Condoleezza Rice: 2017 National Book Festival

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>> From the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. >> Carla Hayden: It is my pleasure to welcome to the festival for the very first time the former Secretary of State, former National Security Advisor and Provost of Stanford University, who is also a two-time New York Times' best-selling author, the remarkable, amazing Dr. Condoleezza Rice. [ Applause ] And Dr. Rice is going to be interviewed for us by one of the best interviewers I know who has his own show on Bloomberg, our National Book Festival Co-chair and very generous supporter Mr. David Rubenstein. [ Applause ] Please welcome both of them. [ Applause ] And thanks and enjoy. >> David Rubenstein: Well, thank you very much for coming. >> Condoleezza Rice: Thank you very much for having me here. And welcome to everybody, thanks for being here, it's a great event, great event. >> David Rubenstein: So, it's hard to believe but you've now been out of government for about nine years. So, just before we get into your new book on democracy which I highly recommend and we'll talk about it in a few moments, tell us what you've been doing since you left government other than writing three best-selling books. This is the third. But, other than that you're teaching at Stanford and what else are you doing? >> Condoleezza Rice: Well, I've gone back to what I consider to be my real profession. I had that digression into Washington but I've actually been at Stanford since I was 25 years old. I started there as an assistant professor and so I've returned to Stanford. My appointment is in the business school but I teach both business school students and undergraduates. I teach a course in American foreign policy. I've been able to do a little bit of work in the private sector, a little consulting in the private sector and I'm spending a lot more time practising the piano than I did when I was in the government because that's really a great love and I'm trying to improve my golf handicap, that's a lot harder than playing the piano. >> David Rubenstein: Well speaking of your golf handicap, you were one of the first two women to be elected to the Augusta National Golf Club so was that an honor that you ever expected you would get? >> Condoleezza Rice: I was stunned. In fact when a good friend who was a member of Augusta came out to tell me that I was being invited to join Augusta I just sat there dumbfounded. And he said you are going to say yes, right? And I said yes I am but I was completely taken by surprise. >> David Rubenstein: Well, just tell me, don't. I won't tell anybody but what is your handicap? >> Condoleezza Rice: Well it's not really a state secret. So I am, for those of you who are golfers, there's something called an index and you take that index and you go to different courses and depending on the difficulty of the course you establish your handicap. So my index is 11.6 which means that on most courses I'm about a 13 or a 14 handicap. >> David Rubenstein: Okay, wow, okay so if you ever, did you ever play with President George W. Bush? >> Condoleezza Rice: I have played with President George W. Bush on a number of occasions. He plays speed golf. He plays really, really fast. You have to almost run to your golf ball to keep up with him but yes, we've played together. >> David Rubenstein: Okay. And music, you did train to be a classical music pianist? >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes. >> David Rubenstein: And I have seen you perform with Yo-Yo Ma among others, so do you do a lot of those concerts anymore or? >> Condoleezza Rice: Well, I play at least one concert a year. I was fortunate to play with Yo-Yo Ma at his music festival just recently at the Kennedy Center for which you were such a great leader David, but at least once a year I play a concert with a professional quartet from the Boston University called the Muir String Quartet. And we do a benefit for a charity that we started called Classics for Kids. It puts musical instruments in the schools because I'm a great believer, look I believe like everybody that we need STEM, Science and Technology and Mathematics, but I'm also a great believer that we need the arts. Our kids need exposure to the arts. [ Applause ] >> David Rubenstein: So, I want to focus on your book but I've heard some people who may not know, there may be one or two, your biography. Just, you were born and grew up in Birmingham? >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes. >> David Rubenstein: And it was a segregated South under the Jim Crow laws so when you were growing up did you, how long did it take before you realized that you were not being treated the same as everybody else? >> Condoleezza Rice: Well, I grew up in Birmingham. It was the most segregated big city in the country at the time. It was the place where the police commissioner, Bull Connor was well known for his brutality toward Blacks and it didn't take long to know that your parents were a little embarrassed that they couldn't take you to a restaurant or to a movie theater. They were never people who let us, this little community that I grew up in, which was mostly school teachers. My parents were educators. They never let us feel in any way that we were victims. As a matter of fact they always said when you consider yourself a victim you've lost control so don't ever consider yourself a victim. They also said you're going to have to be twice as good. Now they didn't say that as a matter of debate, they said it as a matter of fact because education was supposed to be your armor against prejudice. But I remember the very first time that I, it really came home to me. I went to see Santa Claus. And you know how it works, you take the little kid and Santa Claus puts the kid on the knee and says what will you have for Christmas? Well, this particular Santa Claus was taking the little white kids and putting them on his knee and holding little black kids out here to talk to them. And my father who was a former football player, my dad was 6.3, 240, he said to my mother Angelina if he does that to Condoleezza I am going to pull all that stuff off of him and expose him as the cracker that he is, he said. >> David Rubenstein: What happened? >> Condoleezza Rice: Alright so, you're this little girl and you're five and it's Santa Claus/daddy, Santa Clause/daddy. How is this going to end up? Santa Claus must have read my father's body language because when it came to me, he put me on his knee and he said, little girl, what would you like for Christmas? But I remember that was the first time that I thought this is really, really terrible and over Santa Claus of all things. >> David Rubenstein: One other thing that might have been unusual in your upbringing is you had an unusual first name. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes. >> David Rubenstein: Where did that name come from? >> Condoleezza Rice: So, Condoleezza is my mother's attempt to Anglicize 'con dolcezza' which in Italian means 'with sweetness'. Now, I don't know maybe she missed the boat there but anyway that's what it meant. And her name was Angelina [assumed spelling] and I have an uncle Alto [phonetic]. I have an aunt Genova [phonetic] who since we're Southerners we call Genowa [phonetic]. But I think that she wanted an Italian musical term. And she first thought about [foreign language spoken] but that meant walking slowly. She thought that wasn't so good. 