Compilation Season 5 NEW | Islamic Series & Songs For Kids | Omar & Hana English

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Hannah [Music] love Russell everyone ready and as soon as that ends you quickly move across here Roger we'll start in 10 minutes [Music] the prophet loves us hmm the prophet loves us or yeah oh hey okay guys calm down we're late okay bye princess oh what a crowd students take your positions please yeah okay we're about to start come on let's go let's go [Music] oh man let's do this yeah and show time ladies and gentlemen welcome to the finest children's performance of the decade [Applause] in remembrance of our beloved Prophet salaam School presents love rasulullah foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] historical events [Music] so many people how are we going to call all of them we didn't call using a bell ding ding ding ding ding ding these tears of trumpet [Music] at that moment the prophet Muhammad he said oh Bilal stand proud call the people to prayer Bilal was instructed by rasulullah to go to the top of the and call the Azan huh why below I don't know who would make a good blah [Music] I don't want to play anymore oh hey not fair oh my come on let's play let's go let's go hey I want to see hold on give me come on come on hold on I like it it's possible for the lights to change colors you know to follow the story it's all ready in a while Sufi okay so Lisa we'll need to put this over here no not that one it's different everybody it's time for Sala am hello [Music] because of his sincerity and giving his best in the call for prayer with the intention to invite everyone to do their Salah for the sake of Ola to Allah Bilal was appointed by Prophet Muhammad to be the first Roger [Music] [Applause] he's the left first alive [Music] [Music] loving alcohol [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] had successfully been spread by Prophet Muhammad okay everyone gradually you became accepted by the people now every being will one day return to Allah our creator our beloved Prophet Muhammad also returned to Allah [Music] we long to see you talk to you dear Prophets [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just not strong enough to stay [Music] a long time had passed since Bilal had left Medina one day Bilal had a dream about rasulullah [Music] Bilal followed his urge to return to Medina [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rasulullah must be here huh Bilal rationalize back he's not it's only below [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tomorrow [Music] hearing the Law's voice made them feel that rasulullah was with them rasulullah never not even for a moment stops missing us he continues to love us to this day [Applause] [Music] I love you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] yes sweetheart not asleep yet not yet just a bit more okay dear make sure you don't stay up too late I'm going to bed okay okay Auntie I love you love you too [Applause] foreign would you like some pancakes I'm okay oh come on just a little bit it's your favorite okay just a little bit That's my boy [Music] assalamualaikum good morning Sufi thanks honey you're welcome coffee tea coffee less sugar please oh less sugar are you feeling all right you're already Sweet Honey thanks [Music] oh look I found a new game see it looks like fun really let's take a look done here you go boy purchase done huh thank you thank you only play after finishing online classes and homework okay okay Auntie [Music] I'm okay huh oh babe today you have the show with Mufti right huh yes honey [Music] I did I watched all his videos on metube ik MB oh I can't wait to watch your live show with him later please take lots of photos with Mufti please okie dokie I better get going see you later buddy [Music] best thanks honey assalamualaikum take care [Music] okay everyone let's start [Music] so much fun learning new things like how the Sun Shines technology brings benefits for everyone technology can make things [Music] [Music] it's all use it to gain Good Deeds ouch sweetie are you okay I'm okay Auntie all right bye everyone [Music] you look tired dear you want to take a nap no I'm fine I really want to try this new game [Music] um how about some snacks no it's okay can't wait to start playing okay there's some donuts on the table for you thank you [Music] maybe we could tell everybody that [Music] thank you everyone assalamualaikum are you okay Sufi I'm good [Music] oh no we're late [Music] alhamdulillah they're still on okay Mufti now we'll be taking questions from the audience watching at home oh this one's on social media our viewers would like to know your views on the use of social media now is it good or bad Allah is verily in the body is a piece of Flesh which if sound the entire body is sound and if corrupt the entire body is corrupt truly it is the heart in this context social media really depends on how it's being used if it's used for a good thing it will be good for you if it's used for a bad thing it becomes bad for you Allah so distinguished audience Don't Take Your Presence on social media lightly if in doubt don't post right Mufti definitely now we have a call from a viewer at home hello assalamualaikum Madame Mia hello welcome wonderful go ahead I have a five-year-old son who is always on the mobile he resists eating forgets about me everything it's only when the Mobile's out of battery that he comes running back to me to charge the mobile what can I do Lucy it's like I've lost my son right thank you madam Mia hmm it does seem to me like this is serious your son is showing signs of Gadget addiction oh Gadget addiction that does sound serious Mufti it's very serious among the signs that a child may have Gadget addiction are when in