Complete Marine Corps Gear Issue 2020

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what's going on everybody it's your boy boy special video for you guys all right so i got all my stuff gear today and i just wanted to make a video right maybe long maybe not but you guys survived it and congratulations but pretty much going to be going over everything that marines are issued um at the at if used formerly known as all my old heads so first thing first though this stuff right here this ain't cheap all right this is probably over five thousand dollars worth of gear which leads me to my next point of gear accountability you can leave your wallet full of money land somewhere and the marine will find it and bring it to you oh you leave some of this [ __ ] on this table and that [ __ ] is go adios let's get back to the video all right so as i name this stuff off i'm gonna be throwing it to the side all right so it's gonna be real simple this is pretty much everything that marines get issued okay depending on where you're stationed the region you're in uh you may be getting uh you know more than one piece of gear and i'll explain that a little bit later but first thing first we got the trusty beanie all right this is a marine corps issue beanie and it has the marine corps seal on the inside i don't know if you guys can see that i may or may not be too far all right so whenever you guys go to turn this [ __ ] in it is important that you have what the exact same thing that you would issue because they don't sell these in the px next you have your glove inserts two of them a salt pack or this is the um yeah salt pouch just goes on your salt pack it's pretty much like a backpack right next you have your hydration system called a camel pack but this is not a camel pack brand obviously but that's what it's called next two grenade pouches if you're lucky enough to go to the grenade range you'll use them if not you'll never use them all right next we have our netgator right this is what marines were goddamn wearing instead of instead of mask um at the beginning of this damn coronavirus outbreak so these were hard to find so if you if you lost this you had to fill out a missing gear statement during that time next we have two canteens now your issue canteens that if all right so looking at these these were definitely used all right i don't recommend drinking out of canteens that's your issue okay keep them in a safe place put them aside buy yourself two new canteens or however many canteens [Applause] because you know marines get in and spit in it pissing it all types of crazy [ __ ] next we have our ess crossbow glasses all right these glasses come with the entire kit this is how they look right here it comes with a lens um a little cleaning kit and also a cloth inside this nice case these will run you about 70 dollars if you just so happen to lose these so that's why you never want to lose your gear next you have a repair kit so it's pretty much like an extra thing for your your glasses next you have your leather gloves all right you most likely use this gloves if you like repel do the repel tower or something like that to be honest i have never used these gloves before in a marine corps i always use like mechanics gloves or something like that um i already covered the camo pack now we have the actual camel pack liner this is camo pack brand so they at least give you something good in return and this is also a hydration little system for your camel pack you can hook it up on the end just in case you got a you know you don't have no water supply and everything like that you got to get a water from like a creek or something or you can instantly um purify your water next you have your war belt this is the belt that you will use whenever you shoot on a rifle range um you know i know a lot of people they like to put their stuff on this belt whenever they're on field ops instead of opposed to their flag i mean you can do it anyway but that's that next we have our ess goggles i'm not going to take these out because i never used these [ __ ] so these are going to be stored away some time until i leave the island um next you have your three magazine pouches or your magazines your good old reliable canteen cup and you also issue which is kind of annoying a canteen cup stand same thing if you lose any of these small ass items doesn't matter how small it is the process to turn this [ __ ] in gets so much harder because now you got to fill up paperwork for missing gear and you may not find it in the px whatever all right next we have our gas masks this is our gas mask in here i'm not going to take it out i'm going to sit this down and do that uh make sure you have a black laundry mesh bag this is one of the things that you know if you're not going to use it leave it at home leave it somewhere safe buy yourself just a regular white mesh bag so that way you don't have to worry about losing your gear out in the field next you have your this is your life individual first aid kit as well as you have two tourniquets with two tourniquet pouches these are super super expensive the pouches itself are very cheap it's just all the medical [ __ ] that's inside the ipad will run you around 300 if you lose that so don't lose it next with some strength region this is the first for me they issued me elbow pads and knee pads i have never once been issued these two um but hey i would never use