Complete Sendinblue Email Marketing Tutorial (Covering All Features)

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in this tutorial we're going to check out send in blue if you've heard of sendinblue before you probably think it's just an email sender an autoresponder it is much more than that it allows you to create autoresponders it allows you to create opt-in forms that allows you to create campaigns which are one-time broadcast emails it has a chat widget you can include on your website it has an email inbox where you can connect all your email accounts right into site in blue and manage all your customers there it has a sales crm built into it where you can keep notes and files and contacts and deals coming soon with your customers inside the crm and this is all in a free account there are paid accounts as well but you can get all those things that is listed in the free account the only limit is the number of emails you can send out you can have unlimited contacts but there's a limit on the number of emails you can send in the free account per month and we're going to check out set in blue in this tutorial my name is bjorn i'll pass in the wp learning lab if you have any questions or comments please leave them down below this video i try to answer them the best i can my name is bjorn allpas and wp learning lab where we help you get better wordpress you can earn more for yourself for your customers and for your business if you haven't done so yet make sure you click subscribe ring the bell so you don't miss new future videos and now let's get started so the first thing we want to do is go to and make a free account there's a link in the description down below you can go via that link or just type in the url in the address bar and you show up on this page here you don't have to worry about looking at the features or anything because in this video we're going to cover a lot of the features go to the pricing page and we see there is a free plan and the free plan is one of the most capable email marketing automation plans on the market hands down the big limitation is the number of emails you can send per day whereas other email marketing software will limit by how many contacts you have in your account with set in blue you can have unlimited contacts but you can only send 300 emails a day and when this becomes problematic is when your email list starts growing and say you have over 300 contacts so you want to email to and you want to send them all at once you can't you have to send it over multiple days depending how many contacts you have so that can become painful and that's probably when you want to upgrade but the free plan has included email campaigns email template library sms or text message marketing live chat to put on your website has unlimited contacts like we said advanced segmentation a sales crm a workflow editor real-time reporting and we're going to check all this stuff out in this video there's also the ability to send wordpress transactional emails which means emails that wordpress sends out say when someone makes a new account on your site or when someone uses the forgot password you can customize those emails and track stats on those emails using send in blue as well so let's go ahead and sign up for the free account and click here or up on the top right and i already have an account so i'm just going to make a fake account just for the purpose of this video not only a fake account but account i'm not going to use and then you just fill in your details company name email address and password you'll add more to your profile once you've confirmed your email address click on get started you can also sign up with your gmail address or google address if you want i'm not going to in this case i'm going to click on get started i have to log into our email account to find the verification email and here it is in the time it took me to log into my email account the verification email was there click on this link to confirm the email address i'm going to open this in the incognito window just copy that address you can just click on it but i have my actual account open in the other browser so i want to you do this in incognito and then we fill out this quick form right here business activity let's say e-commerce company size let's say two to ten employees how many contacts do you have now put in whatever number is accurate for you obviously don't put these details put in what's correct for you you will have to check the i agree to the terms and service and anti-spam policy of sin in blue the second checkbox is optional but recommended so you can be notified about product updates and new products and things like that coming to send in blue so check both of those click on complete my profile and in a few moments you'll be in your brand spanking new sendinblue account and we're in brand new free account right here i'm just going to switch to my other account for the purposes of this video because that is in my regular browser not the incognito mode i just want to show you how to make a free account because that's probably how you're going to want to start or you just go into the paid account if you have lots of contacts and you want to try out send in blue so let me hop back over to my other account and here it is looks pretty much identical because it pretty much is and we're going to start now by importing a list of contacts so if you don't have a list of contacts yet use the time stamps down below this video to skip to the next part of the video or if you watch this part that's great too if you do have contacts you want to import then make sure you watch this because this is how you're going to get your existing email list that you have with a different service into send and blue but first there's something important you should know if we click on the plus icon we can go to add apps which are up here these are individual apps inside of set in blue we can turn them on and off on this page i have all of them on right now and we also can go to integrations now integrations lists a whole bunch of email autoresponders and email service providers some of which are one of which you may be using already and you can include these integrations in send in blue and automatically synchronize contacts in real time from these services into send in blue so i'm not sure why we can sync in real time but we can this may be just an easier way to get contacts into your set in blue account without having to export them from these sites and then upload them into set in blue i'm not entirely sure but either way these integrations are here and i wanted to let you know about them for the purposes of this tutorial we're going to do it the manual way we're going to go up to contacts and then