Complete CRUD Operation In C# With SQL Stored Procedure | Insert Delete Update Search

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hello viewers welcome to programming gig i'm here with a new tutorial that is complete code operation when insert delete update charts in s c sharp construction using stored procedure and sql [Music] start visual studio go to the file menu click on new project yes this is visual c-sharp windows select the location location is programming gig folder project switch of con yes select the folder and now name the project my project name is crude operation include underscore operation sp underscore con click on ok [Music] yes my application is created now research this form and design this form to design this form with the toolbox and add level control this is for title text is crude operation in c sharp using sp means stored procedure click on ok resize this font font size is sixteen fontboard true okay now this is looking nice [Music] change the four color four color is button paste and change the back color of this form from back color is yes now this is looking nice okay now just copy and paste this label control this level control i'll use for product id size is 12 and text is product id and i'm gonna design this form with text box combo box ready button and date and figure control okay now take another one this is for item name change the text of this label level text is item name and this one for color and the next one for category and final last one is for expiry date okay now i'm gonna add a text box control for product id item name and color i will take uh combo box for color so let's take it text box new toolbox just drag and drop okay reset this text box and change the font size of this text box that's from the font and the size is 12 yes now this is looking perfect now copy and paste this is text box 2 and color text books no i'll add a combo box just to drag a combo box from the toolbox yes resize this now i'm gonna add a radio button control for category i just added two radio button control and combo box uh font size is change the font size font size is 12 yes and now already button is the text is not looking perfectly and category oh check the text of the category i will use status instead of category status i mean product status running or unused so first rd button is for our text is running and second ready button text is unused okay now change the color and font size font size is 12 and four color is button piece yes now this is looking nice okay now for expiry date editing feature control yes this is that this date and picker control is in the long format so i'm gonna make it short format and font size is 12 [Music] yes now format is short okay now at a button control yes [Music] resize this button control and change the text this button control used to insert uh insert record using stored procedure font size is 12 and one bold true four color is button piece and back colors in the back color back color purple okay now this is looking nice [Music] now i'm gonna add a data grid view this data grid we will use to display record insert records from the sql server database to dedicate view okay now i'm going to write code to insert to far from insert operation okay there are many column now go to the sql server start sql server and then my college protected item new color status and expiry date this is exclusive authentication connect yes it's connected now click on new query now i'm going to create a database my database name is create database yes database name my database name is crude [Music] underscore sp underscore db [Music] yes the database is created successfully now select the database yes selected now i'm going to create a table so create table product info underscore tab and now column name first column is product id data type is integer and primary key okay second column is item name this is embarker 50 50 is enough item name okay let's check it name color status and expiry date okay the column color color color also string trapso and mercur 50 status [Music] status also and burka and expiry date daytime data type is datetime okay now select and execute now see that there is no database uh there is a database crude spanish db but there is no table now i'm gonna create table just select execute yes now replace this table folder yes you can see the table is adding the table folder okay now right click and edit of 200 rows now there is no records in this database table now i'm gonna insert one record for actually one through one eleven pan color red status running expiry date first january 2022 okay now [Music] i'm gonna create a stored procedure there is no ester procedure right now so i'm gonna create stored procedure create pros sp underscore product underscore insert ok now parameter little product id integer then item name and worker as same as the delete's column name okay then color added color and worker 50 another type of status yesterday's also inverter 50. and then finally last one is expiry date expiry date is day time okay now as begin insert into [Music] product info underscore tab you can see the table name this is the exclusive table name product info underscore tab column name columns are producted the item name color status and expiry date so just put column name mention the column name product id comma then item name comma color [Music] comma status and then expedited [Music] values values are declared parameter for the added protected the item name color and exported it adjust copy face to reducing time yes product id at the right item number three color status and expiry date okay now it's done if you start begin you should end it and okay now just execute yes commands completed successfully replace the stored procedure folder yes you can see that's the procedure is created with the parameter productivity item name color status and experience okay now i'm gonna use uh this stored procedure in c sharp windows form go to the server explorer right click the data connection click on add connection [Music] yes now server name my server name is your option hyphen pc authentication is sql server authentication yes username is sa and password is exclusive indication password and database name is crude underscore aspirin sqldb okay it's added and it's connected now you can see the table and you can see the stored procedure inside what i created now in this click event first of all connect with the database uh connect