Comprehensive List of OSINT Tools v3

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howdy y'all cody bernardi here with another youtube video and in today's video we are gonna be going down the rabbit hole called comprehensive ocean tools volume three uh without further ado let's get straight into the video so i have compiled a giant list of different tools this is not a like the fullest list i can make this document which will be in the description down below which by the way check out all the links because anything you purchase but the amazon links helps out the channel also join the discord and all that and huge shout out to the folks on my discord channel for really making this list whether they know it or not the resources and links list or channel on my discord is like 99 of what all this is from it's just a compilation of all of them so huge shout out to toaster listener crocs a few other individuals i can't remember off top my head for really making this list a thing so without further ado let's get into it so um like i said this will be down below you can check out the the list it's a living and breathing google drive link so i'll add as i go so first up we got qgis uh so if we go ahead and open this up it is a uh from what i've used it is a standalone system that has different uh gis layers on it um so it's supported on mac linux bsd and windows and mobile devices so really you can run this on anything uh if we go to for users right here i believe they had somewhere on here i can't remember if thought my head some training material they had um it might be under documentation they basically showed all the different layers that they had that you can use right here so see more maps and screenshots they have case studies use cases all that stuff flickr pro to hide these ads come on so they got all sorts of different kind of layers and maps that you can play with uh so moving on we got gps jams so this is a compilation of gps interference around the world uh and it's collected by adsb exchange feeders so uh as you can see on this list i try to put country relation with the two two digit iso code so i'm trying to expand past the u.s uh united states and all that uh it has historical information right here as well so you can see like what the world looked like uh we could i don't know how far back we could go um let's see we can go back to february of 2022 and we can see what we have so if we type in zero two 28 we could see that we had a ton of interference down here in the cypress area near syria uh and all that lebanon west bank israel gaza strip all that stuff so it makes sense uh so like i said this is all fed through adsb exchange feeders i don't know what was going on in texas and oklahoma at this time but yeah okay moving on we have con community crime app uh hosted by lexisnexis now typically lexisnexis is not associated with oceans but they are associated with intelligence um so this is pretty cool that they have this map right here so we could go to like texas uh and take a look at what they have i believe this is just a compilation of crime maps hosted by counties so i believe in the united states most counties will have a at least in the county that i'm in will have like a downloadable csv json file of all the crimes that happened in the past you know whatever xyz time so i believe this is just a compilation of all that so community crime map this is just pin drops of various crimes that happen around the united states okay moving on we have sdr receiver map now i'm the last person to comment on radio stuff um but i did check out one of these when i tried to make this video yesterday but i had my gain on my mic way too high so i have to refilm this video but we can see right here we have a uh i guess a radio tower and headingly something i guess i don't know what any of this means but it has like a http address right here so we have a kiwi sdr receiver uh it has like all of this stuff in it i have no idea what this is so uh if you know anything about it uh let me know i don't this is like mind-blowing to me so this is just a list of sdr receivers and transmitters around the world okay moving on we have hood maps now this one is actually really interesting so this is a community ran map that basically you can and and do keep in mind that there can be some racist you could probably guess you could see on here mainly because this is just community ran so you can see like we have the hasidic jew area jewish area right over here this is ran by individuals but this is nice to have because uh coming from the outside in i don't know if this is true but if like i was interested in like the different areas uh in a particular city and it's not just specific to new york we could go to like kiev uh ukraine and we could see like we have the best street in kiev and we have fake lips and micro dogs in this area i have no idea like this area right here i don't know maybe that's true uh but sometimes you'll see like what nicknames for specific areas of a town is called uh so figured i'd throw this in here sausage party uh new berlin drugs and techno fake gucci uh you russia yeah okay so moving on so that is what i have for gis moving on to transportation the only two that i have is uh related to rails but luckily we have us and uh europe in here uh uh so the first one first one we have right here is train symbols in the united states and canada so like if we click on um amtrak we could see like the symbol associated with the route so amtrak 1 is new orleans