Configuring Load Balancing Using J Web

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[Music] hello my name is Zack Gibbs and I am a Content developer within education services inside Juniper Networks and today we will be discussing the low balancing using J web learning byte all right so let's go ahead and jump right to the example in this example we have a few things that I do want to point out we have the user that connects into ves or X 1 and then VSR X 1 has two separate connections to the Internet that's geeky 0 0 0 and 0 0 3 now keep those online because we'll see those in the output when we check things out all right so what we want to actually do is configure load balancing on vs or x1 between the two connections the two internet connections using J web and so we're gonna have to do a few things we need to configure default static routes with two next stops so one default static route to next ops then we need to configure a load balancing policy that load balances the traffic for the forwarding table between those two links and then we need to apply the load balancing policy to the forwarding table and then we'll examine the forwarding table to verify that load balancing is actually occurring and we'll also take a look at the forwarding table beforehand to show you before and after so keep that in mind now the other thing that I do want to point out is that we are using a vs or X device here now this setup is exactly the same on a MX device or any other type of Junot sprouting device now the only difference here is that there is some pre configuration for zones and policies in place for vs or x1 since it is at an SRX device so keep that mind but I'm not showing you that part I am just simply showing the load balancing part so this is more along the lines of setting up the static routes and load balancing not worrying about the security features on the V SRX device okay so with that let's go ahead and first jump to the CLI and because we need to actually use the CLI to check out the forwarding table we can't use the J web interface to check out the forwarding table so let's go ahead and jump there first alright so here is the V SRX one device so let's first look at see what we have for routes no default route that's what's expected we haven't configured it yet ok so let's look at the forwarding table now and I'll need to scroll up so we can see here in the forwarding table that there is a default route but this is just the basic default route or the default route that's there by default because what it does is it just rejects any traffic that is sent to unknown destinations and so there's no interface associated with it so it just dumps the traffic and that's how Geno's devices worked by default there is no route for the traffic it will discard the traffic so keep that in mind it's okay so let's go ahead and jump to the J web interface and get configuring this alright so here is the J web interface and I do want to first jump to the monitor workspace and we can look at some routing the route table information go to routing round information and we can see the route table here now think I do want to point out that we will see once we configure the default route is the routing table and J web only shows one hop even if you have multiple hops configured so keep that in mind is that we will see the default static route but we won't see that second hop in J web will have to jump to the CLI for that so let's go ahead and configure this let's go to configure mode configuration workspace that is and then we go to network and then we go to static routing and we do have a static route here but it's not a default static route like what we need so we click the Add button and here we need to type in the information for the default route that's going to be and subnet mask again of all zeros and then we need to add the next top information we click that Add button and then we need to add the next stop information for the first interface now this is the geeky 0/0 interface the next stop information for it that is click OK and click the Add button again and we're going to add in the information for the next interface and this is going to be the next stop information that will be through the Giggy 0:03 interface click ok then we click ok again and then click OK and there's our default route we can see that within 2 next tops perfect so let's go to policies because we need to configure a load balancing policy start by clicking the Add button click new then we need to name this policy will call this load balancing - lb for learning bite unselect or deselect the test policy option and then we need to select or create a new term so click Add and we'll call this term lb so we select action and then we select load balance per packet now this load balance per packet might seem a little deceptive with how this is worded it makes it kind of sound like it's load balancing every single packet going through the device no matter what the information is and that's not the case the traffic is low balance on the session it's going to be multiple different criterias like the source and destination address port information and things like that because what happens here if we were to low balance per packet like every single packet we just one packet one from a session would go on one interface packet to on the other interface you're gonna run into an issue of out of order packets and so what we do here is it's based on the session and what load balance per packet means is that it looks at the actual information in the packet and then decides which interface it needs to use so for example if there's a user that is sending traffic through and we have load balancing configured and we send traffic say the user sends traffic to a web server all that traffic that is going to that web server is going to use one interface if that same user then opens a new session to a different server say it's an FTP server then there's a chance that that session from that user will use the other interface it will load balance the sessions across the interfaces so one session will use one interface a different session will use a different interface and so typically in any network you're gonna have hundreds if not thousands of users and so each session from those users will be load balanced across different interfaces but keep in mind that one single session will use one interface for all the packets in that session ok so with that being said let's click OK then click OK again okay so next we need to actually apply this policy to the forwarding table and there's really no options in here to do it in the J web interface but we can use the CLI tools and then we can use the point-and-click CLI editor to do that now keep in mind watch what happens you know we haven't committed the configuration yet we go to click the point and click the CLI editor and it gives us a warning it says you have pending commits please commit first okay so let's go ahead and commit going to commit the configuration click okay and then the point-and-click CLI editor loads automatically okay so what we need to do here is we need to find routing options which is here click Edit because this is going to be under routing options then we need to find forwarding table which is just right here click configure and then under fording table we have the export option we need to click add new entry and so we need to specify the policy that we just configured so you have to remember what it's called first now so this was called load balance - lb load balancing it's gonna be important to spell that right okay so let's go ahead and click OK then we're going to click commit to commit the configuration now note that this commit is not the same place as the other commit because this is within the point click CLI editor we can't go up top and do a commit like we normally would that's great up we have to do the commit within the point-and-click CLI editor so let's go ahead and click commit now this is going to show you something interesting it show us a set routing options forwarding table load balancing - lb if we were to actually type that exact command in the CLI it wouldn't work and the difference here is that we're missing export the command in the CLI would be set routing options forwarding table export load balancing - lb and the reason why that's missing is because we're editing the export parameter here and so J web doesn't actually show you export in this so just keep that mind that might seem a little funny but that's just how it works so let's click OK and it's going to commit it and we get a message of success things are working click OK again and we're done configuring so let's go ahead and jump back to the monitor workspace and let's go to routing let's go to route information and we should be able to see the next stop yes we see the next stop we can use the route filter option to filter out just that default route select the exact route option click search and we're just gonna have that one route now notice it doesn't show both next offs we can't find it in the GUI but we can't find it in the CLI and we need to jump to the CLI anyhow to look at the for ting table so let's go ahead and jump there now ok so here is the CLI so let's first do a show route 0/0 exact and we see we do have two next tops now the show route looks like it's only using one next stop and that's okay it's just the routing table it's not actually what is in the forwarding table so let's show the forwarding table alright so here is the forwarding table let me scroll up and we can see that we do have a default route that uses two next stops we see the next hop in the next hop field that is we can see the MAC addresses that was that is associated with the next stop since we're using Ethernet here and then we can see the network interfaces that we're using we're using Giggy at 0 0 0 and Giggy 0 0 3 so we are using 2 next hops and we will be low balancing across these two next stops for any internet bound traffic alright so that brings us to the end of this learning byte we discussed how to configure load balancing using J web and we demonstrated how to verify load balancing now keep in mind with a verifier part we did have to use the CLI as we could not use the J web GUI to check the fording table just keep in mind you'll need to do that if you are verifying the forwarding table in that regards so as always thanks for watching visit the Juniper education services website to learn more about courses to view our full range of classroom online and e-learning courses learning paths industry segments and technology specific training paths Juniper Networks certification program the ultimate demonstration of your competence and the training community from forums to social media join the discussion
Channel: JuniperNetworks
Views: 899
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Keywords: Juniper Networks, Junos, load balancing, j-web
Id: o0uaMsqVgSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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