COMPLETE Horror Movie Collection!!!

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before we start this video off with all of our horror movies it's gonna be a long video so please stick with us but before we do anything we want to take this opportunity for you guys to leave questions down below we're gonna do another Q&A video within the next week or so week two weeks or whatnot so we're gonna be taking the questions from this video ask whatever you want as many as you want actually questions down below we'll try to answer as much as we can yes so thank you and on to this video [Music] hey what's up guys talk movies with us here back again with another collection video this is not an end of the month collection video this is a collection video of what our horror movies slash Halloween movies now not every single thing that we show you guys is straight-up har we're just gonna say that right now we have some psychological horror horror comedy we have some kids Halloween movies we just kind of wanted to show everything off to be in the spirit for help in this spirit of you know October and the spirit of Halloween all of our horror related movies DVD blu-ray all condensed into one epic video yes so sit back relax this is gonna be a long one there's a ton of titles in this one you know scream factory arrow random stuff and yeah we better just start this thing off we'll be here all day and we're gonna try not to ramble too much that's right not to but as you guys know it's pretty much inevitable we're gonna start off with boxes alright so probably most recently that we picked up was the Chucky set with all seven movies and I've actually been watching these I'm up to a Bride of Chucky love that box set next up is another collection that we have and that is from well go USA that is the phantasm box set with all of them phantasm movies in it alright next up we have the arrow video set for Donnie Darko one of my favorite movies ever and this box set is absolutely gorgeous I love that one Bubble Boy himself and then we do have because we're very selfish we have two copies of the screen factory Halloween set so we have the small one that has just the two cases and then we have the set that has all Big Daddy limited edition set and I love box sets that have the individual cases and the black cases it's just man that sounds beautiful I actually like I like this set too but it's nice to have both and we got another awesome DVD set which we recently found at FYE a couple of months ago and that is the Nightmare on Elm Street DVD set loved this one we did an unboxing of it and they got to decide the cases it all make up with a great Freddy Krueger yes that's an awesome set we got another and another arrow video beautiful box set of Hellraiser this includes one two and three yes that was one of our first like unboxing videos it was one of one of the first back in the day all right it seems so long ago yeah and next up is probably one of our favorites Friday the 13th in this chocolate tin whatever you want to call it but I absolutely love it yes a beautiful set if I have one gripe with this set is that there's nothing on the spine but I mean we're not gonna unbox it because we're already afraid to touch this thing in general right now there's against all fingerprint II and we don't want to ruin the hinges or god forbid but yeah Friday the 13th is probably one of my favorite horror franchises it's not my favorite alright next up we have the hills have eyes set now you know this just has them the first and second one the knees are of course are the remakes obviously and the next one which is the worst of the worst the worst collection set I've ever purchased in my life is the omen collection and it gets bent all easily like this I just need to show this cuz what is this it's like a paper it's like paper paper it's like when you used to have a folder in school and just movies shoved in it it's like the same yeah it's this is an awful set and I really hope that someone picks it up screen factory air of somebody and makes a nice step for it because I can't wait to get that out of the collection next up the last of our horror box sets this falls into the sub-genre of how we got sci-fi/horror what have you we got the alien anthology all right so that was it for a box sets we're moving on from those into more of the random horror movies random titles and whatnot yeah let's go start at lost guys gotta go keep it going alright first we have the latest Blair Witch movie which we did enjoy next up we have gremlins which is not only a Halloween slash horror movie it's also a Christmas movie and with that we also have the triple pack that has the Goonies gremlins and gremlins - next up is more of an indie film and that is spring which I did enjoy it was a little strange and I wasn't really fond of the ending but if you are wondering this had a clear case but we put it on another movie which you will see later on next up we have sinister and sinister - I do like the concept of the movies the first one was way better than number two I actually never the first one second one is jump scares first one is is really good we got the guest another Adam Wingard movie that I absolutely love the soundtrack is amazing the soundtrack all the throwbacks this movie has is movies a homage to just eighties badassness and I appreciate the hell out of this one next up we got Robocop not really sure if this is like totally horror there are some gory scenes but we do own the screen factories up two and three which will show you guys later so I figured with Robocop in there next up one of my favorite horror movies of all time it's probably my top 5 and nobody talks about it that is the bill paxton directed frailty and yet early Matthew McConaughey Ennis and I absolutely loved it it's so good such a good story and a pretty good twist I'm not gonna lie so if you haven't seen frailty definitely check this one out and I'll go one more we got Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead this was one of the best horror remakes in the last few years I would say you have this and the Evil Dead or probably the top for me and this is also getting a scream factory release really soon so that's like picking that up all right next up we have the conjuring with the awesome lenticular slip and the conjuring to which no slip didn't get a slip and it still bugs the crap out of me like that sitting on the shelf it's terrible like you have this beautiful lenticular slip no slip but either way I really like both of these movies um second one it might be a little bit better for me than the first one but I enjoy both of them quite a bit and then we have the Christian Bale classic American Psycho this is one of my favorite movies as well don't just look at it eat it have to return some tapes and we have a Mila Kunis American Psycho - which we didn't watch yet but where we hear phenomenal things and now I'll just go again because another trilogy we have the purge trilogy so we have the purge the purge anarchy and the purge election-year which I didn't enjoy this one as much no didn't like it I do like the first two quite a bit me too and like the first one is pretty good but in my opinion I love anarchy I think Anarchy's horror but it's more of an action heart - it is and I like that they're on the streets and that was like the first one there obviously in the house and everything but I love Frank Grillo I love him today he was great in - he was really awesome and you know it's nice to see three movie they release wait three three nice slipcovers you know what this trilogy gets a lot of hate you could poke holes in them for sure but I mean I'm a fan I would like I think I would have to agree next up we got M night Shyamalan my ding-dongs signs this is my favorite M night Shyamalan movie love it love Mel Gibson Joaquin Phoenix and this was just one of those movies I remember watching as a kid over and over again really loved this one I remember seeing that in theaters and then the scene where they're showing like the videotape at the birthday party and the alien walks by mm-hmm I still have nightmares over that scene next up is another horror remake that I love I think they did a great job with this one Derrida and that is Carrie another one with that lenticular awesome slit bloody head whatever it is but I think Chloe great Moret moritz yeah Chloe grace Moretz Moretz I think she did a great job I think she's one of the better younger actors working today I think she's a great actress and really underrated [ __ ] remate got a lot of hate but I'm not really sure why next up is probably my favorite Ashton Kutcher movie and that is the butterfly effect you know he gets even as she cooked you don't see him around much nowadays and he was on that Netflix show whatever the hell it's called by a ranch but this was a good performance by him and Amy smart man she was another one she did early 2000 she was up you know she was in everything well combined [ __ ] ow yeah it is it's you know it's a little disturbing some disturbing scenes in this one but another overlooked one that I love and since we talked about signs scary movie 3 and of course we got the original scary movie but I'm gonna start off with scary movie 3 I think this is just as good as number 1 call me crazy scary movie 2 don't own it don't know and scary movie 2 or 4 or 4 don't I don't want to start with 5 but this one shorted went this is the first one that went the pg-13 route but I think this is hilarious and all the spooks are great to sign spoof with the alien out of the finger that's very funny I mean Charlie Sheen is great a big fan of scary movie 3 and of course number one you know one