go to import contacts in the top right you can see what you have some heroes playing around with no actual real contacts though just me playing around import contacts in the top right you can choose to copy and paste from an xls file or upload a csv xls or txt file from your computer i'm going to choose upload file because that's what you get from your other email service providers you download a csv file usually and you can upload that here you can download a sample file here if you want to not necessary because the ones you download from the other email service providers will be a good enough structure should be good enough structure that set in blue can parse it and then you can map it to the correct fields which we're going to do right now so we click on select file and find the file there it is click on open that's going to upload the file this will take a lot longer if you have a lot more contacts this is just me my own contact and this is all data from drip your data from whatever email service provider you're using might look different but these are all the fields in drip that have a meaning in drip that we can now import into sending blue click on confirm your file once you've looked through that and here is where we choose what to import the id is specific to drip i wouldn't import this that's not important the email is auto detected and we have email chosen from this drop down over here time zone we can either not import that or we can try to find a field here that connects to the time zone if the time zone is not important to us i would just ignore it if it is important and it's not on this list click on add new attribute and from the drop down here choose what it is text number date boolean or category boolean is true or false yes or no one or two this is one option or another for the time zone i'm going to choose text and i'm going to call it time zone same as what they have for drip this is the the drip id for that field it's going to create the same one here click on create and now that one will be imported to time zone and we go through each one and we import these sms number if you care about when it's created you can add that in tags from drip campaign names from drip if all these things are important to you create the attribute over here and have that data added to your set in blue the ip address it falsely recognized as an sms address i'm just going to say do not import for ip and then you can go through and add all those to fields or not depending what you want to do then click on confirm mapping at the bottom and here's our list of lists when you first start your set in blue account you're going to start with your first list so this might be the only one you have check on that box and that's where they're going to be added if you want to create another list for the special import you create a list and call this email import and put it in a folder if you want to keep things organized i will do that and then click on create list and now we have the email import list i'm going to click on confirm your list i'm going to choose to update the attributes of existing contacts because i already have my contact in there as bjorn and i'm importing bjorn at with some extra data which is the time zone so i'm going to choose to update existing contacts all the rest i'm going to leave unchecked you have to click this box to confirm that these contacts gave you permission to send them emails these contacts are not borrowed from a third party and these contacts were not purchased or rented so make sure those are true check this box and click on confirm your import now we're in our email import list and we have me right here if i click on me it should have the time zone there's a timezone field right there it's pulling in the data and there's the time zone i didn't link my first name and last name which is something you do in that list i showed you earlier make sure all the fields you want to import are actually set to be imported and now we have our contacts inside of set in blue and we can send them an email before you can send any emails though you have to create a sender to create a sender go to your account on the top right and go to senders and ip as you can see i've added this email address as a sender you can have multiple senders if you want click on add new sender to add a new one make the from name bjorn and just so i can tell them apart launch time media this will actually be the from name in the email address or in the email that's sent so whatever you type here is going to be in the email that's sent to your subscribers so make sure what you put in here is what you want in there and the from email is going to be this email address click on save now we have to go to that email address and click the link in an email to confirm that's actually our email address and here's the email you're receiving this message because this email is requesting to use this email as a sender in the sendinblue account if you're cool with that click on activate your sender it takes us back to the page we're on the new sender on the right here has been verified and now we're ready to rock and roll to send out emails before i show you how to send a broadcast email or a newsletter type email i want to show you how to create an opt-in form and start collecting email addresses because i feel that fits into this contacts theme we're doing first so we're going to create an opt-in form we're going to put it on a website so you can collect opt-ins and collect email addresses and then we're going to create a welcome message make it automated and i'll show you how to send broadcast emails as well so to create a signup form we have to go to contacts on the left we have a bunch of options including one called forms if you have a premium account that you paid for not the free one but a paid one you have a landing pages option as well so if you don't have a place to put your form on your website or if you don't even have a website you can use landing pages you can also host this form on its own which will show you it's not as pretty as it will be in a landing page or on your site but it's still a possibility for you to do that so under forms on the right hand side there's a create a new subscription form box let's click that i'm just going to create a very simple form let's call this website opt-in enable gdpr fields because that's smart click on next then we design our form this is where we can drag and drop all these options on the left into our form on the right this is how the form actually looks when we add it to our site so i'll change the headline to sign up for my fantastic newsletter there's just an email field here if you want to add more fields just drag and drop them over like i mentioned