Computer Vision for Football Analysis in Python with Yolov8 & OpenCV

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hello everyone in this video I will show you how to use deep learning for football analysis based on game recordings so the main idea is to extract useful information from video recordings of football games and more precisely the ultimate goal is to track each object of Interest such as the players and the ball and to capture the coordinates of each tracked object at any given frame with relatively high accuracy and this would certainly allow us to calculate many useful statistics such as ball possession rate players traveled distances the ball and players average speed and many other statistics however as you can imagine there are many challenges that we need to overcome in order to achieve that goal so the application we have today presents the first step and its main functionality is to detect the players the referee and the ball then seamlessly project their coordinates on a tactical map representation of the football field okay so now let's start with the demo for the web application and then I'll be explaining the different functional ities and the reasoning behind their implementation and finally we'll do a simple code work through and of course you can find the different files for this project in the GitHub repository which you can access through the link in the description one last thing I need to add before we start the demo is that uh when training the object detection models I use the Tactical recordings of uh football games and that's because if you want to achieve a highly accurate tactical map representation we need either a fixed camera or a camera that doesn't move too much that's why I decided not to use the regular TV podcast recordings of football games okay so without further Ado let's start with the web application demo okay so here we have the web app for football players detection with Team prediction and tactical map representation so the first page here is the how to use page you can follow the different steps here in order to navigate the app and learn how to use it but I'll show you how in this quick demo so first of all we start with the main settings we need to select a demo video we have two options here and here we have the first one selected but of course if you want to use your own video you can upload it using this button and then you can preview your uploaded video over here so let me show you this is the first demo video it's a tactical camera recording for the game between France and Switzerland so the next step is to set the team names so the first team here is France and the second team is Switzerland then we need to move on to the team colors Tab and here we need to set the different team colors that will be used afterwards for team predictions so here we have a select frame slider and we need to select frame where every player is detected for example here in the first frame we don't see the goalkeeper of the Switzerland national team detected so we need to choose another frame for example in the second frame we can see that both both goalkeepers of the two teams are detected and we can work with this Frame and then we need to select the different colors for both teams so for each team we have two colors one for the players and one for the goalkeeper and to select the colors we simply need to click on which color we need to select and then click on the detection images here so for example for the France uh players color we simply click for example on this uh pixel and the picket color will be shown in the box below now let's select the color for the France goalkeeper and we repeat the same process we pick color and it will be shown here we can do the same thing for the Switzerland team first the players color and finally the goalkeeper color of course you don't need to do this for the demo videos because the different colors are predefined but if you if you want to upload your own video you need to perform this step in order to get uh a correct or an accurate tee prediction uh once we have the different colors set we can move on to the last tab which is the model hyperparameters and detection okay so the different parameters here will be discussed later on but here we have uh annotation options which are detection options so if you want to show the key points detection the players detection the color pallets or the ball tracks you can toggle these um options and you can save the output video if you check this uh box and of course you can enter the file name which is optional if you don't want to enter a file name one will be generated and you can find of course the output video in the output uh folder let's start with the player detection option all right as you can see here we have the different players detected and and we have the team prediction for France and Switzerland and here we have each player with the color palette detected which is used for the team prediction and of course here we have the Tactical map with the ball track representation now the FPS here is low is around four on average but if we run the same code on a Jupiter notebook we can get it up to8 FPS but of course uh many more optimization steps can be taken in order to improve the FPS all right now let's stop the detection and add the uh show key Point detection option let's start again now it will show you the different field key points that were detected and these key points are used to build the Tactical map representation and as you can see here we have an efficient and accurate key Point detection all right now let's move on to the second demo video so we simply need to select the demo two op option on the main settings and everything else will be changed accordingly from the team names to the team colors so we only need to uh click on start detection all right so here we have two teams with quite