Complete Getting Started guide LilyGo T-Display S3 Pro | NextPCB

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so this video is about the liigo T display S3 Pro a really compact fully functional and full featured pack iot display board from liigo and in this video I'll be talking about all the aspect of this product straight from unboxing the overview of the product the specifications of it then further we'll learn how to use this board with the help of ardino IDE how to flash the factory firmware back to this device and in the end we'll be concluding this video talking about what kind of projects you can make using it so let's quickly start with the unboxing of this product so that's how you'll receive the product in the traditional Lio casing with the product name and image on the top and all the sides completely blank so let's open it up so in the Box we get to see the display S3 Pro and that's it that's the minimal unboxing and now let's have a look over the product overview so this product comes with a 2.33 in IPS LCD display with 220x 480 pixels and it got a complete capaity touch panel on it and also we have a touch button at the bottom on one off the side we get to see the Lio branding on the casing and below that we get to see the button which seems like a single button but it's actually two different buttons here the top one is connected with the GPI 12 and the bottom one is connected with GPI 16 now on the other side we have another set of buttons which is a reset button on the top and a boot button on the bottom on the back we get to see a flashlight and below that we have a camera hole now this product comes with two different variants one is with camera and other without camera as of now we have the with camera version with us now on the bottom side we get an SD card connector a onoff switch to GSD connector and a typ-c port for programming charging the battery and also it supports OTG on the top we get to see this Grill and that was the complete complete overie about this product now before talking about the powerful specification of this product let me thank my sponsor of the video first so this video is sponsored by next PCB using which you can get delivered five pcbs in India at somewhere around 100 rupees per PCB so next PCB is one of the most experienced PCB manufacturer company in China which is working since 15 years now so here to order the PCB you just need to upload the Gerber file of your PCB project and here on the platform they have an amazing Gerber View using which you can visualize your PCB file and also turn on and off the particular layers on it and along with this you can also select the ruler to get the dimension of your pcbs in real time now here you can also visualize the real time dfm report and you can download it as well to see if there is any issue with your design which you can Rectify before placing your order then you need to select the number of pcbs well here the minimum quantity is five pieces and select the color masking I will select the green one here and after that you will get a price calculator on the right hand side that will tell you about the total cost so here it will cost me around $12 if I select the manufacturing time as 24 hours but if you're not in hurry you can select the 48 Hours time slot which will reduce the price of the pcbs a lot and then here we have couple of shipping options available in which DHL is the fastest one but again if you're not in hurry you can select the 4px shipping option that will reduce the shipping charges as well and now the total price comes around $6.6 us which is around 110 rupees per PCB which is really affordable so I'll leaving away all the necessary links down in the description of this video so do check them out and maybe you can try next PCB for your next PCB order and now let's get back to our video now talking about the specifications of this product then this product is based on esp32 s3r chipset which is based on Dual Core extensa lx7 microprocessor clogged at 240 MHz and this version has built in 8 MB of PS Ram in it along with this it has built in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth F support this board comes with built-in 16 MB of flash memory in it and we can program it with both ardino and microp python it also got a built-in LTR 553 ALS which is a light and proximity sensor now on the website it says an option of mpu 9250 IM U is also available so I'm not sure whether the model which I'm having has built an IMU in it or not and yeah those were the complete specifications of this board and now let's just power it up and let's see what we get in the built-in Factory firmware okay so this is the iOS theme you can see I can swipe right and swipe left and I can see a lot of icons here but don't take it wrong not all the icons and not all the apps are in working condition okay for example I can't touch the call icon can't touch the message icon can't touch the Safari app store nothing no no icon is working here now what is working in this is first of all the settings icon so I can go inside the settings and I can go to about the machine where I can see all the details about the machine like the name of it its version its memory and everything I can swipe to go back and I can go onto date and time and I can change all the settings okay I can again swipe and I can go to the Wi-Fi option and I can not only turn on the Wi-Fi from here but what is more interesting is I can connect to any Wi-Fi router available near by using the same uh Lilo D display S3 board for example this is the router of my Studios I'll click here and as you can see the fully functional quality keypad appears on the screen it's very tiny though it's very difficult to type it but yeah it is functional so let me tape out the the password of my Wi-Fi router quickly perfect that's the complete password I'll click on the connect button and it will connect to the Wi-Fi router at my studio