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if you've ever wasted time dragging things around until they look good stop put the stylus down take your hand off the house and look at your composition and try and figure out what's wrong with it this is the first in a series of videos on the principles of layout and in this lesson we're going to cover the first three ideas with examples just as a musician learns their instruments so they can more effectively share their vision these principles provide boundaries within which creative expression can happen they're not designed to limit your creativity but to provide the opportunity for expression while still allowing you to fulfill the brief you've probably heard of these and we'll get into some more of the less talked about ideas in later videos but it's amazing how often these basic principles are ignored resulting in ineffective or just plain ugly designs so i'll introduce these three concepts very quickly and then show you how they all work together in tandem with some examples number one is focal point and this is the center of interest not necessarily the center of the layout and this is the location to which your eye is drawn so for example here we have a white circle and it's right in the center of the layout but if we move this to the side it's still the focal point now obviously when you're watching this video you can see me as well hello but considering this layout it brings you over there even if we have multiple elements within the layout we're drawn to the filled circle rather than the stroked ones but it's solid it has more presence so that's a focal point could also be where things meet so here the point at which the two lines intersect is the focal point and you see this in things like photography so a well-known principle about focal point is the rule of thirds and photographers are taught to do this early so in this image the bird on the left is placed in the center its head is placed in the center of the frame vertically and horizontally whereas on the right not only can we see more of the bird but the composition is more interesting because it is placed along these grid lines so that um its head or kind of that that point of weight around the neck is placed in the top third horizontally and the right third vertically and it makes for a more interesting image than the one where it's just in the center and you can apply this to layouts too and we'll see that as all the principles come together at the end but let me give you these quickly number two is white space and this means quiet areas of visual rest which give you other elements room to breathe and we saw this in the photograph of the bird the blurred out background here provides the white space white space doesn't have to be white it just has to be a quiet area and that allows us to focus on the part which is sharp and in focus which is the bird itself so just as music needs dynamics that's loud and quiet layouts need white space the impact of the orchestra at full volume only works in a room where the acoustics are sufficient that the orchestra can play quietly and softly and we have that different feel and then when they burst into life with an incredibly loud powerful dynamic it has that impact and it's the same with the layout areas of choir areas of white space allow other elements to come to the floor and it makes them more interesting it makes them easier to navigate around as well and the third thing before we bring these all together is hierarchy so this means giving priority to the most important elements if everything's loud if everything's on ten again like music then nothing is emphasized when you're mixing a track you can't just turn up everything louder just makes a wall of noise so some things have to come to the floor like when you're listening to pop music the lead vocals in the four and some things have to be more to the background the sense of hierarchy and it's the same visually now this is design 101 i appreciate that but how often is this ignored in the real world you want to orient your user that means let them know where they are and then lead them on a journey if you go to a map maybe you're walking around a city as a tourist the most important part is you are here so you they need to be oriented and be able to get their bearings of where they are the layout where north is perhaps and then where they want to go and with hierarchy there's obvious things like headlines tend to be more prominent than body copy but let's have a look at some examples so here on this hero section for this website the dominant element the focal point is the camera and let's just annotate this the camera here so this is the dominant element this is the focal point and then there's plenty of white space around the image but also around all the copy and such so it allows you to to to read it it gives parts of rest within this composition and the headline here is clearly more prominent than the body copy underneath and so there's a clear hierarchy to it as well as a clear focal point so maybe with this next uh layout similar with this next website again so this time we don't have just a plain background the photograph fills the entire background however there's still clear areas of white space within this photograph it's nicely composed so that the cliffs really stand out because the sea and the sky give those white space areas but then within the quiet areas there's been space to place the logo the navigation the headline and the call to action very clearly so we see this image we get this feel and then we read the headline and it gives us a sense of the kind of website that we're on straight away similarly with this magazine layout we see first of all the focal point this big photograph which spans over from the right onto the left page of this arch and as you're flicking through the magazine this catches your eye as a an eye-catching focal point for this photo essay so it's going to lead you into that so you see the picture and you get a sense so this is going to be something from this american wilderness which it is then the headline is clearly more dominant than the body copy and there's also areas of white space not every cell within this grid has to be filled and that gives chance um for the just to be more of a sense of rest and it gives it a more of a premium relaxed feel to it as well now we can see this these are made-up examples okay that are quickly put together but you want to train your eye and be so that you are aware of these principles while you're learning and so that when you look at a layout you can see them at work and you can understand uh why a skill designer made the decisions that they did so let's look at some real world examples so this is the hero section on the figma home page so straight away we see the headline it's at the top it's big it's bold now i've got a massive 5k screen here so we see quite a lot of the image but maybe on a smaller screen you just see a little bit of the screenshots here at the bottom uh below the fall but we see the headline and there's plenty of white space around it and things are sensibly placed and they're not crowding each other so we get the concept of what figma's about they're making their unique selling proposition the collaboration aspect so that's very clear at the top and it leads us down through this same with webflow very similar they have a headline with with figma it was black on white here with webflow it's white on black or very dark and that's very clear and it's not crowded out by imagery the site you want without the dev time their value proposition is very clear and their logo is appropriately small there's enough clear space between they make their navigation very simple as well it's just login or register so that you are drawn to these key elements and they're able to get across their value proposition before encouraging you to scroll down the page by showing you within the app now you're probably thinking these are both in the design community of course they're going to have great websites and more importantly they're going to observe just like very basic principles of design but what about the pantone website i mean what is going on here like i come here and i don't know where to look there's so much going on i've got to work i've got to force myself to to look around to to figure things out what is the focal point here perhaps the light booth over on the far right it could be this but we've got this type in the center so that's like in the center at the top so i'm sort of drawn to that but then the biggest headline is here so i'm not really sure i'm kind of all over the place and this hero section uh which is actually a carousel so these are rotating uh which will distract you uh even more so i've decided to take a screen grab for you guys but then below we've got like a big solid rectangle here so this is very heavy and this has got like one to ten images in the thumbnail for this video next to something on a colored background i mean this types in all caps and coloured up two things that make type harder to read just so much going on it's close to this now so it's competing so if they would just go back to these very basic principles focal point hierarchy white space if they were observed and pantone's value proposition in the sense of their brand came across i mean this is a brand for designers exclusively fashion designers interior designers graphic designers so it needs to look good it needs to feel good and pantone do a really good job with their products and their merch and that's not coming across in their website and yes they have products they need to push and things they need to talk about but that could be done in an ordered grid layout step by step throughout the website or through an easily navigable menu but to arrive here this is a layout is an example of somebody not observing the basics so those basics focal point white space hierarchy make sure you bring those into your designs and because even as experienced designers like maybe the guys at pantone it's easy to forget so look out for the next two videos in this series and until next time happy designing [Music] you
Channel: Flux Academy
Views: 88,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: layout, Principles of Layout: Create better designs (Part I), layout design, principles of layout, graphic design layout, perfect layout design, become a web designer 2022, freelance web designer, graphic designer job, web design, web design freelance, web design business 2022, web design freelancer, web design business, web design 2022, web designer career, web design school, ran segall, flux academy
Id: MlsV3hu84as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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