these as well these were staying still inside this packet until i need the island so going over to some of the pouches these are the pouches these actually are part of your main pack system your main pack system consists of the main pack your assault pack and all these external pouches so these pouches right here are your two hydration pouches so if you don't want to carry around your camo pack holder um you can take out your you can take out that um the hydration pouch or the hydration bladder stuff in one of these strap it onto your pack next you have your sustainment pouches these are just pouches to keep extra [ __ ] on the outside of your pack all right moving on let's go for all right cool so we have these two pounds right here like i said again i have never once used these pouches these are canteen pouches all right these are pouches obviously where you can team so that way you can strap them to your pack or whatever i typically don't use stuff like that because it's like you know it's just no point for me if i can find another place to put it all right so next we have our kevlar so this is the new generation kevlar the enhanced combat helmet all right as you guys can see it is much smaller much slimmer than the older generation i know i was issued the older generation it was much bigger much bulkier much heavier and this is to be honest this is this is the nicest helmet i've seen so far so kudos to the marine corps upgrading elvis um you also have your helmet cover so it's two side reversible desert on one side woodland on the other side um these you don't have to turn back in these are the helmet pads so these are the pads that you step inside the helmet obviously uh moving on we have our neck pad this is the knee pad this is a little pad that attaches to the back of the helmet so that way it can support the back of your head we have a i'll go over that later whenever i explain the flak moving on we have this is our tarp this is our waterproof tarp i have never seen a brand new water uh a tarp this is brand new which sucks because this is something that you absolutely gonna have to use right but it is what it is next we have our parka [Applause] this is our waterproof jacket waterproof trouser set um commonly known as gore-tex that's what we call what we call the vortex top vortex bottoms super super expensive as well these will set you back i think the jacket is about 170 the trousers are about 110 dollars if you lose them notice how i'm naming the prices of all the expensive stuff because those are the most typically lost items next we have our etool entrenchment tool this is our little shovel as you probably hear about that one legendary killer who got a confirmed kill with it all right here's the pouch that goes in it obviously it looks it's the same shape as the shovel it just goes straight down in there next we have our dump pouch dump house just a tattoo war belt side of your flag whatever right this is just to dump your magazines or all other types of [ __ ] that you may have inside the pouch without having to lose your magazines or anything like that all right um going over this goes over there going over to the flashlight system i'll take these parts out so for a flashlight system which is super expensive as well these are the newer generations what i had was pretty much like a uh l-shaped light that um didn't attach to the helmet but this attached to the helmet comes with the actual light itself which is this little thing right here this is the odor mount for the older helmets that's why they issue you a separate mount but that's the thing you can't lose this one because it's a part of the actual flashlight itself so you got to keep both of them don't think they're the same they're not the same and obviously you have the little if you don't want to mount it to your kevlar you have a little head stop right here as well so i'll say let's go ahead and put that stuff back in there so that we're gonna lose that all right so we have our pouches oh sorry we have our waterproof liners so there's different liners all right i always tell people the easiest one easiest way to remember this at this right orange on the inside that's your assault pack liner all right it says it on the front of it as well this is your assault pipeliners waterproof so anytime you're dealing with anything around water or if you know breast is in okinawa where it rains a lot you're in the field definitely that's a must all right toss all your stuff in there seal it up and it's waterproof this is your main pack liner so this is obviously a little bit bigger this is from your main pack this is the green one now you have also these four little mac sacks as well that's what they're called little small waterproofing bags um to be honest i never use these unless it's like for swamp wall or something like that to where to have you you know put stuff inside your your pack and make it float that's the only time i'll use it this is the sleeping system um waterproofing bag i'll go over the sleeping system later once i get rid of all this stuff next moving on we have our iso mat this is a rolled up mat now this is the correct name is called is the improved sleeping system or sleeping mat i'm gonna be honest with you there's nothing improved about this this is not comfortable at all it provides no type of back support or nothing whenever you're on the ground land on it um you know you know