Complete Haven Complex Walkthrough Tour & Review | 6 Staterooms | Norwegian Encore | 4K

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greetings everyone this is Danny from heart travel calm and I'm in one of my favorite places in the entire world in the Haven so right now I'm actually an encore brand new ship this is the inaugural so from those some of the first people to ever have access to so say hi to the Haven staff they are absolutely amazing they're the ones that are gonna make your cruise an absolutely incredible experience so right when you come in here you can get help of course for anything that you need there and then you have this beautiful seating area so there's a couple different kinds of seats you've got some couches some some love seats and chairs as well but it's really meant to be a very home-like relaxing area where you can sit back relax and really take in you know the quiet and the serenity that is the Haven compared to the rest of the ship so as we head over here you will see that you've got the full bar so this is always the best bartenders on board the ship absolutely incredible but you have the the coffee machine here one thing I did want to point out is if you have the Premium Plus beverage package you can actually get coffee here you can't at the Starbucks but you can here full bar of course with incredible service so we'll continue on through you can see it's a pretty good size throughout my last Haven Haven cruise it was pretty open and empty and quiet throughout the entire time so as we head back one thing that I did want to point out is that right here you are gonna have an elevator so this is gonna go between decks 17 18 and 19 which is the entire Haven complex so over to my side here you're gonna have courtyard rooms and you're also gonna have two bedrooms on both side that are in the Haven complex we use the keycard at the very front to get in so let's continue on through to the the courtyard area so this is another space that is super unique to the Haven so it's a pool that it only those who have keycard access have access to so keep in mind that the Haven is family friendly and there's some places that kids can use and some they can't this is some of the kids do have access to you have the loungers in the pool there which is really nice put your feet in the water and as you continue back you also have a full sized pool here as well you have a shower over on the other side so you can shower before and after you get in and out of the pool they always ask that you do that as well a beautiful beautiful waterfall and then of course you have the hot tub Jacuzzi in the corner once again you can see that there's a mix of seating you've got this little like kind of loveseat area there you've got some solos and then you're also gonna have couch seating as well so once again this is the private pool so when you go out to the main pool and we're doing to make sure that you check out our full ship tour as well we went up the main pool you're gonna see there's a lot more people out there in here this is what the Haven is about it's that sanctuary that you have away from everything else where you can just really relax and enjoy your vacation so one thing to keep in mind or for me to point out is that not all of the Haven rooms are actually in the Haven complex themselves there's just three types of rooms in here so you're gonna have the owners suites which are on deck 18 in the very front you're gonna have the two bedrooms and you're also gonna have the courtyard pent houses which are kind of mixed throughout but if you're staying in one of the rooms outside you still have access to this area so you're staying in Haven room just to clarify you of course have the butler you'll have everything else but let's say you're saying one of the aft facing rooms this is the very opposite side of the ship so you just come here to use all these things so this is the space that really kind of redefined what a space can be on a cruise ship so I'll show you what I'm talking about a point a few things out first but it's absolutely breathtaking right now when I look out the front of the ship so right here you've got a setup this is like an early afternoon setup so you've got some candies some canapes and cookies snacks some fresh fruit water of course and then you also have this espresso maker so this is the second place where you can get coffee in here so keep in mind if you don't have the plus beverage package this is complimentary and you can utilize it as you like you can make cappuccinos express those things along those lines but you also are gonna have your an espresso maker in your room so you have that as well to keep in mind so now let me show you this entire space I'm actually gonna start heading over in the corner here and then when we get out to the big part of the space I'll show you what I'm talking about so a couple improvements that I noticed is once again absolutely beautiful furniture but they did put some USB plug so there's a couple that are right here and then on the ceiling they also have it's meant to look like the starry sky so once he in a really beautiful space we are off on the to the portside wing so the left side of the ship is we're looking forward here once again it's meant to be very homey like a house so you have an eclectic mix of sofas and single chairs and then of course these beautiful Shea's lounge errs and they have these all throughout the entire ship so what really makes this ship and/or sorry this space so incredible is this view so right now I'm looking out at Norwegian brand new cruise terminal this ship will actually be based there when it opens up in just a couple months but this in and of itself with you know almost a 270 degree wraparound view would be absolutely beautiful but what set this apart is that they open up this entire area so this is you know keep in mind they're sacrificing rooms to do this this is kind of where the owners suites are on the Norwegian escape but you can see look how huge and open this incredible space is with this beautiful spiral staircase that goes up to the loft I'll take you up there in just a minute but I just wanted to walk you through one thing that I noticed from the the joy and the bliss is that this is kind of like a pleather I noticed that the previous ones were all cloth and so this is probably a little easier to keep up and keep clean but to me this exact view this exact seat is kind of what makes the Haven really really perfection so I'm looking out of the front of ship or cruising of course you have all the top-notch service and everything that comes along with the Haven but the space is really quite breathtaking alright so now we're heading up into the loft the ship that I was just saw most recently was the joy in fact I'm going in on in a couple days and this space was actually closed off because when it was in the Chinese market it was a high rollers casino and it's closed off with a wall here now currently this to me is so much better than that because not only do you get those incredible views here but it's really light and bright and airy up here whereas on the joy it's kind of more of a very smaller quieter space that's cut off from the rest so once again you kind of have that full lounge experience here as well once again like a home you have kind of eclectic mix eating big comfy couches and then solo chairs with a coffee table as well you're gonna have a library in here in-game so you have this beautiful beautiful really high-end Monopoly game right here it's a beautiful glown glass over there and then you can see it's the same as on the other side but you've got a bit of a library here where you can sit and relax with a nice book and you've got kind of an eclectic mix here and if you'll head back over once again more seating in the back and even though you're all the way in the very back space you've got this big comfy couch and right now I can see perfectly out the very front of the ship right so now I