Conan O'Brien 'Snoop Dogg 3/3/04

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that cute dog it's all good thank you I can't tell if they're saying snoop or booing me I can't write how to tell you no I want to talk first of all thank you for helping us with the with the year 2000 you did a great job and I want to ask you about your this language that you have I don't know if you invented this language the the for shizzle language did you invent this or did you I don't think I invented I just think I took it to the next level with something that we use on the west coast a lot is just a lot of street terminology and we just you know right to Ezell fizzle doesn't write to you you use this language and now everybody's doing it and do you ever have say like an old person come up to you and use it or someone who's using it who shouldn't be using the language said that yesterday uh I was coming to do a little show and all do like about 77 years old he was like I've been waiting all day can have your autograph so I gave it to him he was like first years on my nizzle and then he died who's the last his last words yeah that must be kind of nice though to feel like you're having that kind of an impact now what now speaking of in that you've got you've got your doing the movies your television clothing line do you ever get bad product ideas pitch to you people come to you because you're a big name now people must come to you and say Snoop Dogg here's a great idea and sometimes it must be terrible yeah somebody wanted me to do a Snoop Dogg toiletries and I was like nah they commended with some of the craziest I what is a Snoop Dogg toilet it's like a urinal cake or what are we talking about I don't know I didn't I didn't bother to even further yeah good good you just thought you walked away yeah what about hair care products yes Snoop Dogg hair care products I'm thinking about putting that out cuz my hair is so pretty I can have some help job Wow good yeah I got a you know take the flaws down a little bit work you the bounce would come down you feel make you bounce to the left you got to have action all the way around like pam pam pam bouncing all the way away do you think it's wrong i have bounced here and then over here is kind of quiet nothing going on so you got us distribute the bounce is when you're saying let the balance belt put the mold bounce it out more bounce to the ounce that'll be my slogan when I come out with my crappy haircare product that'll be bad now I heard and off its true that MTV wanted you to do an oz borns type reality show behind the scenes you your family is that true yeah and I passed on it cuz I didn't I didn't want to be all in my life like that it's 24 hours a day my relationship nowhere my family wouldn't be like the hot ones it'd be looked a bit different what I want to hear about this what would be what do you think would be different a lot of things would be different you know what I'm saying like I think they get on my nerves and one of them cameramen they end up getting AFT up so there'd be a lot of episodes that end with you just hitting the camera lens yeah yeah you know right you know when the cameras on you know I'm especially when you in that environment at home you feel like you relax or not I couldn't see that happening with me right right you'd be too aware yeah yeah yeah what's chain I mean it's you know I don't know how they do it I don't know how the Osborne Snoddy do you can't understand nothing how's he sandy hi all subtitles now last time you were here you proclaimed rather proudly that you had kicked pot marijuana you had stopped completely how's that going for you it kicked me back now I could have got on the show and lied and said oh no I well I've been off of weed for approximately right you know but I'm gonna keep it real so you gotta keep it real yeah and when I did stop I stopped because I wanted to it wasn't like nobody made me right so you know if there's more about me having control of myself first and this is what I do want to doing what I don't want to do right right so then you decided now I want to do this again yeah I decided to stop and then I decided to start uh okay let's talk about this movie Starsky and Hutch because I wanted this true story my brother Luke calls me up Anna knows is like nine months ago or something and he's really excited and he said there's gonna be a Starsky and Hutch movie and guess who's playing Huggy Bear I was like I don't know and he said snoop dogg and we both were just talking about how genius casting is a term that's used a lot but you playing the huggie bear part just seemed like perfect and you do a great job in this role how did this happen um actually I was in the movie old school and the director he had mentioned that he was working on that next and on he was considering me for huggie bear with a couple other people and I was telling him I was like look man give me the spot that's me I'm huggie bear they can't do it like I can do it and once I talked to him I just put it out in the public and let everybody know that was my point he couldn't do nothing but give it to that's a great tactic it probably only works for you but but who else was up for the part well um I think Chris Rock and Don cheetah right right and those are great actors but I don't think I think you in this role playing this this is the classic 1970s pimp role and you know for television and this is you this is great it's right up my alley you know what I'm saying I walk right into the role like a walker to a doughnut shot okay and we know you're back to liking donuts a lot now you show some skin in this movie I saw this movie the other day you do a great job in this role a little surprise you're showing a lot of skin in this role I mean the ladies asked for so I had to do it well we have we have a clip here from this front from the movie and I believe what's happening in this clip is that you are going undercover you've decided to go undercover to help Starsky and Hutch and they're gonna put a wire on you but it's the 1970s so they don't have the best equipment all right let's take a look at this scene from Starsky and Hutch I am an urban informant I am NOT a snitch come on huggy what's the difference a snitch wears a wife a snitch is the scum of the information is a snitch has no soul ah I'm sorry we got to be more careful I know look huggy we wouldn't ask you to do this unless it was really important I'm gonna owe you one no you owe me more than one man I said the actual brand of underwear that you prefer and that in that scene now you know damn well I wouldn't want no drawers that little but you know night they really wanted me to wear something tighter than that's exposed to the UM time up but I was like hold on man some things are private that's all that now it's gonna open up I think a lot of other acting roles for you what would you consider doing let's say someone came to you with a role where you had you had to play a woman would you do that never never play a woman never never well that was a really good movie never but it was a buddy movie with you and hey and we're both women ever never ever ever you me and hoopskirts running around ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever play a lady once I put it out there that we're gonna do that you're gonna have to do it a lot of acting scenes you have to cry on cue like cry at a certain moment you think could snoop do that could snoop command the tears if definitely you think you could definitely I mean if the role cost what I'm willing to step up to it right I want to play just since we got this camera all right now I'm trying to do the Miles Davis story so you know I want to play Miles Davis and bring him back to life right that's alright okay if this your idea is there at is there actually a project the Miles Davis project that's happening right now that you that you've heard about and you want that role or is this something that you're creating last happening right now as we speak right that'd be a great merica well I wish you the best of luck with that I hope that works out for you if I can help in any way I have no authority I think I just did I got the word out to all my fans now let me ask you something and and this is a little off-topic but I want to ask you about it cuz I think you have an interesting take on it there's been this crackdown recently in broadcasting people say that the TV radio it's gone too far it all stems from the Super Bowl you know Janet Jackson incident which as we all know has been talked to death but I was curious what you know as a family man what's your take on what happened at the Super Bowl with Janet Jackson my take was it was an accident and you know people made it bigger than what it was but I do feel like it is you know disrespectful to the kids who might have been watching you know saying for the simple fact that that's that's regular TV if it was a cable network it would be acceptable but since it was you know regular television I feel like it should be some rules and regulations but it shouldn't stem to the whole game and she just stem to that if individual incident right right so so in a way cuz I mean if you're watching with you you've had this experience probly where you're watching something with your kids and that happens you you can't protect your kids from that because no point saying money going they already been seen it already so right it's an impression that you wouldn't want to have you know yoki see until that time is right for them to see that type of exposure but you know mistakes happen right right well I just want to get your take on it and and thank you for a ride with the artists you know what I'm saying I got a ride with Janet and the hardest cuz I'm an artist you know I'm saying FCC Deez Nuts of course the FCC keeps me on the air so just keeping it real uh they got a five-second delay yeah yeah baby 45-minute delay on our show yeah straight it hey listen I can't thank you enough for come by we loved it when you stopped by the show and Starsky and Hutch opens Friday and I'm glad things are going so well for you thank you very much
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Views: 64,103
Rating: 4.9208522 out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, Conan, O'Brien, show
Id: Bko417LRAfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2016
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