Complete Guide To Get A Lot of Orbs & Max Your Units Fast For Beginners - Bleach Brave Souls

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all right what is going on guys my balls back again coming into the quick guide on how to get orbs now this is a question that I've been getting quite quite a lot recently and it's it's kind of funny because I always forget there are a lot of new players and I haven't even made a video on this now the quick and easy way to get orbs and honestly the best way to get orbs is gonna be maxing out the characters that you obtain now going into it as you can see here I have this force Darnell you get her from the event literally going into augment now if I don't use the same copy as this now I will be obtaining transcendence points and 22,500 if it happens to be the same character but not the same same exact attribute with the same thumbnail oh I don't have any force Darnell's either way I would be getting this bonus which means that I would get twice the amount of augmentation points I would also be getting transcendence points as well but if I use the same exact character the special move will go up by one and as you can see here you will not obtain any transcendence points so we can feed a total of four it will not allow you to go past that limit so even if I go over here like say this is like this is a maxed out then it will allow me to do so but other than that there's literally no point in wasting resources I personally like to hold on to my 4 stars specifically so that I can use them as dissention material for future units should I pull them one thing to note is that this goes this bonus goes 4 or 5 stars as well so say I had a 5 star now I can actually feed her 4 star nails for double the double the points now when I maxed her out so mad when I maxed out her ascendant or her ascension excuse me I go to the soul tree go over here XP and then I can just max her out with with XP crystals now I personally like to use as little as possible so I will go across the board as you can see here I got 35 orbs two stars give 15 orbs 3 stars give 25 words 4 stars give 35 orbs 5 stars give 50 orbs 5 stars that are not raid material can go to six star six stars give 75 orbs and if the six star can be resurrected which I don't really recommend for newer players so if you're watching this video my recommendation is hold off on resurrecting characters but you can get another 75 orbs after you resurrect them and get them to level 150 so once you get a character 5 star to level 100 you get 50 orbs once you evolve them to 6 star ascend them get them to level 150 then you will actually have then you will actually have access to the 75 words when you get to a novel 200 you will get a hogyoku will and after they get to level 200 then you can resurrect them into a resurrected 6 star and then you repeat the same process a 6 star get them to 150 for 75 extra orbs and that's pretty much the fastest way to get works the other way to get orbs and my honest recommendation is to do the limited events these limited events like the dowsing your blood war story or the limited time quests which currently is this conspiracy of vortex of catastrophe whatever the point event because almost everything is point event back in the day we used of lotteries but no longer Mar combination is make sure that you get 3 stars on everything here each one of these is 5 orbs and then once you complete the orders you will also get some extra orbs now these are limited and sure they might come back eventually with the 4 star character however you will not have access to those orbs same thing with the Warriors path as you can see here voice paths clear floor 46 in under a minute these orbs don't come back these orbs just get refreshed so when this for example goes away this will get refresh completely whenever when it eventually inevitably comes back yeah it's gonna be refreshed so this is quote-unquote miscible orbs however going into the story mode the sub-stories these are non miscible like for example say I go to as you can see here these are not miscible like these orbs don't go away so if I want to what I can do is save this for a rainy day each one of these things will give me 5 orbs each so if you're looking for orbs my recommendation is make sure that you do the missable orbs first and another thing for ascension material and say you haven't maxed out the character like the three stars honestly as long as you get them from premium tickets you can feed them just fine um be very very careful about the four stars and three stars that you use to feed feed into other characters like I understand that you need to ascend characters to get orgs right but you don't want to waste your ascension material because like these three stars are also 25 orbs for a new it for a new account this is literally hundreds of orbs like this is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 so 13 times 25 well 12 times 25 is 300 that's literally like a multi right there that you could be passing up another thing when it comes to these shops and summons and whatnot we're getting a lot of banners very often if you're a new player you usually have a lot of orb sources my honest recommendation is when it comes to all these banners if you're missing at least 50% at least 50% I would honestly recommend doing the first multi in every single banner as long as it's only 150 orbs or less like for example like this say you're missing every single character in this banner because you're a new player I would say toast in a multi if you get a five star great if you don't stop um after that I would only really recommend summoning for meta units or double chants banners as long as they're like six percent don't really I wouldn't necessarily feel too bad about recommending those banners to anyone as long as this character's that that kept that player needs these think I'm own selections warrior path or path of valor can be good however characters like this you know vici for kukaku or even hatch again um they're not 100% necessary they can be easily replaced by someone else like Yoda eg I think she's warriors paths floor 25 which is one of the earlier stages so you don't really need you know you don't really need the Yoda vici I think if I go over here it actually tells you yeah so going into here like you'll see the white Ichigo good for floor eighth floor 33 1:33 can be a really annoying stage so I mean he's not necessarily bad but like you know eg floor 27 anything under 30 is usually