similar colors and that's why the team prediction isn't as accurate and we will discuss later on what can be done to improve on that and if you've noticed it as well in the beginning the Tactical map representation was wasn't accurate but then it got corrected when the camera started moving and that's another functionality implemented to correct the different uh representation based on the camera movement okay so that's it for the demo let's stop the detection and let's discuss how the different functionalities were implemented okay so here we have a flowchart of the football analysis web application and we start here with an input video of course which is passed to two object detect ction models as you can see here so the first functionality in this web app and the most crucial one is the detection of the different objects of interest in the input video and here I trained two models one for the player the referee and the ball detection and the other one is for the field key points so the models I trained are YOLO V8 models which were trained on a custom data set that I labeled manually each data set contains about 500 images and as I said earlier I used tactical map recordings of football games in order to create these uh data sets and I used free annotation tools label me and Cat for The annotation of the data sets now I won't go into details on how to install and use these tools but you can find different guides on the internet and in their uh respective GitHub repositories which you can find the links for in the description so now that we have the data sets we can train uh the YOLO models and I've used hyperparameter tune technique implemented in Yolo V8 to achieve great results even with these small custom data sets that I've have created so as we can see here the confusion matrices shows that we have achieved relatively great results for all the different classes uh in both models except for the ball class where it only predicted 25% of the balls present in the validation set so we have low recall for the ball class and that's expected of course because the ball class was was underrepresented in the data set which is also true for other field key points and as we've seen that class imbalance affects especially the recall for those classes meaning that the object won't be detected as much as we want to and this issue can be addressed using larger data sets or through data augmentation techniques but for the time being I'm satisfied with the current models results but if you want to train a more accurate YOLO V8 model it is recommended that you use at least 1 ,500 images per class and you can find the different tips on how to create a good custom data set on the ulo V8 documentation page and you can also find the link for that in the description all right so now we have the models we need that pretty much represents all the machine learning present in this application and all the remaining functionalities are simple computer vision algorithms that uses the results obtained from these detection models so the results from the players detection model are used first to extract the color pet for each detected player this extracted color palette will be used later on to predict the team of the detected player and the result from the keypoint detection model is used to calculate a homography matrix which is a matrix that Maps the key points position on the Tactical map and the position of the detected key points on the video so once we have the homography Matrix we can map each point on the frame to a point on the Tactical map map and that is indeed the next functionality which is calculating the player's position on the Tactical map so once we have the bounding boxes for each detected player we can get the coordinate of each player on the frame and then using the homography Matrix we can map that coordinate to the Tactical map and that's basically how we get the representation now once we have the team predictions for the detected players we can add that as well as the ball tracks representation on the Tactical map in order to generate the output video all right so now let's discuss a little bit further the algorithm used for the team prediction as well as the homography transformation for the team prediction algorithm I was first thinking about using a clustering algorithm or clustering model with two clusters let's say for example team a and Team B and that way I thought we could distinguish uh both teams so I tried this idea and here we have for example for this Frame we need to extract all the players bounding boxes after that I wanted to use the extracted images of the players to train train the clustering algorithms I tried K means and DB scan well obviously we need to train a model every single frame since we will not be tracking the players that's exactly why we can't be using the images as a whole for the training process of the clustering algorithm as it will make the app very slow but I tried multiple feature extraction methods such as using a pre-trained CNN or averaging the colors present in each image or extracting the dominant colors palette these extracted features I tried to use them for the uh training of the clustering model however no matter what feature extraction method we use I obtained very poor results regarding the instantaneous team prediction and to illustrate the main issues regarding this approach let's check this example so here we have a random frame where we have successfully detected the different players and calculated the average color for each player in this image and here we have the position of each player in the RGB space now we can see clearly that we have a player far away from all the others and that's because we detected the goalkeeper in this Frame that is wearing a reddish colored kit so using DP scan is expected to fail in this case but even if we remove the goalkeepers from this equation