Conan Exiles: Custom Thralls | Pippi Thespian Guide

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[Music] I get quite a lot of questions about these normally it's when they're doing emotes or look particularly interesting they're not your average solls so what are they these are thespians and I use them for populating builds how do they work well today I'll be teaching you so without further Ado let's get started thespians come from the pipy mod probably one of Conan's most popular mods it's been around for a good while and has become pretty much Essential for server admin functions it doesn't just do admin stuff it's got a bunch of other functionality and today of course we are covering the thespians aspect this mod is of course available on the Steam Workshop so what actually are thespians they look like THS but they're not they are essentially placeable actors as the name suggests they don't draw aggro they don't fight for you they can't work on workbenches they are essentially decorative people it sounds a bit strange but when you see how they work it'll make sense in that aspect things are pretty simple on the face of it you place them down as you would a chair or a table and there they are from there if you interact with them you get a fairly expansive menu we'll firstly focus on customizing the thespians as that's what I get the most questions about thespians can be customized to roughly the same degree as the player character when you first start the game in some aspects even more so if you click on the character editor this is where you get your bread and butter menu it's pretty self-explanatory and you'll likely feel at home with it within 5 to 10 minutes at most you can change your physical attributes in the visuals menu that includes your face your hair your facial hair makeup and of course war paint too which you can mix and match you can also access a few different facial hairs that don't seem to usually be available I'm not sure if they come with the mod or if they're just buried somewhere in the base game files the colors tab is where you'll of course change the color of all the aspects you've made previously makeup war paint hair eyebrows it's all available here none of these colors are terribly fancy for the hair that's probably where other mods would have to come in and make those choices available scalar is where you will make those finer adjustments you can adjust your height muscle definition and even smaller things like eye size and angle nose width and curve cheekbones Etc additionally you'll see the local storage button up top this is is probably one of the best features when you open it for the first time there will be nothing there but this is where you can save preset designs to quickly load onto any thespian or even yourself through ppp's extended admin menu the customization interfaces work well with a plethora of cosmetic mods meaning you can use custom hairstyles makeup war paint Etc and then save that preset for future use the equipment menu is even simpler allowing you to add armor and weapons to your thespian do be aware this is independent of the emotes feature we'll cover in a second so weapons may not be held correctly depending on the emotes you choose or lack thereof this menu does respect dieses on Armor and like before you can save layouts and presets I found this menu generally Works quite well with modded armors and weapons although I've maybe experienced a handful of crashes at most with certain mods back out of that menu on the left hand side you will see the emote section this is where you can choose pretty much every emote in the game and apply it to the thespian this is not a perfect process some emotes are a bit buggy and there are a few that flat out will not work and there are a few that will partially work but the majority work as you'd expect there are five categories the first two being a massive list of most of the emotes the third is motion so stuff like walking and swimming combat is all your weapon stances without the new rest animations and MK contains a single emote [Music] once you've selected your emote you can adjust the animation speed this doesn't work for all of them but some of them can be slowed down or sped up animation lock will freeze the emote at the selected frame this is a pretty good option for in-game photos though some emotes that don't play properly when this is set to zero for example chair sit is one that always doesn't work for me it will work properly if you set the lock to one that's just something you'll pick up through using the mod below the emote section is the equipment kit I've not really used this before but it seems fairly simple in that you can create kits of gear in the admin menu and they can then be loaded straight onto thespians as a preset in the middle left side you'll find some basic accessibility and safekeeping options allowing you to disable the interaction menu if you just want the thespian to be decorative and to allow or disallow clan members to adjust the thespian in the top third of the window is the more complex roleplay Focus stuff you can name any thespian and type in a custom profession there is also a menu for choosing professions which you can make yourself in the admin panel you can get these details to show on the preview window by changing the thespian type you've got a banker preset two Merchants which will have a configurable trading interface and dialog thespians full disclosure I've never already used the merchant or Bank of features so I'm not 100% certain how to set them up but I think you do it in the admin panel the same as you would for the equipment kits dialog thespians however are something I've used before if you've set your thesp into dialogue you can then launch Mushi editor which is pippy's own coding interface yeah I told you this Mod's got depth here you can create simple conversation strings or craft deep Quest trees thespians can have branching dialogue trees they can check for items they can take or give items pretty much most of the stuff you'd want is more than doable in Mushi editor it's very impressive and even though I've only used it realistically more of a surface level it's no surprise that pippy is such a Mainstay in the modding community so to wrap things up and answer the question of how did you get your thr to do a weapon emote pippy saspens you see this mod a lot in my videos almost every single time you see an NPC it's a thespian I'm pretty sure pippy has not left my modist since probably 2021 maybe even earlier than that and there's very good reason for it whilst it's easy to view pippy as just a server admin mod which I definitely did back in the day before I actually tried it pippy has a lot of functionality and if you really like building and World building especially pippy sespan are a great option to just throw around your build to make it look a bit more populated I have also covered pippy's camlock which I think is one of its most unique features if you're interested in learning more about it the card for that video is in the top right thank you for watching and of course a massive thanks to our wonderful esteemed coffee cultist for continuing to support the channel over on patreon the question about THS doing weapon emotes is coming up more and more regularly so I thought rather than just answering every comment I thought it'd be much easier to make a video that not only gives the answer but explains in an dep and accessible way how to do it and hopefully this video has served that purpose well again thank you for watching take care and I'll see you soon
Channel: Eradicati0n
Views: 4,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conan exiles, conan exiles building, conan exiles thralls, conan exiles thrall emotes, conan exiles thrall weapon emotes, conan exiles weapon emotes, conan exiles pippi, conan exiles pippi thespians, conan best mods, conan exiles warpaint, conan exiles thrall warpaint, conan exiles thrall mods, conan exiles emote guide, conan exiles thrall guide, conan exiles pippi guide, conan exiles pippi mod
Id: USxlzf6L1ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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