they just use fancy words i guess to help their you know promotions or whatever they have but the marine corps has been using these map ever since i joined the marine corps um i think they just switched to those map because they're still marines issues the older generations when you have to roll up next you're you get your cold weather gear so i'm not gonna fold these but these are pretty much like thermals these are your thermal sets right here um so you get a top and a bottom these are not that expensive however if you do lose them you go to like a secondhand store to buy them because they don't sell them at the px they up the prices on all right you also get two sets of drawers as well these are just thinner models think of it like a like i don't know like the old joe boxer set from [ __ ] walmart or k-mart some [ __ ] all right moving on sappy plates so your issue issue side to place as well see if i can go over the side of things with you guys all right serialized gear so these are the front and back strike pleats all right so obviously it's made out of kevlar and things of that nature so you have your front back which are the large ones and you also also have the side zappies these are your size happy diesel ones to go uh on the side of your body to protect your vital organs from the side all right definitely don't want to lose these this [ __ ] is gonna go downhill if you do all right so moving on i'll knock out the armory stuff real quick moving on to the armory depending on your armory um technically it is still issue gear it just doesn't belong to if you still don't want to lose this gear though because you're going to have to replace it if you do so first thing first issue for some reason in this unit today she used seven magazines as opposed to six you know small four for unit every other unit i've been to on issue six or whatever these are the newer generation magazines that we've got they're called pmac30s um and for those who who you know my veterans and everything you guys probably remember the old metal ones so if you guys you know you see the old metal magazines and video games and all that [ __ ] that's pretty much what we used to have now they switched to pretty much like a tough rough plastic uh magazine and to be honest with you submarines like them submarines don't i have no issues with them so far uh besides i like the way they look i like the way that they don't make too much noise whenever you click them together so that's a plus sit that to the side uh next they shoot you a cleaning kit all right if your armory is decent enough here issue a cleaning kit so cleaning kit pretty much comes with all these little small cleaning components you know you got your lens brush you got your cop um you got the lens cleanser in there got like a rope you got all these scraping tools to get the carbon off the rifle uh more stuff q-tips uh this little thing you put inside your rifle muzzle to let people ensure people know that it is clear all right next year issue your two point slave the marine corps doesn't use three-point slings anymore it's not authorized um it's authorized but it's not authorized on the rifle range so you have to shoot with either a vector sling or one of these two point slings um this is not a vector sling though i still have my old one so that's the one i'm going to be using um i forgot what these call i think these are called bfts or something like that now these pretty much go inside the muzzle of your rifle uh whenever you're shooting blanks you know because you know we train with blanks as well that's just to ensure that nothing exists the rifle injures anybody or gets that [ __ ] into your eye or anything like that and next they give you a little little jump stick right a little barrel grip put on the bottom of your belt and also earplugs don't know why they issue that to you but whatever i'd rather just have marines buy that [ __ ] because they're going to lose it anyways more it's like one-time use next i'm gonna go over the sleeping system so we have the actual main sleeping system right here this is the insert this is what you actually sleep in and now next you have the the the outer part of the sleeping system all right this is much tougher much rougher past this little let's see if i can here we go as a little net right here so the way you're out in the field you can seal it all the way up it comes with like little metal venable bands in here so the way you can have it all it doesn't have to be on your face you can have it above your face keeps all the bugs and everything out of your sleeping system so that's very nice sneaking system will be your best friend in the field i promise you next you have your liner i believe it's the poncho liner this is yeah this is the poncho liner it's just another we call we use this as a blanket that's pretty much all we use it for you know just the extra blanket whenever like we go somewhere that's too [ __ ] cold or if you want some if you don't want to sleep on a hard ass iso mat we'll just lay that down so that we're it's a little bit softer so let's go over here go over the black let's see if i can get this [ __ ] out all right so reason why i wanted to go over the flight because the flight is its own system like i said before so in order to turn in your flag you have to turn in every single part of the flat so that consists of your outer cover buttons right these are outer