thing about number one is that of course it's a classic but it pretty much destroys scream and scream is phenomenal but this is almost like a shot-for-shot remake and but it's comedic it is really funny just go with that one since we're going off like comedies well it's not a comedy but tremors five baby it probably is a comedy don't own the rest of the tremors but own tremors 5 why you ask I'm a huge Jamie Kennedy fan you heard it I mean I mean they probably don't exist but Jamie Kennedy's the man Malibu's Most Wanted is one of my all-time favorites he's a nice guy too yeah we've seen him at one of his comedy shows he was hilarious took some pictures he was rapping for us it was just it's a dream come true but yet tremors five your turn alright next up we have jaws which is an absolute classic I mean this just makes you never want to go in the water ever it's just a pert it's it's perfect well that's because it holds up like you know I have some horror films your watch this holds up like yeah the special effects and everything perfect movie well you know the practical effects I think sometimes are much better than CGI like nowadays you get these stupid CGI sharks and another one that I think is very underrated and that is disturbia and the guy who wrote this did happy deathday and I'm really not sure where he went wrong there but tell me this is only just Joe you know this was I think before he lost his he lost his marbles but uh yes it was I think transformers kind of pushed him over the edge over the edge is an understatement next up we have Cloverfield which you know kind of broke through the scene with the whole what shaky shaky cam Oh nausea we're watching a movie that you started that I got a huge huge fan of this movie but it is what it is and then the next thing we have is the Jessica Biel Texas Chainsaw big Jessica Biel fan I wonder why chuck and Larry this is a fun movie I mean it's not fantastic but I mean I think out of all that the Texas Chainsaw prequels remake sequels whatever the hell they're going for nowadays this is probably one of the better ones you're gonna get definitely I would definitely agree I like the beginning Texas Chainsaw Massacre the beginning we got Rob Zombie's 31 now this movie is just complete white trash I mean it's just they're right there are good practical effects everything surrounding it is okay it's just the characters are so goddamn unlikable except for the one that the guy in the very beginning the main guy he's a badass yeah he's great he was by far this guy on the cover the main guy is awesome but you have like some batshit craziness I mean I imagine in Hitler [ __ ] I mean listen he Keith Rob Zombie's out there but if the characters were more likable I could stand behind this one a little more but instead you're rooting for all them they get chopped up so that's that next up is my boy Jason Bateman stars in the gift very underrated underrated horror film or suspense or thriller whatever falls under but this was directed by Joel Edgerton which did a fantastic job on in his directorial debut yes and this was just a great well paced movie suspense so a good twist believable twist and you know good little message about not being a bully next up is end of days starring Arnold right the great Otto Schwartz Nagar where's the rant at we yeah yeah we need his impression for this one but uh this is a you know this is an underrated Schwarzenegger flick and it's one of his few horror roles and fun moving fun fun little horror flick and I'll just go to more god we got the Belko experiment written by James Gunn and produced by James Gunn this is in my top ten for this year I mean it's not a perfect movie by any means so god damn entertaining it was so entertaining and absolutely loved the blend of horror and comedy yes this nailed it on both sides James Gunn is good at that yeah great writer he's a I love his stuff yeah and another I'm we're gonna say this about a lot of movies that we feel that we feel strongly about but an underrated horror film of last year the last two years deliver us from evil starring Eric Bana sure his New York accent is very questionable but this was one of the better exorcism movies in the last few years I would say I think it's pretty original that's pretty original and the doors who would have thought Jim Morrison in the door soundtrack plays like a major role in this one which is a pretty cool tie-in and this was also directed by Scott Derrickson who brought us Doctor Strange so oh that's right yes so it's you know Doctor Strange we love because it was cool to see his take on a comic book film and you see some small little aspects of that movie this one so you know scott derrickson is great love love his directorial style um one of my move to my top few movies from last year and that is green room recipes Anton Yelchin yes but Patrick Stewart's great in this the music is awesome I mean the gore is great man cringy right oh man brutal this is a brutal movie and if you can see we put it in a green case yes we did cuz we're lame for losers we're all losers aren't we we just got to admit it but yeah so love this movie it's a beautiful slipcover - patrick stewart man is the most badass role yet next up we have some kevin smith yeah we have tusks which pretty much [ __ ] me up for days more mr. tusk um listen his movies are super original hating on them all you want but nobody has ever done these things no I mean it's definitely a fresh idea so we have tusks and we have yoga hosers which is probably one of my favorites from him I I love this movie it was so much it's a lot of fun you know it's listen it's ridiculous absolutely absurd but if you're Kevin Smith fan and I listen to his podcast you know SModcast whatever you call it so if you listen to his podcast you appreciate these movies more you definitely do cuz they always throw things in there and I like that these are connected like they're kind of like they're this little universe their own little MCU right and supposedly we're supposed to get a trilogy that's supposed to be a trilogy and the next film is supposed to be called moose jaw's and the description of it if even if you look on IMDB it'll tell you it's jaws with a moose so take my money now I really do man next up we have the I guess sequel to Cloverfield and that is 10 Cloverfield Lane but this movie was so much better than clover I agree I really agree I mean John Goodman is a menacing in that he's terrifying I mean I love the shots in this how it's all end up in that bunker and everything claustrophobic feel to it very claustrophobic and just very well done really good time with us three next up we got stir of echoes starring Kevin Bacon this one is another good one good paced horror film we've got some good scares and a cool little twist at the end you know I mean all these horror films of course have that twist but some of them will feel more cheap than others but yeah this one was pretty good man I fan of Kevin Bacon and there's rumors swirling around about him you know Robert Englund supposedly wants him to be the next Freddy Krueger I wouldn't mind and I would take it I would I think out of all the actors out there I think that's a pretty damn good choice yes so yes sir that goes next up questionable hide-and-seek yeah I mean I saw this one in the theater when I was out and 11 years old for this one you know you got Dakota Fanning in this and I read this is one I rewatched recently and it's pretty bad does not hold very bad just I don't want to talk about it back next up another movie that is an Eli Roth movie got a lot of hate but I enjoyed it immensely and that is not doc starring one of my favs Keanu Reeves yes and his why and Eli Roth's wife is in this and the story of this one is basically this guy's family goes out of town and these two [ __ ] show up at his doorstep and you know he's trying his best not to cheat but they're basically throwing ourselves yeah they're like stripping and dancing and you know he perseveres for a while but of course spoiler alert as Keanu Reeves says in this movie at the end it was free pizza who was free pizza listen ridiculous and sure I understand people who trash it but I laughed and I know it's what would you do it's one of those yeah what would you do huh never all right just shut the door in their face oh of course always next up a horror movie starring Liam Neeson and Christina Ricci and Justin long after life and this was another good one you know it was directed blu-ray I believe I don't think this one got theatrical release but anyone that knows me I'm a big fan of Liam Neeson that absent of his that like no English American accent but you always you know catch his little you know a little kill you you know it's just whatever it is love liam neeson decent film next up we got see no evil and see no evil to this one never have a slip no never eyes another one like why but love both of these especially the first one first one is an underrated slasher I mean it's uh it's along the lines of those Friday the 13th where you know you have these teenagers and their troubled teens that they're having sex and and you have just Kane just freakin doing this thing man and just he's a pig you know he has of his weapon and this is a big chain like a big spike chain and they're scenes in this where he's down like a tight hallway yeah and Kane is a monster in that watch dragging them underrated I mean give this one a chance of you guys out there or any mood for a good slasher love this one and the second one is pretty damn good too so not not bad really enjoy them alright next up we have not so much a horror movie based on some horror books though and that is children's horror