to los angeles and it's called sunset limited and do keep in mind i believe this is almost similar with transportation at least in the us like the numbering of them so typically like a route number one and number two and so on so forth is going to be the opposite direction so like british airways one i believe is jfk to london heathrow and british airways two is london heathrow to jfk or something like that i might have had him inverse but typically that's what you will see um so we have amtrak we have canadian pacific union pacific so uh canadian pacific 100 is vancouver to toronto 101 toronto to vancouver uh so on so forth so that is train symbols right there next up we have railroad maps which appears to be all in europe um so we could go ahead and take a look at what like belarus has uh just like a little map of the train system in belarus and it tells you the kind of the electrified tracks i believe that yeah track gauge that's also like an important thing like just like a nifty little thing to know about ocean there's different track gauges uh in the world so if you come across a piece of intel you might be able to tell what country it is by the thickness or the width of the railroad track so keep that in mind okay so next up we have archives so this one is in sweden this is a paper uh newspaper archive going back to 1884. um so these are all screenshots of uh newspapers from 1884 in december of 1884. so if we go to like uh this one right here we will see a newspaper page svenska not even gonna try to pronounce that but um got all that there so really nice newspaper archive i'll definitely be adding this uh as i find more so but this one's in sweden okay moving up this one's gonna be super heavy um all the different tools you can use so a lot of them are gonna be from github so if you're not familiar with github i believe i have a video on how to use github tools if not i'll go back and make one okay so uh first up we have the more more airty project i think that's what it's called um basically what it does is it looks for accounts associated with a phone number so it tries to find important information about a specific phone number so this phone number is not connected to a facebook account instagram blah blah related links and it brings you to like these different websites that have information about that particular phone number so installation chmod 755 install shell lovely uh and then you run the install shell or install bash file on a linux system you just get so if you don't know how to download stuff from github you go to code and then you copy this right here and then you get clone this url and then it downloads it all for you okay moving on we have ocean global so a lot of these start dot me's is going to be like a like ocean framework ish so this one is going to be everything other than the united states and you can see at the very top up here we have all these different links up here so we have i mean everything you can think of we got uh ocean tools in mexico ocean tools in australia argentina austria uh morocco netherlands bosnia belgium brazil i mean list goes on and on this is everything not in the united states and you can also see that we have an ocean one for the united states right here so we have file search so you can search for files uh social network information over here oh sent investigation tools i mean the list goes on and on so i'll actually add this one because it is a separate link um so us ocean tools and then us okay so moving on we got another we have the justice cook uh oh sent tools right here so we have throwaway information right here so this could be like i wouldn't say sock puppet but it could be more for anonymization purposes so like uh if you need like a burner sms account or something like that set it up there you need a fake fax account um osr framework osr oh osr framework okay uh osr framework so list goes on and on of different things in here i can't even begin to go through all of these washington state license generator so creating a sock puppet all that so cemetery directory i've used that in the past for no scent challenge to find a dead person i don't know like find a is like a good site for stuff like that okay moving on so we have the malfrat ocean map so this one's actually pretty interesting so this is a fork of so i have made note of this in the past that ocean framework doesn't really appear to be uh ran anymore so this is just a fork of it meaning that it's everything of but it's maintained i don't know why ocean framework's not maintained anymore but i still can't give enough thanks to justin ordean for creating it in the first place uh but this is a maintained version of oset framework right here so if you were disappointed that osa framework is not maintained anymore now you got this tool okay moving on we have the wayback toolbar i've used this myself i actually have it up here on firefox but you can now have it on chrome basically the way it works is if you click on the toolbar up here and click archive page it will attempt to archive whatever page you're on right now to the wayback machine so super easy tool to use um it looks like it was just added to chrome in february of this year okay moving on so um this one gives you historical information about twitter accounts i believe uh twitter accounts only um so the way it works is you would visit here so if we go here and it's just like a json format so i don't really know what this information means uh if you visit you'll see the following