Configure Neovim in 5 Minutes!

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in this video I'll show you how to take your new vin config from this to this in just 5 minutes I'll also show you how to customize it to add your own plugins and features not only does this config look really good it's also super fast I have over 90 plugins and it boots up faster than the literal blink of an eye if you haven't already installed neovim to your computer you want to do that now and since this process is different for each computer I'll leave a link in the description for neovim GitHub for the fundamentals this config uses lazy Vim which is a newm setup powered by the lazy package manager lazy Vim also sets up and installs all of the plugins that every config needs like Auto completion a file browser fuzzy file searching a terminal tabl line buffers and more it also is super easy to customize before we install it though the first thing that you really should do is back up your current neovim config if you've never set up neovim before then you can just skip this step or you can back it up with this command I know these commands are really long so if you would like I put them in the description so that you can copy and paste now we can install lazy themm you can do this with this command and again there's slight differences between Mac and Linux or Windows once it's installed we can just start up neovim and when it first comes out you should see something like this what it's doing right now is installing all of the plugins it then shows this message with everything installed now all we need to do is just exit them and come back in and make sure everything installed correctly and it works at this point I really could just end the video but it doesn't look yet like my config so I'll show you a little bit more how to customize it and help it to become your own pte the very first super simple thing that you can do is jump into neovim and type in the command lazy extras then any plug-in you see in this list you want to add you can just hit the X key and it'll add it to your config and the next time you open up neovim it'll automatically install the plugin and set it up for you but sometimes we want plugins that aren't in this list so I'll show you how to do that first you want to do is navigate to your neovim config folder once you get there the file structure should looks something like this inside of this Lua folder you'll see two folders a plugins folder which will'll get to in a minute and config inside of the config you'll see four files that you can make changes to a lazy Lua which is lazy settings uh options Lua which is where you can put any newm options you want autoc commands Lua for your auto commands and finally key maps for any of your favorite custom mappings if you have no idea what neovim options or autoc commands are I highly recommend you check out the neovim documentation and even though it's really long and boring I definitely learned a lot from it okay now we'll switch to the exciting part of the Lua folder the plugins folder inside of this folder you'll see an example. Lua file this file is just an example of how to change plugins and make customizations to already installed plugins but to add your own plugin simply create a new empty Lua file in this plugin folder and you can name it anything you want inside of this file it returns an array of plugins if you want let's say a nice scroll bar for example like satellite plug-in all you have to do is inside of these quotes just add the name of the GitHub repo and that's it next time you open neovim it'll automatically install and set up this plugin for you lazy Vim also comes pre-installed with my color scheme of choice Au if you want to apply it all you have to do is change lazy vim's color scheme with this if you want to learn more about how to set up lazy Vim or settings and configs definitely check out the link in the description for lazy Vim docs and as always I hope you've learned something from this video and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: A Gram of Pro
Views: 7,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lazyvim config, neovim config, neovim, neovim setup
Id: NyKod4qWA8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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