Complete Law Career Guide | The Sims 4

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I hope you're ready to pound that gavel and yell order we're about to look into everything that you need to know about the law career in The Sims 4 including the unique perks that the career brings like the ability to increase your Sims hourly pay by taking on clients now you will need the Discover University expansion pack to have access to the law career that being said you don't have to have your sim graduate from University in order to enter into the career however completing the right degree will have a a lot of advantages if you plan on going into the judge Branch then you'll want to study a history degree and if you go into the private attorney Branch then you'll want to study a language and literature degree and know that the distinguished degrees offered at brester University are the best option for both of these the benefits of having a degree include getting to skip a significant amount of early career levels having higher pay easier work performance and hence promotions extra vacation days and even a signing bonus I know so many perks now whether you went to University or not you can enter into this career via the careers panel or by using the business section of your phone to find a job and if you didn't go to university then you'll start out as a processed server the first thing that you'll want to know is that the main skills required to progress in this career are research and debate logic and Charisma the ideal mood for training both research and debate and the logic skill is being focused while the ideal mood for training up the charisma skill is being confident being in the ideal mood while training a skill will save you around 25% of the usual training time and if you have them in a strong very State such as being very focused or very confident then this will increase to save around 35% of the usual time which we love also know that specific lot traits can help you train these skills quicker too science lay will affect the logic skill while convivial will impact on the charisma skill with these traits allowing you to save around 25% of the usual time it takes to train relevant skills also knowe that while research and debate can be leveled using a research machine or a debate Podium set you can also level it by practicing debate on a mirror and a mirror is both much more affordable and a lot easier to work into a house than the other things now back to your new life having just enter this career as a process server and you'll quickly notice that this career offers both a going into work and a working from home option and while working from home is certainly A vibe let's take a look at playing this career by going into work each day in this case the career will function much like the base game careers that you're familiar with seeing your sim disappear into a rabbit hole every time they go to work if you do this then consider changing the way your sim Works to be work hard this will lower their fun need and has a chance to give your sim a tense smooth liet however it will also see your sim gain more work performance Sims can also take it easy which lowers work performance but increases fun and has a chance to give your sim a happy moodlet and socialize with co-workers which lowers work performance but feels the social need and potentially lets your sim meet co-workers and make friends having good relationships with co-workers going to work with positive emotions and completing the daily work task before each workday are all additional ways to help increase your Sims work performance the daily task for the early stages of the law career is to file court documents and this can be done from the career and then law career section of a computer and takes around two in-game hours to complete when you first enter this career you'll also unlock some new interactions in addition to filing court documents your sim will also be able to use a computer to file a legal motion which will rather slowly raise a Sim's logic skill as well as to attender deposition which can be done during the day and sees your sim disappear into a rabbit hole for a few hours additionally you'll be able to use a research machine to research their current case which won't really do anything at this stage note that as research machines cost like 12,000 simoleons you might want to use the ones at Laurel library in britchester as opposed to purchasing your own also after introducing yourself to Sims in person you can then choose to meet a Sim as a prospective client which is located under friendly interactions and this will provide your sim with a smaller amount of charisma skill experience while initially these interactions seem a little useless they'll be used more if your sim decides to work from home when choosing to work from home you'll be given two work from home assignments to complete each work day and you will need to complete these both to boost work performance and to receive your pay in the early stages of the career before specializing these work from home assignments will include the previous interactions being filing court documents filing a legal motion attending a deposition researching your current case and meeting a prospective client now after your first promotion to rank two in the career you'll unlock the legal case files object which costs zero Simoleons and provides an environment boost so load up on it if you want to go wild what a great environment we have on a budget then at rank three you'll unlock the chat about scandalous lawsuit interaction which is located in the lore career section of friendly interactions and this provides your sim with a playful plus two mullet for 2 hours at rank four you'll unlock a rather comfy lawyer desk chair which is kind of cute more interestingly you'll have a rather unique task which needs to be completed in order to get your next promotion being to pass the lawyer's exam this is action from the career and then LW career section on a computer and it will see your sim disappear into a rabbit hole for a couple of hours before returning hopefully having passed after reaching rank five of the career as a Bunning bar you unlock a new outfit in Creator Sim which is giving casual lawyer Vibes I actually quite like it and in particular some of the female swes are quite nice I'm a fan additionally you'll unlock the offer legal representation interaction which is located in the lore career section of friendly interactions this will also become your new daily task for if you're going into work each day however for once I don't actually recommend trying to complete this daily task this is because the offer legal representation interaction isn't always successful and it can only successfully be used on a unique Sim once on top of this it takes around 12 successful interactions to 100% complete this daily task which to me is about as bad as realizing that you have to climb 200 stairs to reach your next destination it's so much effort that it's really not worth doing this being said you might still want to make use of this interaction and that's because for every Sim that you successfully offer your legal representation to and effectively make your client your hourly pay will increase by around 1% look it's not enough to really entice me but it's something and it's pretty neat that this has this effect also know that I found the offer legal representation interaction to be a lot more successful if IID built a small positive relationship with the target Sim first now upon reaching rank six of this career you'll unlock a lawyer desk to go with your