'Allegro' meant fast, that definitely wasn't good and so she came up with 'con Dolcezza' and Anglicized the ending. >> David Rubenstein: Okay. Ultimately your parents move out of Birmingham. They moved to Denver. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes. >> David Rubenstein: And you ultimately went to school at the University of Denver? >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes. >> David Rubenstein: Where you graduated Phi Beta Kappa? >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes. >> David Rubenstein: And then you went to Notre Dame? >> Condoleezza Rice: That's right. >> David Rubenstein: But you didn't get involved in the football, cheering or anything there, you were a graduate student. >> Condoleezza Rice: I was a FIA, I loved football. Are you kidding? [ Inaudible Comment ] Right, of course I went to Notre Dame Football games as a graduate student, everybody does. >> David Rubenstein: Alright, alright so then you went back to the University of Denver and you got a PhD? >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes. >> David Rubenstein: And then you were recruited to Stanford, is that right? >> Condoleezza Rice: That's correct. That's correct. >> David Rubenstein: And your specialty was Soviet and Russian? >> Condoleezza Rice: Eastern European affairs, yeah. >> David Rubenstein: Now, why did you happen to pick that? It wasn't the normal thing that you might say you might have picked. >> Condoleezza Rice: No, I was a failed music major. I started in college as a piano major. I studied piano from the age of three. My grandmother taught piano so I learned very young and about the end of my sophomore year in college I went to the Aspen Music Festival School that summer. And I met 12-year-olds who could play from sight, everything it had taken me all year to learn and I thought I'm about to end up you know playing a piano bar someplace or playing while you shop, or whatever. And so, I wondered back with no major and I took a class in international politics. It was taught by a man named Josef Korbel, he was Madeleine Albright's father and all of a sudden I knew what I wanted to be. I wanted to study things Soviet, East European, diplomacy, international and that kicked me then into international politics as a major and ultimately as a degree. >> David Rubenstein: And Madeleine Albright is telling the story that her father once said that his favorite student was you. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yeah, yeah. >> David Rubenstein: And she was surprised that you had been his student, she hadn't known that for a long time. >> Condoleezza Rice: That's right, yeah, yeah. >> David Rubenstein: So you started your academic career at Stanford and then ultimately you got involved in the George Herbert Walker Bush administration. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes. >> David Rubenstein: You served on the National Security Council staff? >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes. I got involved and it's a really important story because there's this notion that we sometimes have, I got there on my own. Nobody gets there on their own, there's always somebody who is advocating for you, working for you, and for me Brent Scowcroft who I had been national security advisor to, to Gerald Ford, came out to Stanford to give a talk, and I was a second-year professor at Stanford. And he got to know me and he said I want to get to know you better. I like your work. I was sort of getting known for my work on the Soviet military of all things. And so he started taking me to conferences like the Aspen Strategy Group and he really mentored me into the field. And I often say there's another lesson in that. We also say you know you have to have role models and mentors who look like you. Well, it's great if you do but if I'd been waiting for a black, female Soviet specialist role model. >> David Rubenstein: Right. >> Condoleezza Rice: I'd still be waiting and instead my role models and indeed my mentors were white men. They were old white men, those were the people who dominated my field and so I always say to my students now, your mentors just have to be people who believe in you and who see things in you that you don't necessarily see in yourself. >> David Rubenstein: So he helped you get a job on the Bush '41? >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes, when George H.W. Bush was elected he asked Brent to be his national security advisor and Brent, I'll never forget, he called me and he said. This fellow, this is 1988 remember, he said this fellow Gorbachev is doing some interesting things in the Soviet Union. The president is going to need somebody to help him sort it out. Do you want to come and be the White House Soviet specialist? And as a result I got to be the White House Soviet specialist at the end of the Cold War. >> David Rubenstein: So, and do you speak Russian? >> Condoleezza Rice: I do speak Russian. >> David Rubenstein: Wow, okay. And so after that administration was over you went back to Stanford? >> Condoleezza Rice: I did. >> David Rubenstein: And then when George W. Bush was running for president, how did you get involved with that? >> Condoleezza Rice: Well, I went back to Stanford. I was Provost of the university which is the chief operating officer of the university and a very happy academic. But George H.W. Bush called me one day and he said you know my son who is governor of Texas is thinking about running for president and I'd like you to come and talk to him about foreign policy. I spent a couple of days down at Kennebunkport with him and after a little while he asked me to organize his foreign policy in the campaign and that's how I got involved with George W. Bush. >> David Rubenstein: So were you surprised that he asked you to be the national security advisor at the beginning of that administration? >> Condoleezza Rice: Well, by the time we got to his election I figured I would probably go into the administration and national security advisor. I'd been on the National Security Council staff before. It seemed like a kind of natural thing to do. >> David Rubenstein: How many women had served as national security advisor before you? >> Condoleezza Rice: None [laughter]. [ Applause ] >> David Rubenstein: Okay. So let's talk about this book "Democracy". Why did you feel compelled to write a book about democracy? >> Condoleezza Rice: I think in many ways I wanted to write this book for a long time because it is in some ways an expression of my own life. I am a firm believer that there is no other system that accords the kind of dignity that human beings crave, than to be able to be free from the knock of the secret police at night, to be able to say what you think, to worship as you please, and most importantly to have those who would govern you have to ask for your consent. And I think growing up in segregated Birmingham where my parents and relatives were half-citizens but still fundamentally believed in this American democracy. I relate one story in the book. I was with my uncle Alto and he