Complete Canva Website: Beginner Tutorial

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you can create a fully functioning website using canva with no coding skills necessary it is super cool trust me you're not going to want to miss this and at the end of the video you'll see exactly just how cool this website is going to look and I just really like the fact that you don't have to use any code in the process and it is super simple there are going to be a couple important things you'll want to know and keep in mind along the way so that you get the website up and running correctly but don't worry it's super simple I'll show you exactly how so let's get started all right so the first step in this method once you're in canva what you're going to do is search for website then just make sure you're in the templates Tab and you're going to click on this website category then from here you're going to choose your templates you can choose anyone you want they're a bunch of different options whether you're on the free or the paid plan it doesn't matter there're going to be a ton of options for you all right and once you choose a template you like go ahead and click customize this template in this example I'm going to be using a portfolio template this is going to be really great if you want to showcase your work and create a professional website under your name this is going to be an awesome option all right so this is going to be really important this step is going to be crucial otherwise you may run into a couple error messages so the important thing to know first is to check and make sure that your pages have names so you'll click on your page here and to figure out if the page has a name or a title what you're going to do is click this add notes icon it's a little pencil there and then just make sure that the top here has a name filled out and that just means that you're going to have your title already done and filled out and what this is going to do is it's going to ensure that your pages are going to be able to be linked from the navigation menu when the website is published and you can go in here and customize your text however you want and if you want to delete a page it's no problem you'll just select the page itself and then click this little trash icon here and it's gone and if you do want to preview your site you can do that right here and just take a look before you go live and make sure everything looks good then if everything looks good just go ahead and click this button that says publish website and this is going to be super cool it'll give you the option to choose either a free domain purchase a domain or use an existing domain so if you have an existing. comom or any sort of domain already for you then what you can do is you can connect it here uh using this option or if you want to go ahead and purchase your very own domain maybe it's your you just select use my existing domain but if you want to go with the free option you can just click free domain and what it's going to do is it's going to create a site for you under the canva domain so let's just do that and as you can see here this is the page URL and you can go ahead and add a description and then click publish it's very suspenseful all right very cool so I don't know about you I love that confetti got to love that right there so go ahead and copy that it's going to give you your URL and as you can see it's just this random sort of name doite and I'll paste that in right here and there it is it is a live fully functioning website created entirely in canva I don't know about you but I think that's pretty cool and if you're new to canva and you're looking to level up your skills in canva and start building some really cool things I've put together a free training for you there's a link in the description of this video so definitely check that out and if you're looking for even more canva howt and tips then definitely don't forget to like And subscribe we're trying to make it to a th000 subscribers so thanks for being a part of it and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Hannah / Design for Anyone
Views: 1,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva website, canva, canva tutorial, canva beginner tutorial, canva webpage, canva site, canva domain, canva crash course, canva for beginners, web design canva, Complete Website in Canva: Beginner Tutorial, Hannah Explains, canva course, canva courses
Id: NavapYE4j_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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