Complete guide to sharing and reuse Power BI data | Shared datasets

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so hello everybody and welcome to another power bi tutorial in today's story we're going to talk about shared data sets we're going to talk about what it is we're going to talk about when you can use them we're going to go through the use case where i will show you how to create shared data sets how to uh apply them to existing reports how to modify shared data set how to clean up then in power bi services we will do the whole thing so you know everything that you need to know about powerbase sir data set so let's get started okay guys so what is a power bi shared data set there is going to be there are going to be cases where you'll find yourself that you're using the exact same data set and creating different reports from it i have a very specific example that we're going to walk you through that i'm going to walk you through that exemplifies the whole thing so what i have here you know i've shown you before a video on how i created a vaccine tracker for covid and i started with one dataset and one report which was yeah let me show you i have it here so this was the first one and one dataset one report you don't need to think about shared data sets at all but once i created one i decided to oh i wanna also i was following the vaccine tracking by country but then i said okay i want to know how it goes by continent so i created another you know you might say okay you can create both in the same report yes i do actually have both in the same report so i have if you click on here on twitter i have a twitter account that you know tweets every day the progress of the vaccine and i have here on this link if you click on it it will take you to the report where i have both reports in it so i have this one and that one but because i am publishing this into twitter and it's grabbing the images what i need to what i had to do was to separate this into two different reports so i have one report for these i have one report for vaccination and then i have a third report for these that you see here both combined and you can see this in part here you can see here that i have one for everything one by continent and this is by country what happens this is live data so it changes often today i had to change to get rid of the they added continent vaccination rates i calculated that in power bi i don't want it in this in the report so i had to go and filter out what happens i have to filter it out here i have to filter it out here and i have to filter out there and i don't want to do that anymore okay so what we're going to do is create one data set i started already the process here one data set and then i'm going to create multiple reports connected to this one report and then we're going to get rid of all of these okay so how do you do that it's actually fairly simple you you grab your report the one that you've created one of them it doesn't matter which one and then you delete all the visuals and then you save it i've saved the report you can see it in power bi i saved it as vaccinations data set okay so i just delete all the visuals call it vaccination datasets and publish it to the web so far so good okay now what do i do with my existing reports this is what i'm going to show you so i have changed already the report where i have both and when i have one of the vaccinations this is still connected as you can see to the data source so this is still separate so how do do i connect an existing report to a shared data set that's what we're going to do so here's what you need to do you go to the model because that's where you can do things in bulk you click on all the tables and you delete make a copy please delete all the tables and obviously all your visuals are going to fail that's fine you're going to now go to get data and we're going to get data from a power bi dataset we're going to now connect this report to the shared data set that we've already published so we're going to go to power bi platform power bi data set and you'll see it in a second showing up i'm going to search i have all kinds of stuff in here vaccination report you see it here no vaccination data sorry you see a vaccination data set create and what it's going to do because the table names are the same the measure names are the same the fields are the same lower mill is alive again how cool is that so now you're going to see that let me show you you see here connected live to the power bi data set this is a live connection and you know there is a live connection because you don't see the table here with composite models you can turn this into a direct query and do changes i'm not going to do that so what we need to do now is now that we have everything set up i'm going to publish it up this is going to publish a new a new report so you will have to manage again the access and all that stuff but it is what it is so if we go up here and i press refresh we will get get away so we have the vaccination by continent this this is the one that i just published open report and you'll see it so there it is right so how do i see that if you go to vaccine tracker to the workspace this is the worst place where i've published everything you can see everything here now you submit because i have the all reports and new reports and complete mess don't worry if you go to your data set and you click here view lineage is going to show you the graphical view that i showed you before you see it here and now it makes everything a lot easier to to fix okay as you can see now i have all my three reports connected to the same data set so if i want to make changes on the vaccination data set because i need those changes on the reports i will actually go to here my vaccination data set in power bi you can either download it or you have it saved i have it saved and then you you will make the changes in here you can add columns remove columns or whatever and then you publish it back and when you publish it back to the service it will affect the three data sets so that's actually quite nice if you want to have different changes in different report then you can do the direct query composite model thing one thing that you need to remember though is that you need to refresh settings schedule refresh your data set so it actually refresh would be quite nice i think i set it to refresh like at six in the in the morning or something so let's put it six in the morning and then it will refresh my three data sets so now that we have everything configured again this view is not very useful because you don't know which one is which one if you go to the view lineage you will be able to see which reports you don't need anymore and get rid of them so if you get rid of the database it will actually remove everything so [Music] let's do that and now if we go back to our workspace you will see the data sets and the reports so okay so i hope this exemplifies how shared data sets work it solves most of the questions that you might have when setting these things up and i will see you again on wednesday with another data misleading chart so let's have some fun with that until then as always take care bye
Channel: Curbal
Views: 6,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power bi, powerbi, Curbal, power bi desktop, power bi tutorial, power bi training, power bi for beginners, ruth pozuelo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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