data i don't see that data but let's go ahead and uh let's try this one out real quick in uh in ubuntu so if i open up an ubuntu thing cool all right so that didn't work i think what we have to do is we might have to get clone all the stuff use cases libs of tick tock you'll see the following data house plant i think this what what does as it tells you previous usernames um yeah tells you previous usernames so i'll have to poke around that too a little bit more but it seems pretty useful with gathering previous information about usernames okay moving on we got od crawler so this is open directory crawler so it's searching for exactly what it says open directories so if we type in like uh uh we have things in here like uh wordpress stuff and gps stuff and i mean the list goes on and on so they don't really tell you like it'd be nice to get like a uh like example searches um so like file name matching so like if we do env maybe oh that's naughty okay well you can do stuff like that on there okay moving on carnet ai so i've actually tried to make a video on this tool before and it works ish but it's not the best so i'll give you an example real quick uh so if we go to here and i think it's i thought i had something in here hold on i had i had something maybe i deleted it anyways like i uploaded a picture of a a datsun and it it didn't really give me information but in theory like if you were to upload a picture of a car it will tell you the make and model the generation and the probability of it being a match so i would trust it if it said 100 but most vehicles that i pulled from like videos and stuff it has like a 95 it's not super accurate but it's nice to have i wouldn't use it as a primary tool to like identify vehicles i would highly encourage anyone that's doing like ocean stuff to like read up on cars and just like means of transportation so you can identify them in videos and not having to rely on tools but this is a good verifier if you think you found something okay moving on we got intel techniques tool set so i already made a video on this whole thing so i'll put a link to that up here go ahead and check that out this is like michael bazelle is the one of the the gods in my opinion um of ocean so the open source intel intelligence techniques book that he has um i don't even know which version i have right now um somewhere over there but got me into ocean like i'd say like officially into osim okay moving on so we have what's my name dot a or what am i saying ape app so if we do twitter support we could see that twitter support is a username on twitter and vark i don't know what farc is uh but it automatically archives stuff so if we go here web archive or i don't know if it automatically archives but it might pull up archived versions of that account so that's what's my name dot app okay moving on to intel x so intel x is another like amazing tool set so like if we go to uh ip we can see like it'll search the ip address on all of these different tools and it's just like a api aggregator that's like uh montego it's kind of how maltega works um so if we go to like username and like type in twitter support that's me select all hit search you might have a pop-up warning up here um but basically just opens up twitter support on all these different uh things so gravatar uh profiler ghost decks tumblr youtube facebook oh there's me noam uh user search so it's basically how it works it just opens up a bunch of links on your behalf so really nice okay moving on so we actually have an ocean tool set for south africa uh i can't attest to any of these but uh yeah it gives you some information like the time in cape town johannesburg it seems like they're all on the same time zone but like news legal so south africa i'm sure there's plenty of ocean uh happening down in that country right now uh moving on we have ex1641 oscent list so it's just a bunch of nb files so we got like different pace sites um ftp hosting um i mean the list goes on and on feeds to follow i wish i was on there dacho cent guy shout out to jose guy uh social engineering dorks uh so we got bing go google showdan general search engines nice okay moving on we have the rossac inventory so they got a bunch of tools not just an osint uh so what i linked is specific to ocean but if you remove the hashtag title ocent tools it'll take you to the very top and i got like binary exploitation cloud code analysis wireless i mean list goes on and on um so cool moving on we have the ocean combined bookmarks download um i don't know oh chrome or firefox so uh it's basically just a custom bookmark all this stuff up here uh for ocean so it has area event monitoring person of interest corporate profiling mapping our ai reporting tools cryptocurrency cyber tools all that so it tells you how to install it and all that so ocean combined another like great resource if you haven't checked them out before uh a lot to go okay so we got uh duckduckgo dorks right here so i've made videos on google dorks but i've never made one about uh duckduckgo dorks i actually can't even attest to this i've never used it before um duck duck maybe it's not ducked out go related what am i thinking um i'm just clicking on some of these oh i think it's just google i keep saying google i think it's just searching those things in duckduckgo uh i didn't add the link to this one but i've been meaning to make a video on vortemo but basically the way i've used this in the past is to basically track your breadcrumbs when you find a piece of