picked me up from school. And it was election-day in Alabama, and I was sixish-years old or so. And I knew in my own six-year-old way that this man George Wallace was not good for black people and so there were long, long lines of people going in to vote. And it was segregated of course so they were all black. And so I said to my uncle, well, if all these people vote then that George Wallace man can't possibly win. And my uncle said, oh no, no he said we are a minority he said and so George Wallace is going to win anyway. And I said to him, so why do they bother? And he said because they know that one day that vote will matter and I never forgot that. And I thought as I wrote this book of the extraordinary story of the United States of America, this Constitution that was given to America by its founders, these high-minded words about equality, and yet a country born with the birth defect of slavery. But how this same Constitution that had once counted in the compromise my ancestors as three-fifths of a man, would be the same Constitution to which I would take the oath of office, as the 66th Secretary of State, under a portrait of Benjamin Franklin, sworn in by a Jewish woman, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And that for me is the story of democracy. [ Applause ] >> David Rubenstein: You point out in the book that you are African-American but actually 40% of your bloodline is white? >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes, 40% of my bloodline is European. >> David Rubenstein: European, and 10% is Asian? >> Condoleezza Rice: Something other, yeah [laughter] some other. >> David Rubenstein: So, by the way in Birmingham the young girls that were killed in the bombing, were they people that you knew? >> Condoleezza Rice: Absolutely. It was this, the Birmingham black community, particularly this little professional class black community was pretty small. And Denise McNair, one of the four girls killed in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in September of '63 had been in my father's kindergarten. I'd done kindergarten with her. There's a picture of my father giving her her kindergarten diploma. Her father was the photographer at everybody's weddings and birthday parties and so yes, my, Addie Mae Collins had been in my uncle's homeroom at Brunetta C. Hill and I remember him saying that that day, that Monday when they went back to school he just looked at her empty chair and just cried, so yeah. >> David Rubenstein: When that happened did your family say we should move out of here? >> Condoleezza Rice: No, no, I do remember the first time seeing real fear in my parents' eyes about what they could do to protect me, but no, we stayed there. Birmingham began to change. You know again, it's the story of democracy, that same Constitution would be used by the NAACP and Thurgood Marshall and others, starting all the way back, by the way and I describe in the book with the Marlow [phonetic] Report from 1937. And they would sit there on Friday morning and they would decide what cases they were going to take to try and break down segregation and inequality. And that would eventually end up in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the first time that my parents and I could go to a restaurant. Because, two days after the Civil Rights Act passed my father said, let's go out to dinner. And so we got all dressed up and we went to this hotel for dinner and I remember the people sort of looking up from their food and then maybe realizing now it was okay. We had dinner. >> David Rubenstein: So in your book you point out that we've had a birth defect, slavery, but when slavery was ended in 1865 we went to Jim Crow laws so how do you as an African-American woman rationalize what our country did after the civil rights amendments occurred in the Constitution? We still went through 100 years or so of discrimination. How do you say that democracy is such a wonderful system and our country is so great when you had to live through that? How do you rationalize that? >> Condoleezza Rice: Well because there is no perfect system that human beings have ever created, ever. And yet because of the institutions that we were bequeathed, the Constitution, the courts, independent judiciary, slowly but surely the rights of the descendants of slaves would be won through those very institutions. When Martin Luther King and others took on the struggle, Dr. Dorothy Height who was a very dear mentor of mine, the only real woman among those great civil rights leaders, they weren't asking America to be something else, they were saying America, be what you say you are. Now you're in a much stronger position when you have those institutions in place and you can appeal to those institutions. And so in any system the bringing of rights to people is a difficult and sticky and hard process and ours has been extremely hard. But I look at how far we've come, still with a long way to go, and I think we've actually done better than I can think of any place in the world has done it. >> David Rubenstein: So today, you're a very accomplished person. You're very famous. Do you feel any discrimination anywhere in the world, anything that you do? Do you feel that you're discriminated against? >> Condoleezza Rice: You know I always say if by the time you're a senior professor at Stanford or you're secretary of state and somebody treats you badly because of race or your gender it's your fault, not theirs. >> David Rubenstein: Right. >> Condoleezza Rice: You know, no, I feel very strongly that I am able to achieve what I want to achieve and I try to tell my students to feel the same way. You know if you, it goes back to what my parents said. If you consider yourself a victim then somebody else has control of your life. Now we all know that there are grave inequalities in our society and we know that our great national myth, it doesn't matter where you came from, it matters where you're going. You can come from humble circumstances. You can do great things. That it isn't true for all of our people, so our goal, our job as citizens of this democracy has to be to use these institutions to demand of these institutions that they deliver on that promise, not to shun them, because they're still the best option for getting there. >> David Rubenstein: Now, did your parents live to see your great success as a professional? >> Condoleezza Rice: I lost my mother very young. My mother was only 61 years old. I was 30 when she died. But she did get to see me as a professor at Stanford. As a matter of fact the Christmas before she died I gave her my very first book which was not a New York Times' best-seller. It was called "The Soviet Union and Czechoslovak Army". It had been my dissertation. In case you don't notice, neither of those countries actually exists anymore. And so I gave her the book so she saw me become a professor. My father knew that I'd become national security advisor. He died shortly before I left for Washington. >> David Rubenstein: You were an only, an only child? >> Condoleezza Rice: I'm an only child, yes. >> David Rubenstein: So am I and so you know the pressure of being an only child. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yeah. >> David Rubenstein: Right, so. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yeah, you, well that's why I'm a sports fanatic because that was my father's passion and a music fanatic because that was my mother's passion. So when you're an only child you have to satisfy both. >> David Rubenstein: Please both. >> Condoleezza Rice: Both, right. >> David Rubenstein: So, let's talk about democracy around the rest of the world. Let's say the United States has a democracy. Maybe it's the best in the world, it's not perfect. You talk about the Soviet Union and Russia, obviously a subject you know a great deal about. You point out that a couple of times democracy broke out in Russia. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yeah. >> David Rubenstein: After the Bolshevik Revolution and also briefly I guess after Gorbachev kind of lost power perhaps. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes, yes. >> David Rubenstein: Why did democracy in both cases disappear from Russia, after the Bolshevik Revolution, after Gorbachev lost power? >> Condoleezza Rice: Right, well, one thing that I seek to do in this book is to dismiss one of the explanations that you sometimes get about Russia, that the Russians somehow don't have the right DNA for democracy. Right, I just don't believe that there are any people on the face of the earth who aren't capable of democracy. And David you know that we have used cultural arguments. So the Germans were once supposed to be too martial for democracy. The Asians were too Confucian. But of course you've got South Korea, you've got Japan. The Africans, well they were too tribal, but of course you've got Ghana. You've got Botswana. You've got a Kenya that's going through a very interesting period in its own democracy. Latin Americans, well they prefer caudillos, men on horseback, but of course now there's Brazil and Chile and Columbia. And by the way African-Americans well they were too childlike to care about that thing called the vote. But of course we've had a black president, a black attorney general. We've had attorneys general. We've had black secretaries of state. So, I just reject this cultural argument and with the Russians you get it all the time. They just like strongmen. But really what the story is, it's the story of the failure of institutions to take hold under enormous pressure. If you think about the collapse of the Soviet Union and you think about the kind of rapid effort to build capitalism, 50% of the Russian population fell into poverty practically overnight. The country broke apart overnight and unfortunately their first President, Boris Yeltsin who I admired for a lot of reasons, but instead of strengthening the institutions and working through them he starts to rule by decree. He weakens the legislature. He weakens the independent judiciary. Now, that presidency, really strong presidency in Russia under Boris Yeltsin is one thing, but when Vladimir Putin becomes president that same very strong presidency is now in the hands of somebody with authoritarian instincts. So the Russian failure is a story of the importance of institutions. You can't depend on a single person, you have to depend on the institutions. >> David Rubenstein: And deep down you don't see Putin as a Jeffersonian democrat? >> Condoleezza Rice: No, I don't think you would confuse him with a Jefferson. You know I know him pretty well. I spent a lot of time with him. >> David Rubenstein: Does he speak English? When you talked to him? >> Condoleezza Rice: You know he's, he was learning English from the time that we came into office and his English is now, I understand passable. But, I would chitchat with him in Russian but he really kind of liked me at the beginning I think because I was a Russianist. But I remember once sitting with him, toward the end of my time as secretary and he said Conda you know us. Russia has only been great when it's been ruled by great men like Peter the Great and Alexander the Second. Now you want to say, and do you mean Vladimir the Great but you know you're secretary of state you can't do that. That would be rude. And, but in fact that's who he thinks he is. He thinks he's reuniting the Russian people in greatness and I think that instinct has led him to destroy all of the kind of institutional constraints on the presidency, the independent judiciary, the free press, civil society et cetera. >> David Rubenstein: And you think the chance of his voluntarily stepping down is slim? >> Condoleezza Rice: I think so though you know relation, the thing about regimes like that is they, they're vulnerable. And you don't know that they're brittle until something happens. We have to remember that the only district that Vladimir Putin did not win in the fraudulent election of 2012 was Moscow. That tells you about, something about how he's viewed in the cities. >> David Rubenstein: So, let's talk about another country that adjoins Russia that you write about, Poland. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes. >> David Rubenstein: Poland, democracy did break out in Poland and what do you think the state of democracy is in Poland today? >> Condoleezza Rice: Poland is a story that we should try and emulate at its beginning because what Poland is, is the story of having institutions in place when what I call the democratic opening comes. Solidarity, a nationwide labor union under Lech Walesa had actually been underground from the declaration of martial law at the beginning of the 1980s. It had been sustained by the Vatican and village priests. The AFLCIO, which was sustaining as the labor union, and Ronald Reagan's CIA, kind of an interest troika. Now, when Gorbachev comes to power and Eastern Europe breaks free Poland already had that institutional infrastructure in place and so the democratic transition was easier in Poland than almost any place else. But now what we're seeing in Poland is that it's still a young democracy. It has for the first time a very strong, centralized executive and you're starting to see a kind of erosion of the independence of the judiciary, the independence of the press but people are fighting back. Civil society is mobilized on social media against these moves of the, what's called the Law and Justice Party which is the president's party, and the president, President Duda actually ended up having to veto a law that he had sponsored, that would have gone a long way to undoing the independence of the judiciary so don't count out Polish democracy just yet. >> David Rubenstein: No. Let's go further south. You next write about Ukraine. Ukraine flirted with democracy. What would you say is the state of democracy in Ukraine now? >> Condoleezza Rice: Yeah, Ukraine is in many ways a kind of sad situation because if you are trying to build a democracy with a very watchful and assertive and aggressive neighbor that is in the process of taking your territory and making the eastern half of your country unstable it's kind of hard to build democracy. But, they've made some progress. Poroshenko who is the president now has launched an anti-corruption campaign. One of the great, one of the great checks on democracy, one of the great challenges for democracy is when you have corruption and they've made some good moves on corruption. There are some young people there in the Legislature who are determined to