Configuration Apple M1 for Software Engineer - Entry level | M1 / M1Pro / M1Max

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in my previous video i described to you my transition from windows 11 to microsoft m1 i got some comments and you asked me about how to configure m1 for software engineers so this is it this is the video in 2021 [Music] before we begin the first thing this video is prepared for big sur so i'm still waiting for more stable monetary update steps for monterrey are very similar the second one you should thinking about about a mem1 like raspberry pi on the steroids the third thing the software and the developers has inertia so that's why after more than a year after premiere of m1 some of the tools doesn't have a native version for m1 and i think you should be patient the first thing you need to check if you have a rosetta the second version to run the x86 application on m1 and to check it run this one liner in your terminal the second thing is a home brew homebrew is a package manager for your mac os and this is easy way to download native packages applications and there is a one-liner from their website and run it in a terminal customize your terminal i love using terminal that's why for everyday work i'm using t-max with theme for better experience i choose this as a as a default shell you could install it as well a great addition to your terminal and you could follow with this link and install it on your mac os the next thing is a good docker and as a developer maybe you should or maybe you can using using a docker as a local environment great that docker is working right now on m1 chips here you have a link how to install it on a m1 okay the next thing is java when you want to use a native jdk 16 check this out this is a native version prepared by microsoft for daily system but this is working pretty fine on the m1 chips if you are a mobile developer you should configure the xcode and android studio on your mac os hopefully everything is working now right now natively so you could download the xcode from app store and download the android studio from their website and everything should work pretty fine okay the the last thing the docker and the x66 images you could experience problems with xt86 images on m1 the building could be very difficult or nearly impossible we could choose two solutions the first one delegate building to the cloud if you have a project with the desired infrastructure with x86 just build an image on a github actions or circuit ci the second thing delegate your developer environment to the cloud if you need to develop x 86 images and you need to rebuild everything locally visual studio code has the ability to work with remote mode you have options github code space and for example moon home you could run it without the problems okay thanks for watching i hope this will help you set up m1 for daily work leave me a comment if something is missing don't forget to subscribe to my channel to the next video [Music]
Channel: Tomasz Kania-Orzeł
Views: 406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: m1, m1pro, apple, silicon, m1max, m1 pro, m1 max, developer, developers, web development, devops, apple m1, software, engineer, software engineer
Id: yu0fD8ZTwfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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