Complete Gumroad Tutorial 2024 - Start Selling Today!

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in this complete step-by-step gumroad tutorial you're going to learn how to set up your gumroad account for Success so that you can start selling your products and services you'll be learning how to sign up for a gumroad account how to set up and add all your products and all services how to customize your storefront how to start accepting payments and I'll also dive into a few Advanced features such as sales analytics and workflows so with that said let's get straight into the tutorial first things first let's run through gum Road's pricing structure it's quite straightforward and that is 10% flat as stated on their pricing page you'll see that gumroad doesn't actually charge a monthly fee which is a plus especially if you're just starting out and you're wanting to sell some products and services online but not willing to Fork out that monthly recurring uh expense to some sort of platform to start selling a products and services so instead what they do is they charge that 10% % flat fee for every transaction that you uh make that sale so on top of that 10% flat fee that gumro charges you're also going to get charge a credit card processing fee or PayPal fees depending on the payment processor that you use and this typically is about 3% so you're looking at about 133% in total for every transaction uh or sale that you make with the pricing out of the way let's go ahead and sign up for a gumroad account head to gumroad other look in the description box below where there's a link to gumroad once there click on start selling there are a number of sign up methods including Facebook Google X stripe or you can sign up using your email address in this tutorial I'm just going to use my email address and create account what you're going to want to do first is to confirm your email address just to verify that yes indeed that is your email address now that your account has been confirmed we are going to customize our account settings starting off with the main general settings including your notifications do you want to be notified of purchases via email and Mobile and other options here scrolling down you've got the support email address this is important because if someone or a customer was to email you about a concern or let's say a refund this is where they'll go to or the email address so make sure this is the email that you want your customers to contact a few other settings you've got language time zone sell in us or you can sell in your own currencies as listed here gum's also got this cool feature called enable purchasing power parody which means people in different geographical locations will be charged based on their location so this will make your product more affordable in that case by enabling it you've got more settings such as maximum PPP discount and then products to exclude so so pretty handy there if you do want to consider using this feature you've also got apply sales tax in certain States as well right here so if you do want to charge based on a particular State then you can do so so making the whole process of taxations simple next you're going to want to customize your profile or in other words your shop front it may not be the right terminology but it is your shop front you you'll see a preview right here and in this example I'll just keep it really generic and call it ais's store so then the profile will actually be a real store. I'm just going to enter my name right here enter a little short bio about yourself and what you have to offer and as you'll see it will take effect in real time as you type next you can add a logo of your business your brand or this could be your profile picture if you are trying to build your personal brand so simply get rid of that placeholder image and then you'll see this upload button otherwise you can connect it to X your Social account and that will pick that profile picture up and upload it but let's go ahead and we'll upload one from our computer I've added my one as you can see now below the profile picture you can customize the design with some very basic customization options such as the font combinations you can play around with these and you'll see it's updated right here in the preview and you can also change the background color let's say black just so you can see that it's uh the contrast and you can also change the highlight color or the accent color which you won't be able to tell from this image preview right here but once you have played around with the design you can click on update settings and then we are going to hit on preview and this is what it currently looks like because we've got no products uh it's not showing any products but this is the basic storefront that customers will see obviously without the edit profile button and a couple of other things while we're on the settings page let's go ahead and customize a few other settings team allows you to add team members so they can help manage your account you can assign them different roles such as an accountant admin marketing support which comes handy especially if you want to systemize things a bit more under payments this is an important step choose where you're located and to ensure prompt payouts you need to check off each of these items this just helps with verifying that you're a real person with valid IDs and things like that once you've confirmed these go ahead and save you can get paid in a couple of ways including bank account enter your account details otherwise you can use a stripe account but do note this isn't accepted by every single country as stated here PayPal is of course accepted and you get paid directly to your PayPal account if you connect your PayPal right here once you've selected your default payout method you can play around with some of the other settings you've got third party analytics as well as some advanced settings but if