am on the second level of the Haven which is actually deck 18 what got here you get a really beautiful view of the the whole courtyard there and you can see you have rooms along the side there and then rooms along the side of the bottom so that's exactly the same on both sides up top here you don't have rooms on this side because you have the Haven restaurants so this is another lounge area here it's a really beautiful place you can sit and relax as you're waiting for dinner but also just the place to grab a book and as well so one of the absolute best perks of being in the Haven and I know there's a lot of great ones is the Haven restaurant so it's a unique restaurant on board that only Haven guests can book you actually booked it when you get on board and you can have it for breakfast lunch and dinner so that's in addition to everything else that you'll have access to so as you would expect they have a really really amazing wine collection here I've got bottles on the side here you've got bottles over here as well and as we enter the space what you'll notice is it's super bright so you've got an entire wall of windows there that opens up completely so now we're gonna head on back a little bit further once again you have an eclectic mix you got some booth seating you have some full seating you have some you know four tops to top so you have a nice electic mix so maybe you're dining with some friends family or just you know one or two of you as well this is where they're gonna set up breakfast buffet every single morning so it's really you know really nice place that way you don't have to go all the way to the main buffet we can kind of grab and go as you like but you also can order off the menu for once again breakfast lunch and dinners so now we're heading outside to the outdoor dining area of the Haven so once again same exact menu you can order ala carte as you like and then over here for breakfast they're gonna have this set up as a little bit of a breakfast buffet but once again what made the breakaway class chefs so unique and incredible in addition to the Haven was the waterfront so that's what I love about this is it's kind of an extension of the waterfront as well but it's private to Haven guess only so head on over here you can see you have some of the most beautiful views and one thing that I love is that they put in this glass facing again like they've done on the other ships as well so you get a little bit of a flow in here as well just to have an incredible outdoor dining experience all right so now just heading out of the elevator to the 19th floor which is the third level of the Haven complex I did want to point out that there's two bathrooms that are right here they're unisex that you can utilize because that's just one of the things you want to keep in mind if maybe you're not staying in one of the Haven staterooms themselves in the courtyard complex that there are several throughout the area that are spread out for you so as you get up top here below me is the courtyard complex it's absolutely beautiful you can see a great view from here and then you have these plush loungers that are set in like double like you know beds size and then also so the ones as well all the way along here one thing that I did want to point out is that you have this retractable roof here and also you have air conditioning so I can feel the air conditioning as I'm walking along and that's really nice because with all the glass it can get a little bit warm in here so they do have air conditioning so once again in content in addition to the loungers they have a mix of chairs up here as well so you've got some soft soft seats there and then over here you have a couple different styles of seating as well along with the beautiful art on the wall so you'll notice that on every single deck chair you're gonna have the the towel that's already ready for you and this is one of the big fluffy ones not necessarily ones that they're using at the main pool decks okay so now we are out on the Haven Sun Deck so this is a great space one thing to mention it is it is just for 16 and up so once again kiddos can be in the pool down there but this is just for adults so beautiful furniture once again the ship is brand new just came out a couple days ago and it looks in spectacular shape here so here you have these massive oversized loungers that are there with pillows up there you kind of have like little cabañas where same thing once again you're gonna have the towels at the out there you're also gonna have full service out here so full bar service if you want something along those lines okay also as you continue along you're gonna see this really really beautiful hot tub so I'm gonna step up this way because I can there we go and you see that you've got this massive hot tub here this ship right now is gonna be in the tropics and then in a year or so it's actually gonna go into Alaska so when I was just on the Alaska with the Norwegian joy this space was absolutely perfect as we were going through the glacier so every we'll sit here look out and right now I've got an unbelievable view of all of Miami all the way around you can see a crystal ship over there the Norwegian Breakaway in the background as well and then of course the brand new Norwegian terminal that's just getting ready to open up we'll continue along here once again you have these massive day beds that are out here you've got a shower over to the side there with once again an absolutely huge rainfall showerhead so the last one I think I said it was about the size of a tire and I think I agree with that on this one so really nice the rain floor showerhead you've got these great wind breaks up here so you can see that there's slats in there so what I feel is a nice breeze but not a ton of wind that's blowing me away so we'll continue along here and you've got the front of the ship so these are obviously going to be some coveted seats we have this beautiful view looking out the front of the ship with a nice little breeze blowing you have the service of the Haven so you can have the drink service and everything up here as well so we're going to continue along the side I've seen them put barstools here as well where you got a nice little area to sit and have a drink or maybe you can stand as well but once again the Haven lounge is just below me you're looking straight out at the ship it's the same exact view that the captain's gonna have so let's continue along here so now we're kind of at the halfway point and heading over to the other side of the the Haven Sun Deck once again you have these two beautiful massive day beds that are here looking out at the view and as you follow me along here what you're gonna see is almost a clone of the other side but a little bit smaller so let me show what I'm talking about so right there you're gonna have the full shower that you have on the other side and as we walk over here you've got the know the full extra hot tub as well once again perfect spot for viewing the glaciers but also a great place to hang out in the tropics as well you've got the cabanas on the side more day beds here that are really really massive and then they also have these loungers and look like a birdcage a little bit where you got a sitting and swinging lounger so once again one more kind of different type of furniture to make you feel like you're home and you have a place to relax so right there is the door to the vai beach club but once again that is locked off and this is just for the Haven right now I am in a courtyard penthouse with balcony it's in the Haven complex on board the Encore and you're gonna absolutely love it let me show you what I'm talking about so right when you come in just point out a few things you've got the temperature control here do not disturb make up room it's nice you just turn it on or off you don't have to step out of the room for that one thing I did want to point out is you have to have the key card in there at all times otherwise it will