deliver democracy and it's a vibrant society in its Western part. The problem for Ukraine is that with the troubles in Eastern Ukraine and you don't read much about them in the newspapers these days but people are dying every day in Eastern Ukraine as these Russian separatists who are supported by the Russian Armed Forces are causing all kinds of problems. So Ukrainian democracy is always kind of on a knife's edge but it's not an authoritarian regime either and that's something to celebrate. >> David Rubenstein: But as long as Putin is in charge of Russia you don't see Eastern Ukraine all of a sudden going back to Ukraine and Crimea going back to Ukraine? >> Condoleezza Rice: Well, Crimea, I think it's going to be very hard. But here's one point that I'd like to make. One of the reasons I wanted to write this book also was to talk about the role America can play in supporting democracies. We have a tendency, and I take some responsibility for this, to associate democracy promotion with what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those were extremely stressful situations where we had a security problem and later on tried to help build democracies. But most of the time democracy promotion is much simpler and much less complex. If you think about the way that we dealt with the Baltic states, so the 45 years that they were under Soviet occupation. David, when I was the special assistant for Soviet affairs I had a stamp and it said 'The United States does not recognize the forceful incorporation of the Baltic states into the Soviet Union'. And whenever you mention Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia you stamped it with that. Now we couldn't do anything about the fact that the Soviets had enforceably incorporated the Baltic states but, we stood for the principle. In Crimea we have to stand for the principle even if we can't do anything about it. We have to stand for the principle that the annexation of Crimea was unlawful. >> David Rubenstein: You mentioned Iraq and Afghanistan and I wanted to talk about the Middle East and democracy there but before we do, where were you on 9/11? >> Condoleezza Rice: Yeah, I was the national security advisor on 9/11 and if you were in a position of authority on 9/11 every day after was like September 12th. I was at my desk. My young assistant came in and said that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. I thought well that's a strange accident. I called President Bush. You would remember he was in Florida at an education event and I got him on the phone and he said well that's a strange accident, keep me informed. A few minutes later I was having my staff meeting and somebody handed me a note, it said a plane had hit, the second plane had hit the World Trade Center and now we knew it was a terrorist attack. And so I went into the situation room to try to reach the national security principals. Colin Powell was in Peru at a meeting of the Organization of American States. George Tenet, the CIA director had gone already to a bunker. And they said we can't reach Secretary Rumsveld, his phone is just ringing and ringing and ringing. We looked behind us on television a plane had hit the Pentagon. And about that time they came and they said, you've got to get to a bunker because planes are flying into buildings all over Washington, D.C. Now, when the Secret Service wants to escort you under those circumstances they don't actually escort you, they kind of pick you up and they carry you. So I remember simply being grabbed, kind of levitated toward the bunker, saying wait a minute, I have to make a phone call. I called my aunt and uncle in Birmingham. You have to know the Rices and the Rays [phonetic], they would have made their way. And then I called President Bush and I said you can't come back here. The United States is under attack. And the rest of the day was dealing with the reality that American security would never be the same. >> David Rubenstein: So, on Afghanistan, it's been in the news lately, it's our longest war, 16 years. Do you see any solution in the near term? >> Condoleezza Rice: I'm worried about Afghanistan. I have always said that what, the point that we have to get to somehow in Afghanistan was that the Afghans were able to prevent the Taliban from an existential threat against the Afghan government. I've always thought that you were going to have remnants of the Taliban that would be kind of hit and run terrorists here and there in the country. But as they've been able to carry out bolder attacks closer to the capital, even in the international zone, you have to wonder how well we're doing in getting to that place of stability. And so I think the decision by the president and by Secretary Mattis to try to really stabilize the military situation is one that I support. But eventually there's going to have to be a political solution in Afghanistan and I suspect that's going to have to involve Pakistan which is a really big part of this problem because the Pakistanis aren't really convinced that a stable Afghanistan is in their interests, and they've got to be made to help stabilize that territory. And you know we're talking about democracy, look it's very tough. Afghanistan was the fifth poorest country in the world during the, at 9/11 but it is at least a place now where girls go to school in large numbers. It is a place now where women are not beaten in a soccer stadium that was given to the Taliban by the U.N. It is a place where men are not lashed because they don't wear beards. It's not a place that harbors terrorists and so I think we've had some achievements in Afghanistan but yes, I'm concerned. >> David Rubenstein: Now democracy in Iraq, do you think we've made progress there? And what do you think really went wrong after the invasion of Iraq? It didn't quite go the way you had thought it would. What went wrong? >> Condoleezza Rice: Yeah. Well, I talk a lot about the Iraqi case because I lay out several different scenarios of what the circumstances are when the democratic opening comes right. Now the best is a place like Poland where you've got institutions in place or Columbia where you have institutions that were weak but were there. The worst situation is when you've had a cult of personality, tyrannical leader where everything had been at the service of that leader. That was Saddam Hussein. And so there were effectively no institutions to think of or we thought underneath him. And so the distance between people's desire now that they've overthrown the dictator or that we've overthrown the dictator and the institutions there to channel all of those passions, there's a great distance and you don't have much time. I relate in the book that we made a lot of mistakes. We undervalued the potential for the tribes, the Sunni tribes to play an important role. We didn't understand the tribes. When we got back with the surge in 2007 the tribes were a big part of the reason that we were able to defeat Al Qaeda in Iraq. I think we didn't fully understand the implications of the disbanding of the army which wasn't supposed to take place by the way and I describe that in the book. And so in the fog of war a lot happens. But the one thing that I'd like people to understand about Iraq was we did not go to Iraq to bring democracy