intel so this is like super helpful when you're doing trace labs and you're trying to recreate how you got to where you're at this will track all the links it will start making associations for you so it will combine everything uh vegetation fire um we'll start doing all that for you uh i i'll try to make a video on virtimo but to be honest they have their own training that they're way better at explaining so i'll put a link to that uh either up here if i can or down below uh for a vortemo training so it's free to download and all that uh i think it's only maintained by like one or two people so just keep in mind like don't expect like top not like enterprise sort of you know support i wasn't gonna say qualities that's like rude it's a great tool just support i think that's what it is okay moving on we got oh uh uso sent tools already covered that okay whoo i need to go get some more water holy okay we got a lot to go all right so firmware i thought this was a fun one to just add into the list mainly because it's like why not um but this is firmware uh information or actual firmware downloads for various automated teller machines aka atms so you come right here and they got all this information all these files you can download so i haven't poked around with it but i mean if you're into hacky hacking stuff i'm sure you'd be interested in that okay moving on radio stuff so i think that um tx site that i mentioned in the gis portion should be added here but basically uh this appears to be us only so radio reference is a list of different channels i guess at least in the united states on this map but i believe itself like has information about worldwide radio usage so we could go to like washington we'll go to king county we could see all these different categories right here so we could see like radio frequencies used by the city of seattle hospitals municipalities native american reservations all that so if you scroll down a little bit you could see the frequencies right there so i actually have this uh little radio right here uh this is just a an analog unit in radio so if you're into radio stuff like this is like super cool um i can listen to like police uh scanners radio sk or fire scanners and all that uh but it is analog so it's not digital so like some of these larger like 86 or 867 frequencies like i i can't log into that uh it's an fm radio frequency um but yeah i'll put a link to this down below i think this is like only like a hundred or so bucks uh it's a one-way radio so you can't tune in to uh you know you can't obviously like tune in not tune in talk over the radio but you can listen so i'll put this unit in one down below again if you purchase using my link it helps out the channel a lot and also put a digital radio as well as he can log into multiple frequencies but anyways that's if you just want to listen here like this is the quickest way to get radio information however you can listen online and i believe we so there's a radio reference and then broadcastify so we'll go ahead and browse feeds uh continue without disabling okay so yeah we can go international so we could go to like finland uh we go to southern finland we have the south east finland civil and military aviation frequency you take a look at so it's aviation and all that so really cool stuff you can just listen in okay moving on so counter intelligence i've actually never talked about this before so counter intel is actually really important if you want to do intel work as your job especially if you're dealing with like high profile like high risk sort of investigations uh at least in my definition counter intel is cleaning up your stuff and making sure you're protected uh counter intel is just kind of an ambiguous term for more of a defensive approach to intel gathering um at least that's my interpretation of it so like you gather intel on what your adversary could do to you or your business and you'd build up measures or i guess measures to protect yourself i guess um so counter intel this is for individuals so removing yourself from like white pages google and telus been verified uh do keep in mind like in the united states we have the ccpa so the california consumer privacy act and then over in the eu uh rest in peace to the uk with gdpr i don't even know if gdpr still applies to the uk anymore um but you have gdpr so like these big companies have to remove you and all information they have about you you can also request all the information they have about you and then also i i kind of threw this bonus one at the bottom is uh anti swat so it's just kind of like a generic google search it's just anti swat list site star gov and if you use google it should bring you results that are somewhat geo-located near you but if you are at risk of getting swatted or having false claims made to you with emergency services go ahead and give them a ring they you might sound a little crazy when you ask to be put on an anti-swat list especially if you live in like the middle of nowhere but do keep that in mind there are some techniques you can use to protect yourself with intel gathering okay moving on we have sock mint no i'm not talking about minty socks i'm talking about social media intelligence gathering there is a ton of different tools like i said this is a living and breathing document so this is far from an exclusive list of just different tools and also do keep in mind some of these tools might be overlapped with v1 and v2 comprehensive ocean videos i believe sleeping time is like one