you're just starting out you won't have to worry about either of these once you've customized your settings you're ready to add a product head to products and then here click on new product the first step is to name your product in this tutorial I'm going to sell a digital product and that is modern desktop wallpapers and this is what I'll be selling on my hypothetical store and once you've named your product move on to choosing the type of product that you're selling from a digital product to a course or tutorial you've got ebooks a newsletter membership where you can start earning some recurring income a podcast Audi book and also physical Goods the most relevant is is a digital product which is for this so once you've selected the type and named it you are going to select your pricing we are going to choose uh us uh at least for this I'm going to price it at $10 but feel free to price it whatever you wish based on the offer once you've entered those fields in click on next to customize it this is where you can add additional information and a description of what your product is and what they're going to get go ahead and prepare your product description of course this all has to do with sales copy and you want to be uh more thoughtful about what you're going to put here because words can can be converted to sales in this description I've entered some kind of dummy uh product description that I got from chat GPT and you can use it as an assistant to help you with that too but we've got some key features and it's ideal for these uh types of computers and what it's compatible with on the right you will always see a preview of what your product will look like or the page there are some formatting options here where you can go and bold text make it italics you can underline put a strike through headings so you can play around with large headings medium small you can add external links as well as inserting images and you've got buttons and inserting a video so if you've got some sort of video to Showcase your product or service you can insert it right here scrolling down you've got the URL to this specific product page so if you do want to customize it and let's say modern wallpapers you can do so but that will be the product URL and you can customize it later on too custom domains if you do want to use a custom domain that will directly to this specific product page you can use one further instructions are provided if you you click on learn more a few other things to make your product page Stand Out include a cover so right here as well as a thumbnail so let's go ahead and choose a cover images should be horizontal at least 1280 by 720 and this is their recommended Dimensions at least so we'll go ahead and upload our images or you can also optionally add videos too choose from computer files external or unsplash but let's go ahead computer files I'm uploading my and you'll see in a few seconds what it looks like and here we go it's just a computer on a desk with a wallpaper and I just simply downloaded this from unsplash for the sake of this tutorial let's also choose a thumbnail this will appear in the gumroad library discover which I'll talk about later on and profile pages so they should be square ideally but let's go ahead we'll upload one okay I've uploaded my thumbnail that simply has a phone with the wallpaper and next we've got product info you can customize the call to action saying I want this or buy this or pay let's choose buy this and for this summary you can customize the text so something like here is what you get in the package then you can add additional info and details in point form so you can call out important features so go ahead and click on ADD detail and what's the first attribute about this I'll just put in 10 wallpapers and you can add a dollar value to this if you want to otherwise you can leave it and then I'll put in high resolution and you can add anything else you wish I've also added instant download so that they know indeed once they purchase they'll get a download right after this little summary section will sit on the right side here you got a couple of integration options including adding your circle Community or Discord server you can feel free to add these if you do wish to do so pricing once again and you can also allow customers to pay what they want so with your minimum amount you can customize it by putting it in the actual amount let's say $1 and then allow customers to pay what they want and then the suggested amount let's say is actually $3 so you can just suggest it otherwise the minimum is a dollar that's all they need to pay to get access to your product but we'll turn this off and simply put a flat fee of $10 for this versions is a great way to kind of upsell on that offer so if you do have let's say a premium version or pro version which includes something like 10 more wallpapers in my case then you can add that to this area so add the version let's say uh pro pack and you add a description what's the additional amount for the upsell right you can say $10 for that or maybe it's a better deal $5 for an extra 10 uh do you want to limit the quantity otherwise uh do you want to add another version so this could be a gold pack or you know anything you want to name it as but we'll stick to one version so that you can see how it works on the actual product page in the description I've just added 10 more wallpapers that they'll get in the pro pack let's go down few other settings here do you want to limit the product sales so if you're running a special offer where it's only for the first 100 customers you can add it here so maximum number of purchases 100 and you're done you can also allow customers to choose a quantity so if they do want multiple copies or whatnot this will kind of make sense more for physical products in my opinion there's a way to publicly show the number of sales on your product page as well then this may build you know credibility