to Iraq, that's an urban legend. I was in those meetings, it doesn't happen to have the benefit of being true. We went to Iraq because we thought we had a security problem in a Saddam Hussein who had rebuilt his weapons of mass destruction. I would never have said to the president of the United States, use American military force to bring democracy to Iraq, or to Afghanistan for that matter. But once you've overthrown the dictator you have to have a view about what comes after. And the president and his advisors believed we had to try to give the Iraqi people a chance to build their democracy. Now, a lot of bloodshed, a lot of lives lost, that we'll never. We'll never be able to bring those people back. I will say that as the Iraqis now are on the verge of defeating ISIS you're beginning to see that the Iraqis do have some democratic institutions. They have a prime minister who is accountable to them. Their people protest and they're not shot in the streets. You don't have mass graves of the kind that Saddam Hussein put people in. Iraq's big challenge is going to be, can the country hold together with the Kurds who for a long time have wanted to be an independent people? That's the big challenge for the Iraqis but they do have some institutions that I think can help them. >> David Rubenstein: Now the Arab Spring was supposed to produce democracy throughout various parts of the Middle East. Talk about Syria, Syria doesn't seem to be having democracy anytime soon. What kind of solutions? >> Condoleezza Rice: And by the way I would rather be Iraqi than Syrian right. The Syrians, Bashar al-Assad is unfortunately, it's going to be hard to get him out of power because the Russians who have people on the ground, want him in power. Eventually if he's going to go it's going to have to be the Russians who make the decision that he goes. The rest of the Middle East, I'm not ready to give up on the Middle East finding its way toward democratic institutions. You know we get very impatient with people when they're trying to find their way to democracy. And we say either they just don't get it or look at all those you know those, the Muslim Brotherhood and all. And we forget as we've just talked about David. Our own history of democratization is a pretty long one and a pretty tough one. And so I would say use the Polish example. Try to plant some seeds for democracy. There are entrepreneurs who are people on whom you might build further democracy. There are civil society groups, women's groups. Tunisia is an example of where a national labor union and women's civil society groups have actually managed to bring about something that looks like a nascent democracy so I'm not ready to give up on the Middle East just yet. >> David Rubenstein: Take Egypt, after Mubarak, has there been a real movement towards more democracy in Egypt? >> Condoleezza Rice: No, in Egypt the Egyptian military rulers look an awful lot like Egyptian rulers have looked for a while, Mubarak, Sadat et cetera. But underneath again there are civil society groups that we ought to be supporting to try to help. You know what happens in the Middle East is that at the moment when you have a chance for a democratic opening the strongest institutions are often the radical Islamists. Now why is that? It's not an accident. It's because leaders like Mubarak destroyed the foundation of more liberal institutions and parties, people like Ayman Nour and others who might have been a foundation of democracy. But they didn't destroy these radical Islamists who organized in radical mosques and radical madrasas, so they were the best organized when elections came. We have to help more liberal forces be organized when opportunity comes. >> David Rubenstein: Okay. Talk about two other parts of the Middle East before we go to the Far East. On the Middle East, Israel, there's either a one-state solution or a two-state solution. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yeah, yeah. >> David Rubenstein: If you have a one-state solution, do you think you can really have democracy? >> Condoleezza Rice: No. I think for Israel to remain a democratic Jewish state it has to have a democratic Palestinian state. I'm a believer in the two-state solution and eventually they're going to have to get there. >> David Rubenstein: Alright. Let's talk about the Gulf states, the GCC states, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. You don't think, I assume that democracy will break out there or should? >> Condoleezza Rice: No, these are monarchies and they have varying degrees of liberalism toward issues like women's rights and varying degrees of liberalism toward the marriage of religion and politics. But some interesting things are happening there even in a place like Saudi Arabia right. So Saudi Arabia has really basically now set a generational shift and most, and a majority of the people studying in university in Saudi Arabia, in their great university built by King Abdullah are women. Now they're going to have an interesting kind of test here. Can you educate women at this level and still tell them they can't drive? >> David Rubenstein: We'll find out. So, let's go to the Far East for a moment. In your book you point out that authoritarian governments, while not perfectly Jeffersonian democracies, can actually have some good democratic features and can have some good pluses for the people. And you cite for example Singapore. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yeah. >> David Rubenstein: What do you admire about Singapore? >> Condoleezza Rice: Well Singapore, first of all it's very small right. And what I really say is that when people say authoritarians are sometimes better, they have two examples, China, the largest country in the world and Singapore, one of the smallest. And Singapore was fortunate. It had a wise man leader in Lee Kuan Yew. It was at a time when democratic values were not very obvious in most of Asia and he turned out to be a truly wise, benign leader. But the problem with that theory is then you'd better hope that the next one is benign and then that his son is benign and that his son after him is benign because you don't always get lucky. The Singaporeans got very lucky. And we have this tendency to hold democracies to higher standards than we do authoritarians. So there are all kinds of really bad authoritarian leaders, just read Caracas in Venezuela, so the idea that authoritarians are somehow better because they deliver for their people, the Chinese have delivered, although that particular model is kind of running out of steam now. Singapore delivered but there are so many authoritarians that didn't deliver that I think we sometimes hold democracies to a higher standard. >> David Rubenstein: Now China, you don't expect a Jeffersonian democracy will break out there anytime soon right? >> Condoleezza Rice: No, I don't expect that Jeffersonian democracy is going to break out there but I will tell you something about China. China is also about to have an interesting test. China's economy grew rapidly. It lifted 500 million people out of poverty. It's a miracle what they were able to do. But they did it with a heavy export-led economy being the low cost of labor provider in the international system. They did it with a kind of command