and yeah I can swipe to go back and I can go to the Bluetooth oh I can't go to the Bluetooth I don't know why the Bluetooth option is not accessible but yeah and we can you know use the home button to go into the homepage okay this is kind of a back button so yeah button is also functional and second functional thing is the camera application so I can touch on this camera icon and as you can see the camera turned on and I can you know see through the camera viewfinder okay and I can also you know uh click on the camera button to take a photo but for that I need to insert the SD card so I'll let you know just in a while so let's just go back and see what else is functional here so as you can see the Wi-Fi icon appears which means it is successfully connected to our Wi-Fi router then I can swipe down and I get this kind of control center where where you can see the Wi-Fi is turned on and what is functional here is I can control the brightness of this display so this is a complete brightness slider similar to one which we get in our iOS on our iPhone okay so only this thing is working and other than that everything is nonfunctional so now let me insert the SD card and show you the working of of this camera application and once we have the SD card we can also access this photos icon and photos application so let me show you that quickly okay so I have an 8GB SD card so first of all I'll turn off this product or turn off this display uh using this button and I will insert the SD card at the bottom side in the SD card slot like this and now I will power this device up just wait for it to boot up completely okay it boot up now let's just decrease the brightness a little bit to clearly visualize it in the camera and now I can open open the camera application and now let's just click uh some photos so I will uh click the photo like this okay one photo click let's just click another photo from here okay so I click two photos I'll go back to the homepage and now let's go back to the homepage and now I can go to the photos folder and now as you can see this photos folder is completely accessible and we can see all the data stored in the SD card along with the photos that we took okay so let's just open this photo up okay so as you can see this is the photo which I clicked right now now here I can't zoom it in okay but uh yeah I can visualize that photo here and uh I can I also took some photos previously let me show you that okay so this is off my 3D printer and this is of my yeah again a 3D printer and this is of my logo I can't zoom it again but yeah this is the working uh demo of the camera application and the photos folder and that's all we get in the building in firmware which is pretty pretty pretty awesome okay so now I'll let you know how to program this D display S3 Pro with the help of ardino ID but please follow all these steps carefully otherwise you'll be landing up on a lot of errors and then you'll only say sir I'm getting a lot of Errors so it's not working so please stay focused on the screen and follow all the steps which I'm performing right now so first thing is you need to have the esp32 S3 board install in your computer and for that in your ardino ID into preferences you need to have this particular URL pasted okay I'll be providing this URL in the description somewhere so just paste that URL here click on Okay click on okay once again and then you need to go to tools then into boards and then into boards manager and here you just need to type out esp32 and you need to install this esp32 boards package from espressive systems in my case I installed the version 2.0.10 I'll click on the close button that was the first step install the boards second step is to get all the necessary libraries for using this particular board and for that you need to go to the GitHub page from liigo I will providing its link as well in the description and here you can just click here and click on the download zip button now this ZIP file contains all the necessary things to use this board maybe it's necessary libraries necessary example codes for ardino ID and also the factory firmware that we can Flash to get back the original firmware and here is that zip file and these are all the folders available so you need to to go to the lip folder or we can say the library folder and make sure you copy all the things including this lvor Co nf. file just copy everything and then go to documents into your ardino folder then into libraries okay so document ardino into libraries and here you need to paste all those libraries if you have those uh library is already installed you can just replace them to get the specific version provided by liigo itself so in my case I pasted all the folders including this lv. cf. file that's the very important step that you to do and now you are good to go to start uploading the example codes provided so I'll again go to the zip file that I have downloaded and here I can go to the examples folder and here are all the example codes provided by this company to easily get started with this board okay so let's start with a very basic uh the first example code which is to adjust the backlight okay so here is the code now you need to do couple of more configuration to successfully upload the code and here are all those configurations so here first of all you need to select the board as esp32 S3 development board upload spech will be this and you can just check out all the configuration which I have done in my computer and just make sure you have exact same configuration done on your computer as well before hitting the upload button the necessary changes are you need to select the flash size as 16 MB and the partition scheme also has 16 MB and the PS Ram as OPI PS these are the important parameters to be set but still you can go through this and just C uh follow all the same parameters after that just select the right compo now I already connected this uh display board with