Concrete - Substance Designer Material Breakdown

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so here's a material we're going to see today it's just concrete okay although it's a simpler and the whole graph is simpler I think it's pretty cool and it's mostly or only micro surfaces you can see but it's nicely coconut all these little details all this nice micro surface and what we can also do is make it so that it looks like cracked given that we also say the normal bit okay so we can now have also cracked concrete okay let me control there and we will see a graph here's all the graph okay it's simpler and relatively smaller than anything else we done so expect this one to be faster let's start so what am i doing is basically working with grants maps and getting all the little micro details and I've separated them with passes and basically I take a great noises you need Pass or or you know surface detail and all that great skills make normals and basically compile each pass okay with the next one and the next one and I also have a little bit of differentiation in the very end without having to worry with the normal of course you can add it if you like it but I think it looks fine the way it is anyway okay let's see this one's first since they are very simple roughness I just go in with a universal coral this time since we're only concerned with the macro surface because we will add a little bit more noise to this and metallic of course is always black so let's see with a first pass I started with a fractals on base me lower this and open this a little bit more okay flag goes on base on a work a work node with the clouds - okay and you can see that it starts getting without having to do much it already started looking like concrete you know and this looks like where their constructors you know passed their spades I know how to count okay so I want to add a little bit more differentiation on top of this of course so I'm going to add a ground map one one zero zero one okay I played with the values as you can see and we get this thing and it also comes with a little bit of these noisy parties and I'm going to work this around so that you know it also look like something is placed and I'm going to blend it with Max lighten on top of my fractals on base and as you can see it's not even that distinct anymore it just begs apart a little bit a pattern we have from the previous from the fractals on base because you can go if we go football with it will show even more okay so after that I'm going to add plugin white spots okay levels node you can see well they did I'm going to sharpen it a bit and then I'm ready to subtract from my base so we have this little spot into uncock of course we can go overboard with this and get some very black spots it depends what you want to look and how whether you want your concrete to be and then we output it on normal note okay and I have the intestate two three and I have the in test three because I like the surface variations it does over here okay I think it looks pretty nice so the second pass we will start with the grant map zero zero three I'll take a transformation 2d and hit that x2 so that it gets larger okay because I thought this one it's just a little bit too small to fit on concrete and this I think looks a little bit better okay just levels not although I didn't change much because I wanted to test some things basically so you can remove this I want and I also had a little bit of sharp now so that everything pops out a little bit more okay and we have and we probably can't add these two and we can have a little bit even more distinct details as you can see here although I think yeah might be a little bit more extreme I think it looks pretty nice for this far away it gets yeah yeah I think it gets yeah it all depends the you know they did the kind of wall you want to make I think without the serpent looks a bit more you know less weathered but with supper looks like a bit like they added another you know another another layer of semen on top of it and it didn't stuck to me and to Google anyway so normals I'm going to turn this into a normal okay I want it in testing pretty much load in testing and I'm going to combine it with a normal form the first pass because you cannot see a lot of stuff over here okay and on our grayscale I'm going to add it with subtract and the more the higher the positive course they hire the distinction between it okay so that is the second pass for the third pass I basically want to add the little cracks or you know lines that we see so I start with cells three node okay I'm distance at two and bit of disorder ran through levels node and almost grants the values right through work node with the pen now is too then I wear the grayscale and I use a slow blue grayscale and I use another cells one node or cells one node okay and we get this little differentiation you know the chipping we get is much different than we were using something else okay and I kind of like this a lot more for this particular concrete okay then test the a some salt a little tape testing 0.6 to 0 and mode to max then I will multiply this with the original one we invert the grayscale so it certain this up a little bit and it's ready almost ready because I have different normals okay I want to separate before I add my grayscale I want to separate it from yeah because I have different normals basically and I want to add different density on by normal so while I did is I added through a blend node with black color and we should probably optimize this sixteen by sixteen okay so we are black color I've created the mask from a clouds - no it's a different seed than the first one a cluster node so I'm using this okay levels place it around the way you want your cracks to be and blend them together and you know I get blackened areas so this is not table then I ran it through a levels old just in case I want to add more stuff of it here I'm not doing anything with this okay so then I'm adding it on my blend node as we've seen already if I raise this we get the actual cracks okay and even like this I think it looks pretty nice down here okay like this can actually be used in a game it no one will even notice okay I think it looks pretty good and yeah we can have we can run it on a normal keep in mind you that if you are raising the substract you probably need to raise the normal tool so that it looks like it's indentity okay this one loops now even better so this is the second the third pass so the final pass I what it is a little bit of moisture upon the concrete because you know concrete usually is cement that usually wet and then stops will wet that's why inside and it settles okay if I raise this you will see where it goes but I only want a sub little differ since or you can go a little bit more on top of it and you can also add this into the roughness now that I think about it so the wet parts can have a different roughness so this might be you know wet parts so they actually sign okay but I'm going to leave that entirely up to you and I'm gonna go a little bit down okay find a pass and I'm actually just using a gradient map just to tell this in two color information instead of a grayscale and I'll put it the base color even though you can output it directly but you know if you should I'll put it directly but anyway it just looks nice so we're actually done okay this one was simpler I actually did have a lot of time to prepare for this week and probably in most of the weeks I said I have a lot of time so I wanted to do something yeah much simpler part is still a lot to learn and you can learn a lot of stuff by doing simply simple materials like this okay because it's just nice to see the differentiation on and how you can work basically with simple notes because as I said in a previous video you will most likely in a game if use simple materials and use something that you know we look so distinct so you know I'll do like subscribe check out the links in the description and I'll see you next time
Channel: Sharpstance
Views: 28,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Substance, Designer, Painter, Allegorithmic, Game, Dev, Unity, Unreal, Tutorials, Teaching
Id: SS4dADQhN-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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