earlier use the attribute field let's put it above and let's make this attribute on the drop down here first name and here it says enter your first name i'm going to change this to be a little less aggressive and use my manners there please enter your first name let's make this lowercase in here you can change the placeholder text as well every one of these pieces of text you can click into and change them enter your first name here please enter your email address and we can add more options more attributes you can add a list of subscriptions as well so if you wanted them to choose what they're subscribing to you can do that let's just put that right above the subscribe button and here you can choose let's say these two now they can choose which list they're on so you could have a list called rollerblading and another list called paddle boarding a list called soccer and you send newsletters that differ and are specific to each of those lists they can choose which list they want to go on that's a great feature that i have not seen before on other email marketing platforms especially not in a free account so that's pretty awesome i'm not going to do that though i'm going to delete that and i'm going to keep this as my form form is all done you get the idea you drag and drop options over and you customize your form the open grammarly up here that's not part of the form that's my grammarly add-on for chrome so you can ignore that this toggle here switches it to mobile so you can see it looks on mobile phone looks pretty slick and we can also add recaptcha just drag and drop that in here they check a box to say i'm not a robot you have to use or you have to get the psyche and secret key from google itself i have a tutorial for that already on the channel it's linked to in the card up above and the description down below if you want to check out that tutorial to add recaptcha i'm going to not add it here because i don't want to get those site keys right now click on next here we have a warning that set in blue strongly recommends recaptcha so you should add it so here we choose the lists which list should the people who register through this form be added to currently we have these four lists right here i'm going to create a new one because i want to have a list called website opt-ins and so i know people on this list came from the website i can put in a folder or not and i will and then click on next we can choose a double opt in a double confirmation email that means someone opts in adds their name and email address and clicks subscribe then they get an email verifying their email address this extra step will reduce the number of successful signups you cannot email them until they click the link in the email that you send them and believe it or not not everybody who signs up through your form is going to click the link in that email so this will reduce the number of people you can actually send to of the of the people who sign up but it is a good step because then you cannot be classed as a spammer you've confirmed two times they want to hear from you first with the opt-in they did and again with them verifying their email so you want to send a double opt-in email or double confirmation email you can choose the default template double opt-in confirmation here i'll show you to create templates shortly in this video you have a confirmation page after the setup form if you want you can have the default email confirmation page which is created by set in blue you can also create pages if you have the paid plan and you can create landing pages you can choose those from here as well and create a custom confirmation page you can also have a page on your website if you want and you can have another customized confirmation page after they click a link in the email let's just use theirs again and then you can also choose to send the final confirmation email after they've clicked the confirmation email this would be this will be telling them that they've successfully subscribed to your list i usually don't add this i'm going to leave that off you can also use simple confirmation email this is a simpler process in the double confirmation and this will lead to more people who opt in actually becoming subscribers using the simpler method the double opt-in confirmation is the best in terms of legality around the world because you are making doubly sure that people want to be on your list you could also choose no confirmation email at all and this is the least safe legally speaking around the world because anybody can come along to your website and put in anybody's email address and they're on your list so this will not prevent people from adding other people to your list which is technically against the law because those people that you're now sending to that someone else added don't want to receive email from you that makes you a spammer you are a spammer if you send email to someone who didn't request it you might be a completely legit company could be walmart and if walmart is sending an email to people who didn't ask for it walmart is spamming so this is no protection for you so make sure you pick the correct one that you want i'm going to keep my double confirmation and then click on next change these to their confirmation emails there click on next and here we have some success messages and error messages i'm going to keep these as they are and click on next again and now we have a link that we can share this is our actual opt-in form right here copy this link open a new tab paste it in and there you have it there's the form that we just built it's not the prettiest but it's also not the ugliest i've seen lots of forms worse than this people can fill this in right here let's just fill this in with some demo data jim for the name and then jim at for the email address click on that check box click on subscribe confirm your subscription this is saying it's going to be an email sent to that email address which will not happen because that's a fake email address so we're not going to get that email but this would be where they then confirm the email in their email account and then they'll be added to your list so as far as integrating this form we have the ability to use that link that i just showed you you can also use an iframe which is the simplest you can use the html option to add the styles which is the display of the form you have to have access to the head section of your website because that's where the style information goes you could also use the customizer inside of wordpress if you wanted to so the style sheet or the style information goes into the customizer and then you have to load this link here that has to be in the header you can't put that in the customizer and there's actual