COMPOSITION IN ART EXPLAINED | The Art of Arranging, and Why Composition is Important

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because something you probably wouldn't want to happen in your painting is for the emphasis to be on the wrong syllable composition explained i'm explaining composition in the form of ten shapes slash concepts you can make with your art being conscious about composition can help you guide your viewers eyes around the painting help you tell a story more effectively help them feel something specifically that you want them to feel etcetera to quote henry matisse henry matisse anri matisse composition is the art of arranging in a decorative manner the diverse elements at the painter's command to express his feelings composition is basically how you arrange things on the canvas to create an overall piece of art where you put certain colors how you use texture form blah blah rule of thirds you can split up the canvas into three sections horizontally or vertically or both nine sections altogether using this grid can help you learn the importance of negative versus positive space or where the most effective place would be to place an object or your subject so having a centralized composition is okay but what would happen if you moved it from the center of the canvas to the side like one of the nodes or what if you moved it to the top instead of from the bottom play around with it golden ratio or the divine proportion the golden rectangle the golden section they're all explaining the same idea now this is going to take a little bit to explain but i think it's important basically it's just another way of organizing information on the picture plane or your canvas i like the idea of using golden ratio to develop compositions because it can help you easily locate naturally aesthetically pleasing areas to distribute weight or emphasis because something you probably wouldn't want to happen in your painting is for the emphasis to be on the wrong syllable so i'll show you how to make golden rectangle slash the golden ratio here we go first we're making a basic golden rectangle okay you take a perfect square and draw a line in the middle that's your two rectangles then you grab a compass and you take the length of one of the rectangles from one corner to the other corner and draw this little curved line and then connect the lines and then that's your overall golden rectangle that's an easy way to do it there's math involved and it can get more complicated but for all intents and purposes of how i'm trying to use this method it's just towards composition and unless your painting is super mathematically precise most of the time you can just eyeball this it doesn't have to be exact but you're probably not watching my channel if you like things super precise because i'm not precise i like things just more natural and it just comes out of you and i don't teach people to be precise so there you go now we're going to take it a step further and break your rectangle up into the golden ratio and how you get that iconic spiral we're going to use the fibonacci sequence for this gets you very close there's a lot more math involved like i said basically the sequence is you take your the two previous numbers you add them together to get the next number and you start with a zero and a one so zero plus one equals one one plus one equals two two plus one equals three and so on so now you take all those numbers section up your golden rectangle based on those numbers so how i learned to remember this in school is the five three two one one you have a square that's a five by five next to a square that's a three by three next to a square that's a two by two next to two one by one squares and then you can get bigger or smaller if you want to get smaller than a one by one the actual math is really like a five point something a three point something but again we're just eyeballing it it's okay we don't have to be exact now you can create the iconic spiral you connect section points the spiral is reflected in all of nature essentially this is why this kind of composition is very naturally aesthetically pleasing easy on the eye people like to look at nature and this is a natural shape in nature most of the composition shapes i want to talk about have to do with either reflecting elements of nature or are shapes that are familiar to the world around us these compositions can happen unintentionally and subconsciously which makes it kind of cool and it's kind of fascinating to me it's one of the many ways that an artist can essentially manipulate the viewer's eye into feeling something thinking something seeing something taking the same subject and applying different composition layouts makes the feel of it completely different it would be like this the difference of making the painting have an overall feeling of heavy depressed and trapped versus jovial light and happy cross or crucifixion you're basically creating the shape of a cross or t this doesn't mean that your only subject is religious in fact i think stronger compositions only hint at the shape instead of the actual this is a t i think a lot of really nice abstract paintings have this composition layout compound curve i would say that you can think of this as an s shape or a z shape or z your subject matter would be in the shape of an s in the shape of a z or a z this composition shape is super effective at moving the eye around the canvas from one end to the other consider this type of composition if you have a lot of movement or some higher energy in your painting pyramid or triangle this is a classic shape in portraits pyramids are very strong and stable as a geometric shape they have a stable base with a peak at the top this type of composition would be helpful if you're trying to express power or consistency in your painting diagonal this is great for showing perspective perspective is all about denoting the look of three dimensions on a flat surface so creating the illusion of distance this composition shape also helps subjects that involve movement or feelings of unrest or impatience or just simply using the diagonal to direct the eye somewhere radial think of a spider web this is very symmetrical it's useful for subjects that have a heavy element but then you can balance it out with other elements that radiate off of it evenly spaced in between this composition shape is kind of similar to the golden spiral it's literally reflected from nature and that's something that can be easily aesthetically pleasing to the eye it's very simple but effective focal mass or grouping think of this compositional arrangement as multiple objects placed near each other that may or may not have anything to do with each other but makes sense in your painting when they're grouped together like a still life of flowers a skull and some fruit a skull has nothing to do with flowers by itself but when grouped in a painting may bring some type of a meaning and symbolism which contributes to the overall effectiveness of your painting the l arrangement similar to a triangle or a cruciform the more geometric you're using a horizontal line intersecting somewhere with a vertical line the l shape can be moved turned or rotated somehow to create more depth but generally l-shaped compositions are they're really good when you have a grounding element like a landscape or often times the l's are repeated to create a sense of harmony repetition stillness a v arrangement another geometric shape-ish letter often very defined this arrangement is really good at pointing the eye toward something else in the painting the focal point you'll see this in a lot of mountainous landscapes mountain mountain valley and then when the v is repeated it can also help denote distance or represent distance if you learn something have a question or have a clean joke let me know subscribe hit the like button and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Kezia Carter
Views: 113,488
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Keywords: composition in art explained, the art of arranging, henri matisse, what is composition, why is composition important, why composition is important, composition arrangements, 10 composition arrangements, good composition in art, composition style
Id: onzeTC2H4Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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