yeah goosebumps with Jack Black and I enjoyed the heck out of this movie a - I think it was a lot of fun you know it was really well done and the kid from 13 reasons why is in this 13 reasons to off yourself but I really enjoyed this one it's funny you know it's got some spooky moments to it yeah it's really good and you won't know what I'm a big fan of Jack Black you know he's one of the most likable guys out there I mean School of Rock come on [Music] not hard correct all right next up we have the Mel Brooks classic Young Frankenstein press and piece Gene Wilder yes I really want go rest in peace next up we have one of my favorite horror comedies and that is Shaun of the Dead and we have this beautiful mondo steelbook courtesy of Corey reviews yes and we do have the pop art steelbook and out of the Cornetto trilogy this is by far my favorite by far the best one I mean you might disagree but this one is definitely for us the best one oh yeah another Eli Roth title and probably my favorite Eli Roth I would have to say and that is the original hostel love it absolutely love hostel man brutal and I mean when I was a kid the one thing I remember about this movie was like you know this is another one I saw young I'm only 24 so I saw this that's probably 12 or 13 but I just get to the moon I just remember boobies galore this one like I remember like am I supposed to be scared right now or what because some was happening down there but uh yeah and that's that's what that's what I remember about this with a lot of boobies and that scene where like his ankles and he falls out of the Chili's he all right yeah that is one of the worst scenes I've ever watched in my life one of the most painful scenes to watch it wasn't even gory but you just heard that oh boy next up we got the screams apparently you can't call them The Scream collection because they're not all in the damn collection oh we got you know the first three and scream 4 you know I mean we could forget about screen for yeah I mean scream is another one where it's probably one up there with Friday the 13th is one of my favorite horror um horror which ones are called horror franchises you know they're they're good movies you know each one of them is pretty solid I'm a big Jamie Kennedy fan of course you know that and you know Wes Craven and my one of my favorite things about the original screams is like that 90's vibe I I'm a nineties kid whatever and I do you know the high jeans and the washed out jeans and just the whole style I love the 90s not watch and the 90s music to you know love the music's very nostalgic when you watch it now without a doubt and alright I'll go one more we got the mist now this is actually the Canadian release because I actually liked this artwork better so whatever I was bored on 40 they pick up but you know this movie was pretty good the ending you know that ending is comical to me like that ending is hilarious I don't know I shouldn't laugh in it but it was oh and if you guys seen this movie obviously know what I'm talking about right next up we have another I feel like this is more of like a cult has it more of a cult following than anything but this is it follows I know drum domes absolutely loves this movie I absolutely love this movie I remember seeing it in theaters and being like what the f is going on but it's so well done the music is great well shots are beautiful it's very retro and just an overall beautiful movie absolutely love this one and I love the steelbook we keep saying this but this is one of my favorites and that is cabin in the woods and I feel like look at that one ticular slip first awesome and this is the reason why we won't pick up the 4k because the slipcover is beautiful but this movie is so entertaining and I love the concept so much this movie pretty much picks apart every harm every horror movie like every horror movie trope this movie just exploits it but it makes a good horror movie out of it all at the same time yep good twist to it it's gory it's just this movie for cents worth - yes next up we have the Tom Hanks classic which is not so much a horror horror movie but we have the bird or the horror comedy spoof shot if you will but definitely you know this is one of those things where you got strange neighbors and everything so love this movie Tom Hanks the most likable guy in the world we say this every time we mentioned Tom Hanks but we want to be best friends with him oh we do Tom Hanks call us bapak take yourself a lunch all right and next up we have what I feel is a very underrated shark movie and it is one of the first movies we saw it together and that is the shallows with Blake Lively and this is one of the best-looking lenticular covers without a doubt and still one of the best 4k movies we've watched the picture quality no because it's such a vice so many vibrant colors in it compared to that 47 meters down and this one in my womb this blows it out see what you did I love this movie and I really like Blake Lively in it I know she doesn't really talk too much that's why she's very good but she's very good phenomenal next is Zombieland which could be considered a horror comedy I love zombies I love zombie movies I love woody harrelson woody house is the man overall this is just another very entertaining movie bout adout next up is a film I absolutely love and that is Freddy vs. Jason all right man it combines the both worlds of Freddy and Jason perfectly probably a little bit more on the Nightmare on Elm Street side oh yeah I would have to agree but you want to know what like alright this has nothing to do with anything but I'm just gonna put it out there right we have Batman vs Superman right and what do you get they fight for five minutes this is a movie Freddy vs. Jason where they fight for more than five minutes and it is epic and badass and awesome you know I love the actors and this a good look the lorry girl is really good in this you have John Ritter's son does a good job yeah you know I love Freddy vs. Jason and it gets a little it gets some kind of hate but I absolutely love it and this one this is probably one of my most watched blu-rays to be honest with you next up is Friday the 13th remake the killer cut of course we have it in the box set but this movie I rewatched it and they must say I did like it more than when I originally saw it but man this is Jason like I've never knew Jason was a ninja you saw he dies in like every movie comes back so but a ninja where he sprints he like he's like Usain Bolt in this movies and he's got a bow and arrow I you see Jason like this like like Legolas like what's going down bringing that brain dead Jason picked up a few new skills along the way and we'll say that next up we got frozen an Adam green movie that I absolutely love if you're a fan of those a wintery you know cold dead of the winter type of movies it's just the perfect one to watch and you watch this movie and you just feel cold while you're watching it and of course it's about you know something on a ski lift it goes horribly wrong what jaws does for the ocean this does for skiing next up is secret window starring a recognizable Johnny Depp yes'm he's not like a pirate or Mordecai but this is a Stephen King based off a Stephen King novella I believe or a short story or whatever the hell you want to call it and this is disappointing to me I watched she wasn't great I watched it when I was younger I rewatched it recently and it's just I don't care is it just not very good in my opinion but that's just me if you like secret window let me know and I'll go one more next up we got the thing this is actually a prequel to the John Carpenter's thing which is of course is an all-time classic but this one I really liked I think a lot of people like feel like this is an underrated one I haven't seen I don't think I saw that one yeah it's underrated I really enjoy it and fun facts the guy that played a Lloyd in Dumb and Dumber which is a forest and Dumb and Dumber prequel is in this film so fun facts for you alright and next up we have the Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino double feature for grindhouse which is Planet of terror and death Proof and these are super gory super fun to watch and super fun gory action movies it's ridiculous I mean you got a girl who's got you know I'm going for a legs oh yeah I mean that's that's crazy I mean over-the-top and you know what's so fun about this edition is that you got the trailers that play in between movies it's a very old school yeah because this film was all about when you went to see it in the theater I didn't get the privilege of seeing the theater but I hear people who did and it's just that old-school double feature and the trailers in between it are hilarious and death Proof is really good too and these movies work better when you watch them together you know when you watch one though they just yeah you have to do the double feature get the whole experience alright next up we have all of the final destination movies so we have final destination final destination - final destination 3 the final destination but then we have final destination 5 where were they going not sure but fun gory fun anything that really won't happen to you in real life has happened to these people one of my favorite moments in this whole franchise is the roller coaster and in final destination 3 man that one was you know I said [ __ ] could happen I guess but goddamn crazy but yeah it's very over exaggerated by it entertaining movies all right next up we have another Stephen King adaptation and that is misery which is getting a scream factory release on my birthday it's gonna be picking that 104 share definitely but Kathy Bates