html for the form which you can then copy and paste into a page on your wordpress site this is much more complicated the easiest method is the iframe and you also have the simple html which also requires access to the header section of your site so we're going to use the iframe option i'm just going to quickly show you how you can add this to a website let's copy it here and log into any one of your wordpress sites i'm logged into one called wp speedify i'm going to go to pages and then add new and let's call this newsletter sign up click on the plus icon click on or search for html and we paste that piece of code the iframe code into here click on publish publish again click on view page and our opt-in form exists right here we don't want to change the height of this that's not ideal let's close that confirmation page let's go back to edit the page and let's change the height from 305 let's just change this to 600 kind of guessing what height would be appropriate for this 600 is still a little too small let's make it 750. this is pixels 750 pixels and then we have our form without scrolling it actually doesn't look that bad in my opinion so that's how we can add a simple form to our website let's close these pages again for now click on done at the bottom of this form and we already have one subscription the one we did earlier but that person is going to show as not being confirmed so if i go back to our list of contacts we have jiminy cricket here if i click on him it probably says somewhere in his profile here that he's not confirmed and it does that right here under unidentified contacts because we told that form to add people to website opt-ins this individual jiminy cricket is inside send in blue but until they're added to website opt-ins they're not double confirmed so they're added automatically to identified contacts anybody who doesn't confirm if you have double opt-ins they're not added to the actual list and now it's time to create an email so that when someone opts in via that form they receive an email a welcome email right after opting in to do that let's head over to campaigns and then templates and we have a bunch of options in our account here we're going to create a brand spanking new one click on new template let's give this a template name website opt-in welcome subject line this would be where you write something about what they just did so if they were signing up for your newsletter you want to say welcome to the newsletter if they're signing up to get a lead magnet or an ebook or something you want to put that right in the subject line so i'm going to pretend they're opting in for an ebook open this email to download the wp speedify ebook you requested preview text this is a piece of text that shows up right below the headline in some email inbox software most notably on mobile phones so you can add text like open up and now you add personalization let's choose the first name and if this is empty i'm just going to leave it blank click on insert so now it's going to say open up now and the first name of that individual if you have a bunch of custom fields that you created like we created the time zone one which we see here you can have high levels of customization because you can have all this information put right into the emails which is pretty awesome the from email we can choose one of the senders we created i'm going to choose this one here the from name you can customize that as well under advanced options you can add a reply to email address if it's different than this one by default it'll be the same as the from email is click reply it'll go back to whatever email you sent from that's usually how i do it you can add google analytics tracking to your email which means they'll be adding utm parameters to your email so if they click on a link you'll be able to see that click inside google analytics pretty powerful stuff you can add a tag which is for your purposes it'll help you find this email in your account using search so a tag for this one would be welcome add that as a new item and now any welcome emails on the account i'd add this tag to and if i search for welcome in my email list it's going to show all the welcome emails you can add an attachment you can also enable a mirror link this allows people to view the email in their browser instead of their inbox so check that if you want to do that then click on next step and we have multiple choices for how we can build this email if you have a highly visual email use the drag and drop editor if you just have text just use the rich text editor or the paste your code editor if you want to use html i'm going to choose drag and drop just to show you all the tools they have this is quite similar to the form builder only more graphical click on here to add a logo click on here to add your image type into the headline to change it thanks for requesting wp speed to fight ebook and the email down below would be delivering that ebook and possibly having other information in here as well customize the email to your heart's content drag and drop elements over drop them wherever you like let's add a button here that's how easy it is to add buttons and things this is a section so i can't put the button into this section i can put it above and below but this image and title and text and button is a section which is this image box right here so drag and drop items delete items you'll figure it out just figure it out by doing it and you'll be able to customize this email to exactly how you want it and then we can choose send a test email you always want to do this before you finalize an email because you want to make sure it looks right in an inbox you can also choose up here different views for this email you can choose the desktop preview which will load into pop-up looks very nice you can choose the tablet preview and the mobile preview so you can make sure it appears how you like but you should also test it just to make sure it actually appears how you think it does i'm going to click on save and quit right up here and now we have our email as you can tell and as you saw we didn't actually design anything in here that would just take too much time for this tutorial and it is drag and drop so you'll be able to figure that out no problem at all click on save and activate in the top right if you're happy with your design and now our template is saved and activated successfully now we can add that template to an automation so this is the email we want sent to people after they opt in to our website opt-in form to connect those two things we have to go into the automation tab before i go any further i want to mention something about these tabs up here these are apps that you find under the plus icon if i control the