chair and then at rank seven you'll unlock a rather fancy book case and who doesn't love a bookcase then to reach level eight in the career you'll need level seven of the research and debate skill as well as level three logic and level three Charisma and it's at level eight that you'll need to choose to specialize as either a judge or a private attorney let's take a look at the private attorney Branch first and when you initially enter this Branch as a lead litigator you'll unlock some new clothes and a heap of new interactions looking at the new clothing first you'll get access to a rather Nic looking suit set which looks relatively good on both men and women dare I say that I think these are potentially some of the best looking suits in the whole game honestly I really am a fan now on to those new interactions firstly there's craft a legal argument which is done from the LW section of a computer and this will increase your Sims research and debate skill then on a research machine you'll be able to research case law which also increases your research and debate skill you you will also be able to discuss complex case law with other Sims which from what I can tell doesn't do all that much finally you can visit University law classes at britchester honestly every time I did this my sim got stuck in a NeverEnding rabbit hole that I then had to cancel out of it was also buggy when I actioned this from my Sim's phone too but occasionally when I cancelled my sim being in their NeverEnding Rabbit Hole it would still tick off the work from home assignment if it was assigned overall though just a a bit of a buggy Nightmare and speaking of working from home tasks these four interactions can become your work from home assignments if your sim instead goes into work each day then your daily work task will be to offer legal representation and obtain new clients once again I would only recommend this as a means of increasing your income because it'll take so many successful interactions to complete the daily task at 100% that it makes it not worth the time that it takes now getting promoted to rank nine of the career simply sees you get a nice pay rise then once you have level 9 of the research and debate skill as well as level six Charisma and level three logic you'll be able to be promoted to rank 10 of the career as a preeminent partner and here your sim will work Tuesday through to Friday and earn 3,150 simoleons per workday and note that this doesn't include the percentage bump from all of the clients you made so you'll likely earn even more and of course you have the potential to keep taking on clients to bump this higher in addition to the big pay rise you'll also unlock some rather fancy looking scales that are just a nice piece of Decor somewhat strangely there are still promotion tasks as if there is another stage to this career but when I got a further promotion I just got a raise let's move on now and take a look at the judge branch and when you first enter this Branch as a gavel Smasher you'll sadly lose all your clients and the ability to offer your services and make new clients and you'll also no longer get bonus pay based on how many clients you have so it's a bit of a bummer in that regard on a more positive note you'll once again unlock new clothes and many interactions looking at clothing first you'll get access to a judge's gown I got to say it's looking so silky that it's kind of giving fancy pajama Vibes not going to lie it looks comfortable I want to wear it sadly though there's only one Swatch when it comes to new interactions you'll be able to research legal issues on a research machine which trains up your Sim's research and debate skill then just like when your sim enters the private attorney Branch you will unlock the ability to visit University law classes yes bugged in this Branch too you'll also be able to use a computer to write opinion read pleadings or make rulings all three of these interactions will train up your Sims logic skill but making rulings in particular is a bit more fun as you will be given quick and rather quirky text based events that you'll get to rule guilty or not guilty on and while this is small it strangely really does feel like it brings the career to life making rulings will also change to be your new daily task that boosts work performance when you go into work each day and as one complete interaction run through will complete the task I do recommend making use of this for faster promotions also know that once again these new interactions can become your work from home assignments if your sim instead chooses to work from home now getting promoted to rank n we'll see you unlock the ability to guest speak at a university about law this can be actioned from University buildings or from your phone but sadly just like when visiting this interaction is also bugged and never finishes until you cancel it also know that once unlocked this can also become a working from home assignment too once you have level 9 of the research and debate skill as well as level six logic and level three Charisma you'll then be promoted to rank 10 of the career as a chief of justice and here your sim will work Tuesday through to Thursday and earn 2,975 simoleons per workday you'll also unlock the same scales that you got for reaching the top of the private attorney branch and again there are still promotion tasks as if there's another stage to this career but this will just lead to another raise one more thing to note about the judge branch is that you can get calls from time to time offering bribe money for for a more favorable ruling and if you accept the bribe then this can pocket you around 1,500 simoleons which isn't too shabby now just before finishing up a few quick tips firstly consider making your sim like research and debate as this will provide them with a happy moodlet when engaging with the skill which they'll be doing quite a bit of in this career next is that if you're already sending your sim to University to prepare for the law career then consider completing the academic aspiration while you're at it this will net you quite a few satisfaction points we'll see you gain most of the research and debate skill levels that you need won't put you out of your way at all and will earn you a handy trait that lets you gain more skill experience when using the research machine finally if you're not doing the university pathway and have the points then consider picking up the connections reward trait this will allow you to enter straight into level four of the LW career also you may want the entrepreneu trait which cost 2,000 satisfaction points and will provide you with a passive performance boost and with that we're at the end that's a complete guide to the lore career in The Sims 4 thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed or found this helpful then feel free to check out some of my other career guides if that interests you and of course I hope you have an amazing day see you later
Channel: Petey Plays It
Views: 27,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Complete Law Career Guide | The Sims 4, Sims 4, The Sims, sims, How To, Guide, Tutorial, Tips and Tricks, Sims 4 Law Career, sims 4 Law Career rewards, Judge sims 4, Sims 4 Law, sims 4 Law career guide, Sims 4 Law career unlocks, Sims 4 career guide, sims 4 Law skills, Private Attorney Sims 4, Taking On Clients Sims 4, Sims 4 Discover University Careers, Sims 4 Law Career Stages, Sims 4 Research And Debate, Sims 4 Judge Clothing, Sims 4 Law Clothes
Id: TOvpit7qcCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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