Complete Gold Milling Process! From Gold Ore to Shiny Gold Button

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hey guys my name is jason with mount baker mining and metals and on today's video we're going to turn these two bags of rusty old rocks into nice shiny yellow gold so to process our ore we're going to use the one ton per hour turnkey system behind me and we're going to crush the rocks down to gravel size then we're going to pulverize them in our hammer mill to liberate the gold from the rock then the material is going to flow down onto our 4 foot by 8 foot shaker table the gold and the heavy metals are going to come across into our concentrate buckets and then afterwards we'll take our concentrates pan them out smelt them and recover our gold so one um so so so so there's a good part of the gold out of the one and a half or two tons that we ran this gets brushed down out of the grooves of the table when we're all finished off because it takes a while to build up in the grooves for it to be enough volume to to sweep the gold out so you always have to brush out what's left over after you're done running the ore so we'll finish this off and tally it up so we spread some of this gold out a little bit to see how it spreads out on the table when there's just gold so everything on the left of this pile right here is on the downhill side of the ramp and it's going back over under the water bar and then there's some that we left on the downhill side of the ramp that's gonna end up going down getting caught in this long groove and coming out here and over to the number one high grade hall all right guys we got our concentrates here off the shaker table there's our little bit of number one in there and then here's our high grade number two so we got quite a bit more volume here but most of our gold's in the number one here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pan this out recover as much free gold as i can and then i'm going to take the rest of the stuff the panning tailings and i'm going to smelt them down and see how much gold i lost in my panning but this is a quick easy fast way to figure out how much gold you got if you're out testing tailings piles or dump piles or you know old ore dumps and you don't necessarily want to go through all the trouble of smelting down all the concentrates and the number one and the number two you just want to get a good idea of how much gold is in there and then you can get it weighed once you get it melted all down together into one big button so that's the process i'll do now we'll get this stuff panned out and then i'll show you how i'm going to melt it all down into a button and refine it to get all the lead and copper and other junk out of there all right so we got our gold panned out here and the lighting's not great but there's our there's our gold and now i'm gonna take just a little snuffer bottle and get it all sucked up and then we'll strain it through a cloth and ring the water out and then we'll melt it all down into a little button okay now i've got our snuffer bottle here i don't know if you can see and chase this gold around but there's gold in the bottom there it's hard to see anyway we got all our gold sucked up in our snuffer bottle there and now i'm going to take uh the gold and put it in this rag it's just a blue shop rag i got a cup underneath i'm going to take out the straw here and if you guys have watched my other videos you've probably seen me do this before i actually discovered this by accident you can see the gold coming out of there um when i wanted to try and clean up my gold here i i was going to try and cue pellet which is mixing it with lead after you've smelted it and everything um and i had a bunch of gold and it was almost clean and i didn't want to smelt it because that just takes a long time and not a long time but it's a little bit of a hassle and a little bit of an extra step and stuff and so i tried just direct compelling it i cleaned it up as best i could got it in this rag and coupled it and ended up with it with a really nice little gold button and so i've since taken up to doing this whenever i'm kind of in a hurry or want to get a quick result and i don't have time to smelt and i also like to pass this stuff on to you guys so i've got most of my gold out of there i'm going to save that obviously i won't just dump it out there's still just a little bit of gold in there but here's our see if we can get her focused here here's our gold and our rag and now i'm going to take our rag pull it up and i'm just going to ring the water out of this rag and all the gold is going to stay down here in the bottom in our in our little oop it ripped all right plan b i'm not gonna be able to get as much water out as i hoped okay don't rip it in the future don't rip it what i'm going to do now i'm just going to cut it off here i'm going to put this in our cupel it's in the furnace it's hot and it'll evaporate all the water off it'll burn the rag and it'll leave our gold all dried out on the cupel so there's a there you go mount baker mining metals bloopers right here [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys here's our little gold button see if we can get it to focus here and there you go it might be hard to tell in the video but it's pretty shiny yellow so there's not a whole lot of silver in there and it's got those kind of cooling lines on the surface so there you go not bad for a couple hours of running this morning let me get the scale out we'll see how much it weighs all right here's our gold the stuff i panned out ends up weighing about 19 and a quarter grams and those bags are somewhere probably around a ton and a half maybe two tons um so we're somewhere in the range at 10 to 15 grams a ton with that stuff and that's stuff i could pan out now let's go and smelt the uh stuff i panned out and then we'll also smelt some number two and see how much precious metal we have in there all right here's our number one panning concentrates i left them in the frying pan last night let them dry out and now we're gonna uh roast them i'll heat them up to about i don't know 800 or thousand degrees fahrenheit for about 10 minutes and get them roasted drive off all that sulfur and then we'll smelt them so so foreign all right so we got our lead button here uh knocked off the bottom of our slag i'm going to put it in one of these cupel's and i'm going to put it in our little electric furnace and drive off the lead and see what kind of precious metal button we got left so all right guys so we've done all our experiments all our smelting and stuff and wanted to let you guys know how much gold ash recovered so here's the stuff that i panned out that's that 19 and a quarter or so grams this little button is the stuff that came out of the number one panning tailings and stuff that i panned out that's the gold that i lost and i smelted it down and got a little button out of there so all together in the number one we ended up with about 21 and a third grams and then i took some of the number two high grade that we had and smelted 300 grams of the number two and ended up with this little tiny bead here which weighs right around a tenth of a gram and i've dried out and weighed the rest of the number two concentrates and i have about three kilograms of that stuff so multiplying uh this number by 10 which i have about 10 times as much left there's about a gram left or so in the in the number two high grade that being said it's not probably practical to uh smelt down three kilograms worth of stuff to get one gram of gold it's just it takes too much energy and flux and time and all that stuff so but i wanted to share with you the end result from running our two sacks of stuff through our 110 per hour turnkey system we ended up with right around that 10 to 15 grams a ton even when it was all cleaned up and and smelted down so i think that was a pretty successful run so thanks for watching i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you have any questions or comments you can find our contact information in the description below so thanks for watching and we'll see on the next video
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 38,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mbmm, mbmmllc, one ton per hour turnkey system, hammer mill, shaker table, jaw crusher module, jaw crusher, gold, gold ore, gold button, refining gold, mining, smelting, refining, crushing gold ore, crushing rocks, rocks to gold, how to smelt gold, gold recovery, precious metals, gold mining, gold smelting, smelting gold, gold ore processing, gold concentrates, gold melting, gold refining, gold processing, mining equipment, gold mining equipment, rock crusher, hammer crusher
Id: i0yKY6vp2JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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