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yes [Music] it's finally here 164 unique fails 16 different endings like whoa what okay yes it's here after four years episode five the sixth game of the henry stickman collection yes [Music] hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome to a brand new henry stickman game this has been promised for years now i mean look at this right here henry stickman collection announcement over a year ago and guys the reason i'm excited about this it's actually right here um my second most viewed video on my entire channel is well the last henry stickman game over four years ago fleeing the complex with 13 million views now i'm super excited but but there's also a problem you see this is the very first henry stickman game ever released on steam it was before like played in like browser style games and uh well let me show you what the problem is here so yeah breaking the bank we've already done and uh that's the prologue we got chapter one two three four and then this is what we want to play right here unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to do that um so i got to play through all of them first and beat them to be able to play episode five thanks puffballs so guys i'll be back like an hour or whatever i want to see some likes for the effort i'm about to put in into beating all of these it's gonna be fun but like wow this is i feel like i need to watch my own videos as a guy [Music] yes unlock baby okay before we start this one let's just go all the way back to the beginning because i want to show you something so this is breaking the bang the very first henry stickman game um and basically you can escape this one with a single decision the correct decision which i didn't make the first time but anyway five fails one out of four achievements and one out of five bios which i think bios are the escapes um because yeah this is like one out of 38 one out of one see i look like this one too like literally i made one decision got straight out i think i made the phone call here but as you go on it gets more and more involved and then we go here right 164 fails 27 achievements and 222 bios so we're not gonna get through we're not gonna do all of them in this episode definitely not well i mean i mean not episode like video because yeah episode five uh but if you guys wanna see me hit all of the fails and achievements and bios make another video on this click the like button and the more likes we get the more likely i am see what i did there to play and uh make another video on this so let's go whoa wait huh what is this so oh yo okay so i was like what is this okay so there are different achievements you get from infiltrating the airship and fleeing the complex that lead into this story so right now i've only got these because this is this is the way i escaped each one so rapidly promoted executive henry leader of the top bats right-hand man defeated the government was betrayed yikes um and then right here rescued by the top back clan betrayed by the top at leader like i got out of the complex but he dropped me off the airship so it's this combination that starts this that's cool wait oh look at the bios i'm like about right click a character oh well that uh okay i'll be doing that too anyway um and then yeah these are the achievements so so the achievements each achievement is an ending right so i think is it no no no that's not true okay well anyway okay let's launch oh dude it puts together pieces from each storyline i like that so that's why you have to play through it to get here to start it because you can't just start the game like without oh this is after i got dropped off the airship like i landed in water so i didn't die cool now if you guys don't know this is sort of i'll shut up i'll shut up hey easy easy you were gone for a bit oh i was able to bring you back to life i specialize in military grade augmentations oh i was forced to replace spine and lift arm the sum of damage you sustained was beyond repairing you had run in with topet clander i've encountered them before you see you're still healing they went south if you are wondering about 10 hours ago what you're learning so quickly good luck oh man i'm thinking once we arrive we should be able to oh it's up dude take him out right hand man yeah i don't think so do i get the twos here all right here we go blade forum spirit form or a gun form now uh the game is kind of like riddle school mixed with like troll quest if you've never seen it before i got plenty of videos on it and i'll put it in a playlist uh let's go with let's go blade form oh man yeah whoa wait wait how how did he get that oh because he's his right hand man is also augmented dude he's got like robot legs okay and some of the decisions you have to make are timed so i gotta be quick time to finish you off i don't think so buddy i got rockets too dude wait oh i got him yeah all right i may have made the right decision dude he didn't die but i stabbed him through the eye yeah come on you shouldn't have any of his robotic powers you're gonna delete me okay absorb baseball that or why type move yeah let's let's just dodge it here we go come on it's like a z move dude uh okay split it and what did it yo defeated all right okay now what is that oh i took the top i took the hat off the top back yeah i gotta get out of here [Music] oh what are you going to do oh airship drop or staple i don't staple him he'll stab him to the floor yeah or to the wall that's right that's it then that's just gonna leave me here to go down with the ship yep peace like we'll be sharing this last ride together he got it under his hat dude he got me in my robotic spine huh whoa well you got us was it worth it mission complete i completed the mission all right oh i'm sorry i shouldn't be laughing [Music] we crashed the airship into like the capitol building and i slowly made my way to the to here to to die henry don't revenged the r ending all right so i got my revenge now uh so if i go to the map here oh yeah look look okay so i didn't fail yet all right so let's do that again so what you do you put this together uh we relaunch i think i can do it through the map also but um all right so we can go ahead and skip this this isn't gonna change this uh so let's go gun form and just see now this could cause an immediate fail it could cause another ending