the type-c cable with my computer and now I can hit the upload button and now if you have followed all the same steps that I followed your code will definitely get uploaded successfully and it's done uploading and now on the display as you can see it says uh brightness oh it's zero now okay brightness is 16 and okay it's zero and as you can see in the camera you can see the proximity sensor blinking now this is the same sensor which we have in our smartphones as well okay so this is a very basic example code to increase and decrease the brightness automatically and with this we can come to know that all the configurations are done successfully all the libraries are installed successfully and uh we are able to upload the code now let's try out other example code and let's see what we got so we have the ardino gfx hello world example code that will simply print hello world on your screen then we have the lvgl Benchmark code as well so let's try to upload this code and see if this works or not so I'll maximize this and as I've done all the configurations before so I'll straight away hit the upload button okay so this code is also uploaded and I get to see this kind of animation on my screen I don't know what it is but it's a very random animation that I get to see on my display and I can't do anything here nothing is working but yeah the code is uploaded this was a sample example code for G uh lvgl benchmark test so this is kind of a benchmark test test by by lvgl in which uh they are trying different different widgets different different shapes different images and just they checking if everything is working as expected or not so this is kind of a benchmark example so this is also working fine now let's try out some interesting examples so I'll go to this camera Shield example and let's see if this camera Shield example works on our board or not because our board already got built in camera in it so it should work I think so I'll straight away hit the upload button and let's see okay so the camera example code also uploaded and yes I get to see the live footage from the built-in camera of this device okay so it is oriented like this but yeah the orientation is not perfect uh the orientation doesn't seems to be okay but yeah I'm able to see the live streaming from this camera well it's a very low resolution camera it's a 3 megapixel camera so we can't expect much from this but yeah it is a very low latency and yeah I can uh see the flashlight is also turned on on here so this is the camera Shield working and well it do have some other interesting example codes as well let me show you that okay so we have the capacitor touch now uh this of course as the name suggests it is used to test the capacitor uh touch panel on it but what is more interesting is let me just try uploading this code so this has a multi-touch uh pad on it so it not just supports a single finger touch rather it can help us to recognize the multi-finger touch as well with the help of the example code let me show you that quickly okay so here the code is successfully uploaded and if I open the serial monitor in this case uh there's nothing in the serial monitor let just try to touch okay so if I touch here as you can see I get to see the coordinates of my first finger touch but and also I can see the coordinates in the in the uh display itself and as I move the coordinates will change pretty common pretty obvious as well but here if I put two fingers as you can see I get to see two different kind of coordinates if I put three fingers like 1 2 3 I get to see three different coordinates if I put four finger like 1 2 3 4 I get to see four different coordinates as well so in this display this touch panel supports multi-touch as well this is a very interesting feature to see and very interesting example code to visualize this as well now another interesting example code here is this usb hid example okay so I'll open this up quickly now as we already saw in the overview and the specification part of this product that the USB typc Port that given here also supports OTG now when we hear OTG it feels like this device can be connected with a smartphone and we can control it like we can use it as a mouse or keyboard but this is a different kind of example code now let me just try to hit the upload button while explaining you so in this example code now I can connect an external Mouse to this device and I can control this device with the help of that Mouse which is pretty crazy right so let's just try wait for this code to get uploaded and I'll show you the Practical d demo of it okay so the code is successfully uploaded and we get to see this kind of things on our display which is kind of a basic lvgl demo kind of code but trust me it is a bit different so what I'll do now is I'll remove this USB cable okay and now what I will be doing is uh I have this USB type-c to normal USB kind of converter then I have a USB uh dongle that kind of a receiver for this wireless mouse okay so what I'll do now is I will connect this type-c key uh type-c converter to this and and insert the USB receiver into this device it's very difficult to do it single-handedly so I will turn this device on now and now I can put this device here and if I take the mouse as you can see I am able to control that cursor with the help of the mouse and I can also click it on click on the button or click on the toggle Button as well okay okay okay so yeah that's kind of an OTG feat feature provided in this T display S3 in which we can connect the external Mouse via this OTG cable and can control the device with the help of the mouse a super interesting feature isn't it and that is one more super duper interesting feature and interesting example code probably the last example code which I'll be trying out here in this uh video and I'll try out the cell phone example code and I'll open this of now sis now the cell phone example code is the same example code which