COMPLETE CHIORI GUIDE: How To Play, Best Builds, Weapons, Artifacts, Teams & MORE in Genshin Impact

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hello YouTube Welcome to My All and guide video on chori the newest festar geoc character in genin Impact sporting a new and improved design over Al in this video I'll be going through her Talent set and how to play her constellations and their impact on her gameplay best choices for weapons and artifact setups recommended stats to have and the team synergies that she enables let's [Music] begin Talent so chori's core gameplay operates really close to albo with some extra features her Elemental skill summons these dolls that provide consistent off field gops on set intervals if there are any geoc contast already on the field or if any are summoned while her doll is active one additional doll will be generated with the same attack patterns and independent duration while these dolls are active they deal Geo damage when summoned and every 3.6 seconds over the course of a 17-second duration totaling to five attacks with her A4 passive as well geoc constructs that nearby party members generate Grant shiori 20% Geo damage bonus for 20 seconds this damage bonus benefits chiori and her dolls immediately because her dolls are Dynamic and don't snapshot Buffs for her a for Passive this means you don't have to do a specific team rotation to set up geoc constructs before chori sets up her dolls the damage dealt by her skills initial cast upward swing and her dolls are dual scaling on both attack and defense with slightly higher multipliers for the defense and with her A1 passive she allows an additional action after using her skill either one you can use her skill again and it automatically switches to your next party member and grants a coordinated attack buff or two attacks that deals the same multiplier as her upward swing two you can left click to initiate a normal attack and she'll gain Geo infusion for her normal attacks for 5 seconds this gives her the opportunity to be in on or off field DPS but at constellation zero option one which is off field will be used 99% of the time because the onfield Geo infusion is significantly weaker and her normal attack talents are not dual scaling the only scale from her attack additional notes for her skill chori's skill generates one geop particle every 3.6 seconds when a doll hits an enemy multiple dolls do not generate more than one particle so particle generation is capped at five geop particles for the entirety of her skills duration with the duration of 17 seconds and a cool down of 16 seconds her dolls technically have 100% up time using hold e is just an Aiming mode to Target where she lands and places dolls and finally her dolls do not count as geoc constructs this is a blessing and a curse so the design for this is likely so that her own dolls do not count towards her own skills passive where she generates another if there's a geoc construct second this means they don't get destroyed unnecessarily by boss hit boxes and other means so you can expect to consistently receive geop particles from chori and the damage to be consistent as well third her dolls do not count towards geoc constructs of other geoc characters that are not herself so there are some positives some negatives it is what it is Elemental first shor's twin blades lead their seeds as Shori slices with clean cuts of a master tailor dealing AOE Geo damage based on her attack and defense this is a simple ability that just deals damage with a 50 energy cost and a 13.5 second cool down the ability itself has fairly average multipliers with no benefit associated with its cast so it's not really a high priority uptime burst and because it also has cast time and her dolls exist perfectly fine off field in my opinion her burst is best use when you have downtime and your other abilities are on cool down or you need an emergency it frame for her normal attack it's nothing too special only functionally usable if you decide to je Infuse with her but her Talent multipliers are only attack scaling C6 does provide defense scaling and makes her way more viable on field DPS but of course that requires C6 and because she's not a great user of the favonius lineup because her need for reard is near none this Talent is mostly cosmetic so Talent priority is fairly straightforward her e is her most important ability followed by her burst and lastly her normal attack all her Talent levels just improve the damage output there is no gameplay change at all for those who C6 chori or just want to run onfield DPS chori with her GE infusion should consider leveling her normal attack for her on good play style otherwise it can be left at level one play style so she's a pretty simple character plays just like albo with an extra input when she's on field and ready to set up her dolls press e Twice first to initiate her skill and then second to immediately swap to your next party member that's the typical off field setup with her burst being basically entirely optional I think it's fine to use her Burst when you have have nothing else to do and are waiting for cooldowns if she's on field then the setup is pretty simple as well press e once then spam left click to initiate G infusion and whack your enemies it's really as simple as that the most common use of chi will be purely off field which is the first play style involving double tap e constellations so if you are f2p or budget you can honestly just go ahead and skip this part just being honest shiori's constellations are okay at best and don't do anything amazingly spectacular C1 the AOE range of her dolls is increased by 50% not the Damage Done additionally if there's another geoc character that doesn't produce geoc constructs and C1 pretends like they do have a geoc construct so chori will still get another doll and A4 passive 20% Geo damage bonus this is useful for characters she's paired with that don't summon geoc constructs namely Navia Noel and Yun Jin if she's solo Geo or paired with someone like Jong Lee who already summons geoc constructs the majority of C1 is useless and only the AOE range boost is applied C2 sh's Twin Blade summons an extra doll not including the first two that deals 170% of the original doll's damage up to three times so basically 510 of the original doll's damage once per skill activation her Original Doll normally attacks five times which is 500% damage so you're basically