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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel as you can see she's rocking a wig cap so I'm going to be doing the quickest and easiest wig install you have ever seen me done ever in my life on my channel I promise you it is easy I know sometimes I say oh this is easy and beginner friendly well this one is definitely beginner friendly like if you're new to wigs I recommend trying this first before you go on and get a fullon frontal now the wig that I will be rocking today it's from Icy hair I have worn their wigs in the past never have I worn one like this one listen when I open the box which I already did I was kind of like I'm going to show you guys what I'm talking about this is the packaging cute and this is the wig that we have here um ooh this is cute we got some little Hallelujah princess sleep does anyone actually sleep with these things on because I have tried it before it's not for me okay so this is what she's looking like and are y'all seeing that zoom in on that like are you seeing the hairline this is straight out of the box like I have not done anything to this wig as yet this has me honestly highly impressed highly impressed and like I said I've worn icy hair before but I've never gotten a wig like this before where it's like pre-plucked pre- tweezed pre-plucked pre-tweezed that's the same thing where it's like pre-plucked or the knot is already bleached and everything and it looks really good lace the lace is already cut so you really don't really have to do a lot so this is a beginner friendly now this this is a closure it's best to wear this in a center part it's not a lot of parting room on the side it's just a closure and honestly I'll be honest with you I'm a frontal girl I do enjoy wearing a frontal I do but sometimes I just want a little quick wig that I can just throw on my head and just go on about my business this is what this is okay so I'm just going to pop this on my head okay that is not on properly and this wig cap is not given okay so let's take a look I just had to move my mirror because I couldn't really see what I'm working with hair obviously I don't really have to do much to this wig and obviously you can see the lace it's thin but you can you can see it it just goes straight across now I like the fact that they cut it I do have to tint it to match my skin so I'm going to go in with a little foundation on on that and I'm going to fix this wig cap situation because this ain't it but literally that is almost all I have to do no I'm just kidding I do have to fix it a little okay so I'm just going to go in with my foundation brush my brush has a little bit of foundation on it already Okay that actually looks really really good I'm filming in 4k so you're probably going to still be able to see a little bit of the lace until I you know kind of melt it down a bit so even though this is a closure I'm not going to use any kind of glue with it whatsoever we're going to keep this glueless but I do want to add some melting spray just to melt it down so it gives the look of a frontal because I do like the frontal look I do that is why I wear frontals most of the time but I will say I like the fact that there's a lot of even though it's a closure I think this what is this a 7 by S this is a good amount of lace I like that I can work with that everyone always asks uh what do you do with the back of the wig there's really nothing to do to the back of the wig if there's no lace in it so there's usually a comb in the back this one doesn't have a comb but I'm going to put a couple bobby pins in the back of this to secure it this whole time I was talking to you guys and the camera is not even on so I'm going to have to say everything all over again okay this is all you miss I took my wig cap off I put on a different wig cap this one is by gears truly so this one is the HD wig cap the other one was a bit on the thicker side so I'm going to go in with the thinner one because this wig is a HD wig and I'm not going to do the ball cap method I'm trying to keep this beginner friendly even though this wig is Prett cut lace I do want to cut the lace just a little bit like I don't really like how it goes straight across you could leave it like that but I'm a little bit of a perfectionist so I'm just going to cut like probably just right there cuz I just don't like how it goes right across like that and I just want to cut some of that jaggedy edge off a little okay you know when you're perfectionist and you try to fix something and then you end up making it worse yeah I don't want to do that all right so I'm going to do that little concealer hack if you guys have not seen my hack video way hacks video check it out I will link it in the description bar down below but I'm going to add some concealer to my rat tail comb and perfect this center part and that's how we're going to hide this little cap situation just going to add some conceal con cealer this part is not looking too centered right now okay so now what I want to do is give this wig the melted look because it looks good and I could go out like this but I want it to look real good I want it to look melted so we're not going to use any glue we're just going to use some melting spray and I'm going to use my melting spray and this is my sticky little secret melting spray by me and this is going to give the wig a Flawless seamless finish it's going to be looking like what lace never heard of her so we do not need a lot of melting spray either a little just goes a long way and you want to make sure you have your melting band ready to melt it down so I'm just going to go ahead and spray some of that and I'm just going to put it on my finger like so cuz I really don't want a lot of spray so I'm just going to put a little on the edges on the edges of the wig like on the lace someone asked me recently if my melting spray is shiny no is not shiny right now it's wet so it probably looks a little shiny but once it's dry it's a matte finish and there's no white residue at all and it just gives your wig a really nice seamless finish and it also gives it a stronger long lasting hold with the glue if you're if you're doing the glue method but some days when I do not feel like doing glue I just do just the melting spray so I'm going to go ahead and tie this down and I'm going to leave this on for about like probably 10 minutes cuz now I'm going to go ahead and just style my wig while my hair is being melted down okay but yeah this is pretty much the completed look I need to stop playing my hair but yeah this is pretty much a completed look it was literally that easy that simple to apply this wig like I said it is friendly all the hair info and all the products I use will be listed in the description box down below so make sure you check that out okay I'll see you guys in another video very soon it's getting noisy here Margo mommy Margo mommy Margo Mommy hello hello what are you doing I'm working you smell like food and I like your face thank you wait can you take can you take pictures yeah I'll take pictures we'll take pictures of you later okay
Channel: msroshposh
Views: 300,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ow2nTGhYlQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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