Configure Grafana With Zabbix Tutorial

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hey guys and welcome to the first video this year but before we actually start a video itself I wanted to say a huge thanks to everybody who watched these videos who click the like buttons who subscribe to the channel posted the comments posted their feedback what they do like or maybe what they don't like or want to see a different I really try to listen to you just because of you in the last year when I actually started this channel we managed to achieve already 90 subscribers at this moment when I am making this video which is I know for me it's huge I'm super excited about these numbers I didn't expect that we might get that many in that short period of the time I actually didn't expect that we might have so many people that are willing to watch zabbix related videos online but there we go and just to sense about the future this year I plan to make more videos of course I will still be making videos about a zabbix how you can configure all of the great stuff step by steps tutorials to make your life easier hopefully but additionally I I hope that I will make some videos about let's say the monitoring idea itself and it might not be related as exactly to do sabich's if you are using some some other monitoring tools it might be still quite interesting to talk about some important stuff like what should you monitor what you need to monitor how should you figure the thresholds how could you escalate the problems or automate the resolution of those perhaps about some new stuff of the technology and some new things that should be monitored and possible benefits that we could get out of it so there's really a lot of information to cover and hopefully this year we'll have a lot of videos and a lot of good stuff together but to continue this one as you already see on this today I want to talk about a graph on ax and if you work with zabbix you should already know what Griffin is it is a free open-source you don't need to pay any money as we already used to it is just a data visualization tool on the first place so it is third-party tool which we will integrate together with our zabbix instance to visualize already collected data what's the benefit of the graph on ax why sometimes and pretty often it is reasonable to use it that's the ease and the pretty graphs that you can get inside here so there are examples like just Google graph on ax and you see all of these well that's the true we are not able to get this thing's in the zabbix front end currently the zabbix team is doing their best to improve all of the data visualization and I know I think we are on the correct way like in the 4.0 the new graph widget is pretty cool I really like it but still I must say that this does looks better and yeah the functionality is also better in the graph on ax so that's why I'm still creating a video how to use it with a zabbix we have a graph on accom opened and we will use a couple from here a couple of stuff to actually install it from my previous versions I have again a CentOS 7 virtual machine as zabbix installed here it is sadok's 4.0.2 maria DB database and yeah apache I have my front end right here just one single host I believe sabic server it is being monitored locally by agent so now let's install graph on ax and it's it's really simple no worries it will take like I don't know less than 5 minutes probably so what do we need to do let's find let's click get Gravano here clicking then there are two options we can run it on our machine and we will do that because it's 100% open source we don't need to pay any money we keep all the data so it's absolutely secure for us option number two would be get a graph on ax as a service provided by graph on a company you decide this video will be about how to install and configure it on your premises so click download button then since I have a Santa Selena I'm choosing the Linux then an installation of them - no Red Hat and CentOS installation guide there we go and scroll down installing via their young repository so this is what we need and basically we need to copy/paste this just as it is copy then go to our CLI then use V I let's see yum repos D graph on ax dot repo I am basically creating a new file I don't have this file right now I for insert and copy/paste oh the thing that I copy it from here that's it then escape save the file that's it we added a repo off the graph Anna now let's yum install grifone ax let's search for it I'm not sure if we did everything successfully so yum search graph Anna and in the end we should have a graph on a server available for the installation why is it taking so many there we go first of all we need to get to obtain the key from our newly created repo so doesn't matter will you write a young surgeon Ravana or yum install grifone 'you will have the same same output and yes you need to click yes retrieving the key from graph on a repo the virtual machine is very slow there we go we have agra fauna package available so yum install graph on ax + - yes - automatically confirm everything it will be pretty quick hopefully 50 percent 70 80 90 100 there we go den come on a little bit more done so after we install the package of the graph on a server right let's just systemctl start graph on ax dot - server that's it Gravano is running right now with the default settings and this will be almost enough for our video so let's go back to the browser Gravano just like the zabbix front-end is just a web page web-based running on our web engine here locally which is Apache so to access it we will have to open the page IP of my virtual machine and the default port of the graph on ax is 3000 so specify the port click enter and we are able to log in the default username is admin and the password is exactly the same admin / case click ok then we will have to change the password