shut off the electrical in the room this is a cost-saving effort but also it is about safeties with what they let you know there's a nice little nightlight here as well this is where you're going to control the lighting right in here okay and then right as you get in you've got a little tiny bit of storage here on the side and then you have your dry bar so you've got wine glasses champagne glasses up here Nespresso espresso and coffee cups up there as well you've got your an espresso maker I have one every single morning at home so I love having this on board in fact yeah I'm looking forward my next cruise where I get to get to have this and it's coming up very shortly so here you've got the Nespresso pods that they will replace as you like okay under here you've got more storage and then you also have the you also have the full refrigerator here it is currently locked right now when they're when they're doing the inaugurals like this sometimes that's happening and you also have silverware here because this is a haven room you can have your meals served in your room if you like so go ahead and follow me on in here I'm going to start in the bathroom and the a kind of a walk-in closet area so you've got closets here to hang up you also have the plush robes are really really soft and nice and then also the slippers the full golf umbrella here as well there we go so there's no additional storage on this side but it does have a full-length mirror which is great for getting ready you've got storage here so you got a safe it's small not big enough for a laptop but great for passports and wallets and things like that you've got storage here then you got some pullout storage there as well you also have some more hanging storage here as well all right so let me show you why this is such a great room for couples or families so when you come in here you've got a big bathtub they've got the bath salts in there locks it on upgraded bath amenities which are fantastic you also have the basically the carwash shower and and then you also have the rainforest shower as well so if you do have a family like I've got an almost four year old this is a perfect option for us because we love having the bathtub for her and we can throw her in there and then having the shower for us that combo as well it's really nice and sometimes she takes a shower too so that that side over here you only have one vanity there is two you know two spigots here but really there's just kind of the one vanity area there's not a ton of room to put away space stuff but you have some storage sorry that's trash over there and then you have storage over here as well so that's really the only storage we can put things away completely in the bathroom I don't love that but once again it is an absolutely beautiful bathroom we've got the toilet just in there in a separate space which is nice and then a little bit more storage up here as well and then for me I'm six six I've got a little more storage up there as well so not everybody can utilize that so all right go ahead and follow me on in here what you'll see is a massive bed this is a full king-size bed it's really really beautiful um what I've noticed with all the rooms on the Encore is I think they are the most beautifully decorated rooms on any Norwegian ship and maybe you know any any ship in this kind of class of mega ship in the entire world I've really really been blown away by it so far so on the side here you have your light controls you have a couple USB ports as well there's two of them you have your phone here storage underneath and then a little storage there as well you've got your reading light as well as it being backlit and you also have a little lamp here and then on the ceiling it's meant to be like laying in bed and looking up at the stars so you've got the controls of them but it's just a really beautiful you know ambience add addition to the room so over here you're gonna the area to get ready so you've got a nice little seat there you've got your hairdryer here that's standard in all rooms okay you've got your ship phone right there you've got a nice plug a us plug there and then right here you have a magnifying mirror basically a nice vanity area to get ready champagnes gonna come in really really soon in just a few minutes you've got storage under the TV here and then there you are going to have you know the flat-screen TV that you can move and turn as you like a very tiny bit of storage there and a little more storage here but this is a full table so once again being that you're in the Haven you can have it served course-by-course here which I really really like and so you've got two chairs there you can pull the other one as well they'll bring one in if you want to host some friends this is basically how you would turn it into having the third passenger in here but my daughter like I said this would be a perfect room for our family so now I wanna head out onto the balcony and show you kind of what the rest of the room is all about all right so now we're heading out on the balcony so balconies in the Haven staterooms are my absolute favorite because I love having coffee on the balcony I love eating on the balcony and having that Butler that can allow you to do that is really really great just to sit back relax and let them take care of that so you see they have these oversized chairs on the balcony right here I'm a pretty big guy and they are absolutely huge they can also take the table from inside and put it out here as well so really good sized balcony I'm pretty impressed with this one because like I said I'm really tall and I can't quite reach it so you're also looking straight out the side of the ship which adds to you know quite a bit of privacy right above us there is another balcony here because we're on deck 17 that's gonna be up on 18 but the ones on 17 here does have a bigger balcony as well and it's pretty private cuz when you're under here you have full privacy there's a light out here as well but you can see pretty good size so let's head on back inside so right now I'm in a haven two bedroom family villa suite this is a phenomenal option if you're traveling with a family let me show you what we're talking about and right when we get in just wanted to point out a few features so you've got your temperature control here there's a couple places where you can do that separately in this room but you got your initial temperature control here and then you just click the button here whether you want to make up the room or Do Not Disturb so it's nice you don't have to go out put a magnet on and flip something over so nice and convenient there okay so when you come in um you've got a nice little entryway here and you're coming into the living room but what I thought is I'd start with the firt of the second bedroom essentially first so come on in this way this is what really sets this room apart a couple things that I wanted to point out right when we come in so first you've got a bed that drops down from the ceiling here and you've got a couch here as well so I've had some people talk to me about is this an ideal room for a couple beyond a family or what kind of different situations so what I would say is if this is meant to be the full second bedroom for a couple that might be tough with the two couples splitting it for a family of course it's absolutely perfect or you could have one person use the bed that gets made up here on the couch and then the other one out in the living room of people willing to split up that could be a good option as well too so maybe a couple with you know two friends that are traveling along but once again this is an absolutely phenomenal option for families and having families you definitely want storage they've got a bunch of extra pillows in here now but you got hanging storage here you got the drop down for more hanging storage there and then you also have the ladder here as well that would be used for the bunk that comes out of the ceiling there's a