sql server database with your project so sql connection connected to new sql connection you should add name space name space is system.sql client just click on system.sql client yes it's added you can write it manually now for connection listing the double quotation to get connection right click on the database click on property and double click on the connection sting and or coffee then paste it in the double quotation okay now it's done count that of initiative from the connection to far from insert of the delete operation needed that okay now ask come on my sql command is to insert records in the database table using stored procedures so sql command comical to new sql command okay sql command is just called astute procedure initialize the connection string on and this to procedure master procedure name as you can see that possible name is sp underscore product underscore insert two called astroplasty must afford exact xml execute exact dbu this is schema name dbu dot sv underscore product underscore insert okay now you can see you must uh put the store procedure correctly yes the parameter now set parameter there are five parameters so parameters are product id noted that you must afford the syntax accurately single quotation double quotation plus sign then the control name control id okay integer dot first exam dot text product id is integer type so this is integer dot first equation dot text and item name is and worker so just for text two dot text and then comma and this one for color so coffee and paste [Music] this is from combobox so combobox1.txt and double comma remove one okay now [Music] status status is from radio button there are two controls so i have to add declaring a variable then i'll do it okay now last one is expiry date so the expected is date times so convert it datetime.parse control name is datum picker1 latinpicker1.txt put the time.parse yes now status first of all declare a variable variable is string type string status equal to initially the variable is blank string status equal to blank if [Music] ready button one dot checked equal to true then status equal to running status equal to running oh status yes status equal to ready button one dot text or running okay else status equal to ready button two dot text so now i just put status and the parameters put status okay now com dot execute non-query execute none kde used to far from insert update delete operation finally it will display a message message box dot show successfully saved okay [Music] let's save and let's check the records in the database table there is only one record now i'm gonna insert one more records in the database table using stored procedure product id 102 item name item name is stable color red running and expiry date 12 insert oh additional information login failed for user s e so let's check the connection string oh yes user essay is okay but password is like star you should put your original password [Music] yes now be back again what product id product id is 102 item name table color red status running and expiry date is 29 inserts yes successfully inserted but the result not displaying the daily grid instantly to display the result instead of method but the record inserted in the database and it's displaying in the uh database now i'm gonna create a stored procedure to display our records in the datagrid view from sql server database installed procedure okay so still procedure name is sv product underscore view no parameters needed just get the start statement i'll display all the records in the delegate view so no need any parameter [Music] to display all records yes now change the command sql command the mysql statement is to select records from the sql server database table so select star from product info underscore tab select and execute yes commands completed successfully let's refresh the stored procedure folder yes sv underscore product underscore view is created refresh here also [Music] okay now go to the form and create a method so that i can call call this method in button click event and form load event okay just call this method under close we should close the connection when you open and then just uh copy the command and paste remove all the parameters yes now procedure name is sp product underscore view okay [Music] now finally sql dated after da equal to new sql dated after com call the command com okay now data table dd equal to new data table finally dr.fill dd [Music] then git b1 migrate your name is grid b1 yes data git view one okay data give you one dot data source equal to dt okay now call the method in the button click event just copy and paste in the button click event below the button click event okay load all records yes now go to the form double click on the form to go to the phone load event and call here also okay now it's done [Music] okay now let's debug you can see the records are in the exclusive database table is displaying in the data grid view okay now i'm gonna insert one more record product id103 and item name item name is monitor and color color black status unused and select expiry date 30 january 2021 okay successfully saved and its records displaying the data view instantly say that 103 monitor black and used on the expiry date okay i replaced this database [Music] okay now i'm going to insert one more button this button control i will use to update to fire from update operation using installed procedure double click to go to the click event this is the button click event go to the sql server now i'm gonna insert i'm gonna create one more stored procedure just copy the insert procedure and the first i just copy festival racing time my prostitute name is sp underscore product underscore of date and parameters are okay change the sql command sql command is update product info underscore tab set set product id equal to add the data product id the parameter add the data product id [Music] okay and same is item name equal to at the rate of item name [Music] and color color equal to at the rate of color same as the as status status equal to at the rate of status finally expiry date expiry date equal to add the rate of x validate and then add higher clause okay it's all are done item name color status just uh move this product id to higher close yes ir producted equal to at the rate of product id i mean if you update a record it will update all the records based on product id yes successfully done the updates to procedure is displaying in the uh