[Config - Guide] Cisco SDWAN QoS

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[Music] this video we're gonna show you how to configure the quality of service in Cisco Estevan as you can see on the screen you have a vs router or the CSR 1000 V or iOS X ESD web there on the left of the router it is a land site and on the right is the website firstly you need to configure the queuing system or scheduler on the website in this example we're gonna have three kills Q 0 Q 1 and Q 2 and you put a percentage of the bandwidth according to the picture that shown on the screen second the traffic will be coming from the land site which consists of voice and file transfer and the web applications go into the land site we will configure it to map the traffic class into the queue so the voice traffic will go into the Q 0 file transfer will go to the Q 1 and web application goes to the queue number 2 so as I said earlier in the previous video we need to have a bandwidth configuration command which is right now we configure it as a 10 megabit per second so then we can use that 10 megabits per seconds to calculate the bank rates percentage for each of the queue so let's see how to configure it the first thing that we need to do to configure the quality of service in the SSO Estevan is to create the scheduler the scheduler is a part of the localized policies so we go to the policies and localized policies first to create the policies there before create the policies we need to continue to define the class map and in these examples we already defined for classes which is q0 q1 q2 and q3 if you want to add another class map then we can configure the queue number for queue number 4 and then we put the number 4 into the queue and then we serve so now we have about five queues already 5 class map already then we hit on the next then it it is come to the section that we can configure the POS map then we click on add and put the name as the key of s map and then now the scheduler that we gonna configure according to the previous slide that I just show you so we have three queues actually Q 0 Q 1 and Q 2 Q 0 it is 20% Q 1 it's about 50% so then we select Q 1 and then we reserved the bandwidth of 50% here also the buffer as well the drop is going to be random early detection this is 50 already and then we add another Q which is Q 2 Bambi's percentage is about 30 percent random a little section as well so then we have configured three cues according to the slide then we go safe policies but remember this the name of the QoS map should be the same when we want to apply to the interface so then let's go here to click on safe maybe I just named it conflict be conflict be done right then we have a scheduler in place ready to assign to the device then we don't need to have access control lists or any routing policies there then we gonna put the name conflict be POS localized policy then we click on the cloud key OS to enable the key OS on the VH cloud or the virtual machine then we hit on application miscibility itself then the localized for receive which contained the scheduler has already been configured here then we want to assign this scheduler into the device let's go to the template and I have a template already for the branch router of the config B then I click on edit to add a localized policy that we just created here into the device and then remember that we will come back to here letter the where number 2 MPLS is going to be the interface that we want to apply the quality of service there then but at this time we just add the scheduler into the device first and then hit update right then the device conflict B branch already got the scheduler then we want to apply this scheduler into the interface then we go to where number 2 of config B then we hit on edit we go to the ACL and QoS sections see that we have a qsr map here then we want to configure that POS map that we just created just now in the template here so just put the name here and the name needs to be exactly the same that you just created in the localize policies and remember that if you want you need to configure the shipping rate as well the shipping rate is the bank is that we use to calculate the the bandwidth percentage of each of the queue if you don't configure that if you use the the default interface bandwidth which is one gig or ten gig but now we want to scope down to the 10 megabits per second so it is 1 0 0 0 0 is 10 make bandwidth here so the we're number two which is MPLS in the gigabit so such 3 it's gonna have the POS map reply and the shaping rate apply as well 10 Meg update alright so this is done then we want to go to the policies that we want to apply the policies to get the traffic into the queue then we hit on next we go to traffic data policies create new POS policies mapping data policies for example then we want to go to custom we go to application list which is audio or video that we want to go forward to the class 0 which is Q 0 in this case this is done then we have another application type which is the FTP we want to put in the queue number 1 and web application may be as if you ate a new one well it's three ps3 PS then I put web here accept and forward in class to q2 that's it then this is a policies that we want to apply on the land side of the router right so then click on save this is the conflict B Kos policies we select on traffic data then this policy is going to be applied from the service site from the land site to all of the branch to the VPN one or VPN cover it click on add and then click Save so this it's done so we need to click on activate here in order to activate the policies and this policy will be applied to all of the branches that we have so then taking a look back to the slide that we just have then you know first we create the localized policies to create the scheduler on the on the router then we apply attach to the device then we have a gigabit so such 3 as the interface that you need to put the shipping rate as well 10 make the next thing that we need to do is we have the policies from the service side to match the applications such as voice file transfer and web into issue of the forwarding class and then we apply to the land side of the router and then we activate the policies so this is a flow and this is the how we can configure the QoS I hope this video you can find it useful for you and if you have any questions or comments please put it in the below in the comment sections today thank you for watching and let's meet again in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: ConfigB#
Views: 3,036
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Id: iLV_ps2a1C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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