is absolutely phenomenal she plays a really good psycho she's like you're right hanging all right we have another Kevin Smith movie and that is red-state and I feel like this is another very underrated movie very good it's it's one of those Kevin Smith movies in my opinion besides from like the comedies this might be my favorite Kevin Smith movie like the way it's made and you know it's a different direction you know it's kind of action horror you know a lot of you know gun battles and stuff so haven't seen that much at at Kevin Smith and red state is pretty damn good yeah so let us know if you've seen this one if you enjoy it next up is a perfect getaway another one that nobody talks about but you know what I'm a big Steve Zahn fan I think he's super underrated of course from the great saving Silverman but um I love this movie we got a good Casio mileage Jovovich I probably butchered her name like I always do and you got um Timothy all offense good in this and overall you know is it horror it's more maybe suspense thriller genre but I just I wanted excuse to talk about this one next up is your next so good so damn good another reason why we were upset about the new Death Note we're not gonna go into detail but the guest and this were just phenomenal I know we had but I mean I love this one I one of my favorite final girls ever well she's just that's why basically Jason Statham in a horror movie but female there you go there's that another one crimson peak I'm gonna make a bold statement here this movie is a little slow to get going but once it gets going this is a masterpiece I absolutely love it the set design is beautiful well the visuals in general are just pretty much perfect to them beautiful-looking is this movie absolutely beautiful if we could get a 4k of that I don't know how much better it could look than the blu-ray but horrifying just imagery of Charlie Hunnam Charlie Hunnam is great you got Loki in this one yes and you know del Toro would never disappoint so and another one Joyride r.i.p paul walker i miss you everyday boy he literally talks about you every day Paul I miss him I miss him I miss him miss Susan who's the myth but love joy ride another one with the great Steve Zahn look at that but uh another one of those like car movies like crazy cars and and you know he couldn't get away from the car candy cane come on candy cane love this movie just I don't even go on about it just absolutely love it next up we have another Steven Spielberg tobe Hooper classic and that is poltergeist and this is the digibook and I would show you by it's still sealed scared to open it another classic horror movie very creepy and there's a TV right you get that whole the girl and the TV so creepy and the remake was not so great but you know it's okay because we have this one we can toss this one in at any time when we decide to open it and next up we have which might not be considered a horror movie har har but we have Leonardo DiCaprio in shutter island' and I just remember loving the heck out of this movie and I love to kind of like the twist at the end where you weren't exactly sure what happened and it's one of those movies where you know first time you watch it you see what happens and then you immediately need to re-watch it and the more you watch the more you pick up yeah like all the little hints that they throw at you yeah but it does also kind of leave it open to interpretation and that does it does so love this movie lovely oh and yeah next up all right next up we got piano Reeves in Constantine you know this is a good one I'm a big Keanu Reeves fan so I'll take anything the guy doesn't know that's Constantine in one of those DC movies it's actually a comic book film and we're gonna continue on with the comic book trend and Hellboy 2 a golden army and Hellboy the pop art steelbook which is the one of the parts that I actually do kind of like yeah but you know these movies are great and Ron Perlman is awesome and is I mean he is Hellboy he will always be held boy to me I'm interested to see how the new one is without him but uh you know those are the hell boys and next up we got a creepy creepy Robin Williams role and that is one our photo yes he was the man but this is a different role for him he just plays this creepy guy that you know for you kids out there before all these cell phones and whatnot you actually had to go develop your photos that I went to photography school so I remember being in the darkroom late at night and and then you would get a kick out of this one you know it's all about that and super creepy role for Robin Williams so definitely enjoy this one now I don't know if you guys could see us obviously we have to reload with more movies I mean I think we're still in the picture somewhat but I how are we gonna start this off you know we're gonna try to keep the ramblings to a minimum now because I mean yet we just realized this thing ain't gonna end so I'll just start us off alright one of my favorite horror movies and that is the strangers which I'm excited for the screen factory release just because this has a very rare slip that I cannot find very good movie home invasion movie love it the next one we have is burying the ex which is a horror comedy with Anton Yelchin r.i.p if you have not seen this movie definitely check it out it's a lot of fun next up we have the boy with Maggie from The Walking Dead this movie was not very good but I did kind of like the twist at the end so I will say that this is probably my favorite horror comedy and that is scouts guide to the zombie apocalypse so you had a fun time with this yeah it was a really good one and this is the same guy who did happy deathday so again not sure what happened with him after that after this but uh enjoy the heck out of this movie has a great soundtrack and a great cast alright go ahead next up we got the ring I mean everyone's seen the ring the girl coming out of the well and all that fun stuff y'all creepy movie good one the sequels are terrible haven't seen them but but show off the lenticular just right yeah we got that awesome uh ticket well one ticular cover oh yeah got it next up we got another little particular cover but a questionable questionable will remake a Nightmare on Elm Street yeah it's not the greatest we bought this with a slipcover don't judge us but uh ain't no Robert Englund I'll tell you that no he's better as a Rorschach yeah next up is unbreakable of course we got you know split is somewhere in here it's equal to this but yeah Bruce Willis and Sam Jackson I mean classic em night shamalamadingdong next up we got my boy Rob Zombie House of 1000 corpses probably one of his best films yes definitely this the Devil's Rejects and I love the Halloween remake so yeah next up we got Kevin Bacon another mr. Kevin Bacon and the Holloman and yes the Holloman one of those from like the 90s of the early 2000 super questionable but FYE next up entertaining entertaining yes next up is House of Wax starring my favorite actress of all time Paris Hilton especially in that one video Japan night-vision goggles or whatnot next up is fils another fyu find I have to say I don't know much about this one but the reason why we picked it up it says from executive producer is Wes Craven Matt Damon Ben Affleck and Chris Moore so a mixture of people so it's probably a [ __ ] of a movie but that's that one next up is one I believe we got in a horror pact is George a Romero's a diary of the dead of course alright Pete of that horror master next time Rob Zombie the Devil's Rejects this one's my favorite and this is this was definitely one of them um oh you know people say Rob Zombie I'm a fan I you know I'm a fan of his music too so it's probably a bias into his movies but Devil's Rejects next up we got the devil's do terrible movie this one I you'd like to slipcover no I bought it because it was super cheap and then I watched and and I'm not sure why it's still in this question but first I'll go ahead all right next up we do have a collection that we didn't say in the beginning but this is a really sad excuse for collection and that is the saw collection obviously we have the new one coming out in a few weeks so this will be out the window but these are very enjoyable movies I mean they're very gory I mean what's nuts like after the first couple they kind of go like off the rails they do but I still I still like them next up we have Alfred Hitchcock's very famous movie the birds with the beautiful like pop art slipcover this is a classic movie my grandmother used to be terrified of this movie so every time she would see birds in the sky she it was like she had PTSD damn you Alfred Hitchcock next up we have the Amityville Horror with Ryan Reynolds and I absolutely love this movie I mean maybe because I'm biased because I love iron Reynolds but I really enjoy this movie and I watch it pretty much every year for Halloween next up we have reanimate er which I did put in a green case because right now we don't own the arrow video set but loved this movie it's definitely creepy and it's highly entertaining let's just bring back the dead yes let's bring back let's do it all right next up we have another collection that we forgot in the beginning because another sad excuse and that is the Nightmare on Elm Street collection we need a box set of this I know like like the DVD set that we showed you we we need a blu-ray box set I mean don't get me wrong the transfers are all great but we need a nice beautiful box set like a DVD one and I must say that this is probably one of my favorite horror franchises so to get a beautiful box out would mean the world to me studios are you listening No another movie I had a good