economy, a lot of state-owned enterprises. That model has run out of steam. They can't get growth out of that model any longer. Now they're having to free up market forces. When you free up market forces there's a kind of mismatch between those market forces and a top-down authoritarian political system. And so the question is, how long is it going to be before you have a clash of those? So just as an example China had 186,000 riots over the last couple of years, 186,000 reported riots, not because someone was out protesting for democracy but because a peasant would find that a party leader and a developer would seize their land. They have no courts to go to so they go and riot. So even Chinese leaders will say now well we need independent courts so that that doesn't happen. How long is it before independent courts become an independent judiciary? Now you're starting to get a difference in the institutional landscape in China. And I'll tell you one other story. I gave a lecture at Tsinghua University, their great university. They affectionately call it their cross between Harvard and Stanford. And I wanted to give a talk that was not about U.S. /China relations so I decided to give the same talk I would give to Stanford students, find your passion, do something hard, et cetera, et cetera. The questions blew me away. The questions were, well I'm an engineer, why do I need to take literature? Suppose, what do you do if your parents don't like the major that you've chosen? I thought these are Chinese kids? They're questioning in this way? How long is it, before questioning your parents' choice of your major becomes questioning your government? And so I think there are a lot of trends in China that may ultimately lead, at least to liberalization, if not to democratization. >> David Rubenstein: And you didn't write about it in your book but I can't help but ask you about another place where I don't expect Jeffersonian democracy will break out which is North Korea. >> Condoleezza Rice: Ah yeah, that's a ways away yeah. >> David Rubenstein: Where, if you were advising the president today, the current president of the United States, or any president today, who would you, what would you tell him to do about North Korea? >> Condoleezza Rice: Now, this is the most dangerous situation that we face. When I was secretary we tried to negotiate with Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un's father to denuclearize the country. We made some progress but ultimately they wouldn't live up to the agreements. We walked out of the talks. Ever since, they've been on a rapid course of improving their bomb design, harvesting fuel and increasing their, the range of their delivery systems, no American president can tolerate a somewhat unhinged North Korean leader because if he's not crazy, he is reckless. This is somebody who reached into Malaysia, killed his half-brother who was under Chinese protection so he's reckless. I don't think any American president can tolerate that leader with the capacity to reach the United States. And what the administration is trying to do, and I support what they're trying to do, is they're painting a very bleak picture for the Chinese. That's the only country with any real leverage on the North Koreans. The Chinese have never really been willing to use their leverage fully because they worry that the regime could collapse. Then they'd have unstable law and order and they would have refugee flows. But what the administration is saying to them is, your choice now is either we do something about the North Korean problem or you do something about the North Korean problem. And hopefully that will get through to the Chinese because the military solutions here are not very pretty. >> David Rubenstein: So, if a missile went and came near Guam would you think we would still have to wait for the Chinese to do something or are we? >> Condoleezza Rice: I think at some point the American president and I'm not inside so I don't know what he's being told about how long he has but at some point, you know if you're threatening Guam and already firing missiles over Japan we're getting pretty close to a [inaudible]. We're getting pretty close to the president having to make a decision. I will note that when Kim Jong-un came out and said he was going to attack Guam the Chinese must have talked to him because within a few days he came back and said maybe he wouldn't attack Guam so I think we do have the Chinese attention, it's a just a question of what are they willing to do. >> David Rubenstein: Now your book covers two other parts of the world I'll cover briefly. One is Africa and you talk about Kenya and there's an election going on now. But let me ask you about South Africa, you met with Mandela. You knew Mandela. Why do you think democracy hasn't worked as well after Mandela as it was expected? >> Condoleezza Rice: Well, Mandela was a remarkable man. I don't think I've ever met anybody who I was more inspired of, found more impressive. In fact he said to George W. Bush when President Bush asked him, he said so why didn't you run for another term. He said I wanted my African brothers to know it was okay to step down from office. And on a continent that had too many presidents for life this was really an important statement. But it's again a story of institutions. It was a single, essentially a single-party system under the African National Congress. Somehow Mandela's great authority was never transferred into institutions which could then survive him and they've had considerable trouble since, but the institutions are still there. It's just that it's been hard to really deliver through them. You know first presidents matter. The United States of America was pretty lucky that George Washington actually didn't want to be king. I don't know how many of you have seen "Hamilton", it is really a great, great show but it becomes very clear that we got lucky with a particular combination of founding fathers that we had and many places haven't been that fortunate. >> David Rubenstein: Now, you write about Latin America and you talk about Columbia, how democracy has made progress there. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes. >> David Rubenstein: And generally the military juntas of the 60s and 70s are. >> Condoleezza Rice: Gone. >> David Rubenstein: Gone. But what happened to Venezuela? >> Condoleezza Rice: Hugo Chavez happened to Venezuela. You know you can get a really bad leader who doesn't, doesn't get checked by those around him, with considerable oil wealth. The oil curse is real. And when I was secretary of state the price of oil went to $147 a barrel. It empowered people like Chavez who then tried to buy elections across Latin America. And he singlehandedly step by step destroyed all of the really important institutions, the opposition. He was succeeded by somebody who is Chavez without charm and Chavez without, I think, without Chavez' street smarts. And Maduro has taken the country down. I hope that this is one where the Organization of American States, the Latin American states need to be all over Maduro to do something because it's sad to see a middle-income country where people can't find food and they can't find medicine. >> David Rubenstein: Now, we've had an African-American