little more storage just around the corner here when we come in okay so not a ton but you can see shut that just definitely helps you've got some more open storage here as well one great thing about having kids in this room if you have one or two kids that's fantastic is you've got the extra TV so you can set it up or even you know bring video games and set up that way if you like there's a little bit of storage here but for the kiddos that's the primary storage so underneath you've got two small Ottomans you could sit here and get ready you've got some plugs over here as well so you've got a u.s. plug and a euro plug sometimes I'll bring a second euro adaptor or even a couple of them so that I can maximize all the plugs in here as well and then down here as well you can have a hairdryer which is standard in all the rooms on board so if you follow me on end this is kind of like the inside cabin a little bit of storage here once again separate a temperature control I really like that sometimes the the second set have one set a different temperature than the first so now we're getting into the the bathroom so this is the standard bathroom that you're gonna find throughout the entire ship so it's exactly the same I do like how they have these nice acrylic showers that pop out so you know even somebody my size I'm six foot six we go I fit actually you know pretty good in here you know some of the other cruise lines they have shower curtains that come in on you I really don't like this so this is great they've opened it up and there's plenty of space in here not a ton of storage in the bathroom but you got some small shelves here you've got some bigger shelves here as well for some storage but there's not really any storage we can put things away completely okay so over here you've got you'll notice that throughout you have the çetin upgraded amenities so that's in the shower and also here as well so let's head on out of here but essentially what this is is a small inside cabin perfect for two kids absolutely perfect for two kids and then you can force to put the third kid out into the the main room as well here so let's head into the living room which is you know really beautiful space really open space this is what kind of you know makes the room feel more like a home so right when you come in here you've got a little you know dry bar area with your espresso-maker they'll be replenished as much as you'd like you've got your tea they no longer have bottled water on this ship at all this is going to go fleet wide with Norwegian very soon so they've got this boxed water they're just water there you've got wine glasses and things up here as well as well along with here an espresso cups because of course you can have coffee in here you can have your Butler make it you can have coffee on the on the balcony you can also have all of your meals served course-by-course so that's what this table really is for there's extra chairs in here that you can put it together and make it a family table essentially a little small for that but you can definitely have all of your courses served in here okay so this is the next like sleeping area so this is a bed that does come out as well they can be turned into a bed so you can see if you had you know maybe there was three kiddos you could put two in there one in here maybe two friends traveling together with a couple could work as well just over here you're gonna have a desk that you can use need to get a little work done you've got storage on the side here you got your portable ship phone as well right there and then up top here they've got so magazines and things Mandara Spa a little bit of storage up here as well not super deep but a couple inches of storage there okay alright so now that we're in the living room area I'd like to point out that this is the balcony so I'm gonna step out there this is the only balcony in the room okay so now I'm heading out to the balcony which was one of the absolute best features of this room here and it's kind of a little bit of a wraparound so as we head over here these are the big windows for the shower and the bath so something you just want to keep in mind if other people are out here if you're sharing the room I just something to think about but it gives you this extra balcony space here and then of course you've got a ton of balcony space here as well they can bring the table out of how to do that before and set it up for you know a nice meal once again with your butler service you can have it sort of course decor course-by-course from any of the restaurants onboard the ship so let on in here beautiful furniture so let's head on in to the master bedroom this is a fantastic master bedroom for any suite on board any ship for a couple reasons so one you'll see the massive size of it it is a full king-size bed on the ceiling they have these really cool light configurations that that basically make it look like the nighttime stars that are in here on the side over here you've got a us plug you've got a couple USBs which is really nice I like that you've got some storage down below hang a little bit of storage on the side there and then you have huge pit oversized pillows and this entire wall is storage here so right here you've got some hang up storage doh it's again the soft clothes you also have all of these drawers that come out here as well the TV so that's the third TV if you're keeping count one in there one in the kids room and then one in here as well so it's perfect for every member of the family you've got more storage over here so this is where you're gonna find your soft Haven robes that come in come with all Haven room so you've got your safe here not big enough for a laptop just something to keep in mind but it is good for your you know passports wallet things along those lines you've got storage up top and all the way down and also your Haven slippers and your oversized golf umbrella that comes with all the Haven rooms as well okay so over here you've got a great vanity there's some more storage by the bed as well this side has two USBs it doesn't have a full plug but you've got the USBs there and then you could access these plugs as well so you get aus plug and a euro plug nice little seat here to get ready you got a magnifying makeup mirror and then this of course is backlit as well and then a little bit of storage up and down on the side here and then some storage on the side here as well so now head into one of the crowning jewels of this incredible room and that is the master bathroom so when I walk in here I see unbelievable views right now we're in Miami I can see all the way across the bay there it's really really stunning you've got this bathtub that's gonna have the most incredible views and shower but right when you walk in here you have a double vanity I love that in a cruise room I love being able to have two separate spaces for my wife and I personally so underneath on both sides and in the middle here you've got storage you also have some storage to set there and then storage up here as well I do like that they have the shower poof that you get in the room of course you have the UPS upgraded locks a ton amenities that are going to be in all of the Haven staterooms as well over here you got a little coat a separate temperature control in here - once again I really appreciate that so you got the toilet room just in here a little piece of art in there nicely oh the restroom I guess and then in here you have the huge shower so this shower has an incredible view looking out it's got a massive rain floor a shower head once again I'm six six and it's plenty of clearance here you also have the carwash shower where you can kind of get all the different jets and adjust them well once again you turn around each time and the view is what really breaks your breath away and then once again the bathtub with the same incredible view so you can't put this down for privacy if you'd like so kind of show you that but keep in mind if you're