time with I remember seeing this in theaters and that was the Midnight Meat Train hey hey hey we have a young Bradley Cooper in this movie if you did not know so if you like Bradley Cooper watch this movie and the Midnight Meat Train all right next up we have George's favorite movie of this year and that is get out I enjoyed it I don't think it's as great as all these people are saying it is but I really enjoyed it and I liked the twist to it so go ahead fake news next up we got clown you know before it took everyone one by storm which was fantastic the new remake this was a very very good clown film I will say like in our movie clown film another Eli Roth they all produced but this was a good one really enjoyed it I mean the guy ate clam ate kids clown that eats kids you gotta love it I do like the fact that like the costume kind of like took over so I did like that fun aspect yeah next up is a horror pack exclusive called shopping block have no idea about this one didn't watch it but we will watch it before we die one day next up we got 30 Days of Night this is one of those awesome movies again watching the dead of the winter right yeah as an awesome dead of the winter revived where the heck is Josh Hartnett Ben comment down below where is Josh Hartnett next up we got yes don't breathe loved this movie this was a good movie really good the twist towards the end was a little bit about of a reach for me you know it's like with the turkey baster and the woman yeah but people haven't seen it all I said was turkey baster hashtag turkey baster but uh very good performances in this and Stephen Lang's of badass yes next up is one we haven't seen yet but we know it's Ryan Gosling's directorial debut and the Lost River heard of this movie was absolutely disturbing and it's on our watch list for sure I'm sure the cinematography is really good oh yeah definitely but yeah I want to go yep um so remember in the beginning of the video way back when when we said spring the movie spring used to have a clear cover that's because I I took it and I put it in lights out I enjoyed this movie I mean it was okay I think it looks more badass in the in the clear cover than anything James Wan I always have a good time with his movies I mean he's he's kind of like made a name for himself in the horror community that's Ali now we're just gonna quickly mention these and that's because it's really because they're based on horror videogames and that is all the Resident Evil movies including some of these including resume the ones yeah and data but we own the rest of them we just kind of wanted to quickly mention them but that's it we have a few and I'll just kind of group these together two more Halloween ish movies not so much harder image for the kids but we have one of my favorite Disney movies The Nightmare Before Christmas absolute classic we have a Toy Story terror terror yes it's good a little half hour special not bad yeah I mean they're cute movies cute movies and then next up we have featuring Adam Sandler Hotel Transylvania and Hotel Transylvania 2 these are fun movies I love these movies I think they're like really well done I love them I think the story is really good yeah we got all the whole Sandler crew in there Selena Gomez you have all the classic monsters and everything kind of living in one hotel so definitely I hear they're making a third and next up we have the Haunted Mansion with Hercules Hercules Hercules Eddie Murphy so I just had to throw that great Eddie Murphy where has Eddie Murphy been that's another good question yes where is it where in the world is Eddie Murphy next up is now you know this film was directed by the guy that did it we have not seen it yet but now since we absolutely loved the new it will be eager to check this one out yes next up we got the poltergeist 2 remake starring Sam Rockwell which was was it even horror but I mean they tried to like redo that scene with the TV and it just didn't win no nope next up is a train to Busan we've heard amazing things about this we have but another one you know I mean what could all these goddamn movies we can't keep up we're collectors we're crazy I think this is gonna be wrong the wash for sure and I'll go one more we got Stephen King's Pet Sematary which is a classic right one of those lines of Stephen you know Stephen King's movies people love them and then there are some that are really bad this is on the lines of good really good Stephen King adaptations yeah and if you have an extra slipcover let me know oh please it's beautiful in lenticular you're up all right next up we have the Michael Keaton Tim Burton classic and that is Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice hope you like Italian alright and we have Eli Roth again in the green inferno which we did just review because he watched it for the first time what can you say fun gory film cannibal some questionable scenes yes oh yeah seems that just take you right out of it next up we have the town that dreaded sundown which i think is a very underrated slasher movie I had a really good time with this and pretty good remake it actually scared me like this one actually did scare me next up we have another remake and a lot of this one's got a lot of hate and that is straw dogs with alexander skarsgård and james marsden and what's her name Kate Bosworth I didn't mind it I thought it was pretty good but maybe it's because I really like Alexander Skarsgard all right next up we got man next up we got Maggie sorry Arnold Schwarzenegger and not the Arnold Schwarzenegger we all know and love a very subdued Schwarzenegger you know he actually acted in this one and I think this movie is very underrated and it's a very different take on a zombie movie that's very slow-moving but if you stick with it I think you could really appreciate it yeah I love that a different role for Schwarzenegger for sure next up we got it right this is the original TV movie or miniseries whatever the heck you want to call it yes well you know really good one you know but when you watch the new one obviously this one has its you know cheesy but scary for Tim currently a great Pennywise so yeah without a doubt classic closure it in a red case with that of course next up we got I saw the devil which I'll probably see the devil one day but I haven't seen this devil have you have not seen this but here great things amazing things another Japanese horror movie and I need to start watching more of the foreign horror movies because I keep buying them and not watching them but we could barely understand English never mind whatever I don't mind movies with subtitles so it's homework to me go ahead all right next up it's house at the end of the street sorry Jennifer Lawrence before she blew up before she blew up and started banging old dudes but did you see this one I know all right people that stick through this video we'll find some gems I actually didn't find this movie and Norman Bates his brother in Bates Motel is in this movie I don't know the actor's name I'm sorry but I thought it was ok it wasn't the greatest movie Jennifer Lawrence heard just like her scared crying face is so ugly yeah I mean she's a hit or miss for me I mostly miss next up we have a movie I have not seen which is under the skin with Scarlett Johansson I'm not sure if this is really a horror movie or if it's more of like a psychological thriller but I'm really excited to check this one out and our great things long video guys we're getting a little crazy I love this lip cover 8:24 usually does a very good job with their movies Thank You culture Trini for hooking us up with it with that slipcover yes all right next up thanks thanks to Craigie williams we have the Mark Wahlberg classic with Reese Witherspoon and that is fear this movie is just ridiculous I mean he just plays an absolute crazy person but very enjoyable go ahead next up is a movie I absolutely hate it and that is hangman this movie was so terrible and it was shot on a Nokia phone from 2002 it was I god I don't want to talk it was terrible I didn't I didn't I think the concept of the movie was kind of terrifying the fact that this guy was like up in the attic watching their every like that's scary it's just as ridiculous all right next up we have a German horror movie that is good night mommy and I think this movie was really well done it was very creepy you kind of didn't know what was going on I really loved the twist at the end comment down below if you've seen this movie and if you enjoyed it next up we got Ouija and Ouija origin of evil I'm so sick of saying Ouija but I heard you know the first one wasn't really that good right but the second one we hear was a vast improvement haven't got around to seeing the second one which is a prequel yes but uh yeah looking forward to seeing origin of evil it was part of violin get one free yes and if it's free it's for me next up is girl with all the gifts which is a fairy I felt if rent ain't it was a different take I feel like it started good but it turned to the forgettable side Glenn Close is pretty scary in this one so she's a scary woman in general a makeup on Leah next up is freaks of nature another horror comedy which we put in a purple case yes I think that's from Purple Rain actually Purple Rain all right there we go Purple Rain next up we got the Fourth Kind with this awesome slipcover now this movie is creepy yes Mila Joanna Mila Jovovich you know she plays David badass and I like Gradius horror roles I like when she branches out though and does more of the wrong yeah and this movie definitely it was like one of those movies when it first came out the way it was marketed you didn't know if it was more on the