very very easy content okay so we went over the orbs how to max all characters very very quickly now there's a very very fast way to max out characters and Caleb has pretty much streamlined this relatively easily so go into quests go into events go into power of quests as you can see here verrucas XP crystal quests you click it do it you get the XP crystals for the day get this for the ascension material especially if you're a new player these resources can be very very useful and these are unlimited so like literally every single day you can do this and every single day you can use this as a sentient material without worry and this cons bonanza right now we have a 2x XP bonus event this is gonna be the fastest way to actually level up and max out your characters just do it on very hard my recommendation is if you have XP books and I'll quickly show what XP books are okay here we go so as you can see here the XP books give 20% when it's 5 star level 50 if you're fortunate enough to get this at a special edition bulletins they give a lot of XP so as you can see here a 5 star max gives XP 20 but the 4 star special edition bulletins give us 30% and 4 star max so if you can get like a 5 star and a 4 star they do stack so I have an extra 100 % XP gain on this halle bail so she will actually get a lot of XP from this this event like I use crystal jewel drops specifically because they give me a lot more resources so whenever I'm doing the point event whenever I'm doing whatever I want to do if I'm running crystal jewel drops at the very least I'm getting more droplets more crystals more jewels and that does count towards the stat jewels and it also counts towards XP jewels so you'll actually get more for your you get more bang for your buck when it comes to like the riruka event crystal runs should you actually do that but it also takes place for point events inheritance zone extreme co-op I wouldn't really recommend running crystal drill drop for extreme Cobb I'm just saying like it works there too another thing when it comes to make maxing characters and the order that you should work on them honestly you're gonna want to get every single character that you own and like every single unique character you own to level 200 eventually anyways so my real recommendation is work on the character that you actually enjoy playing the most because at the end of the day this is a game and you should be having fun um if you're trying to work on more meta like if you want to work towards PvP my honest recommendation is if you're new don't just relax pvp's is always gonna be there it's almost never changing anyways so if you work on like the characters that help you clear PvE content first you will be in a much better position one question that I did get asked earlier today was should I work on segunda should I work on 3rd anniversary ulquiorra or mine how about and my honest answer to that is um both first and foremost different attributes different killers they have completely different uses a lot of the stuff in this game is sectioned off you have inheritance owned that forces you to use a particular team now if I go to quests events now this is in quote-unquote endgame content if I go to difficult quests and the same applies for epic raids if I go to inheritance owned you'll see I can only use a heart unit can't heart only units technique only units speed only units mind on the unit so you're gonna want to work ideally on a one character for every single attribute before you continue to work on other characters you might want to work on the best character in the game however there's gonna be times when like for example I think toki nada is probably like my favorite character in this entire game so I would work on soaking nada however like I can't bring toking out to this technique only run right like it literally just doesn't let me hit so it's not always about it's like oh like I have mu gets who I've Toki now - should I work on both of them first my recommendation is if you have had the new how about for example I'd really recommend working on toki nada or mu get su whichever you have more fun with and then working on the Halla Belle and then working on a power technique or speed unit and then just working on from there after you get one of each attribute then feel free to work on whoever you want just because there you're gonna want to get every single character a little 200 anyways the thing that's limiting you will be your resources and resource management is definitely gonna come in handy especially in the earlier stages of your bleach brave souls professional career and jump cut so we are going to be maxing out this memory because he's a 20-yard link and I can actually make use of him now I'm not gonna get the orbs for him because I have already maxed them out previously you will only get orbs for maxing out a character the first time you do so so we're gonna lock them up I'm gonna go into the augment screen and we are going to feed him four star material now I'm not gonna use do cones power up request event simply because I have the resources to just max them out you'll see that you need a 16 to max amount at five star however refer the fodder you're gonna need 32 assuming that you don't have bonus to maximum at at 6 star so lots and lots of essential material is needed when you start maxing out 5 stars now I'm personally gonna be using um skill keys but I will be going over how to actually acquire the raid material as well especially for new players so I'm gonna go into multi powerup quest multi powerup and you'll see here that skill key is not applicable simply because oh yeah 4 he's not six star yet uh-huh you can't use skill keys because skill keys are used only for the 6 star so we're gonna go over here level up to 80 ok so once he's level 80 you can go down here you have to manually make sure to raise his level cop that will get you to level 100 now we go back up here now when you max them out the first time at level 100 or any character for that matter you will be obtained you'll get a menu screen over here that says your character has leveled hit level 100 here's 50 orbs as congratulations now we're gonna click here it's not you're slower to do the multi powerup when there's only one tree it's actually quicker if I just clicked here and then accepted it so then we've maxed out that skill tree I'm gonna go back evolve now these hogyoku's are precious resource honestly especially nowadays with transcendence so my recommendation for newer players is