database stored procedure folder now just copy the insert button code and paste it in the button too too far from update operation all are same just change the stored procedure name first of all replace yes sp underscore product underscore update is added now changes to procedure name sp underscore product underscore update okay all are same now change the message message box dot show successfully updated it will display this message after exiting the operation plus debug okay now i'm gonna update 103 record item name monitor and color black status unused i'll change it with item name monitor to paper color black to red and status unused to running expired it is uh 21st january okay it's updated you can see 103 fairfire red running and 21st january 2021 the expedited okay now it's uh working fine okay let's take one more button control this button control i will use to perform delete operation okay go to the click event yes now go to the sql server and create a stored procedure to perform delete operation just copy this stored procedure and the first this stored procedure i will use to perform delete operation so first of all change the store procedure name delete okay now i need only one parameter product id i'll delete the records built based on product id okay now change the sql command delete product info tab set no set delete product info tip higher product id equal to either the product id very easy just select the store procedure and execute yes completed successfully replace this procedure folder yes it's added now replace the folder in the server explorer yes okay now copy this code and paste it in the button three click event i don't need the status just contact open then sql command column equal to new sql command change restore procedure name active db dot sv underscore product underscore delete you can see this is the stored procedure name and it's have only single parameter one parameter so i will keep only one parameter for product id and other parameter i'll remove other parameters [Music] yes all are removed okay now it's done [Music] calm detective and click on dot close okay message box dot show change the message message is successfully deleted after performing delete operational display message successfully deleted let's debug okay now i'll delete to 102 product id yes just click on delete successfully delete it and you can see the records also have deleted from the daily grid view okay delete is confidential if you delete a record you can not get back this record again so i'll add a confirm message before performing delete operation that is when you click the delete button it will display the message are you sure to do it if you click on yes then it will be deleted or if you click on no then it will not delete it this is just a confirm message so to add confirmations uh just to write if messenger dot show issue are you confirmed to delete delete and this is the document name delete message box buttons dot yes no equal to dialog result dialog result will display yes no button uh direct result dot yes if you click dialog result dot yes if you click yes on the dialog then it will execute that code i mean it will delete okay now i will delete one through three click on delete if this is dialog result displaying uh yes no if you click no it's not deleted oh again the connection was not closed let's check the code yes connection is open and then i'll not close this connection because it's out of uh if clause if condition okay now 103 click on delete are you sure to confirm to delete no it's not deleted the records if you click yes it's deleted the record successfully deleted okay it's working fine now i'm gonna insert uh one more records product id 103 item name table color red status running and expiry date 21st insert yes successfully inserted and same as a one three and five four insert successfully inserted okay [Music] now one zero four fan insert yes successfully inserted there are uh four records now now i'm gonna add another button control to charge specific record in the data grid view based on product id okay so change the text text it starts and go to the button click event here i'll write code to charge the specific record from the sql server to data could be using stored procedure so uh this is the store processor i just copy this third procedure and paste this system procedure and use to select a specific record so changes to procedure name sp product charts okay product id and select change the sql command select star from product info underscore tab higher product id called data product at a single parameter okay execute yes now replace the stored procedure folder yes it's a product sp product charts is added now just copy the load all records code and paste all are same just to change the restore procedure name and add the parameters so my parameter is integer dot first techniques one dot text because textbox one is integer type so textbooks one dot text and change restore procedure name mr president name is sp product underscore charts small data yes all are same just debug yes now for product id i'll display 103 record in the dedicated view only just click on charts yes now it's displaying 133 record and if i put 102 it's display 102 records and if you 104 is this 904 record only okay now we'll be back again yes let's check 105 just inserting one more record 105 item name monitor color blue black status running expiry date is december 31 okay now i'm gonna update this record black to blue yes successfully updated now if i want to delete just delete are you sure to delete no not deleted are you shooting it yes successfully deleted and the result is flow also displaying the data grid view now 104 starts cs6 displaying only single record one zero stars thanks for watching this tutorial [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: ProgrammingGeek
Views: 13,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programminggeek, crud in c# with sql using stored procedure, crud in c# with sql stored procedure, stored procedure in sql, c# tutorial, crud in c#, insert in sql using c#, delete in sql c#, insert, update, delete, view, visual studio code, stored procedures sql, crud c#, crud in c# using connectionstring, insert update delete search in c# using sql server, use stored procedure in c#, c# crud, crud sql, c# tutorial for beginners
Id: k7IkIeww_U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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