true story so it was very creepy sometimes they stretch out that true store true events labels on true events I'll just go with these two next up we got three good Evil Dead The Evil Dead remake and Evil Dead 2 and we do have army of Darkness which we will be showing you need a screen factories in three hours yes but you know what could you say evil then horror classics with some comedy sprinkled in without a doubt and of course you know M Raimi Ash is the man yes and the the evil that not only is this one of my favorite steel books but this remake is probably my favorite horror remake yeah we loved it and I loved that for most of this they did use practical effects they didn't really use any CGI yeah that's always a plus all right next up is another remake and that is the crazies no not us well we are but I really love this movie I think this is another very underrated horror movie next up is George a Romero's Night of the Living Dead this is the original black-and-white version which we haven't been able to rewatch with this transfer from Mill Creek but we're gonna be checking this out probably for our 31 days of hard I'm not sure why I purchased this one but I did and that is the bye bye man I think I was infatuated with the slipcover to be honest with you but anyway I did watch it the concept is way more interesting than the movie and you know if maybe one day we'll get a remake of it and it'll be really good a remake of the bye bye man what the world wants no all right next up we have a movie which is more on the drama side but because it is zombies it's warm bodies and this is what's his name Nicole Nicole Nicholas Hoult we have Nicholas Hoult and what's the girl from Mad Max the new Mad Max he played the I have the shaved head is like nobody gay he's also in your favorite movie kill all your friends or whatever but anyway I love this movie I actually read the book before I saw the movie so I definitely so you got the full experience full experience I love this movie it's a cute little like love story guys next up we got silence of the Lamb father beans with a nice Chianti it's a little class bad impression next up we got psycho of course Alfred Hitchcock right the men the myth the legend absolute classic every film class and the history of the universe has shown this movie in their class and rightfully so next up we got My Bloody Valentine 3d another movie I saw when I was young went to the movies as a boobies boobies everywhere you take a girl to see that movie oh maybe maybe maybe not next up is the monster and now this is an a 24 release another one that was pretty much straight to video that surprised the hell out of both of us loved this movie we did review it you actually care about the characters in this yeah and I mean the touching story the ending was okay but touching whittles character piece or whatnot pretty damn good all right next up we have one that I have not checked out yet and that is the collector but I've heard really good things about this and then after I watch this we'll have to obviously find the collection and purchase that next up is another one that's more on the comedy side but this is an absolute classic and they just released a nice Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I love this movie it is almost like whatever vampire movie you can think of mixed with clueless it's like a a combination of the two and great movie you need to watch it I will it has your girlfriend Big Daddy in it oh yeah Vanessa next up we have another remake that I absolutely loved and that is the Last House on the Left this movie is terrifying and also stars Jesse Pinkman himself yes Jesse Pinkman is in this there's actually a lot of people in this movie that I've been in other movies later on but absolutely loved this freaks me the hell out next up we got Krampus starring Adam Scott and that fall dude from all the anchorman movies I mean oh this was okay and loved it I thought it was okay I liked it yeah I don't know I wish there's a twist I wish it happened I like Krampus movies because it you know it mixes horror with Christmas I like I like hark we could combine anything with Christmas make it jolly next up we got the grudge now this is another one I think it got released around the ring it was kind of around this 22 2012 2004 or whatnot but uh sarah michelle gellar where is she now comment down below where the hell she next up we got the forest now this one stars my girl from Game of Thrones Natalie Dormer she is not she's a nice woman she's a strong woman heard questionable things about this movie I believe it's based off a Japanese horror movie yes you know with the suicide forest haven't being able to watch it yet but and I know when I watch this one I'm gonna be upset because it's gonna remind me of the Tyrells and God you know where the Tyrells comment down below next up we got the Texas Chainsaw 3d this was a slipcover purchase slipcover purchase heard nothing good about it but I guess there's some people out there who enjoy it so we're eager to check it so good that I actually don't remember it at all and I and I saw it there you go great review next up we got another Rob Zombie film Lords of Salem of course Sheri moon zombie is yeah I mean it's this thing to use his wife and that's fine if he wants to this is probably my least favorite Rob Zombie movie that was way too weird for me yeah very weird one of those will probably have to rewatch and I'll go one more is film we got in our latest horror pack unboxing and that is hatchet 3 what Daniel Harris Daniel Harris you know Adam green of course directed frozen which we previously mentioned but we have to pick up the first two hatchets now because we have heard great things about them yes next up we have a few DVDs that we did kind of want to throw in there and that is cry wolf which I thought was pretty decent already forgotten about - yeah where's the where's the blu-ray release yes and then we have another movie he really enjoyed thoroughly no I didn't and that was funny games this is the American release I do have the original German release and they this is weird but they're directed by the same guy but I enjoy them I actually really liked them I know you don't like the whole breaking of those you know it's one of those horror movies where you're like screaming like I know whatever horror movie you're like telling them don't go in there but this year like scream come on guys ass already and get it over with but he made some very questionable move then the dad was such a [ __ ] I know but it's out what's his name Tim Roth he's an awesome actor yeah yes that's for sure so this might be one of the questionable ones he's been in but next up we have another a 24 film which I really did enjoy and that is the witch no not her alright anyway next up we have we are still here now the question is are you still here because this is a long video comment down below when you get to this point in the video no I remember watching this but I think I fell asleep so I have to re-watch this stuff is another one of George's favorites and that's because it is a West Craven film and that is my soul to take he absolutely hated this movie he didn't even make it through the whole thing I had to shut it off um this one does get a lot of hate and that's because Wes Craven is such a horror icon he's such a genius and this is definitely pretty much the weakest film he's ever done definitely had higher expectations for that one next up is a film that we haven't been able to check out yet and that is a cure for wellness but we did hear that visually this movie is stunning and I'm actually very excited to check this one out here next up we got strange events which was another horror pack exclusive we have not seen but like we say we are looking forward to watching it next up we got zombie night which was another one we got from horror pack yes looking forward to checking that one out and one of our favorites for the year is it comes at night and whether or not it's a horror movie it's a harm it's still in shock without a doubt joel edgerton you know great performances among the rest of the cast and you know the trailers played this up to be something that it wasn't but at the end of the day we still vastly enjoyed this one yes very suspenseful we got the devil's candy which we recently reviewed yes an awesome movie how awesome was this it was so good music the performance is you know stars rusty from Vegas vacation you know gotta love it as a super ripped metal head artist with some with an awesome wig so I mean Devil's candy highly recommended yes go ahead alright next up we have another horror comedy and this one has Elijah Wood and Rainn Wilson in it amongst a lot of other people but that is cooties I loved this movie because it's kind of like a different take on zombie movie it's more so the kids of the school attacking the teachers overall really enjoyed this one if you haven't seen it definitely check it out if you are into the horror comedy genre next up is the Nicolas Winding where I find what will probably be his classic and that is the neon demon man crazy movie really loved this one one of those really just you feel very uncomfortable watching this thing yes it doesn't make you very uncomfortable I mean obviously beautifully shot and the the ending to it was yeah really good and very I really enjoyed it like this is one that sticks with you you keep thinking about it over and over again next up is another movie that I have not been able to check out yet but it is an 824 film in is a Black Codes daughter heard makes things about this I have seen some people really enjoy it some people absolutely hated it but I do like Emma