and uh social proof so if you do want to add that you can enable it and then it will show somewhere here in the order form you can generate unique license keys so this is more relevant to software you can also Mark the product as e publication for vat purposes and specify refund policy a custom one uh as you wish with the refund policy right here and the fine print next you've got content head to content and this is where you can provide the deliverables where you can upload your files so if you're selling wallpapers uh in this case we've got this as an example this is where you can provide the download links before you start adding the content make sure you're editing the right offer so you've got the pro pack here and let's say we want to add the prop pack options or the downloads we can then insert the file from the computer I'm going to add my zip pack of wallpapers and click on open right there it's uploading you can also customize your download page so thanking your customers such as thank you for purchasing and then we can make this larger using a heading one right there and then adding any other details and instructions on this page once done click on publish and continue once you do that your product page will be viewable to the public and you can unpublish it by clicking on unpublish let's go ahead and preview what we've created so clicking on preview right here here's what it looks like we've got the name of the product we've got the description my profile here on the right you've got the features and this is a great way to add additional benefits and features you've got the variations in this case I've only added one so if you do want multiple make sure you add those variations there but it's only got one so that is all they are going to be purchasing so if you click on buy now you can see the process and what your customers uh will see I went back to the product settings and added three variations so we've got this Standard Version which includes just the 10 wallpapers or they can upgrade to the pro pack which includes 10 more totaling 20 wallpapers or there's a gold pack which has 20 more wallpapers on top of all that so customers can choose whichever and this will mean increased sales for you in the bottom line so we can click on standard let's say and they just get the Standard Version and you'll see the other uh products that I've added but one can just remove it from the cart and this is all they'll need to pay and whatever tax is on top of that so if you do want to create versions then go back to your product settings on the versions you will create those variations uh which is pretty a pretty good idea you might as well create that little upgrade for someone if they do want to purchase additional uh variations or whatever uh it may be and then you can rearrange things so if you want the prop pack before it you can just use the drag option there so then the prop pack is before the standard or something like that right but we've got it in the right order right there now that you've learned how to add a product the next step is how do you add things like discount coupons well you head to check out under discounts you can click on new discount and this will be something like the Black Friday sale and you can name it whatever you want or Cyber Monday enter a discount or custom discount code and then this will apply to whatever products you have let's say a modern desktop wallpapers product or you can select all products select their type such as a percentage or fixed amount let's say they'll get $2 off of the normal retail price you can do that otherwise it can be a percentage let's say 50% off during Black Friday sale limited quantity and other options right here furthermore under checkout options you've got checkout form where you can add custom fields and this is Handy if you do want to collect uh more info about your customers when they are checking out there's also an option to display the coupon code fi and you can select either one of these so only if the discount applies or is available or is never and what you can do is offer recommendations of your other products and this is a great way to cross sell your products and make those additional sales another cool way to increase your bottom line is upsells and this is where you are offering an upsell at checkout adding an upsell is quite straightforward click on new upsell and then fill in the fields and the type of offer and apply to the following products so once someone purchases this at checkout they'll see this little upsell as you can see right here those are the checkout options let's move on to the next option which is emails or in other words email marketing this is a great way to build a customer base so that you can Market further products if you wish to do so and you can also send out product updates and newsletters things like that so what you can do if you do want to send a broadcast email is you can click on under publish new email and then this will bring up the editor where you can add the email title as well as the actual email body select the audience and who you wanted to send it to once you're ready to broadcast your email what you can do is under publish you can publish it right now immediately or you can schedule it at a certain time otherwise you can schedule your emails in advance by going to scheduled and then creating your emails from here in the subscribers tab you'll see all of your subscribers and what you can do under subscribers is to view and manage all of your followers clicking on share subscribe page will copy the actual subscribe page to your clipboard and that will take them to this particular landing page where they can subscribe and opt in to your newsletter so by having this email marketing feature integrated into gumroad you don't necessarily need services such as MailChimp or convert kit but to be fair this email marketing feature of gumroad is quite basic if you're