sharing the room that this part of the balcony may want to be off limits to to those who are not privy to any of any of that fun stuff so so right now I am in a spa suite so what's unique about this category is that you also get access to the thermal suite in the spa as well so this is something not found on the joy but it is found on the Bliss and it's also on the inaugural as well so let me show you what this room is all about so once again it is a haven room you're outside the Haven so to get to the Haven you're gonna go in this case from the back of the ship to the front take up to deck 17 and then you'll go in the Haven itself so that's just something to keep in mind but you have all of those amenities access to all the quiet space and the Haven restaurant and everything else so right when you walk in here on the left is the bathroom so let's head on in you'll see you've got the toilet here you've got a beautiful backsplash in there as well you're the upgraded L'Occitane bath amenities you also have kind of a somewhat of a dual vanity here so it's not super big but it does have the have two faucets here that you can utilize and a little bit of a MIDI space trashes over there and then a little bit of storage under here as well so this is the shower but it's important to keep in mind that this is not the only place that you can you know Bale on board or in this room so here you've got your shower head a little bit short for me I'm six six I'm a tall guy but it does have the extra nozzles in here but make it part of the spa shower you've got your upgraded amenities here as well let me head on out all right so let's now head in to the walk-in closet what a massive space so here you've got your safe right there it's not big enough for a laptop but it is perfect for your passports wallet things like that you've got storage under here as well as of course you can put storage here as well you've got your bath towels ready for you so if you go up to the pool deck you can use those you also have these beautiful bath robes are really soft and plush for every Haven stateroom I really like those you've got the scale maybe you want it maybe you don't want it on the cruise and then here you have a full golf umbrella as well a little bit more access to storage and then the Haven slippers are on the other side here so here you've got more hanging space and then of course I'm six six I can use all this space but you have space all the way along the top up here as well so there's quite a bit of storage in this room okay right here when you walk in you've got more storage it's perfect place to put a key put stuff when you come in here okay and then as I walk in I will show you you've got the the vanity right here you've got the magnifying mirror backlit mirror as well as well as the small stool to sit on and then you have a hairdryer which is standard in every room on board the entire ship and then let's head over to this side I'll show you have all of your light controls for the room here and then on the side of the bed there's a little blue light down there I'm not sure if you can see it but basically all the Haven rooms they've had that ambient blue light so you don't stub your toes at night but you have that extra glow they also have the beautiful lights on the ceiling that makes it look like you are looking at the Stars you can turn that off if that's something that bothers you next to the bed you have a plug and then you also have two USB plugs as well the reading light and the lamp and then it's also backlit up here as well full king-size bed you can order more and different types of pillows make the bed firmer softer depending on what your tastes are so as we come over you can see of course the massive big-screen TV it's really oversized for a cruise ship storage all the way along down here you've got a nice US plug over in the corner here you also have a ship phone there you've got your glassware up here for wine champagne and then of course you have an espresso maker in the room I love that I start my day with espresso at home every single day so you can utilize that you also have the mini fridge down here yeah a lot of times in the inaugurals for the showrooms they just have those locked up there you also have the boxed water so they're doing away with all bottled water onboard this ship and throughout the entire fleet so something you might want to keep in mind champagne on ice and then of course you have your dining room table this is a perfect room to have you know dinner serve in your room so if you like that privacy of course the beautiful views out there but you can have your butler come in they put the white tablecloth down and they will serve your meals course-by-course in here if you like or maybe you just want breakfast in here and do the dinners in the specialty restaurant so what makes this room super unique to just about any other room on board well definitely aboard this ship but on any cruise ship is this huge jacuzzi bathtub in the room itself so it's also got that blue lighting there you see down there you've got the drain which is important but right now they have it all set up just like you could have your Butler do for you to set a bath if you'd like and then also you have the the bath salts there as well it's got the wand and also the spigot there so basically this is just something that's really cool I don't think you'd want to have this room if you weren't a couple for the most part or maybe you're traveling as a solo but you can see that this kind of turns it into a special spa room and once again keep in mind that you'll also have access to the thermal suite this is something that a lot of times I pay for anyway so if that's something you pay for maybe it may be an extra value for you to get this specific room so now let's head out onto the balcony so now we're heading out on to the balcony the balconies and the Haven very you know there's some that are very very small actually some that are absolutely massive this is somewhere right in the middle so this is a really nice-sized balcony here you've got to really large seats so this is about double the size that you would normally find on a cruise ship like said I'm a big guy I fit great there's two of them here this is a perfect place to have your coffee in the morning once again you can bring the table out here as well in the other chairs and then you can die in course-by-course right here on the balcony and then this one there actually is just one room for one lounger but it does have this full oversized very soft lounger one thing to keep in mind is you can see inside the room as well this is one of the reasons it's probably best for couples as I can see into the jacuzzi bathtub right now from here so right now I am in my favorite room onboard owners suites pretty spectacular as well but I love being in the back of the ship so this is an aft facing Haven penthouse with balcony and it's a perfect room for a lot of different configurations so for my family I have a three and a half year old it's absolutely spectacular because my daughter basically has her own living room with bathroom completely separate but also this can work with friends groups that are traveling together sometimes two couples can be a little tough but that can work in here as well so let me show you all about this room right when you walk in you've got your temperature control here you do have this light I wanted to point out that you always have to have the keycard in for the electricity to really to work in the room so if you leave the room and take that out the your charging is not going to happen as well you've got your Do Not Disturb sign in here really nice and convenient to have that so one of the great aspects of this room to be a party room or also to have other people in here is that you have this full separate bathroom here so this is gonna have a shower in here okay so step in there you can see kind of size-wise I'm six six but I fit pretty well in this shower I did