Roberts in most things that she's in yeah so but I'm excited to check this one out next up we have all of the Universal Monsters - Phantom of the Opera but these were Best Buy exclusive steelbooks with artwork by Alex Ross who's my favorite comic book artist but we have The Mummy The Wolfman Dracula Frankenstein Bride of Frankenstein The Invisible Man and Creature from the Black Lagoon so these are all of the pretty much black and white classics and these are just overall beautiful scales awesome steelbooks glad they put those out yes and next up we've got devil night shyamalan gosh MLM a ding dong movie I haven't seen this one I thought it was okay I mean it's it's an elevator you know you get stuck in the elevator there's some gory scene here I heard pretty father's house for the most part the guy from quarry in it oh I like that dude he's pretty good quarry underrated TV show not related but whatever and next up is Daybreakers starring Ethan Hawke William Dafoe and Sam Neal I think this is an underrated movie this is a vampire movie and I had it has some action in it a lot of good action scenes in it actually very entertaining right next up we have a movie which we enjoy better than alien covenant by far and that is life with Jake Gyllenhaal Ryan Reynolds Rebecca Ferguson and this movie was fantastic yeah I felt he was very unpredictable it would love the ending next up is another horror comedy haven't been able to check this one out yet but heard decent things about and that is life after Beth this is actually an 824 film so again excited to check this and they put out good stuff they do go ahead all right we got split now this one we've heard a lot of good things about yet to check it out yet we want to do a unbreakable split double feature we just haven't had the time we want to watch it back to back but James McAvoy here is fantastic in this so I like him and Jenna can't wait to check it out and then we got the prequel to both the conjuring movies we mentioned that is Annabelle which now has a prequel to that which we heard was much better than this one yes but you know this movie got you know got a lot of hate I think is okay definitely not conjuring level but it was okay then this one is the box starring Cameron Diaz same directors that dude from Donnie Darko and we have just a few left in this pile till we refuel we have the eyes of my mother which I picked up because I saw a cool dude er talking about it he said he really enjoyed it so it's on the list that's all I can say on the list alright next up is another M night Shyamalan movie and that is the visit how did you feel about this one mmm I really enjoyed it I didn't like it I think that this was a pretty good comeback for him because he had been getting so much hate but I like that though you know older people in this movie where the creepy ones I like that next up is vacancy with Luke Wilson and Kate Beckinsale I haven't seen this one in a really long time but I remember it being pretty creepy yeah next one is trick or treat which is a really fun anthology movie has a lot of stars in it and it's very strange but it's very good all at the same time we need this slipcover please anybody help us but yeah we are looking for the slipcover but really solid moving alright next up is the Kevin Bacon Kiefer Sutherland and Julia Roberts your classic now it's Flatliners not to be confused with the awful one that just came out seen yet but yes we have Flatliners and then we do have the beautiful Millcreek steelbook which I did show on our Instagram page because we didn't get a chance to do the unboxing for that but alright alrighty time to reload and now into the third and final act of this video we have pretty much all the good stuff we have screen factories arrow video vest Ron's so all let's waste no time beautiful additions no particular order we got Teen Wolf too and Teen Wolf of course the classic Michael J Fox and we got Jason Bateman and this one this one's kind of questionable but you can't knock the first one absolute classic yes next up hey another double Robocop 2 and Robocop 3 and you know what these are fun action throw backs you know they're all gory they're all fun in their own right and next up we got return to living dead we recently watched this one it's such a fun you know a zombie car so yeah I love this edition as well we have disturbing behavior with Katie Holmes and James Marsden all right think of James Marsden I think of the Cyclops eye closet yeah we have the IFC midnight I am NOT a serial killer heard really good things about this one we have ghost town which just looks absolutely ridiculous I mean the guy in the back I know I know absolutely sublime loves that one but the guy in the back look at that I know I mean you can't really see him but he's just crazy super creepy and then we have the funhouse massacre which they wanted to really advertise Robert Englund and using the movie for like five seconds but we did put it in a purple case because it doesn't have a slipcover and this was a fun lot of fun really enjoyed it we got prison and this actually stars the dude from the Lord of the Rings movies that's pretty cool to see a young version of him we got a house on Willow Street you know this is one of the newer IFC scream factory pickups that we bought and you know I heard either bad things are really good things have yet to check it out guys but yeah I feel like a lot that happens a lot with IFC midnight people either really love them or absolutely hate them yep next up we got from beyond now what could you say about from beyond this movie is out there to say the least because it's HP Lovecraft it's definitely out it is but you know fun ride all that classic gore and effects that you come and love all the practical stuff gotta love cheesy hard I love it cheesy be hard and talk about cheesy horror is fender-bender I really enjoy loved it it had so many good throw backs to other horror films you know your fender bender friend just highly recommend this one if you're in for a fun cheesy horror film yes and I'll go one more we got escape from New York starring the great badass himself Kurt Russell and a recent film that kind of reminds me of this is the second purge movie a say that a lot but I think it kind of you know see why you walking through the streets and just yeah pretty fun film good setting alright next up we have some super cheesy horror movies like these are the tales of the Crypt movies we have demon Knight and bordello of blood absolutely ridiculous oh man so much fun friggin Billy Zane in the first one punching a hole through somebody and huge Dennis Miller fans so loved him in the second one I mean water guns absolutely a good time if you haven't seen them please watch them definitely next up we have slither from one of our favorites James Gunn and this was the first time that he worked with Michael Rooker this is the start of the relationship yes their bromance and this movie is so much fun I mean it's it's a little ridiculous but and Elizabeth Banks is in it this is one of her earlier movies as well and next up we have Wes Craven's shocker super cheesy super fun stars Peter Berg fun fact oh yeah it is yep I totally forgot about that go ahead all right next up is don't knock twice this is on Katee Sackhoff really liked her and oculus still got to check this one out but that is don't knock twice next up The Devil's dolls another IFC release dolls one of my favorite scream factory releases of all time and that is dark man and it's kind of comic book II very issues like a Batman tale kind of not really but Liam Neeson is one of my favorites he plays the ultimate badass and you see a really young Liam Neeson in this one very enjoyable enjoyable and there's a great documentary with Liam Neeson on this one highly recommended and I just finished my pile with the help class of 1984 the stars Michael J Fox Wes Craven movie serpent in the rainbow have not seen this one in a really long time but this is definitely a classic next up another IFC midnight and that is the autopsy of Jane Doe I love to this movie up until the end I didn't like the end at all so let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed it next up we have two that we actually recently picked up from the Best Buy sale that it's been going on for $12.99 and that is species and the lawnmower man beautiful slipcovers cannot wait to see the transfers on these Fedele next up we have and I will just show all of them we have the sleepaway camp movies which we just recently watched the first one sleepaway camp sleepaway camp - and sleepaway camp 3 one of the most just twisted endings I've ever seen in a horror movie just fun cheese man yeah I mean yeah they say these are kind of like Friday the 13th ripoffs but I mean I think there's still their own movies they're definitely their own and in fact the main girl or main girl from the first one liked our photo on Instagram look at we're going places alright alright we have John Carpenter's Village of the Damned super creepy movie we got David Cronenberg's rabbit and you know what you're getting with David Cronenberg right so enough said we got another little double feature we got poltergeist 2 and poltergeist 3 love the artwork on these next up we got another West Craven classic the people under the stairs I remember that movie scaring the crap as a kid and on the back Wes Craven's more satisfying movie I don't know I'm a scream guy but loved this one as well and next we got Bruce Campbell in all his glory we got up a hotel as Elvis Elvis in a nursing home what more could you say hey next up we got black Christmas and just another great horror Christmas movie I love when they mix Christmas