getting another doll's worth of damage that has slightly different attack patterns but does the same amount C3 C5 skill and burst plus two levels skill is at C3 which is the most useful C4 you basically get another C2 activation after either skill combo is finished so either the double tap for the swap or a tap plus normal attack for a GE infusion this summons that K doll again three times for more damage C6 her e cool down is essentially decreased from 16 to 4 seconds and her normal attack gains a defense scaling of 235% so in this mode she can Geo Infuse permanently and is designed to be an onfield carry cuz the GE infusion lasts for 5 seconds from her passive and her e cool down in C6 is down to 4 seconds C6 also retroactively Buffs her C2 and C4 meaning when she attacks in C6 not only do her normal attacks deal much stronger damage but she also has an army of dolls that constantly attack alongside her so overall C1 to C4 aim to give her dolls more copies and more uptime T6 turns her into an onfield at DPS Puppeteer Master weapons so chori's got a pretty interesting selection of weapon options and the biggest contributor to this is the fact that she's dual scaling dual scaling character characters are kind of weird in the way you'd want to optimize their build while it inherently incentivizes stacking both of the stats that they need sometimes this is inefficient because weapons usually only benefit one take chiori for example her skill and burst are attack and defense scaling this means that only attack percent weapons and only defense percent weapons are half as effective because you only benefit one half of the equation instead of the whole thing this means that for dual scaling you want to prioritize stats that benefit both in our current game's design we have crit damage and damage bonus which both apply post multiplier and therefore benefit both sources of the scaling a prime example of this phenomenon is alham alham dual scales with attack percent and Elemental Mastery on his skill and burst his end result build really prioritizes crit rate and crit damage because they amplify all parts of his kit whereas sources of attack and EM individually only contribute to about half of his base multiplier Al hate them is also a really good example of this because he benefits heavily from the spread reaction which also skills from his Elemental Mastery and his A4 passive converts Elemental Mastery to damage bonus so em triple dips into his multipliers passive talent and Elemental reaction this means that crit rate crit damage on all haym benefits four parts of his kit his attack multiplier em multiplier A4 passive damage bonus and spread additive damage boost and hence also why Elemental Mastery is much more favorable than attack percent when it comes to his artifact stats shiori and any other dual scaling DPS behaves the same way just without the extra spread reaction so chiori optimally would like heavy stat sticks of crit rate and crit damage to benefit her entire kit some unique weapons that provide a large amount of Defense are still able to compete because shor's defense scaling is higher than her attack scaling so welcome albo's old school favorite before the cinear spindle came out the harbinger of dawn as a primarily off field DPS chori's HP will in most cases be protected from residual damage and just needs to set up her dolls before switching off field harbinger of Dawn's massive Curt rate and Cur damage bonus largely benefits chori's design with the base attack not mattering at all this doesn't mean that cinear spindle is out of the picture though as a defense scaling weapon with a decent passive it still performs exceptionally well in general situations if chiori is in a team where she doesn't get two dolls like Navia or Noel cinnabar's passive shines in teams where she does have two dolls they unfortunately do not attack simultaneously so cinnabar's passive will only affect one 's attack this case harbinger of dawn is a better choice so besides these two most common options we of course have her signature sword granting 88 crit damage defense bonus and damage percent bonus any five star stat stick as well that grants crit rate or crit damage will be usable just for the crit stats and as a last resort if none of the above are available are these fourstar weapons wolfing from the battle pass and finale of The Deep which is forgeable so personally I would recommend you guys stick to her signature weapon then harbinger of Dawn and cinear spindle and then an arbitrary five-star stat stick artifacts as a geoc character who deals most of her damage through her e chori's most optimal choices surround these two golden troop this grants the largest source of skill-based damage and she's mostly off field so it's a win-win not applicable for onfield chiori four-piece husk this grants a generous amount of defense and Geo damage bonus whether she's on or off field if running on field sh with finina which I think only C6 chies can really consider maybe some CZ Tories four piece Mar chose Hunter it's also a DPS alternative four piece echoing Woods is generally not recommended because Shori has no easy way of grabbing crystallized shards for farming efficiency golden troop is likely going to be an optimal option because it also farms for marose which is the flavor of the region given most Fontaine characters standardized with it and if you are supremely dedicated to Geo of course husk is a best in slot farming choice for most geod defense characters main stats so nearly all chores will run the following setup defense Sands geog goblet and crit mask an attack sand is an alternative but it will always be 25% weaker than a defense main stat because of two things first Chi scaling is more in favor of her defense and second defense main stat is 12% higher at 58.3% versus 46.6 for attack per. energy recharge stands will never be used ch's bir is very minor and completely optional part of her kit for the Goblet it's interchangeable with defense or attack percent if paired with finina for mask always crit skills the best for all of our stat needs recommended stats so my chori is level 90 out of 90 but 80 out of 80 or 80 out of 90 is totally fine as well depends on how much you're willing to invest in her levels she does gain base attack and defense per level and her Ascension stat is crit rate which are all pretty nice talents 161 is absolute minimum investment 166 is probably