of them uh so just keep that in mind if you've seen this in previous videos i do apologize there's just a bunch of tools and i can't remember off top my head and i'm also a little lazy because i don't want to go back in time okay so basically tries to guess the sleeping time the actual sleeping time of a particular twitter account based on the times it does not tweet um so this kind of gives you information on maybe where the account is located uh you know if they're sleeping a normal human sleep schedule you know eight hours a day i know you might be laughing when i say normal but you get the gist uh you know and then like maybe eleven to seven something like that i'll tell you the time there's also like another uh tool i completely forgot but it tries to guess if uh um if a twitter account's a bot or not based on how many times of tweets like during certain hours it's like little it's almost like a heat map but with dots so you can see like a twitter account will tweet every hour on the dot it's 24 7. so like that's almost a telltale sign that it's like a fake account so anyways sleeping time you just log in with your twitter account you could type in the twitter username okay moving on we got 10i i believe this you pronounce it so this is actually really helpful with again like trace lab stuff it does instagram chaining uh friend or followers list chaining uh basically what that means and i have an anecdote a recent anecdote so we have a neighborhood um neighborhood garden pisser for lack of better terms he likes to piss in people's gardens like it's actually weird um and the other day i was browsing through the local jail roster uh i forgot why but i was looking through and i saw a last name on there that i recognized like oh i wonder if this individual is related to garden pisser um so i look them up facebook and i find potentially re relative of garden pistors facebook account but their friends list didn't have garden pisser associated but going on garden and pisser's facebook account and this person i found on the jail rosters facebook account and i was able to find a mutual friend manually uh i was able to make some sort of confirmation that they are related in some capacity uh but this does it for you i you know being able to find mutuals uh through public instagram accounts is like super helpful because what what you can't do on instagram like if there's a private account that you're investigating uh you can't see their following and followers list but if you were to find another account that might be a so like let's say the account you're investigating is private but you're able to find one of their friends from like a different social media account so like the person you're investigating is like facebook account you're able to find from their facebook their friend's instagram account and their instagram account is public you can chain friends from there so that is ten i right there uh next up we have telepathy this is telegram stuff um so an ocean tool for guest investigating telegram chats pretty easy to install it's just a pip install um or you can install from github directly so get clone all that install requirements and that's how you run it so target so you would install or you would include the link all right and all that okay next up we've got telegram map so the telegram map uses openstreetmap and the official telegram library to find position of nearby users i don't know well it says how it works so every 25 seconds all nearby users will be received with td lib from telegram this includes the distance of every nearby user to my location with three distances from three different points it is possible calculate the position of the nearby user this only finds telegram users which have activated the nearby future feature per default it is deactivated okay i was gonna say like sounds really bad that that is just something shipped but it's off by default um so pretty nice next up we have servers so search for discord servers by keyword so let's give this a shot let's see xerox 4ko let's see uh so opens up a few things so discord server discord hub interesting interesting so it does a yandex search uh let's see uh shkreli i'm not a robot oh come on priv [Music] lee voice so you got shkreli discord so yeah pretty nice it just does a custom search for you and it's piping everything so different sites and then it just puts in quotes right there so cool okay moving on we got minecraft uid search and this is actually really really interesting so it tells you the previous uh usernames of a minecraft account so like if we look up six nine we could see the previous usernames of six nine uh look up results so you can see right here they started out as the real predator very fitting then we got galaxy plays and then they changed it over to six nine as of the 29th of december of 2016. six nine we got island boys oh it doesn't say when it was created um let's see what's another uh young gravy young gravy i don't know young gunshot and then young gravy 2nd of january 2017. so yeah interesting okay next up we got better reddit search so this is kind of like a twitter advanced search for reddit so again any of these words all of these words this exact phrase none of these words and check these specific subreddits dates posted blah blah blah okay we're getting there folks if you're still watching shout out to you man okay next up we got public records so again not comprehensive but i figured this tool is pretty interesting so it's the it's a worldwide map of