we still don't see a clear separation between both teams that's understandable since both teams are wearing shade of blue so I figured let's use a rather straightforward solution without any machine learning model and that is by defining from the start the colors of each team and then each time we detect a player we can extract its pette of dominant colors and then calculate the distance between those colors and the predefined team colors and as such we can assign each player to its team more accurately but since we have the green grasp present in almost every image of detected players we can expect that the green color will always be present in the color palette we extract which is not very useful for the team prediction so that's why I decided to use a smaller centered rectangle to extract the color palette as shown here and that indeed improved dramatically the accuracy of the team prediction algorithm one last thing I need to note before move on to the next functionality algorithm is that the distances between the extracted color palette and the predefined colors are calculated in the lab space not the RGB space and that's because it is reported that the distances in that space are more meaningful and are much closer to the perception of the human eye and that's what we want okay so now let's move on to the next functionality which is transforming the coordinates of the detected players from the frame plane to the Tactical map plane now as I said to achieve this transformation we will be using something called The homography Matrix which is a commonly used Matrix to shift perspective so as Illustrated in this image we can use it to look to the same scene from different point of views and the transformation from one POV to the other is obtained through this homography Matrix so this is exactly the transformation we need to use in this application and to achieve that we need to map at least four points from the first point of view to the second point of view and in our case we have a tactical map in which we defined the certain number of key points and save their coordinates now when we detect at least four key points on any given frame we can calculate a homography matrix and as you can see in this example one thing I noticed is that with EXA L four key points we can have 100% accuracy of POV shift using the homography Matrix or the homography transformation especially in the proximity of these four points however when we increase the number of key points the accuracy will decrease and that can be due to a slight warp in the camera recording or in case the points are not in the same 3D planner as I found mentioned in this stack Overflow post and after some trials I figured that the error from the homography transformation is not that big so we can work with it for now but the main issue was the shaky and jumpy behavior of the coordinates on the Tactical map which is due basically to the fact that we're calculating the homography uh Matrix in every single frame where we detect more than four key points and that's why I introduced a homography matrix update condition that is used to determine in every single frame whether to update the homography Matrix or to use the last one and this would obviously reduce the computational cost which will improve a little bit the frame rate and also make the Tactical map representation much smoother and the condition I set is a rather simple one where in each frame if we detect more than a certain number of key points that were detected in the previous frame we calculate if those common key points have moved on average Beyond a certain threshold and if that's the case we need to update the homography Matrix and if not we will keep using the last calculated one so the number of the common key points as well as the distance threshold are hyper parameters that should be set carefully now once we have the coordinates of the players and the ball on the Tactical map we can easily track the ball movement since we only have one ball present in the field at each frame and that indeed presents the last functionality of this application and finally the annotated frame is displayed and as we've seen in the demo at the beginning of this video we have on average 4 FPS but as we can see here if we run the same code on a notebook we can improve that FPS up to eight on average all right so now let's go over the code for the different functionalities that we discussed so first we need to get the labels as defined for the two data sets and as we can see we have them stored in these yaml configuration files that were used to train the YOLO V8 models so now we have both the numerical and alphabetical representation of the different labels and we will be using that to identify the objects we detect so then we need to set the video paths as well as the team colors parameters and as as I mentioned earlier we convert the colors to the lab format in order to calculate the distances for the team prediction then we need to import the YOLO models so we have two models for the player detection and for the key points uh detection after that we set some hyper parameters such as the confidence threshold for both models and the keyo displacement threshold and then we start the capture Loop so in this Loop we will process each frame so here we first increment the frame counter and we read the frame from the capture so in each frame we create a new copy of the Tactical map so we can display the uh detected objects uh coordinates and then here we set the ball tracking history variable in case we exceeded a certain number of frames without detecting any ball object so the first part in this uh code is the object detection and coordinate transformation so here we get the uh result from both models detections and we can see we have the results stored here here for the bounding boxes for both models as well as the labels and then we can