellent job guys a huge thanks Lenovo for sponsoring this video and huge thanks to you for watching it so hit like get subscribed and let us know what you want to see next let's have a great old day
Channel: ShortCircuit
Views: 636,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shortcircuit, SC, unboxing, first impression, tech, gadget, home, fun, buy
Id: XNMOgtdhohM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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