it could like it could go on forever but it's gonna be cool there we go there her mission failed not bad kid you made me almost use 10 of my power so wait what how did i fail there wait i was too busy trying to click okay so yeah i turned into a gun [Music] okay wait so he doesn't move nothing personnel kid ah so he got me from behind okay so we'll do spirit form now [Music] dude [Music] [Music] oh look he can dodge everything wait i got him why is he really fist enough to knock me out oh i defeated him what is happening impossible what happened to my augmentations i punched you in an alternate timeline in this timeline you were never defeated by henry henry never took control of top back never even met now you're just a single man back i'm going to get you out now we're going back to the other timeline did you think my spirit was connected to my augmentations activated the whole time i was able to come out enough time to completely freeze time now [Music] fail see like that is the craziest thing because like that that doesn't seem right but i don't know enough about animation disputed so if we go to the map here okay so the showdown zero out of two oh okay so so these are two fails we got here right that was so okay so it looks like we can only get six fails and then the ending so uh so the correct thing to do was obviously that the first one we did which was the sword so we go here now we did the y type move which is correct so these are two are fails so we'll do baseball bat or absorb let's try and absorb this here we go okay oh look at my spine it popped oh plug dude um okay so now we'll do the baseball bat boom knock it back to the sun into the sun right oh no it's orbiting the earth and coming back to hit me from behind of course it is okay so now we moved to this one and we did airship oh no we did staple wow how did i get so lucky all right let's do the airship okay oh it's still going to crash i think it just killed us both yeah mission failed boom boom boom okay and then we just drop him here yes you don't have to do this yes i do oh just like he did to me [Music] oh yeah anyone available there's an attacker in the cockpit wow that has undergone some upgrades yes it has all right so wait wait oh let's go back hold on so looks like so we've done so we've done everything on this like combination right so this and this so what i need to do is go back to infiltrate oh man infiltrating the airship or fleeing the complex and get a different ending um from that one and then i can do so like so if i did this like if i got gspi right then i could do gsbi gspi and the betrayed um and then if i got gi then i could do rapidly promoted executive and that one and that one and that oh my goodness this is mind-blowing all right i'm gonna go back uh which one should i do let's do um yeah let's do let's try and get gspi on infiltrating the airship all right gspi's uh government supported private investigator uh there's a guy down there a bad guy yeah good luck um also so guys um as i go through this one i'm just gonna do this once but let me know if you want to see me like these get these alternate endings on the previous ones in the next video or if you want me to just do it before the video incriminating something that we can use to prove that they're criminals you know i mean it's operation all right gentlemen we've been tasked with developing new weapons for the clan any ideas i was kind of thinking i think yeah elmer's glue yeah i can't do that man you do realize how much solid gold cannon would weigh yet we totally got enough power what do you think man well i'm still kind of new here so i'm not really sure what to say door's jammed again oh that might have been a failure no no no oh hey uh you see that record sign prince's records yeah that'd probably be a good place to look right let me just uh help you get across that gap okay oh he was talking to us oh come on charles charles come on man um oh charles helped us oh it's tails like sort of thanks surprise [Music] i know how to open it oh man i remember this good thing nobody knows about this or we'd be in a lot of trouble oh spidey ah hello mr spider don't you okay oh that worked actually okay there's no way you're getting through there lots of guys and there's lots of guns that's all i'm gonna say it looks like you can get around you go through that air duct oh i got no choice then all right i'm packed into their power grid what do you want me to do make an animal noise okay i don't understand what that means okay i'll reroute the power to a random room that's fine okay well that's it thanks oh i should be like yeah all right henry you're almost there right outside so just open the bay doors and i'll uh get you on the chopper okay hey what are you doing yeah goodbye um i gotta do the banana bomb just to see uh oops wait that's gonna actually put him to sleep oh oops that's going to crash the helicopter i think that really is not helpful you snooze you lose or i guess case you don't you snooze and lose hey there's a button on your earpiece you press it okay cool wait what ah what's going buh-bye no betrayal of the government or anything i got out [Music] government supported private investigator all right the infamous topic clan has been apprehended hundreds of arrests made many still at large authorities tipped off by an anonymous source me all right so we've got two out of four we got 18 out of 60. now i just want to see real quick wait no i don't want that oh yeah so look at the map yeah okay so i could have gotten a few fails wait which one oh this is the one i just did gsbi right yeah so we don't need to deal with that right now but i want to see like okay yeah how many so five out of fifty but then one out of 27. now does it carry over oh you have to get it in each one even though the character some of the characters replay okay here we go with all right government supported investigator with oh wait all right so i think i think i i can do this one hold on if we so pd all right hang on so i think i can do the presumed dead ending right here first person to escape so if you use the end for you wait we got two options here and there we go you stay in there or you return with us i think if you don't click because i think i got this one before let me get oh i can't get those guys well that's just too bad [Applause] all right everyone back to work i