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what's going on everybody i wanted to do a video that i haven't necessarily seen floating around as of right now and so what i wanted to do is give my take on mounting a trolling motor on an old town top water pdl um basically i've seen a bunch of ideas of people doing and taking doing their take on how to mount a you know a trolling motor and the way that i wanted to do it which i've seen on on some facebook groups that i'm in whereas people were uh was people were putting their trolling motor like down into where like the drive goes you know what i mean like you know what how it's made so i wanted to do my take on it um what i did was i searched on amazon or at least i looked around trying to see what i could find and i came across like this giant cutting board thing so something that's really strong really durable um i'll leave the link for this down in the description below it's i'm you know 100 sure this is gonna work and i i got some advice from i think a guy named dang it let me find his name because i do want to give him credit because he replied to my comment on his video the guy okay so yes sorry the guy's name is california outdoors and uh make sure you check his channel he actually gave me the idea um he has a video on himself making a you know the you know the he's making he made the thing that goes in the thing and then i told him like dude how did you go about like finding the you know how to to get the shape to be able to transfer it to cut it and he said i use foil and then you know i molded it around the you know the shape of it and then from that foil i put it on some cardboard that way i had like a template and then on my template he put it on his the wood that he was cutting and so i'm gonna do the same thing only i'm gonna do it on a cutting board and then we'll go about it and i i guess i'm just going to take you guys on you know on the journey with me that way i can tell you what went right what went wrong and then hopefully this can work out for you but i think i've compiled enough ideas to where i could do this and then maybe pass some knowledge on or at least someone can make it better some people just get a boat bro we just like to have fun bro um all right so let's get started on this first thing i'm gonna do is i do have my trusty foil right here like i said we're gonna mold it around the gap and see what happens i have no clue how california outdoors did this this is just just from what i assume would be how you do it right okay maybe maybe i'm not doing this right okay so we're gonna try this again so as long as i'm getting like some angles i think this could work out so i got this piece of cardboard right here it's actually some poster board i got it at at the dollar store and you know now we can kind of trace this onto the board and then obviously the foil isn't going to be like a perfect footprint of what that gap was it's just to kind of have an idea so i'm going to go a little wider okay now let's just start cutting around there's probably easier way to do this i know some people out there are probably a lot better at this than me so all right thanks foyle you were a lot of help this is where it gets a little serious to where we need to like be pretty spot on i'm probably gonna use this straight line for reference probably go always go a little bit wider pretty spot on until about right here here around here i feel like freaking the guy from blues clues bro with this crayon um also crayon or crayon how do you guys pronounce that leave that down in the comment section below because i just had this conversation with my students and i said is it crayon is that how you pronounce it or do you pronounce it crayon i'm curious i'm curious what you guys think also thanks we got about right there we just gotta get that guy straight go straight across so now comes the fun part we're gonna start cutting this guy up and see if it works or what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take my drill and just drill out almost like drill out the template of this guy so i might be able to like knock off caveman style all these pieces and just be able to file it down not even have to use a saw [Applause] after about 10 minutes of just drilling we have our template cut out for the most part i'm gonna see if i can just smash this dude with a hammer and see what happens all right here it goes oh that that just is a testament of how tough this stuff is oh there we go check it check it bro i didn't even need to use a saw bro all right so i got my file here now i'm going to go with the file opposed to something else because i don't want to cut off big pieces at a time i'm just trying to get this guy to to perfect and fit perfectly in the hole and just take a look at what this file is doing i don't know what any specificity of this file but this thing is just grinding this off so it's been about 15 minutes of uh literally hand filing down this uh cutting board and for the most part it's looking pretty good obviously i'm gonna need to clean up some of the edges but for the most part it's coming into shape see that so we're gonna keep filing we got this little piece left and then we'll take it to the kayak and kind of just find out uh you know how it fits and clean up some more i'm sure there's easier ways to do this but you know it worked out just fine i did go to uh you know the local pipe place and i managed to get some things these things cost me it was 12 bucks for this so all the stuff i have in here um and we're gonna check it out uh we're gonna