looking for something more advanced in terms of email marketing then you may want to consider something like convert kit next up an advanced feature that gumroad has is workflows and this specifically is to automate emails so what you can do is create new workflows let's say you want to send an email a day after a customer purchases your product in my case I've got one called how to use modern wallpapers guiding them on how to use it so that they can take action on it instead of having that download sit on their computer so what we're going to then do is choose an audience segmentation I'll just choose customers only and once who bought the modern desktop wallpapers and then you can trigger it based on a new customer or member cancels paid more than a certain amount and from anywhere or a specific geographical location as listed here we'll click on ADD and then you will create your email right here set the time delay so let's say a day after you can also do hours after a purchase so we'll put in one day after purchase and this is where you put in the email of whatever you want to say so a really handy feature there to automate your sales process to manage all your sales customers and refunds head to sales and this is where you'll see all the transactions the email addresses and other details that have been added to that customer profile once you've made some sales your customers will be listed on that sales page and then you can do things like search and filter you can also uh search for things like someone who's bought a specific product certain price range customizing the customers's email address in case they made a mistake at checkout changing their shipping information and much more analytics will obviously show analytics of your sales and transactions so this is what it looks like you've got analytics based on sales or your following payouts will show the payout schedule as well as what's already been paid by gumroad you can see a balance the past 7 days 30 days and total earnings so far on that note gun Road's payout schedule is listed on this page which I'll link in the description box below so you can see this table with a calendar you've got right here and as indicated you'll see each payout is for sales made up to the previous Friday or in other words the amount sits in your gun Road balance for at least 7 days before being paid out hence the exam schedule right here if you've integrated stripe then you get paid directly to your stripe account and also with your PayPal account next up if you want to open up an affiliate program so that others can promote your product for a commission then head to your profile go to Affiliates this is where you can grab your affiliate page so affiliate sign up form and this is the URL that you provide your potential Affiliates so that they can sign up to promote your product there's affiliate products here as well enabling specific products that they can promote and the commission uh level or the percentage you can manage your Affiliates by going to Affiliates and then they'll be listed on this page okay now that I've explained most of the options and the settings one feature of gumroad is gum roads discover or Marketplace if you take a look here you'll notice discover if you head there this will take you to discover. this is their equivalent of a marketplace where you can list your product for sale however on that note gumro does not guarantee and they don't promote your product if you've made zero sales you have to have met some eligibility and criteria and I'll show you the page right here which I will provide in the description box also below there's the legibility right here you have to make enough genuine sales to actual customers so you're not purchasing through your own link or getting your friends to to purchase through your uh on your page and must have a balance of at least $10 on top of that it will get manually assessed and by the risk team and there's a review process there if you go back to your products and click on any of the products that you want to list in the Discover you can go to share and then under gumro discover this is where you can select a specific category and you will add some tags which will help people find it there are a couple of other settings right here but once you've enabled it then it will be recommended states that gumro discover recommends your products to prespective uh customers helping you grow beyond your existing following but once again nothing is that easy you still need to Market your products just to get that boosted up and then that will then be shown to more people as a recommendation but by default gumroad discover is enabled on all of the products that you add to your gumroad account if you don't want it listed all you need to do is just hit that close button and then that's it it won't be enabled in the Discover all right so we've covered quite a lot in this tutorial from signing up for a gumroad account to account settings accepting payments adding your first product and much more but I hope this tutorial has given you better insight and that guidance you need to start selling your product online I'll provide links to all the pages that I mentioned in this tutorial in the description box below for now thanks so much for watching and do take [Music] care
Channel: Aurelius Tjin
Views: 7,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to sell on gumroad, gumroad tutorial, how to sell digital products online with gumroad, how to sell digital products online, how to sell digital products on gumroad, gumroad, gumroad digital products, how to sell digital products, how to use gumroad, gumroad review, how to sell digital products online step by step, sell digital products, how to sell ebooks on gumroad, sell on gumroad, sell with gumroad, how to sell ebook on gumroad, gumroad tutorial 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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