different public record searches that you're able to do so if we go to [Music] the netherlands we have these different maps we got court records yellow white pages transp transport map live uh let's go here oh look whoa that's cool can't read what it's saying unfortunately i don't know if i can change this over to english um yeah but anyways it's there you can check it out are you down here yeah you need me do you need me well i'm recording can i help you when i'm done yeah okay okay all right uh so this is a worldwide map right here so uh let's see what they got in moscow union of soviet socialist republics obd memorial doesn't seem like rush is like too big into like public records oh no take it back we got some stuff over here vehicle information business registry court records yellow pages all that okay moving on search engine stuff so dork search is a tool for just google dworking again none of this is like new like new info but it anything to help speed up an investigation is worth time so like you have a builder right here um so like yeah pre-built so we can look for like advisories and vulnerabilities and it like brings up some pre-built stuff over here uh we have uh various online devices curious what that means oh modbus oh so we're getting to like uh plc sort of stuff so we click search and uh you know it's always fun when you like search something on google and then like you get a result that's an ip address so we'll go ahead and look uh look into this like see what happens oh they might have removed it on off off the internet because you know why would they leave that on there um heat miser wi-fi thermostat oh fun fun okay i'm glad we're not getting like a ton of uh results oh see more ah this one's the best these are always the best because uh yeah they're hmi so we like go to screen list and we go to fancy screen and all that typically it's like uh yeah ps2 tank level control elevations distribution system yeah a lot of stuff that shouldn't be uh on the internet someone's here who's here who's here who that oh okay so that's dork search it like brings up like a lot of pre-built stuff that like you could easily go down a long rabbit hole in okay moving on so as many of you know i haven't really talked about ukraine stuff mainly because i just don't feel qualified to because i'm not a geospatial geospatial geopolitical like i'm not into that stuff too much like i'll just be honest there's other resources out there that are like heavily involved with uh ukraine intel so i'll put some links down below i can't remember them off top my head but i'll have a separate section down below with time stamps all that stuff down below please check them out if you want to just get heavy into intel stuff with uh ukraine so uh these two sites right here mapleri and cardview they have a lot of good uh like street views in ukraine so like you know like google street uh all that bing street all that supposedly these are like really good with uh with maps in ukraine next up we got the uh the russia ukraine monitor map so this is just a compilation of different activities happening in ukraine and other countries as well pertaining to the war going on right now so we have like civilian infrastructure damage like you could see all these different filters over here so we have like civilian casualty um military movements all that so like munitions it's dated right here so like on july 3rd of this year we have a piece of rock in a garden in russia violence level one not sure what the violence levels mean i'm sure they have some information about what violence level means but it tells you the link so we'll check this out and check this out right here so translate tweet so this is interesting when russians bring parts uh places so that and then a link to like the geoconfirmed location of said tweet so okay moving on so we got live view map so again it's kind of the same thing it's like live information what's happening in ukraine right now um so we click on this little icon right here uh zlonski asked civilians from dawn test reason to evacuate that was as of a day ago uh we have russian army shelled border areas i'm not even gonna try to pronounce that uh with regions with howitzers and mlrs uh general staff of armed forces ukraine says in this morning report so yeah explosions near here shelling yeah lots of artillery okay uh this one's kind of interesting so this is an explosive ordnance guide for ukraine and it's a publication so you can actually just download it and i believe it's all in english 2 and it's 152 pages so tells you information about different artillery shells different munitions grenades and all that um so ordinance subcategory so it's a grenade it's a fragmentation grenade uh explosive fill 34 grams uh the weight of it is 300 grams dimensions not known uh country of orange origin bulgaria russia and then the fuse so it's like really good information about the munitions being used uh this is like a mine right here so and it breaks it up by the different kinds of munitions so if we go up here a little bit we have anti-personal mine anti-vehicle mine um i think this was the tnt yeah it's all right here anyways super good read i'd encourage you to read that if you're interested in this stuff okay moving on we got live cameras in ukraine so this this really all started out at the beginning of uh the war i remember like going on a showdown safari trying to find all these different cameras and geolocating them but this one's actually really well made i think