extract the alphabetical representation of the detected labels after that we need to get the detected key points or field key points uh coordinates on both the Tactical map which are predefined coordinates and the coordinates on the current frame we will be using those coordinates of course to calculate the homography Matrix so here if we detected more than three labels meaning four or more key points we will check the update condition and here we have the frame number bigger than one meaning that if we're on the first frame we of course need to calculate the homography without checking the condition because we don't have a previously calculated homography Matrix but if the frame number is bigger than one we need first to check how many common key points are detected so if we have more than three common key points detected we need to calculate the error between the position of the uh detected key points on this Frame and on the previous uh frame so here we used the mean squared error and if that error exceeds a certain predefined tolerance we need to update the homography Matrix now the homography Matrix is calculated using this function find homography from open CV and I forget to mention that there are other methods to calculate the homography Matrix or to perform respective shift and there are uh ones that involves deep learning or machine learning but I wanted to keep things simple for this application and using this uh function from open CV we can obtain relatively good results so once we have the homography Matrix we can uh transform the coordinates of the detected players from the frame to the Tactical map and we can achieve that using a simple matrix multiplication as shown here so then we need to transform the ball coordinates as well and as a final step we update the ball tracking history so we uh save the uh position of the ball on both the Tactical map and the frame but we will only display the tracks on the Tactical map since the tracks on the input video are not relevant since the camera is moving so the tracks won't be uh reliable and we have here set some conditions for the track history so for instance this first condition would create new track for the ball if it moved dramatically from the previous position and this condition here would prevent the ball tracking history from surpassing Max length that we defined earlier so the second part of this algorithm is the Players team prediction so first of all we need to convert the frame from BGR to RGB since we're using open CV and it uses uh as default the BGR setting then we have this Loop which will extract the color palette from each detected player so the first part here is to extract a centered and much smaller rectangle instead of the whole bounding box of each player and this cented filter would be used to extract the color palette so so the color palette extraction is performed using this function from the pillow library and once we have the color palette extracted we need to get the top dominant colors so here we calculate the redundance of each color and we sort the values then we can get for example the top three dominant colors which are defined in this pallette interval variable from 0 to 5 all right so once we have the color palette we can append it to this list and then we can use the list of extracted color palettes to predict the team for each player so as I said we will be using the distance in the lab uh color space so that's why we first need to convert the detected color pallet from RGB to lab and then here we calculate the distance using this method from SK image which calculat the ukian distance in the lab color space so in this Loop for each color in each color palette we calculate its distance from the four predefined colors and then we can assign each color to the corresponding team which is closer to that color so here for instance we have a palette of five colors and each color will be assigned a team and then using a simple voting mechanism we can get the team prediction for each player which is uh performed in this Loop so we Loop over the different player distances and then we uh predict the the players team by vote counting and that's how we perform the team players prediction and now moving on to the last part which is to annotate the current frame and the Tactical map so first we Loop over all the detected objects by the player detection model and we display the color palette next to each detected object bounding box and then we annotate the Tactical map with the player position for each team with the corresponding color and then we add The annotation of course for the referee bounding box as well as the ball bounding box and then we add the ball tracking line on the Tactical map and as a final step we combine all The annotation in one single uh output frame and then we display the output frame and we move on to the next iteration all right so let me now run this code to show you what is the expected result all right and as you can see here we have a higher frame rate and you can see all the different annotation s uh that we discussed and you can click on P to pose uh the detection or Q to quit the detection all right so that's it for this application as I said you can find the code for this project in the GitHub repository uh through the link in the description and that's it for this video so see you next time
Channel: Machine Learning With Hamza
Views: 3,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: python, machine learning, ML, AI, computer vision, NLP, tensorflow, pytorch, data science, data analysis, EDA, machine learning project, learn machine learning, machine learning applications, opencv, yolov8, object detection, object tracking, homography matrix, football analysis python, streamlit object detection
Id: yJWAtr3kvPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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