drill into here and they didn't have like the fancy thing that's like an actual circle that you place on your drill they're out of stock and so we're gonna get a little a little crazy this is for wood but we're gonna drill straight into here and uh hopefully this doesn't destroy this thing but we'll get through here that way we can at least start working the trolling motor through this guy i don't know we're just gonna eyeball this the picture i saw he had it about midway of this so it was about half and that was the positioning for about right here so now we're going to take this wood this thing's just got terrible idea written all over it doesn't it folks you guys are probably watching at home just cringing just absolutely cringing because if i'm cringing then you sure as crap are cringing as well now we just need to make sure we're going straight all right i'm into the wood i made it through okay it actually looks really good it actually looks too good okay the next thing was gonna be cutting the shaft to get the trolling motor through here all right so we're going 18 inches on the shaft 18 inches is going to put us at right here pull these guys off beat the connectors off because um everything is basically it's got its name on it this guy right here to be able to actually pull the head off but i didn't little bolt came out now we should pull this guy off so we took this off we're gonna have to take this guy off you know okay we are doing some major major taking apart so this is what it looks like now strip down these guys will go through here and then we'll put the trolling motor through here look at that look at that dude it fits snug as a bug in a rug dude look it look at that that is so sick and then this guy will just go in here like that oh dude this is freaking amazing all right so we got that uh separated i'm not going to tell you guys how i did it but we got that separated so we got it cut down to 18 inches now so let's do the weather seal on this weather seal here and just try to keep the water obviously from entering the kayak so so right now we just had a breakthrough idea i went with a one-inch compression fitting and uh when it's tightened down both sides can still be moved around and so the issue was the three-quarter compression fitting would just not fit the idea was to go and get a three-quarter compression fitting but if you notice it just does not go on i figured you know what i'm just gonna wrap the entire shaft with some black you know electrical tape and then that way you know it becomes wider and the compression fitting can grab this and that was going to be my plan and it finally just struck me and i'm glad that i'm you know i'm thinking of all these things that way you don't have to go through these trials and errors so if you notice on a compression fitting there's this little rubber gasket dude that's in here a little seal and so when you start tightening the you know the cap or the end onto the compression fitting that seal grips hold of you know the shaft for instance like when it was gripping this guy what i did with this guy and it's such a simple concept i can't believe i didn't think of it before i just wrapped the gasket seven layers of black electrical tape and you and just check out the difference it makes as we start tightening it i showed you guys before what it looked like when it was fully tightened down now with that little with that black electrical tape that's fully tightened and check this thing out this thing does not move i could if i really exert some force i could twist it off and that's just with one seal on and so once we get the second seal this guy's not gonna move anywhere that is a breakthrough idea and i'm glad i had it and so hopefully that works out for you okay so we're gonna undo this guy now and we're gonna place them on top and we cracked the coat all right folks so we're on like day three of this build whatever and i just keep having ideas with the trolling motor um you know how i had the cables coming through the top like this um and i just i've had so many different ideas where i was gonna mount this guy the original idea was to like mount the trolling head here maybe we could uh you know put it back here but now i have a crazy er idea i'm thinking i'm just going to take and drill directly into the shaft of the trolling motor so it would almost take a chunk out of the you know the black shaft and then feed the wires through here and then possibly tee off i know it seems it seems like this build's been taking forever i just want it to be perfect and i want it to be aesthetically pleasing and i just want to possibly put out the best way you know i'm just gonna start drilling some stuff and then we'll just see what works out and so if you've made it this far into the build and you've watched this part then this part has definitely made the cut because i've been changing ideas almost every day when i just sit down to really think about what would be the nicest way to do this um so let's check it i was able to somewhat scratch out you know a little circle here on the motor we're going to cut into this guy and then bring the wires through here see what i'm doing get this guy through here and we did it so here we go okay so the next thing now is feeding the wires up through here i wonder if we can take this off might be a little easier to navigate like this okay take this guy off first either flatten these cords out a little bit tricky but it works this guy check it out now we got the wires coming through here take the one inch two three quarter feed that everything's