want to point out that you have the upgraded L'Occitane bath amenities which are fantastic and you also have a toilet in here as well so small sink not a lot of storage but if you're having friends over or you're hosting a party this is a perfect perfect thing to have so that they don't have to go through your space or disturb you at all so as you come in here you have this nice little entryway beautiful mirror champagne on ice ready to go okay and then right when you get in you're gonna have your dry bar so you have wine glasses champagne glasses bottle opener Nespresso cups as well you've got your Nespresso maker they will replenish the Nespresso capsules as you like you just tell them exactly what you want okay so here you also have your phone ice bucket and a little bit of storage here over here is gonna be your fridge okay I'm gonna shut that and then you also have more storage on this side as well here's your dining room table keep in mind that because you this is a Haven room you're gonna have a butler and you can have your meals served course-by-course in this room it's a fantastic option especially if you're traveling with a family but if you just are somebody who really likes privacy that's wonderful as well here too so you've got your flowers here for arrival which is great I wanted to point out the closet here so you've got a little bit of storage of course if you're using this as a second bedroom you're gonna need storage in here as well there you go you've got your light controls your TV is on there you've got storage above storage below and then storage just here but once again this bed can be made out and one thing that I do like is they have the the controls over on the other side so it's right by the bed the lights so if you happen to be using this as your bed truly a nice be able to turn the lights off from bed you've got your phone over here as well all right and so now we're gonna head into the master bedroom so one of the things that makes this room great and unique is you have this door here that you can shut it off completely so you have really and truly two completely separate spaces so let's head on in here first point out you have the separate temperature control like right now it's cooler in here personally I like it cooler when I sleep and maybe have it a little bit warmer the rest of the day you also have your light controls and then you also have a nightlight here so if you'll follow me in to the master bathroom once again a fantastic bathroom so first thing that I'll point out right on the side here is going to be the shower okay so you've got the the rainfall showerhead in here once again I'm 6 X I barely fit underneath that shouldn't be a problem for most people also have the wand which is great and I call it the carwash shower here all the jets and everything once again though the upgraded L'Occitane amenities throughout the whole cruise they've got the full-size ones in there you've got a separate toilet room here a little bench seat and your scale is under there and something that I really appreciate is a true full double vanity here with storage underneath so you can put things away completely you can also store here got your shower poof and all the things that that you would need for a bath they have some great amenities in here you also have your bath salts there and then a full-size bathtub for soaking once again with my family having a bath tub is great throw up my daughter in there and my nieces and nephews they absolutely love it and it's great and convenient for everybody so let's head into the master bedroom portion ok so the first thing that I notice is that it is a really big bed so once again you have this full king-size bed tons of pillows you can get more pillows as you like as well you've got your storage here ok so this is gonna be the hanging storage you have your plush Haven bathrobes and then slippers below you're also gonna have the full size golf umbrella there and if you need more hangers just let them know there we go so over on the side here you have your light controls you've got a u.s. plug you also have two USB plugs as well and storage under here one thing you'll notice that little blue light they put this in the Haven room so you don't stub your toe or anything but basically it's just a nice little nightlight as you go so we're going to continue on a little bit of storage up above here you've got storage down here as well which is important in a room this size and then you also have a TV you've got a little bit more storage up here as well as well as a vanity to get ready you got your seat to sit on there you've got your mirror here the magnifying mirror and you also have the hairdryer just underneath as well and then on the other side of the bed you are gonna have the USB here and then also the light controls as well one fun thing that I wanted to point out in this room that they have in the Haven rooms is you have this above your bed it's kind of like a star configuration so you can turn it on and off if it's something you don't like but once again just a really nice ambience so the neck part is to me what really makes this room special so so far I think it's on par with several different Haven rooms they're all fantastic but this F facing balcony is to me what blows the rest out of the water so follow me out here okay so now I'm heading out from the master bedroom here to the balcony so for me personally I love the sideways facing balconies and the bat aft and this kind of gives you the best of both worlds so when I start over here you can see that you've got views of the side of the ship you can see all the way down there to the waterfront as well and then over here in the back you have this incredible 1/2 facing view so right here you have a dining room table you can have your dinner sir of course my course out here by your Butler if that's something that you want so we have that privacy but also that elevated level of service you can have them put one of the tables from inside outside as well if that's something you're interested if you want to have some friends over and then of course these two huge loungers so these are the perfect place to sit and relax have a cup of coffee have a drink you know something along those lines but this is this is to me the ultimate balcony on board the chef wanted to show you a forward facing penthouse suite with balcony so this is a haven room you're gonna have access to the Haven you're gonna have all of the things that come with the Haven as well but keep in mind that you are placed outside the Haven so right now we're on deck 12 to access the Haven you take the elevator up to 17 and then you could go in that way as well so let me show you this incredible room so right when you walk in here you're in the living room they could also serve as a second bedroom if need be so beautiful art piece on the wall and you have this dining room table so because you're in the Haven you can have all of your court your dinner served here of course by course if you'd like by your butler it's a great option if you have families it's a really fantastic option as well too so I've got a family of three of my little one this would be the perfect configuration for us so over here you have a dry bar you've had your wine glasses champagne glasses bottle opener an espresso cups as well you've got the Nespresso maker in here they'll replenish this as much as you like I love an espresso it's how I start my day every day at home so it's really nice to have that there you have the boxed water because there is no more bottled water on board the Norwegian encore they're getting rid of it fleet wide so you got your ice here and then just below there you've got your mini fridge that you could that you can access it's on the inaugural right now so it's actually locked up which happens sometimes okay so as you move on into the room there we go so as you move on into the room you are going have a nice writing desk here a little bit of storage