president but we've never had a female president and never had an African-American female president. >> Condoleezza Rice: Right [laughter]. >> David Rubenstein: Have you ever thought that? [ Applause ] >> Condoleezza Rice: Well, thank you very much but no. You have to know your DNA. You have to know your DNA. And I was on the campaign trail with George W. Bush. I'll never forget. You know we'd go to five campaign events. At the end of the day he was rearing to go, I just needed to get back to the hotel. You know there are people who draw energy from the process. I don't so much and I've never liked politics particularly. I love, I do love policy. The other thing is, I am. My calling is what I do, I love being a professor. I love teaching millennials. They are a challenge, they're wonderful. You know they come to me and they say I want to be a leader and I say you know that's not a job description and it's not a destination. Let's talk about what you're going to learn and know so somebody will follow you. And then my other favorite line, I want my first job to be meaningful. And I say, your first job is not going to be meaningful, it's going to be your first job. What will be meaningful is somebody will pay you to do it for the first time, that's what's meaningful, so I've got my work cut out for me. >> David Rubenstein: So, if you don't want to run for office, suppose some president came along again and said you did a great job as secretary of state, why don't you do it again? >> Condoleezza Rice: You should never try to go home again. I had an amazing alignment of the stars. I had a president who told, would tell leaders you know we grew up together he would say because we started out when he was just leaving the governorship of Texas, and he trusted me and I admired him. It was a time of consequence for the country. I have great admiration for people in public service. I don't think we, we admire enough people [inaudible] to public service. It's hard. It's hard work. And I just hope. I try so hard with my students not to let them be cynical about public service. I served as secretary of state. The foreign service and the civil service people who work in the State Department, not to mention the more than 30,000 foreigners who staff our embassies around the world are some of the most dedicated people you'll ever find, and so I was honored to lead them and I loved being the nation's chief diplomat. And there was nothing like getting off a plane that said the United States of America and thinking what can I do to represent this great country? But I'm done [laughter]. >> David Rubenstein: So, when you stepped down as secretary of state you handed the reins over to another woman. >> Condoleezza Rice: I did, Hillary yes. >> David Rubenstein: Hillary Clinton. What was it like, one female secretary of state handing the reins over to another female? Were you saying we don't need these guys anymore? >> Condoleezza Rice: [Laughter] well, you know and so Madeleine, colon, myself and then Hillary, it had been 16 years since there had been a white, male secretary of state and so we were saying mm-mm, you know I don't know. Maybe we're going to have to do a little affirmative action here and see what happened but, no it was great. And it's a nice little club, the secretaries of state. We are. The dean of the secretaries of state is George Shultz who is 97 years old and is still one of my great mentors. I will tell you a little story because you'll appreciate it. He had a birthday party not too long for Henry Kissinger who turned 94 and the two of them did a 20-minutes-walk around the world, no notes, completely coherent. I don't know but I'm sure hoping it was something in the water at the State Department so just amazing people. >> David Rubenstein: As I remember, because I heard from that party, George Shultz said something odd, 'to be 94 again'. >> Condoleezza Rice: Yes, he said. He said from his point of view Henry was still a promising young man. >> David Rubenstein: So, as you look back on your career which was extraordinary, what would you say you're most proud of having done? >> Condoleezza Rice: Well, with the caveat that history takes a long time to judge, I think I'm most grateful that we stood up for the right of people to live in freedom. I know that there were a lot of cynics about and a lot of criticism and some of it totally justified about the freedom agenda and declaring that America's, one of America's most important purposes was to, to work hard so that no one would live in tyranny. But I think America is at its, is at its best, its highest calling when it leads both from power and principle. When we stand for the proposition that the rights that we enjoy are indeed universal and if they are universal that there are no people for whom they shouldn't be secured. And so I'm very grateful that we were able to do that. When I think back on some of my travels it was always when it was about people and a couple of things stick out in particular. I went to China to Chengdu after the great earthquake there and a little boy, couldn't have been more than 12 years old, walked up to me and he said you're that lady from the United States aren't you? And I thought yeah, I am. And then just with the people have asked me, what was it like to be a woman representing the United States in the Middle East where women were second-class citizens? And one story really sticks in my mind there. I was, had a very difficult meeting with a Shia cleric, a very conservative Shia cleric who couldn't touch me because I was a woman outside of his family. And at the end of this meeting, this very difficult meeting, it was in Iraq, he said, will you do me a favor? He didn't speak English. Through the translator, he said will you do me a favor? I thought a favor, really? I said sure. He said my 13-year-old granddaughter watches you on television and she loves you. And she and her mother are coming to the States, would you meet them? And so on that day, this little 13-year-old girl runs, comes in, in a pink t-shirt that says 'Princess' and she walks up to me, in perfect English and says 'I want to be foreign minister too'. And I thought, you know there was something in that moment because her very conservative grandfather beamed when he thought about this little girl. This problem, this progress that we try to bring through democracy, through justice and equality it's a long, long, long road. And people have travelled that road for a long time. America has travelled it for a very long time and we're still working at it. And so the thing I'm most grateful for is that even with our own troubles here in the United States we stood for the proposition that every man, woman and child should live in freedom. >> David Rubenstein: Well, I want to highly recommend to everybody here this book which I enjoyed very much reading "Democracy". [ Applause ] And I want to thank you for your service to our country for over many, many years, thank you. >> Condoleezza Rice: It was an honor. It was an honor, thank you. [ Applause ] >> This has been a presentation of the Library of Congress. Visit us at
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Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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