command click open that new tab we have our apps that we saw near the beginning of this tutorial so if you don't see automation in the top up here go to the plus icon scroll down and make sure it's turned on so if i have tabs up here that you don't it might be because i have a higher plan than you or it's more than likely because it's not turned on inside of your apps so make sure you turn that on in there and once we're here we can create a new workflow this is a workflow i was messing around with when i was testing out set in blue i'm going to just delete this one we're going to create a brand new one let's click on create a workflow on the top right and let's choose welcome message there's a bunch of defaults here of different categories i'm just going to choose welcome it appears on the right hand side then i'll click on create what you see in the right hand side preview here is not what you have to stick with you can customize that in any way you like which we're going to do once this loads so first things first we have to select the list we're going to choose website opt-ins because that's what our website opt-in form is connected to anybody who opts in and double opt-in to that form is going to end up on this list so that's the list we want to have for this workflow click on next now it's asking how long we want them to wait before they receive the first email before the first step in the workflow happens which in our case is going to be sending an email i'm going to say one minute you can choose minutes hours days weeks months from that list click on next which email do you want to send we want to send the one we just created which was website opt-in welcome you can choose to send a hidden copy of this email which is a blind carbon copy if you want to that's not necessary for a welcome email i want to choose when to send this email so if you wanted to not send this on a weekend just uncheck the weekends if you want to only ever send this on a wednesday just make sure only wednesday is checked for this case when someone opts in they probably want to know about it right after they opt in so i'm going to send this email any day of the week and any time of day we see the time goes from midnight to 11 59 at night so pretty much any time of day any day of the week for this email so i'm going to uncheck this because i want to send it anytime if you want to define a time that's when you check this and customize it you can further customize the email using event data that's more advanced we're going to do this in this tutorial i'm going to click on finish and now it has created our workflow contact is added here wait for one minute and we send this email that's our entire welcome workflow you can add more steps to this say after the welcome email you want to send subsequent emails say you're promoting some kind of holiday event or holiday product click on the plus click on add a delay or wait until if it's going to happen a specific time of the year i'm going to choose add a delay i'm going to choose one day click ok and then i'm going to choose send an email there's a lot of actions you can take like say a text message send a notification add contact into a list so after they've received all your emails you can add them to a different list if you wanted to so go through all these i can really geek out and spend hours customizing workflows like this we're just going to choose email here we don't have a second email created so just for fun i'm going to choose this one and click ok and now we have a follow-up sequence of two emails and then we click on activate the workflow and it is active it is now tied to our opt-in form the next thing we're going to do is set up a broadcast email under the campaigns tab this is something you'd use to send out newsletters or one-time emails to your lists and you do that here and what we do is we create our first email campaign by clicking on either this blue button here or the blue button in the top right we give the campaign a name this is visible only to us so we know what this is about the subject line will be visible to everybody in their inbox when they receive the email the preview text were visible in most inbox software this will show up right below the subject line in the inbox and we have our from email and our from name the same as we did for the email template we set up earlier in the advanced options there are quite a few more options and these are mostly the same as the email template except for the default header default footer and custom unsubscribe page if you're going to use the drag and drop editor to design your email then this is irrelevant don't worry about these the unsubscribe page you want to have it on subscribe page i'm just going to use the default one you could create your own if you want to and a custom update profile form this wasn't on the email template either this will allow people on your mailing list to update their profiles in your system which is pretty handy to have and then we have a b split testing this is on the paid account so this is not for the free account but the a b split testing is very useful because you can test subject lines and you can test email content this will allow you to find the subject lines that get the most opens and the email content that gets the most clicks on your link those are the real purposes of those your subject line needs to get the person the subscriber to open the email and the content of the email needs to get them to click on something if you can't do those two things you're not going to achieve your business goals and so testing those two things to pick the best combination that gets the best results is very very helpful and this is something that really comes in useful when you have a big list if you have 25 people on your list this is not useful at all but if you have say ten thousand maybe you test this on they say at least five thousand here test it on half your list and then send out the best version to the rest of your list any subscribers you have above ten thousand from our example here the better it gets because the better your results will be if you have the best combinations chosen i am not going to a b split test in this case i'm going to click on next and we're going to design we have the same options as before i'll use the drag and drop editor again this is the exact same as before i'm not going to do anything fancy here i'm just going to click on save and quit and the reason i'm not doing the drag and drop is i know you know how to drag and drop and upload images and replace text we also have a nice option right in here to preview on different email clients when we click on there it will generate a preview on different email clients gmail outlook hotmail