expected with their signature sword uraku this is roughly what you can expect between 1.2 to 1.5k attack 1.6 to 2,000 defense crit rate above 80% which includes the crit rate Ascension and then crit damage above 200% recharge is unneeded so 100% is normal with harbinger of dawn you can expect the differences in the stats a drop to 1K plus attack due to base attack difference a slight drop in defense to 1.5k plus this is because udaku gives 20% defense which you'll lose and then crit rate and crit damage unironically remain almost identical due to my substats expect the crit rate to be slightly higher than U's build because the total crit rate crit damage you gain from harbinger of dawn is greater than U's it's just that you have to maintain 90% HP so the damage difference between these builds just comes from the drop and attack and defense from the weapon base stats which is a really good example of how strong harbinger of dawn is if you maintain that HP threshold if you decide to run maral say Camp your crit rate 64% and your crit damage can probably hit 250 to 300% team comps so the most generalized recommendation for chiori teams is that she can essentially be used in any of the teams albo used to be in probably the most popular of these teams especially when focusing on geoc characters is the mono Geo team comp revolving around either ETO or Noel this comp was originally composed of ETO plus Jong Lee albo Goro with the focus on a singular hyper carry and mostly defense scaling EO can be replaced with Noel as a similar defense scaling hyper carry in this team albo would swap out for chori and essentially interact the same way providing off field the DPS in consistent geop particle generation and you may be thinking jungi is the only character here that doesn't scale with defense so what about both albo and chiori with Goro and the geod DPS as much as I'd love to be able to recommend that team the biggest problem is that there's no dedicated Shield provider no Shield provider means no easy way to reliably enable double Geo residence which a huge part of Geo teams that provides additional damage bonus and crucially redu geores for enemies so a team like EO plus chori plus albo and Goro would need Elemental enemies to crystallize against to gain shields for the residence buff against specific enemies it's totally doable but it's not guaranteed all the time especially against rotating Abyss enemies so it's hard to generally recommend as a committed team setup rotation for mono geio doesn't really change chori can set up her dolls whenever she wishes with a 1second duration her up time is pretty long so she can lead the rotation if your other Buffs are shorter a general R of thumb is longest to shortest duration while accounting for snapshot abilities besides mono Geo we can also build around double Geo Flex lineups the two most popular setups for this are Navia plus chiori and Jang Le plus chiori these two are functionally different as one is DPS oriented and one is support oriented in the Navia plus chiori comp chiori exists to enable double Geo resonance with guaranteed Geo application and geop particle generation with her dolls she's a lot more effective than albo in this instance because you don't need to worry about geoc constructs getting destroyed during setup paired with these two are stereotypical Navia supports we have finina plus Bennett xiangling plus Bennett and finina plus shenyun all three are likely the most popular setups that benefit both Navia and chiori but anything that has consistent Elemental application to generate crystallized shards will work perfectly fine and since chiori is dual scaling the attack Buffs from Bennett and double py resonance are still beneficial for her finina is always an excellent support choice and her damage bonus Buffs allow chori goblet flexibility to run defense or attack main stat instead of just Geo damage bonus in this team comp set of rotations for Navia teams follow longest and shortest duration with bener burst last if possible to give the most buff time for Navia Vina's buff is typically the longest but her buff is way more important than shiori's so it's up to you which one you set up first next up the jungly plus Chey pairing this is an upgrade from the jungly plus albo pairing and it's pretty Universal and can be used whenever a two character Flex slot is needed since double Geo doesn't react with literally any other element its most optimal pairing is another two- slot pairing that can function by themselves this team comp is usually built around comfort and autopilot rather than perfect rotations so these teams are usually far from The Meta or optimal choices when it comes to DPS output and finally shiori can effectively also be a solo Standalone unit if your team needs a fourth slot to fill it's not going to be an optimal choice but for casual team comps she's very low maintenance and doesn't require burst up time so she's the perfect set up her dolls and switch off type of character and that should cover a healthy amount of info to guide your chiori and team to great success I think that chiori is a simplistic and low maintenance character that adds a solid pillar to the Geo lineup she can be used in both mono Geo and non- Geo lineups with a reliable efficiency and benefits from most Buffs in the game due to her dual scaling of attack and defense the fact that her dolls are not geoc constructs is both a positive and negative because while it does give her kit consistency and reliability because they won't get destroyed it also does not synergize with any other Geo unit that has constructs so we'll see in the future how this will evolve if you guys enjoyed the video and hopefully learned something let the algorithm know by liking the video I'd really appreciate it and helps the video out a ton as always thank you guys for watching good luck on your chori and we'll see you next time take [Music] [Music] care
Channel: Xlice
Views: 59,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact, Genshin, Abyss, Gacha, Xlice, #GenshinImpact, #原神, artifacts, xlice viewer summons, xianyun summons, chiori how to play, chiori teams, chiori stats, chiori artifacts, best chiori artifacts, best chiori guide, chiori c6r5, chiori summons, chiori weapon, best chiori build, is chiori good, c6 chiori, chiori genshin
Id: 5I6FM6oda0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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