Concrete Crisis: How We Saved a Floor Pour Gone Wrong!

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good morning everybody it's a Monday morning middle of July have a 14 yard walk out basement for forn today and then we got a couple other jobs we got to go set up for the rest of the week so for and Flor 3500 PSI fiber mat water reducer our pretty standard floor mix they got 2 in of Styrofoam down they got radiant heat down and then he wanted us TI we got a a mat of that fiberglass rebound we died over the top of it so plus it's got the wire in it so we got quite a bit of reinforcement in this thing which we typically don't pull the wire up when we have radiant like this the heating guys usually like the tubing closer to the bottom of the concrete versus the middle or the top so we'll leave that right there and then we got the rebar on top of the tubing acting as the [Music] reinforcement [Music] that box was right on Darren that was down about the bottom of that lip loop on [Music] that TR not to get too much up on that Loop okay [Music] [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] mix feels pretty good today it's been pretty Rocky but today it there's no separation in the mix today a lot better than it was last week I don't know [Music] why [Music] what adjust it or something yeah I don't know I was thinking the same thing yeah [Music] who it's a little bit high right there can you pull it that [Music] way [Music] that I got to just shoot right here hold on a minute heads up guys just needs the laser for one more second good [Music] there [Music] [Music] all mixed up Paul I'll take a look at it when you get a in [Music] [Music] that little trench coming up behind you if you think [Music] [Music] what [Music] you see you okay on see you a push fall you see look Bo what the view oh how quick I am that was quick far it goes oh [Music] com [Music] [Music] [Music] uh-oh ain't looking good I ordered a bunch extra too wonder if all the rain and the aggregate messes weights up we have to shoot our grades and see if we're highing on it I guess this gra can slope that in the garage a little bit more if we have to I don't know if we'll have enough to do that or not that's how high we are high have flip that and I'll have him drop it down one more I don't no bud does he do you think he compensates for all the moisture and the stuff I don't know yeah I ordered a bunch extra we shouldn't have run out you had seven and he had seven right as far as I know all we'll see if we're high or not about a/2 in high there hopefully we're the same there and we could drop that a little over there hey l Hold Up Just SEC before you mag that might have to drop it a little [Music] [Applause] more it does and that slopes quite a bit I wonder if we ought to I wonder if we ought to Greed this first cuz it looks pretty high here back then just see we have to I almost think we're going to do it yeah it should be a/ in below top of wall over here this should be a half high oh okay what that straight edge go you had remember was that the 14 yeah I need to make a pad 14 feet out we could use that as a guide maybe not that way there from there to here I think he's got a wall going right here 14 ft yep okay thank you hey that a little bit out [Music] sagging back now that was people yeah we we bring that a little this way do you think we could straight EDG it this way y let me show you let me show him how to do that okay as he's straight edging okay you want to pull that okay but don't don't dig in just okay just make sure you don't hit his hand as he's doing that okay there you go yeah keep that low keep that low just building up keep that this this here is way too high so that's more important to keep that low than this is over here okay so as he's straight edging you do this and it's a lot easier on his back you wouldn't know that but I'm just telling you okay and then he doesn't have to stop and start either so your job mainly is right here if I'm right there okay like we're going to have plenty here uh-huh yeah now let's pull this High into that low way funny going to have to take a bunch out job guys looking pretty good I think time we get this down strike that and use a viers Creed try [Music] this [Music] still a little bit low over there though huh not too [Music] bad really close got to buzz that hump again right there yeah might gain just a little bit I don't know I don't know why it did that [Music] [Music] [Music] got yeah you remember back when you used the Bat did did it make a big difference if everything was wet when as far as weights and stuff yeah did you always try to compensate for that or how did that work you start uh to a point you tried to water because you take out so it wouldn't be so much water in there because of the water in the material dude I can't we did but it matter on like the volume like the yardage itself it did a little bit right weight and he' learn it because something like this like we should have had a yard left over yeah cuz you know me I try not to even take well this is the second time in the row that you close close up there last week you was right the thing with this one the grade was perfect there was no way to screw it up yeah that one up there it was like that was a little funky yeah yeah we got lucky on that one but doing a roll like that right I'll I'll ask him for you he's going to say well they don't they haven't taught me that yet which is true can't really blame him for nothing thank God we didn't run out though yeah yeah that's quite a wa especially on a Monday yeah the mix feels real good today not bony at all like nothing like like it did way back isn't that weird yeah that no separation at all you you see how we doing there buddy all right how's this side okay yeah probably do the top and this side real quick yep that's good all right now get that out of the way you can go ahead and wash that one up have to remember on a Monday after a wet Sunday we'll order another yard just to be safe will make a difference it's got to in the sand I would think you know the weight of the sand oh the weight of anything yeah everything go ahead I'll wait for you so what I was talking about with the truck driver there the truck driver is a former batchman too is when they batch out concrete you know concrete's usually batched out by the weight so you have so many pounds of sand so many pounds of stone so many pounds of cement and then you know pounds of water per yard so they punch all that in the computer you know and then you get your Mix Design but what they have to take into consideration is the water the moisture content in the sand and the stone and take that into into consideration when they're when they're batching and it rained all day yesterday which was Sunday so all the aggregate was completely soaked and wet which makes it heavier so you got to take that into consideration when you're batching out the concrete so I ordered 14 yards the subgrade in here was perfect there was really no way to screw up how many yards it was going to take to do the floor and the 14 yards was was a yard of concrete over with the floor figur so we should have had we should have had quite a bit left over you know at least a half a yard if not 3/4s and as you could tell we only had a few shovel HS left over so the guy batching at this plant is is fairly new and they haven't really taught him all the little technical details so he probably didn't take into consideration the moisture content in all the Aggregates this morning so which kind of shorted US tech technically because everything weighed more than what it was normally weigh if it was dry so luckily luckily as you can see we still made out okay we didn't run short on the floor but it was a lot closer than what we expected you know when we're just about an hour away from the concrete plant so in order to get a a a return truck down here you know we would have had a cold joint in the floor just would have made a mess but we made we got it through it but that's just I wanted to tell you guys just kind of what we were talking about back there as far as when it rains moisture content and how it pertains to batching out concrete so most experienced batmen know that and they have a certain formula they use for water content or they test for it in advance so but anyway we're good today so we're going to leave a couple guys here to finish three of us are going to go set up some more jobs and we'll see you on those thanks for watching
Channel: Mike Day Concrete
Views: 27,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete, how to concrete, diy concrete, how to pour concrete, how to form concrete, concrete finishing techniques, concrete skills, concrete floor, concrete slab, stamped concrete, how to, concrete tools, how to pour a concrete slab, how to pour a concrete floor, how to pour a concrete driveway, how to pour a concrete patio, how to build concrete steps, how to form concrete stairs, pouring concrete, finishing concrete
Id: W-Nm-VGgGQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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