web-based email mobile email desktop email just to name a few and this is actually a service that other companies provide that's expensive you have to pay for it and i believe this is available in the free account with send in blue i didn't show you this option for the template email we created earlier but this option is there as well it's going to pause this video while these screenshots load and then i'll come back and we'll see how this looks on various email clients so i'm back and they're still not loaded i've been waiting for quite a while and these screenshots aren't loading so there might be something going on with sitting blue with these screenshots right now i'm not sure but when they do load when it works properly you see screenshots of every type of email client you see listed here there's quite a few and the reason you want to do this is to see if they're displaying properly on email client because you don't know which email client your subscribers are going to be using it's likely going to be a vast array probably even more than i have listed here and so you want to make sure it works on as many as possible and looks right on as many as possible so that's why we have this if you do find an error in one of these screenshots you would go in and try to fix it you try to change that section or that image or whatever it is that's causing the problem to see if you can fix it come back in here click on refresh the test to see new screenshots to see if then work properly so i might just not be waiting long enough or there's something going on i'm not quite sure that is a great feature when it does work and the last thing you want to do under design if this is an important email which when you're sending to your entire list it's always important you should always make sure that everything works properly use the send a test button up here enter your email address or a list of email addresses and send it to all of them and then make sure the email works as it should especially the links are working as they should there's our next step here's where we choose our recipients you would choose whatever list you want to send to and then you can choose down here don't send to unengaged contacts and if we click on the question mark we see that unengaged is defined using a filter we can change it by clicking on here going to control or command click that open that new tab and here the conditions the criteria for unengaged is they were added within the last 365 days and they have not read any emails in the past year they have not clicked on any emails in the past year or they've been added in the last year and no email has been sent to them in the last year and you can change those as you want you can change this to just be three days or ten days or whatever you want you can change whatever you want in here but you want to make sure you leave enough time to give people a chance to read your emails and to make sure that you're not just excluding them because your most recent emails are boring because people won't open boring emails or emails they already know when they read the subject line they don't want to read that specific topic so you want to make sure that you have a range in here that covers at least the last three or four emails if you send one a month then make sure the time range here is four or five months six months something like that the one year is pretty good i would think but for non-readers non-clickers one year is a long time to wait and in that time you're sending emails to inboxes like gmail and gmail detects when your emails are not being opened and then they push you into a different folder in the smart gmail folders so if they have their smart folders set up they might not be getting your emails in their inbox because they never open them anyway so you usually want to have this less than a year for the non-readers and non-clickers but by the way set this up how you want it and this is how unengaged contacts are defined when you check this box you can also apply filters to the selected list so let's pick a list here let's do email import and then we can select filters just like we saw for the unengaged contact filter you can create your own filter using these options in here you can use any combination and you then can add another condition which is an and condition so you want email readers and the let's see and email delivered for example see these two conditions have to be true you can also add an or condition so these ones have to be true or this one has to be true and those are the people who receive the email pretty powerful stuff but only use it if you know what you're doing click on next step when you're ready i'm gonna uncheck this then we have our confirmation here everything is set up and then we can click on schedule we can send it now we can wait for specified time or set it at the best time which is based on when the individual contact is most likely to open the email for your first few emails this would be totally random but if they find that certain of your contacts open their emails at noon then this email will be sent at noon within the next 24 hour period whenever new one happens to be based on when you're sending that is pretty useful it's not just the best time for your list as a whole it's the best time for each recipient over a 24-hour period that's a pretty cool feature i'm going to choose schedule for a specified time that looks good to me tuesday at 11. that's the day actually let's go for wednesday at 11 remembrance day click on continue click on confirm and now we have a scheduled broadcast email you can queue up as many as you want in here you can have a list of an entire year's worth of emails if you want and maybe they're recurring emails so you can use them again next year just go to more click on duplicate and then you can update it for the next year while still keeping all the stats for this email that was previously sent so that's how we set up the email campaigns we also have statistics over here on the left this will show us how our email campaigns are doing nothing in here right now because we haven't actually sent any emails to actual real people so this will populate once you start sending emails to your recipients and the last things we want to check out in set in blue there's three of them there is the chat the inbox and the crm these are also included in the free account it is absolutely bonkers what you get in the free account let's go to chat this allows us to add a chat widget to our website so we can chat with our website visitors the chat on your end will occur right here in this tab whereas the visitor will be chatting on your website click on get started with chat to get started with chat in the bottom right here we