looking solid now like i was telling you guys with the head with the head here it's gonna be sitting you know you know like between my legs a little bit kind of funny so if i just happen to move it at least midway it'll tighten that profile up here we got that should be perfect fit there we go man now we're just gonna have to put this guy together and uh hope for the best so we're going to do is we're going to tee off right here we want just enough to go into here and tee off into another tee all right so we we glued this guy here okay it looks good man we actually need to drill out the back here a little hole to be able to put the power cable the red and black through here to have the battery inside so on this awkward t piece here i just drilled a hole here i found the biggest drill bit that i could and then i hope that's okay we'll work on getting the head mounted and then now we got to run the cables the speeds and stuff up through the same hole and get ready to mount the head on sweet boom now he's gonna put this piece of pvc here i appreciate you guys watching for sure this is has been a lot of stress trying to figure out how exactly i wanted this so hopefully it's worth your time hopefully it works out for you let's work on getting this guy glued up we want it to move but we don't need a wicked amount of it ah there's that looks generous enough and now we're just gonna go like that everything is solid now and that's all she wrote folks look at that there's my trolling motor set up now the last thing we do is we're gonna put a little bit of pvc here start working those wires up into the head have the head sit here we got the power cables back here and battery here oh yes it's looking great [Applause] measurement on this guy three and a half inches went from five and a half to three and a half now we can start plugging in all the cables heads in looks like this is gonna be it man well really quick some advice get these holes on this pvc pipe the three and a half inch guy get your guide holes in there already i ran into the issue where i could not get in straight to because there wasn't enough room so my advice to you get those guide holes put in first that way you can just punch your screw in and be done all right guys that's it that's the final build a lot different than what it looked like when we first were going to start it so i got my battery right here and i know it's not a lithium or any of those fancy batteries i just don't have one yet it's just like this walmart battery is 40 bucks and i've had it for a few years all right fingers crossed together let's see see we can hear it listen listen oh let's see let's put it in make sure it's going to work one two three four five speed one two three four five make sure all the reverse works everything i didn't mess this up this is insane look at this build again and the way that it'll look like when it's all said and done it's gonna probably be a little top heavy figure something out this is just like a clean profile i'll get a weight on what this guy weighs and compare it to the pdl drive i'll leave that info down in the description below and then also wait what my value battery is but that's it folks so hopefully this video helps you create your own trolling motor setup maybe it inspires you to do something differently is this build for me personally was less than a hundred dollars i found this trolling motor for 25 bucks at walmart this is usually about a hundred dollars and so this would be the most expensive part of your build the the cutting board was 17 and then the pvc and parts and scraps that i bought that you'll see everything that was used in the video especially with the weather seal was about you know 25 bucks so this entire build for me personally was less than 100 we're just going to say less than 100 the last thing to do is to go out and try this guy also make sure if you're going to be putting trolling water on your kayak that you get it registered and all that fancy stuff um i don't want you get in trouble thank you guys if you've made it this far i appreciate you if you like this video please give me a like consider subscribing um so thank you guys for watching let's get this boat on the water all right and this wouldn't be a proper build video without showing the final product let's check it everything is still frozen over here in washington even the boat launch half of it's frozen this is speed five right here we're just cooking look at this this thing works amazing look at this yeah baby slow it down a bit slow it down a bit don't want to get pulled over out here wow this thing is incredible let's let's try out reverse you know it's old town so we got that instant reverse and honestly the room is there's a decent room here this is awesome amazing amazing and then nothing beats pacific northwest sunset i always say it wow
Channel: Fishing the 509
Views: 15,713
Rating: 4.8746986 out of 5
Keywords: 509fishing, MrZ, MarkZuniga, WashingtonFishing, PNW, PacificNorthWest, SmallmouthBass, Walleye, Bluegill, CatchandCook, Panfish, Potholes, MardonResort, HowtoFish, HowtoCatchBass, KayakFishing, IceFishing, Vexilar, WashingtonIceFIshing, 509tv, seepslakes, MardonReservoir, potholesreservoir, columbiariver, OLDtowntopwaterPDL120, yakattackmounts, oldtowntopwater, kayaksetup, mods, hacks, drivewell, hatch, install, fishfinder, review, garmin, echomap, 73sv, side, imaging, fish, finder, potholes, largemouth, bass, catch, cook, ice, fishing, kayak
Id: nb-qvN7p49U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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