to do con multis for that I will show you how to get into that later but pretty much you use your friendship points for con multis and you get friendship points by using your friends or having your friends use you for that my recommendation is join the discord link in the description trying to get as many people that to add you as possible make sure that they're active and when they're active you don't go for attack yeah go for attack and when they're active what that does is you'll just accumulate more friendship points and you can get those from the gift shop okay so what I want to do is use the resources so this should take 32 since its chip require twice as many materials okay 32 perfect will get the transcendence materials for that the trying to send its points okay so now you can get to level 120 now the reason I wanted to do that first and foremost is because I don't want to waste time leveling them up and then having to go there anyways so you can do the power request together level 120 I'm personally just gonna use my experience this is why it's important to do like crystal crystal and drill drop links especially for like your second and third unit for like point events because you'll you'll get a lot of you'll get a lot of resources just passively so multi powerup quests you'll see that I'm actually missing the braid material I need nine audios and seven orihime so for the nine you to use I could do this run three times and guaranteed three drops if you do the legend my recommendation is if you can't do the legend or you're having really different a really difficult time with legend just do the advanced through the expert like whatever you need to do to just get this done and out of the way after you do your first level 200 you should be able to clear every single most every single raid without one character as long as you have attribute advantage or neutral attribute that's why I recommend doing like a heart or mind unit first but since I have a bunch of skill keys I'm just gonna do this go keys just to save time and you'll see that this will allow me to change the level cap from 120 to 150 now we're gonna scroll up and level him up to level 150 and since we have a max soul tree what that allows us to do is it allows us to actually forgot what the exact wording was there's so much different types of terms in BBS which kind of annoys me yeah there it is a release so you have the evolve release transcend links lot like it it's ridiculous to be honest so what that does is it literally just opens up the possibility for to go from level 150 to 200 now keep in mind that 200 left 150 to 200 is a huge stat increase and for droplets you're better off just doing the enriched droplet zone which comes back every so often you can do that in coop for more resources this takes 644 yep 644 exactly so annoying there's so many freaking resources just together just to get a 20 dr link and with that we have a maxed out level 200 unit when the character goes to 100 you'll get orbs when the character hits 150 you'll get orbs even if you don't max the soul tree so keep that in mind there's a lot of times when I will literally just get a character to level 150 and not even deal with the soul tree if a character has max soul tree there their number will be green when the character has max link slots it's orange and if the character is max transcended their number will turn purple and that's pretty much how you get on max do you like you just need a max transcended units I don't wanna go too deep into transcendence I feel like I've done I already have a complete guide for transcendence as well feel free to check it out yeah like as you see here like there's a lot of characters that I haven't even bothered to max the soul tree but like over time guys like you will be levelling up like all you almost all your cakes is 200 as long as you put the time in like at the end of the day this is a gotcha game make sure you don't burn yourself out this is a marathon not a race and I feel like that is something that I feel like that's something that should be stated more often than not just because I do know that there's a lot of people that get burnt out feeling like they're getting unlucky like it's like oh yeah and it's like oh you have all these accessories and it's just like yeah I spent a lot of time like hoarding all this stuff and I don't want people to get the misconception that I don't work for my accessories like you'll see here that I have a lot of literal crap accessories that I haven't even like bother to work on and like I mean at the end of the day it is what it is like if I go to like my locs accessories you'll see like I this this doesn't come overnight I've been playing this game for well over three years now and I might not be bored of it there are times when it gets stale and whatnot but I'm not bored of it and as long as I take it easy you know don't burn myself out I'm enjoying it and I'll enjoy the ride until this game dies and then I regret spending all the money that I did but i'ma leave it at that like comment and subscribe hope y'all enjoyed this video let me know if there's any other questions that you guys have for me because I do want to answer it especially for the newer players I know that I'll make a lot of Max transcendance videos and whatnot but at the end of the day like we're community and we're all in this together and I hope y'all enjoy those videos too but I'd like and honestly like I'd honestly like the new players to stick around and not just see like the end game over and over and over again like they're like there's little things like yo sometimes you just got to eat it steamed meat bun and call it a day you fool me but i'ma leave it at that stay blessed y'all hope y'all enjoyed this video I wish all the best of luck on your pulse stay blessed y'all CL next please
Channel: Spiteful Hopes
Views: 223,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: singles, multi, new 5 6 star characters, summonings, summons, bbs, klab, game, global, bleach brave souls, pvp, guide tutorial, pulls, best, review showcase, 10/10/10, spite, spiteful hopes, mid month, double chance, end of month eom banner, top, meta, thousand year blood war, tybw, bankai, gameplay stats skills, review analysis, anniversary, true Bankai, shikai, inheritance zone, resurrection, aizen ichigo ulquiorra, transcended, cfyow, cant fear your own world
Id: jQivUSIcs1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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