have a preview of how the chat box will look on your website we can change how it appears obviously i want to change the the title up here that's this box here for the company name i added my image for the logo you can just have a logo there or you can have an image you can also change the default color to say red whatever your brand color happens to be i'm going to keep mine in blue i'm going to click on set up your operator profile at the bottom here we see the operator name i'm going to upload my logo or my image again so what we could do is have on the previous one have the company logo like it says and then have the chat operator so if i'm the one accepting the chat if you have multiple people in here you have the person accepting the chat and their logo or their image appears up at the top there let's put that back in up at the top up here now we'll click on install chat on the next page you're going to see some code but don't be intimidated because you don't have to use it we are going to use this send in blue wordpress plugin to integrate the chat so i'm going to walk you through adding it to a wordpress site right now we are going to do it on the website we're going to go to plugins and then add new and then look up send in blue and the plugin we want is right here click on install now and then activate if you're installing this on a live website you might want to back up your site first there's a tutorial for that up above and in the description down below just in case something goes wrong you can revert back to a backed up version it's pretty rare these days that something goes wrong but just in case it's great to have a backup now we have a new menu option on the left here called send in blue let's click on that the first thing we have to do is add our api key right into this box we can click on this link right here we're going to control click or command click to open that in a new tab and we're going to get our api right here copy that come back paste it in here click on login boom we're active now we have a bunch more options including one that's really cool and that is transactional emails activate email through send in blue these are things like when someone registers as a new user on your site you can send that email through send in blue usually wordpress sends that itself but if you send it through send in blue then you can track opens and clicks and things like that so you can send all transaction emails through send in blue if you want to by just clicking yes right here picking the correct center from the drop down and then send a test email just to see how it looks i'm going to turn that off for now to turn on the chat widget which is what we want to do here we just have to click yes right here and then click activate get a green message saying it worked now our chat is integrated it's as easy as that and now we can go out to the front of our website open that a new tab i love opening new tabs and we have a chat widget right down here in the corner let's click on that as though we're a visitor and here we have a default message hello how can we help you when i say hi please help sent and it's right here visitor number one says hi please help and you click on that and start chatting with them great this is a very useful conversation so answered great and now great shows up right here that's how you can chat with visitors live on your site you can change the default message the one you see right here hello how can we help you you can change that inside of this code let's make this bigger this is the code we copy and pasted when we added the chat widget to our website right here it says to overwrite the default welcome message uncomment this line so what we do is we just take out those slashes now this line is active and now we can say hi what's up if you want to be super casual now let's click save you want to make sure when you do that let's go back here that you don't erase these little quotes don't erase the quotes don't erase that semicolon change nothing but the text in the middle and in fact i might have to do what's called escaping for this quote right here we'll see in just a minute let's refresh out here and the chat's not working i do have to escape this if you have a quote inside of quotes you need to have this backward slash backslash before the quote otherwise it's going to think that quote is where the code stops and it's actually not let's see if that works there we go that worked we changed it it even change on existing chats to hi what's up and if you don't have any quotes in your message you don't need this backslash so i could say hi what is up save that refresh out here and now the chat should pop up just fine and it does with what is up so that's the sendinblue chat widget it's included in your free sendinblue account it does not count towards your email limit obviously because you're not sending emails you're chatting so you could chat with thousands of people a minute in here if you want to have more operators i believe that will cost more money because you don't want to be doing it all yourself or maybe you do i don't know but probably you don't so you want more operators that's going to cost more but if it's just you in here and you're chatting you can chat with as many people as you want under settings we have some options including some important ones like the offline chat box you're not going to be online 24 hours a day and this will allow you to create kind of an offline mode where people can start a conversation and you can get back to them when you're back online so with the offline message they leave their email then you can send them an email pretty handy stuff you can also email visitors if they have not received the latest notification so maybe they're chatting with you and they left their site or their browser crashed or who knows what you can send an email out to them as long as you have their email address and it can be automated to let them know that there's a message waiting for them there pretty handy stuff next i want to go to the inbox and this is email you can do all of your email right inside of send in blue which makes a lot of sense because you're sending a lot of emails to your audience already through the automation and the campaigns why not do your inbox in here as well i'm going to click on try send in blue inbox you can sync your inbox emails to any of these options here i'm going gonna try gmail i'm gonna click on inbox like that then click on allow and allow again and allow again and again and again and again and allow that way i can send emails as though i'm in my gmail account and do it right through send in blue and that is super handy i'm just going to pause this video and let this run i almost paused