in horror I'll say it again I love it absolutely love it and I'm really excited for Silent Night deadly night we have John Carpenter's the thing which is probably one of my favorite screen factories that we own this movie is absolutely fantastic great practical effects as well oh my gosh yes next up is they live one of my favorite carpenter movies you know rowdy roddy piper r.i.p and we got him and keith david side-by-side just kicking ass taking names kicking no came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum all out of bubblegum alright next up we have Jamie Lee Curtis in terror train not much to say about this cheesy horror love that artwork though yeah I mean I mean the screen factory artwork in general we could say that about everything grew sure next up we have one of the other john carpenter's classics and that is Prince of Darkness starring dr. Loomis himself yes next up we got phantom of the paradise and fun fact this is this directed by the same guy who brought a Scarface so it's very interesting I heard this is like a rock opera horror musical knows next up we got phantasm - yes we have the box set so we try to complete most of the screen factories in our set love this one happy to own it with the slip I just recently watched this one as part of my 31 days of heart that is Motel hell and this one is just really well done now this is probably not a horror movie but it's in the screen factory collection so screen factory horror go hand at hand and it's just a classic you know if you love cars and you love high you know speed movies guns and desert post-apocalyptic goodness you got it right here next up we got Clive Barker's Lord of illusions and Clive Barker is one twisted man I mean he's the one who also wrote Hellraiser the book and everything so Lord of illusions is definitely a little bit sick and twisted sick and twisted but you gotta love it and next up we got Halloween 3 season of the witch and Halloween - yes we have them in the box sets but like we said we need to completes the slipcovers and everything Halloween 3 sees another which is I feel like one of the most underrated Halloween movies and it doesn't really have much to do with Michael Myers at all but super enjoyable so if you haven't watched it in a while give it another give it another shot good old Tommy Atkins next up we got nine threes now we know there was another awesome edition of this that you know most people that like it went out of stock really quick here's like it a pre-order it was like another alternate slipcover or whatnot they don't really do that too much anymore you know I did it for Chucky and a a couple others but yeah nice next up we have Michael Mann film and that is Manhunter this is in the realm of Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal Lecter and this is basically red dragon but I think this one is much more enjoyable than red dragon just because it's a little bit more artsy and it's prettier to look at artsy fartsy artsy fartsy next up we got Jeepers Creepers one and Jeepers Creepers - yes the stuff the director did was absolutely horrific and you know we try to you know separate both but it's kind of hard but what are you gonna do I have not seen the third one yet no but uh I like the first one a lot yeah Justin long - he's pretty fun in it so next up we got invasion of the body snatchers this was a you know Jeff Goldblum right hey how do you not love Jeff Goldblum guys we have the IFC midnight babadook which was very controversial on whether or not it was hard and what not but I mean it's creepy I think the kid was super annoying in it yeah it's more of like a message movie where it's like of like depression and something like that yeah and I actually love this slipcover it doesn't open up and everything yeah like the book all right next up we have army of Darkness which is the final movie in the Evil Dead trilogy again ash is absolutely awesome in this and this one is just super fun so screen factory decided to re-release some of the John Carpenter movie so we have they live the fog and escape from New York all double-dipped of course yes we said we wore it but once we seen them we could not pass up yes next up we got fire starter starring drew Barrymore of course this is another Stephen King adaptation you're gonna love good old Stephen King next up we got the Exorcist 3 this merchantable questionable but has a pretty cool cut of this where they took all kinds of scraps and from you know VHS and from the film itself and it actually looks pretty damn good yeah I'm impressed with how they did that next up we got dream ski soaring Dennis Quaid right a young Dennis Quaid interesting very interesting and just pretty fun movie you know dream escape you know is that anything to do with dreams I'm very interested in definitely no no alternate you know inception obviously on stuff yeah we got death becomes her starring Bruce Willis when he actually cared about making decent movies and yeah this is a really good one I believe this is Robert Zemeckis as well so uh fun wash you're good to watch right in this time of year as well so go ahead finish ice cream factories off alright we have dark summer which we received in one of our horror packs haven't been able to check this one out yet but didn't hear great things but we're gonna will eventually check it out and we do have child's play we do have it set obviously but have to have a screen factory and this one is definitely my favorite out of all of them I mean Chucky is absolutely Oh what about see the Chucky oh boy and then the last of our screen factory question is carry which is obviously an absolute classic and yeah so all righty we're getting tired we're getting tired guys if you bed with us up until this point you guys are the best we are in the home stretch now home stretch go ahead just mow through those all right so next is some of our arrow videos we don't have that many of them we are slowly building up the collection but we do have the latest which is children of the corn cannot wait to watch the transfer on this and it does have a shitload of special features so very excited to watch this version of it then we have brain damage which is what we have after filming all of this oh boy I already have it so we have the zero boys which I don't know much about but it's so funny like when we were in the store trying to buy this like all the zero boys let's look it up I and the IMDB and it had like like six people that like said they watched it it's inside know this woman our Saturday matinee was closing so I think we got this for about six or seven bombs yeah backs it up next up we have the initiation we have should which I just recently watched this was a super fun movie I actually really enjoy starring Kevin McCallister's father our IP and John Goodman makes an appearance at the very end and next up we have the water age which did have a slip at some point and we missed out oh we heard good things about it yes and we're vesture all we do have some of the best runs we don't have all of them we are almost complete but we do have shopping mall blood diner wax work and wax work to Return of the Living Dead three chud to which I heard actually doesn't really have anything to do with the first one so I'm kind of interested to check this one out it was awful we have parents randy quaid with randy quaid went batshit crazy when rare is Randy Quaid let me know leave a comment below see in jail we do have the wishmaster collection which we recently got from Best Buy and we have the unholy so very excited to continue our veteran collection yes and we have three more let's finish this we got Jack Frost slowly absurd movie shirt killer snowman but one of the coolest slipcovers around look at that yeah I had so much fun watching this movie though so stupid so much awesome brain cells next up we got the Undertaker you know beautiful slit vinegar syndrome puts out some really cool additions and they have really good transfers as well and another awesome slip is the hearse look at that love movies that have to do with cars and anything like that so this one looks like a fun one and the holy crap we are done thank God if you made it to the end without skipping all of it thank you so much I probably could have watched Lord of the Rings twice but uh oh man but uh alright guys as always thank you for checking out our collection video comment down below with all your favorite pick up and of course guys like we said in the beginning of this video leave questions for our upcoming Q&A we're gonna be doing in the next couple of weeks yes and stay on the lookout sometime in the next week or two we also gonna we're also gonna be doing a pop update yes some of our Halloween and horror pops without a doubt site should be another fun one to do yes anyways as always give this video a big thumbs up like comment and subscribe and we'll see you guys on the next video see you later [Music]
Channel: Talk Movies With Us
Views: 134,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror, horror movie, horror bluray, bluray, blurays, bluray collection, bluray collector, horror collection, blutuber, friday the 13th, halloween, a nightmare on elm street, arrow video, scream factory, shout factory, lionsgate, a24, universal pictures, sony pictures, paramount pictures, freddy krueger, michael myers, jason voorhees, it movie, pennywise, stephen king, hellraiser, clive barker, movie collection, jeremy jahns, coolduder, wetmovie1, chris stuckmann, john carpenter
Id: jChQDTufP2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 29sec (4949 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2017
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