will not forget about this yes there it is [Music] all right nice okay that was a lot quicker than the other one okay so yeah yeah i've done this one before yeah all right yeah so that was ending number two okay let's go back to the menu all right now what can we do with presumed dead fake death did not meet ellie okay so oh and oh see yeah so that so that right there right that one gave us like because yeah so that one gave us we could rapidly promote an executive and faked our death and did not meet ellie or the government supported private investigator and were presumed dead fake detonated so we're gonna do that one because we just unlocked that let's go so teamed up with charles yeah yeah look at that look at that okay all right yeah yeah yeah okay oh dude it's a whole new intro i love it the orbital station allows the topper clan to easily raid any place on earth henry yeah henry charles hi what's up dude ah man the top back plan has been causing a bunch of problems for me lately yeah ever since they got that orbital station set up they've been super strong what did i think about it you and i made a pretty good team in the past i bet we could take them out yes it's starting to get personal yo well what do you say you want to help me take them out for good awesome follow me i have a way we can get into space okay of course you do secret government what do you think it's pretty slick there it is there it is how do you want me to bring you in oh this is so exciting it's just like last time is it all right so beam aboard trash ball drop off or air cannon beam me up i'll just beat me right aboard yeah that sounds good should be a piece of cake yep cool well yeah nope all right air cannon it sounds weird but this air bubble is going to keep you breathing so you get to the side wings all right okay it's also really sturdy so you don't have to worry about it popping on you really sure unfortunately it doesn't move very fast i'm still working that one out how far away don't worry i'll keep you company until you get there oh i'm gonna suffocate there's no air in it kind of movies you like what kind of movies do you like you used up the air already you glutton um trash bags space suit and hide in this ball of trash okay it's a good idea trust me sound like rick boom got it wait i told you it was a good idea thank you the top bats have no clue you're there now all right i'm gonna stick back here though so they don't detect me should still be able to help you get inside from here though okay super accurate laser shot a hot knife or charles do you think he i'm pretty sure he's gonna hit me in the head but let's try it this might make you a little nervous but i'm gonna fire a super accurate laser shot right next to you all right you'll make a hole you can climb through and get inside you know yeah that sounds awesome we're under attack maximizing shields oh oh my i did not expect the shields to cut me in half a hot knife for charles i mean no charles you feel that button there on your helmet yeah go ahead and press that that's like it's a knife that's so hot it can cut through any material oh you dropped it didn't you yep you know what no yeah this calls for some bold action yeah charles i'm the bold action man charles what are you doing i think you just crashed my computer charles way to go charles no no seriously charles oh great and this isn't like a troll or anything guys this is actually a crash you know you think like it's part of the game but it's not it's real all right let's try this again now this calls for some seriously if you if it always all right here we go here we go here we go there all right critical damage please evacuate immediately charles anyways i should probably find a way off the station before it explodes yep probably looks like the door's jammed this is the only way through hack lift or the vent there's a vent bro we're strong one two three ah he got his fingers but he got my head that doesn't seem like a fair trade let's hack it dude i think i can hack this panel cool all right do it that doesn't sound good charles charles i have no idea what i'm doing bro i bet this vent leads somewhere on the other side jeez that doesn't look like the one in star wars or anything oh boy we're running out of time damage dude please evacuate immediately oh i should have gotten these people oh well wait oh we choose luxury dude yeah what's up got room for two more road oh wow they got guns and stuff all right so let's go to 33. it's got a crack window that's ours well that was intense yeah let's get on the escape pod i can't wait to go home huh oh geez what i got that guy don't worry about it bye charles wait did we just leave him henry you there yeah yeah man that roughed me up got him though there's got to be another skatepark around here somewhere [Music] churros charles oh no general the topgut station's been destroyed excellent what's wrong we lost him guys rip charles nude rip i love it i love it okay so uh what do we got let's see wait can i see oh yeah so we've got uh two i've only got two achievements and 13 of the 164 fails so we can like well i'm not okay so what we can do now is we can actually do rapidly promoted executive and presumed dead right so like instead of teaming up with charles like we're the we're the leader of the top hats we defeated right hand man government was betrayed and i fixed my death and did not meet ellie like it's it'll be completely different because there's no charles we can't lose him because he never existed to us that's crazy all right so here we go guys if you want to see that and gosh i hope you do because i really do click the like button and we will do more of this game exploring all of the endings all of the fails um and getting all of the all the bios wow geez uh also if you're new here subscribe for more videos like this and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,332,259
Rating: 4.9315062 out of 5
Keywords: henry stickmin, playthrough, games, all endings, escaping the prison, gameplay, youtube thinknoodles, no cursing, free game, funny game, thinknoodles youtube, thinknoodles, think noodles youtube, think noodles, gaming, stick man, walkthrough, no swearing, animation, completing the mission, thinknoodles stickmin, stickmin
Id: tZ0MOTvbwTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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