comes pre-installed in this T display S3 Pro kind of an iOS theme you can say so I'll straight away hit the upload button and now let's just try to get back that iOS theme in RT display now as you can see I got an error while uploading the code and do you know why this error is coming well it's because currently it is running the OTG on it and this device is assuming that the cable connected to it is kind of an OTG device but no we need to upload the code and now to make this device go back to the upload mode on the boot mode we just need to press this button combination first of all let me tell you that the top one like these are the two buttons the top one and the bottom one the top one is the reset button and the bottom one is the boot Button now here what we need to do is we need to press and hold the boot button and then we need to press the reset button okay so we need to First Press the boot Button then press the reset button and release both the buttons simultaneously and now as you can see the screen is blank it means that this is now inside the boot mode or we can say the uh download mode okay so now I can hit the upload button and now I can be sure that the code will get uploaded and it's done uploading and now I'll reset this board so now I got my iOS theme back so I can swipe okay I can swipe left swipe right I can open the camera hopefully yeah I can open the camera and this is a perfect orientation and yeah we got our basic buil-in firmware back but this was with the help of the ardino code and it took a lot of of time to compile and to upload and stuff like that but there's another method to get the built-in Factory firmware back without waiting for a longer time for compiling the code so now let me show you that process of flashing back the factory firmware with the help of The Flash download tool so now to flash the factory firmware using the Flash download tool you need to have your Windows system The Flash download tool is not available for Mac system as of now so in your Windows system you need to have this Flash download tool.exe file I'll giving away its download link down in the description of this video you just need to double click on it to run it now here we'll select the chip type as esp32 S3 work mode as develop and load mode as you are click on okay and it will open up a window like this now here you need to click on this three dots and you need to move to the folder where you have downloaded the T display S3 zip file from the GitHub repository here you can go to Firmware and here you can go to the v1.1 and here you can select the factory. pin file address will be zero and you need to just check mark this box after that make sure you connected this uh uh display with your computer and just select the right com port and first you need to click on the erase button that will erase the built-in uh code or any firmware file and as you can see it shows finished that means it successfully erased the firmware and now it will start flashing the factory firmware into our device okay so it got successfully flashed it was a faster process as compared to the one uh which we have done in the ardino ID so now I'll just click the set button here and as you can see I got that uh that iOS theme back on this display okay it got the focus so I got that iOS theme back and that is the buil-in the factory firmware and I can swipe and I can go to settings and everything I can open the camera as well I just try it out okay so that's the camera and yeah everything is working pretty fine everything is working as it came from the factory directly and then also simplest method to get the factory firware back so those were all the necessary things that you need to know to easily get started with this amazing iot device and now I would like to conclude this video starting with its price point so I definitely think the price point definitely justifies its features because it really got a lot of things built in which open UPS the possibilities of making a variety of projects so if you ask me what kind of projects we can make using it then well it got a camera built in it g an esp32 S3 chipset in it so you can make the tiny ml projects quite easily because the S3 gips uh is really powerful second it got amazing like bright super bright display with a multi-touch capacitive touch panel on it so it opens up uh the possibilities of making some really interesting attractive and interactive uh UI based projects for your uh for your product maybe and well it also got the support for for OTG in it using which you can connect the external mouse and keyboard and can increase the you know number of ways to interact with your project or product and there are a lot other things that you can do with this so you just need this single device for doing a lot of AI and iot based project so I really like this product and I hope you all like it too and if is it so well do click the like button and also share this video with your friends or groups where people talk about iot and electronics because they all going to love this video they all going to love this product for sure and as always I'll be Ling away it purchase link down in the description of this video so do check it out and yeah that being said I am just ending this video here and now just wait for my next video Until Then explore learn share with me te [Music] SMS
Channel: techiesms
Views: 16,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESP32 Cam, ESP32S3, IOT Display, IOT boards, arduino, camera board, electronics, electronics projects, esp 32, esp32, esp32 project ideas, esp32 projects, esp32 projects 2023, esp32 projects 2024, esp32s3 projects, iot, iot board 2024, iot projects 2024, lilygo, lvgl, new esp32 projects, new iot boards, new iot devices, t display s3, t display s3 pro, t-display s3 pro, techiesms
Id: 8puyg_LbIxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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