underneath your phone and then also the portable ship phone as well have a little bit of storage up top here a little bit above the TV as well so you have a flat panel TV you've got storage along the bottom all the way a nice beautiful flower arrangement here and then this is the bed so this room currently is configured to only accommodate three people maximum so just keep that in mind some of them are configured for 3:00 some of them are configured for four as well what's really nice is they've got the light controls over here on the side and then over on the other side here as well they're gonna have a plug there so if somebody is using this as a primary bed it's really nice be able to control lights and have a plug there as well this is also where you're gonna head out to the balcony so follow me out here alright so we're heading out to the balcony so one thing that I will point out right away is that this room is not all about the balcony it's not gonna have one of the massive ones like you find in some of the other rooms but it's a really really nice balcony for a family of two or three so you've got two chairs here once again they can bring the big table out here if you want to have a dining course-by-course I love having my coffee out here in the morning so as long as I have that fresh air beautiful view and you're looking straight out sideways so you do have a pretty you know it's pretty private up here as well but you can see just the way the ship is shaped in the very front they've got a pad here for somebody like me not to hit their head but it actually gives you a little bit more space here so it is not hard to have three people sitting out on the balcony but it would be a little bit cramped but remember the room in this case is what it's all about this one's all about what's inside not so much what is on the outside there so now let's head into the master bedroom bathroom complex so one thing I will point out is that if you are sharing this room with somebody else they would have to go from the living room in here to use the bathroom same thing if you have a party here so just something to keep in mind it doesn't have a separate bathroom like that so when I come in here the first thing that I noticed is I love that has a massive double vanity so of course you're gonna have the upgraded locks a ton amenities that you know really really nice they've got the full-size ones in here which I do appreciate you've got this double vanity so you both have areas to get ready you have storage underneath for both and then you also have storage up here as well you've got a nice plug for a shaver there and then also a place to hang your bathrobes here if you'd like I would like to point out that you have a third temperature control in here so you have one in the master one in the living room and then one here as well lights there as soon as you come in here you are gonna have the commode the toilet room right there then over here you have a huge shower perfect okay so a couple things that I really like is it's got the rainforest showerhead I'm six six and I can fit just barely underneath it you also have the shower wand which is really nice as well a little bit of storage here I call it the carwash shower with all of that and then there's also a nice little bench so that's great especially for ladies shaving their legs or sometimes just to sit down let the you know get some nice warm water on you and have a relax on your vacation so you also have the bathtub as well once again for me having this for a family is a really fantastic thing you know throw the kiddo in there we're going on a cruise in a couple weeks all of our cousins as well so something like this we can throw in a bunch of kids in there and it's just a lot of fun for them and convenient for mom and dad so you got a little bit of storage here you've got your makeup mirror so the magnifying mirror there it's backlit a nice little chair here a little bit of storage in there as well did want to point out that in the bat they also have the bath salts for all the Haven rooms so follow me back through here and we'll head into the master bedroom so I'm gonna start right over here on this side of the master bedroom so you notice that they've got this great little blue light underneath here that's standard in the Haven now so you have extra lighting so you don't you know trip in the middle of the night here you are going to have storage so this is gonna be the hang up storage here to plush Haven robes you've got the golf umbrella and also the slippers in here as well and then also a very shoe shoe shining okay here you also have the the phone I did want to point out that they've got two USBs down there light controls and then just a little bit of storage and as you follow me over you will see more storage so I did want to point out that the bed is a full king size bed which is fantastic you could order more pillows if you want make it softer more firm up to you over here you're gonna have more storage as well so you've got more hanging storage here nice lights inside and you also have storage underneath there more storage above right here above the TV we go careful for that one it opens quick more underneath as well there's your safe that I'm not quite big enough for a laptop perfect for passports wallets things along those lines and then of course you've got your TV so there's one in them in the living room and then also one in here as well more storage there so it showed the hang up so you actually have hang up storage in three different places in here more storage along there a nice little bench here as well perfect for reading bedtime stories of the kiddos and then here you have two USBs and a plug and then all the light controls on the side as well so one phenomenal feature about this room is that you have the side balcony SH you have that privacy looking at the side but you also have the view out the front which is absolutely stunning that's one of the reasons I really really love this stateroom category because you kind of get the best of both worlds you get look at the view out the front there's a Miami Beach directly in front of us and then on the side you have that nice peaceful area to sit outside and have some nice fresh air so right now I'm in a room that I really really love on board the ship it's a haven suite with connecting staterooms so it has a lot of possibilities where essentially you can actually get up to eight people in this complex but I love that it faces forward and out it's a really beautiful room and you are gonna love it let me show you talking about so right when you come in here you've got your first temperature control here make up your room do not disturb you just click the buttons there and you don't have to go out of the room which I really like you've got your keycard here keep in mind that you're gonna have to have that in at all times to have access to electricity when you unplug it things will stop charging lights will go off and things along those lines so I've got this full-length mirror right when you come in a nice little entryway and then of course this connects to a standard balcony stateroom so this is how you would expand this room and make the complex even bigger so follow me on in here and you're gonna see first this dining room table so this is an amazing room for two people once again perfect for three or four as well but you can have your dinner your meals sort of course by course here by your Butler you can order from any of the specialty dining as well that you like on board the ship so this is just a great option or great thing that comes with having a Haven stateroom so over here right when you come in I'm gonna have a little bit of storage here okay so that's perfect for those that might be staying in this part of the room you've got a full dry bar set up wine glasses champagne glasses and then beer glasses as well you got the trash right here you've got an espresso maker I love the Nespresso pods they