each of these dots is an area of conflict i'm not entirely sure it doesn't appear that they have any sort of relation to a particular incident like right here we have a camera interesting yeah 731 2135 this is a live camera ukraine and it actually pin drops it in a particular location i do remember oh there's another tool i need to add in here i totally forgot about it but it basically you import a camera like a camera make a model until and and you're able to drop it on a map and like you're able to add elevation information and it tells you like what the angled view of that particular camera will have i need to find that it's like somewhere deep in my twitter tweets um also this site looks pretty interesting something's going on right here i have no idea what that is it's a spiderweb but there's obviously is that a person i have no idea right there i don't know zoom out a little bit got another camera over here yeah interesting yeah 22.29 that is right now cool okay so that is it for ukraine war uh next up we have supply chain so this one is kind of like a manifest of imported goods at least in the united states i don't know if this works outside of the united states um so if we were to type in um purely white deluxe i keep seeing that everywhere purely white deluxe i don't know if that will show up on here be honest purely white deluxe is that how you spell it see yeah it's probably not gonna be in here okay that's fine uh we'll do um let's do apple why not uh so we gotta make sure that we are going to the correct apple uh so click here united states flag um company might be operating under a different name this appears to be yeah this is definitely i recognize this brand right here uh lighting battery power adapter all that so it tells you information about uh the suppliers for different brands so if we go to yeti yeti coolers you can see that yeti coolers imports a lot of stuff from china no surprise to anyone but it gives you information about how it was shipped which supplier supplied what so this vacuum containers right here i'm sure if we click on this we can see other companies that they supply so we see that they supplied a lot to yeti coolers takia usa pacific market international costco wholesale uh steel technologies camelback clean canteen hydroflask so yeah just fyi on that like you don't need to buy yeti you can buy other brands but that's also giving you information about the supply chain uh because i'm sure that this particular brand right here might have its own suppliers uh okay we're getting to the end we're getting to the end so we got a few good reads right here i encourage you if you're really interested in ocean stuff to continue to read on uh just continue to read on us and stuff typically after like trace labs events you'll have individuals writing stuff about like how they were what their thought process was like during the ctf and all that so i got a few right here the elite hackers of the fsb which is the federal security service in russia uh global investigative journalism uh we have ocean curious and there's another link in here that i could add uh by web breacher he's the instructor of sans sec fort it's a 487 i took an ocean sands course a few years back but yeah i'll add more in there so notable names uh micah hoffman justin ordin j crabs um dutch osan guy i mean there's a few that i i mean there's a lot more those are just a few left on my head okay finally we're at the tail end so uh cyber threat until so we have the australian government's essential 8 maturity model you have the canadian nsni link right here go ahead and check this out real quick it's another and it's just all information pertaining to canada so go ahead check all that out i mean there's a ton of links in here like each of these could be their own video and then criminal this is a very similar tool to gray noise where it shows information about a particular ip address um and i think we could do yeah it's like it's kind of like a uh gray noise showdown combined so let's do cve id let's try this out cve 2021 44228 let's just see i don't know if it ah login required okay well i need a register for that but anyways we'll go back here and then we will just do this ip address right here it has like ip scoring uh connection ip address owner uh is it a tour ipv vpn blah blah open ports vulnerabilities remote address oh ssh sorry and all that so that is it for this video if y'all enjoy content like this please hit the thumbs up button hit the subscribe button with the bell notification enabled so you can get notified any time i post a new video thank you all for spending all almost one hour of content on this video with me um yeah so i will try my best to timestamp everything that is going to be quite the journey for me but um yeah i'll post a link to comprehensive votes and tools down below uh also a few things join my discord if you're interested in sponsoring any of my content i have a contact form down below so please reach out uh yeah enjoy my discord buy things on amazon using my affiliate links and all that so anyways that is it for this video y'all take care [Music] bye
Channel: Cody Bernardy
Views: 9,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OSINT, SOCMINT, Geoint, Geospatial intelligence, Ukraine osint, Photon, Open source intelligence, Tracelabs, Trace labs, DEFCON, Def con
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 21sec (3141 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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