the video and then they showed up so we have it didn't pull in any emails so that's good but it has the email capabilities your inbox right here and this will pull in and sync with new emails that come in then you can manage all your emails right in set in blue and you can add multiple inboxes we can add another one a different inbox and manage that as well through send in blue and the last major component of set in blue is the crm this is also included in the free account let's click on try send in blue crm give your list a name in here this is a name that only you would see i'm going to keep it as it is click on get started here we see some demo individuals in our crm if i click on these click on any one of them we have a crm meaning we can take notes and have information about this individual that we can refer back to in the future so say these are coaching clients or customers or people you talk to on the phone you can add notes in here for example we talked on the phone click on create and it adds that note right here gives it a date shows who was written by if you have multiple people on your account that's pretty handy you can assign this individual to an owner right now it's just me so i'll do that click on save and now edna storms demo dot domain is now assigned to me this is my person in the crm we can email them send emails directly to them right in here the deals tab is coming soon this is where you can list the business relationship between this contact and your business there's tasks say you talked on the phone and this person needs you to do x for them and you can add that in here and then assign it to a person you're going to assign it to yourself assigned to anybody else in your list and that's pretty handy adding tasks in here there's also files if they send you a file or if you have a contract that you want to store in here you can upload that right here and have it right in the crm and then you probably have multiple lists over here right now we have just my first list but you probably have a customers list and a prospects list and a leads list just to manage your crm as though were sales crm which is usually why you have crms to keep track of your customers and prospective customers so you can manage the lists over here on the left and you can also check out edna's marketing profile which is the information we have and lists she's assigned to insider email marketing component of send in blue which we've seen multiple times throughout this video this is just the the emails through either automatic emails or campaigns that she's received the lists she's on inside the email sending component and contact history this would be the emails we sent to her historically it even shows which web pages on our site she's visited because we have the chat code installed that will register which pages she's visited and if she comes and we can detect that it's hurt on our website i assume i don't know this for sure but i assume it's going to pre-fill some of her information right in here instead of being a random stranger in this case we go to our chat instead of saying visitor one i think that might say edna storms if she comes and starts chatting with us which is pretty handy if you know your customer base and you interact with them regularly it is really handy to know who you're actually talking to in the chat without having to ask it's you can ask but it's much more pro if the system detects all that for you so that is the end of all the major features inside send in blue it's a lot of them and as you can probably tell in this video send in blue is a very comprehensive email marketing chat inbox and crm that you can use to propel your business to the next level if you look at the pricing page one last time click on the link in the description down below to get here or just type in this address in the url box the free component includes all of those things we just saw the only limit is you could only send 300 emails per day if we scroll down here we see we have email campaigns in the free version all these check boxes here we have chat we don't have a b split testing like i mentioned when we're going through a b split testing we have unlimited contacts advanced segmenting sales crm in the free version we have the workflow editor page tracking marketing automation workflows like the welcome email that we set up this only works up to 2000 contacts which is unfortunate but set in blue also has to make a dollar it costs money to send email so even for the free accounts send in blue is being charged and is spending money to send emails for free accounts because they have such great software they hope that you'll upgrade in the future which is their business model but until then there do have to be some limits on email sending and things otherwise they'd be just spending way too much money on the free accounts real time reporting and there we go that's all the features we covered in the free plan i highly encourage you to check out the free plan if you thought setting blue is just an email software it is much more than that as we saw in this video so check out the free plan see if it can help you and your business and keep you more organized and keep everything in one convenient dashboard maybe not everything but keep lots of things on one community dashboard which will make your life a whole lot easier which will justify the upgrade in the future to a paid account in set in blue because it makes your business more streamlined now that you have your email marketing component figured out for your business check out this playlist right here where i show you how to build a blog not a perfect blog but a blog that works in a blog that starts getting you customers right over here this whole playlist shows you how to set up the blog at analytics optimize landing pages secure your site all kinds of stuff right in this playlist so check that out and if you haven't done so yet make sure you click subscribe and the bell so you don't miss any future videos my name is bjorn allpas and wp learning lab until next time keep crushing it and i will see you in the next video
Channel: WordPress Tutorials - WPLearningLab
Views: 12,862
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Keywords: sendinblue email marketing tutorial, sendinblue email marketing, sendinblue email automation, sendinblue email campaign, sendinblue, sendinblue automation, sendinblue automation tutorial, sendinblue crm, sendinblue demo, sendinblue landing page, sendinblue popup form, sendinblue setup, sendinblue sms, sendinblue tutorial 2020, sendinblue tutorial in hindi, sendinblue tutorial youtube, how to validate sendinblue account, bjorn, wp learning lab
Id: sPul_LXDXB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.