cover buns these are the ones obviously that'll go around your waist and attach like that um next you have your inner cummerbunds these are the flexible inserts that go inside of the outer cover bonds to ensure that you have a good fit uh with your flack that actually you know i prefer not to use these because they get lost that's just my preference these little things right here these are the this is what hold your side sappies in remember your side slappies so they're pretty much attached to the inside of your black just like so you slide the side slappings inside of here inside of here a little pocket you have some components so first thing you have your repair kit it's pretty much little small extra pieces just in case someone your flat breaks you don't have to return this um next you have your [Applause] this is your um what is this [ __ ] called again strap cutter so if you were liking a tactical vehicle humvee seven times something like that [ __ ] you know worst case scenario the vehicle flips over you're unable to goddamn unfasten your seatbelt you use just to cut your seatbelt that's all it is it's like a little hook on it you take it cut the seat belt now you're out right here you have a yip yap shoulder strap what this [ __ ] is used for to this day i honestly don't know i just roll with the flow with it um next you have your emergency release cable so believe it or not you can disassemble your entire flak from your body just about pulling this um by pulling this cord and i'll make another video in the future um about setting this up how to set up a flat so the way you guys can um know that information too but like yeah in emergency situations where you need to get your flag off um this this strap right here in the back i will actually show you guys now all right these three little white things all right so you'll get pretty much all your parts all right just like so blah blah blah on the other side and you actually weave it through you will weave it through and this will be tucked in somewhere on the um it depends on which eye it will be tucked in somewhere in your outer cummerbund so the way in emergency somebody can come over grab your cable pull the cable and that should release these copper bonds from you and the entire plaque to come up [Applause] so let's go ahead and get that stuff out of the way ladies and gentlemen this is important this is really important like i know like i said before you actually marine what's the biggest hold up within getting out of the marine corps whether they're transitioning out of the marine corps going through a different unit retirement retiring um whatever you know nine times out of ten they're gonna tell you that dealing with the [ __ ] if it's probably the biggest pain in the ass because they're missing gear that's why i always recommend marines always do um a gear check you know do a gear inspection of your own gear even if your unit doesn't do it do a gear inspection of your own gear after every field off to ensure that you're not missing anything all right it's best to identify [ __ ] if you're missing it early or where it's best to identify early versus identifying you're missing gear late that can really hold you back from doing certain stuff [Music] it just tossed that to the side next last two items yay right long ass [ __ ] video i'm sorry if you guys had to watch all this [ __ ] [ __ ] um next item this is your main pack this is your it will be pack we don't call it it'll be packed we just call it main pack right because it's come on um just like so it has a plastic exoskeleton in the back a better support has a dick thing right here uh i also have hip straps as well to support your hips this is also adjustable you can adjust it to way best fits your body so the way you're not struggling on hikes and things of that nature and last but not least this is your assault pack we call it in the marine corps we have different terms you know we call it the salt pack we call it day pack um it's just everyday like i said again everyday normal backpack that you use to carry stuff in and you can use this whatever whenever you want you can just use this as a regular backpack don't take it out [ __ ] outside the base still don't felt these [ __ ] dopey boots whenever you're working you know you got [ __ ] to carry to work yeah use it why not just ensure that you keep an eye on it because like i said leave this [ __ ] aware and it's go ladies and gentlemen i just wasted all of y'all time not really didn't waste all your time but listen um thank you all so much for watching the video we made it to this point thank you so much for sticking to the end of the video um as always go check out my other videos have any questions feel free to dm me on instagram i'll get to it i promise um until then it's your boy and i
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Views: 173,993
Rating: 4.8881516 out of 5
Keywords: military gear loadout, basic training, military gear, marine corps, military gear unboxing, military gear in public, basic training fort jackson, basic training shark attacks, air force special forces, military gear review, military gear setup, marine corps training, marine corps boot camp parris island, marine corps drill, marine corps boot camp san diego, marine corps silent drill team
Id: FvVAuLm0S2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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