replenish them as you like I start my day with that every day at home as well so awesome they also have these cardboard water there's no longer bottled water on this ship at all so you also have these an espresso glasses here and you can have ice refilled as you like little tiny bit of storage there as well but follow me into the rest of the room and you're gonna see a large couch here this is what would come out to make up for a additional guests would be able to stay right here but it's a pretty it's a pretty large couch and a nice coffee table beautiful flowers set up for arrival day in the Haven you've got your TV here a little bit of storage underneath you've got a nice desk area to sit right there with your phone there storage here also storage on the side as well over there okay over in the corner here you'll find a light control this is great and well thought out because if somebody is staying on the couch that way they have access to lights there and then the other side there's a plug as well so just something that's really nice that they've thought about if you have that guest staying out here as well all right so now I'm heading out onto the balcony you got your light switch right here you only have room for two chairs I will not lie this is a very small balcony for a suite but what is inside to me makes up for that completely so you also are kind of house towards the front here but you're in the very front of course and so it's kind of carved out where you've got the wings just above us for where you're gonna have the captains so once again a relatively small balcony but a perfect place to have a coffee sit back relax and enjoy the world and its really really private because you have this awning ahead of you and you're looking straight out here nobody can see in at all so let's head back in and explore the master bedroom all right so now I'm heading into the master bedroom so one thing you have a door here I love that you can shut it off completely have separate space you also have the full light controls for the master bedroom here a night light and then also the temperature controls so once again it's great to have a separate temperature control in the bedroom or if you have you know somebody sleeping out here they might want it at a different temperature so as soon as you come in you see the hallmarks of a Haven stateroom so we have a really large full king-size bed you can order more pillows from the pillow menu things like that if you like over on the side here you're gonna have a ton of storage so right here you've got your safe once again not big enough for a laptop but perfect for you know passport wallet things like that you got drawer storage here more storage up top there okay you also are going to have them you get all the way over the side here you're also gonna have your hang up space here with the plush robes from the Haven you also have the full the slippers and then the full-size golf umbrella as well and a little bit more storage up here with a nice shine amenity alright so over here you're gonna have two USB ports by the bed you've got light controls here as well the phone and then storage down below one thing that they've put in all the Haven rooms now is this like blue nightlight that shape shines down on that sure if you can see that but it shines down there and so when all the lights are out gives you that little extra ambient light yeah we're gonna continue over here to your TV which of course you can move as you like then you also have more storage a ton of storage up here okay you're gonna have ton of storage down here as well which is great put things away and then because you have this fantastic bench seat area over here you also have more storage on the side you get myself sitting area and then you have this beautiful view looking out right now I'm looking at Norwegians brand new terminal that just getting ready to open up in a few months which is where the Encore will sail from shortly but you've got of course the blackout curtains on the front here but having that duality of the forward facing window and then be able to look out the side it gives you a ton of privacy but also gives you a lot of angles especially when you're in Alaska and this ship is going to be there and not very long a little more storage on the far side and then on the side of the bed here I did want to point out that you have a u.s. plug as well as two small USBs and then more light controls as well let's head on into this master bathroom and when I say master bathroom it really is another really beautiful master bathroom okay so when I head on in I'll head all the way over to the far side which is where the shower is so once again I'm six six I can fit pretty well in here you know the rain floor showers sideways for me but that's totally fine the car wash our here with all the little knobs and things of course the fully upgraded L'Occitane bath amenities little storage here and then I love that to have the bench here I know it's really nice to put your foot up on if you need to but also it's nice to have a little bench in there if you just want to relax for a minute and a shower okay you've got this full bathtub here as well they've got your towels ready for you to take out to the pool I did want to point out that they have bath salts in all of the Suites as well in the Haven you see that there it's really beautifully decorated you have some Carrara marble on the walls here but you also have this beautiful mosaic tile you've got a full double vanity that is such a luxury on a cruise ship to have a complete full double vanity you also have storage on the bottom that you can put things away completely a little more storage here and even more storage here but these huge backlit back light mirrors are really fantastic so over here is the area to get ready commode room right there though first pretty big size actually right there we go alright so now you got an area to get ready you have that dreaded scale I don't know why they have those in here make you go to the gym if you really want to do it I don't like look at that on vacation but you know it's all good and here you've got your magnifying mirror as well another Amir here to get ready as well and then a little bit more storage and then the hair dryer down there which comes standard on all rooms onboard so you can see this is a huge space where two people actually could get ready at the same exact time but for my family family of three I've got a young daughter this room is absolutely spectacular for it so the only real disadvantage that I would say that you know I notice right away especially with kiddos is that this room is outside of the Haven complex so one advantage of having one of the three room types that's in the Haven complex is that you know you have a little extra layer of security and safety with the kiddos where they're kind of you know contained in an extra area it's really calm and relaxing so I like that you can go up there and take advantage of it in this room but just know that this is located on a lower deck so you need to take the elevator up and to the Haven so when you're ready to book a suite in the Haven reach out to heart travel comm we are your Haven experts we know it inside and out we can make sure that you get the absolute best value out of your Haven book [Music]
Channel: Harr Travel
Views: 111,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Haven, Haven Full Tour, Norwegian Getaway, NCL, Getaway, NCL Cruise, NCL Haven, Haven Courtyard, Courtyard Penthouse, Haven Owners, Haven Deluxe Owners, 2 Bedroom Family Villa, Aft-Facing, Haven Aft Villa, Haven Restaurant, Haven Pool, Haven Spa, Haven Bar, Cruising, Harr Travel, 4k, 2020, Renovation, 2019, Walkthrough Tour, NCL Encore, Encore, Full Ship Tour, Review, Stateroom Tour, Rooms, How To
Id: 2SBhaAmAz44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 15sec (3015 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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