save done we're inside a graph on ax then we need to add a data source and these are all the default data sources from where you are able to pull in the data and visualize it inside the graph on ax graphs but we don't have zabbix here we do have on my sequel which would work but there is already created a plug-in a datasource plugin for the zabbix exactly to work through the zabbix API and to find it we need to google for zabbix graph on ax and this one that's the official page of the graph on again the zabbix by Alexander sapling and we need to go to the installation tab and copy paste this graph on a CLI plugins install and our zabbix plugin Griffen a CLI is already available in your virtual machine since you already installed a graph on a server so just copy paste this click enter it will take again just couple of the seconds done installed successfully and now we need to restart graph onna two changes actually data effect cell systemctl restart Ravana - server done let's go back to our graph on a front end refresh the page we need to go to the plugins here then the plugins and we will find a zabbix in the bottom this is our newly installed data source click on it and click enable there we go the plugin is enabled then let's go again to our home dashboard here click again on to add data source choose our zabbix we didn't have this previously here then what do we need to change here almost nothing by default if you don't use HTTPS what do we need a URL and this will be a URL to API underscore JSON RPC dot PHP so in my case it we'll be it's a localhost Oh 1 then it is a slash zabbix as usually by default and API underscore JSON RPC dot PHP so basically this will be the part of your existing zabbix front end and just add API JSON RPC dot PHP in the end access default everything default stays as it is zabbix API details just specify the username and a password Oh admin zabbix I have a default one everything else stays as it is and try to save and test why's it doesn't appear zabbix admin or wait what's what's the default login its admin and lowercase Avex so Adam and zabbix URL one two seven HTTP one to 701 zabbix API Jason our PC dot PHP let's try again there we go data source updated zabbix API version 4.2 that's it let's go back then we can create a new dashboard who work can we do that on the plus sign create a new dashboard and well how it works let's say a graph then you need to click here click on the Edit then choose the data source and it is zabbix query mode metric a group it will be a host group and you see the graph owner already suggests you the possible possible values possible things you might select so there's a big servers a host zabbix server for an example item let's take I don't know outgoing traffic there we go general save okay then let's add something new add new panel another graph edit metrics zabbix server host sabic server CPU system time go back you can move these like this let's say add a new panel which will be a single stat again edit query mode metrics group hosts item a Jinping so there we go we can resize these easily we can use the value mapping so one is available let's say zero failed why isn't working okay I'm not very good at the graph on itself so you'll have to know value just remove these edit general metrics agent thing yeah let's just delete it remove yes let's try add I got this today and then and and and let's zoom this in so just just very small time period that we can currently display that's why it happened and so again single stat edit metrics groups havoc server hosts attic server items agent Bing there we go one close dis we can make this smaller add some additional things no and this okay this looks great like this add some new let's say single stat edit choose a group choose a host item number of processes as example again make this smaller so the possibilities are pretty huge and you can download also additional stuff from the official grifone a page plugins you can download additional panels so the visualization can also be customized customized on on the graph on aside which in the end lets you create some beautiful crafts like you can see in the background right now okay I will I will end this video so that's about it how to install a graph on ax you have a graph on a server you can edit everything from from the graph on and right now like adding new users specify the permissions some of them might be able to visualize just some specific dashboards some of them would have a limited permission some of them would have read and write permissions when you are specifying the user name for the data source like I did here remember that permissions from the front end also applies on the API so in my case this is a super admin so super admin can see everything and he will be able to gather all the values from this Avex if you will use some custom API user and assign permissions only to some specific host group Daddy user here in the graph Anna will be able to visualize data only from that single specific host group okay oh thank you once again see you a little bit later hopefully I will publish additional video this week and I already promised to somebody in the comments that it will be about SNMP traps so stay tuned click subscribe button post your feedback and have a great year thank you
Channel: Dmitry Lambert
Views: 70,628
Rating: 4.951941 out of 5
Keywords: Grafana, Zabbix 4.0, grafana tutorial for beginners, grafana dashboard, grafana explained, Zabbix, Zabbix monitoring, Zabbix graphs, Reports, Open source, Linux, Zabbix Server, Zabbix Monitoring, Grafana Tutorial, Zabbix Tutorial, Data, Analytics, Big data, grafana tutorial, zabbix reports, zabbix pdf, zabbix 5.2, zabbix 5.0, zabbix lts, zabbix tutorial, zabbix demo, grafana, monitoring, grafanacon
Id: 9TCsaf5h_w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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