the family setting he or she always chocolate [Music] no I'm not I was just playing for a little bit that's a good boy these children also eat less their sleeping times become Haywire they don't have eye contact when talking to you they can be emotionally unstable easily bored and irritable their health is also affected they're prone to eye and neck pain and lots more these are the obvious signs of addiction and the root of the problem is more often than not the parents themselves some parents given too much to their children Pander to them and give them everything they want without or monitoring parents need to play their role and be strict inshallah it can be fixed and controlled right [Music] that's right Mufti so Mufti are there solutions for this problem inshallah they are ways brothers and sisters Allah will never change the condition of a people until they change it themselves bad Sophie it's okay honey we can change this come on my dear it's up to us together we change our lives with us we won't give up despite the challenges [Applause] [Music] [Music] as well we have to try our very best [Music] [Music] the people of Medina cry they miss rasulallah [Music] will all give us [Music] with Sweet Victory Allah will never change the condition of a people until they change it themselves [Music] Grandpa's TV [Music] teaching everything that we all have all the things in this life that we own are witness to our deeds and our acts I'll be questioned but where did we get them and where was [Music] let's donate those that are still usable those that are still fixable let's enjoy those that are acceptable recycle those that aren't restorable this one is still good let's give it to more sin huh he likes to travel oh that's a good idea oh there he is assalamu alaikum salaam oh we just mentioned your name listen come over here come over it's my turn to choose ah I wanna watch videos give me that hey alhamdulillah thank you our pleasure our pleasure oh [Music] Hannah [Music] what's wrong what happened the TV is broken oh you scared me sure it's not broken [Music] this usually works [Music] what happened here the TV's broken daddy broken uh that's not a first huh it's already been repaired a few times just throw it away hmm maybe it is time to get a new TV what do you say Mom yeah just throw it where are you gonna throw it Daddy I'm gonna send it to the recycling center oh my back why don't you just throw it there [Music] E-Waste has to be disposed of properly you waste what's that E-Waste stands for electronic electrical waste devices we can no longer use washing machine [Music] it contains metals and toxic chemicals [Music] responsible okay [Music] all the stuff in there will start their journey to become new things where's the TV it's in the truck but why um to be recycled why are you recycling it that's my TV how could you without asking me how did I ever recycled you I'm sorry Dad I thought it was already broken of course not I take care and use all my stuff carefully recycle and all that [Music] um Dad can I help you hmm nope what should we do Grandpa seems angry it's you who wanted to watch Bingo oh it's not my fault Omar Hana if we've made a mistake we need to say sorry hmm come Hannah um grandpa we're we're so sorry we didn't mean to break your TV Grandpa [Music] huh [Laughter] oh my Hannah do you know why I love this TV so much [Music] your daddy was the one who bought me this TV at that time I could not afford to buy nice things but Allah it's the most merciful oh wow blessed me with a diligent son oh come here come here take a look at this wouldn't it be good to have something like this at home right yeah Dad we could watch football together oh wrestling together the news and all that would be awesome dad you will be great to have one of these at home you know we could let's go home son it's getting late um [Music] hmm [Music] I didn't know it at that time but after school your daddy started working to earn some extra money don't cry you want a balloon what is this I'm sorry sir [Music] just broke just half no pay for you it's been cut very sorry ah alhamdulillah [Music] each and everything that we all have all the things in this life that we own our witness to our deeds and our acts all will be questions [Music] all right keep your eyes closed what's this it's for you Dad when I was happy when I was lonely when I was sad when you were all not around this TV kept me company [Music] come on dad let's try and fix this TV together okay [Music] wow [Music] it's okay Dad we can get you a new one hmm don't be sad Grandpa um hmm [Music] whoa whoa this way a bit more okay okay all right thank you for saving our Earth huh saving our Earth yeah when we recycle E-Waste we're saving the Earth from more pollution Metals such as gold silver and copper can be recycled so we don't need to dig up and mine for more so the two of you are Earth Heroes thank you farewell that TV has really served me well your TV will continue to serve Grandpa [Music] huh it's time to look for a new TV let's go this time I want a TV with a curved screen [Music] Hannah's new skill s I'm sure you don't have blue [Music] yeah yeah oh man I just got the hang of it I won I get to choose tonight okay okay you didn't take enough cards from the start what I want fair and scratch it's just the game we can play again no way not fair you cheated I did not you did too did not me [Music] all right time out both of you you both know that every action has a consequence and until you can both play nicely I'm taking these back what so you know that fighting isn't gonna solve anything no not the marbles mine's almost reached the reward line water you'll get them back once you apologize to each other I'm not playing with you [Music] like I blabbermouth you're a cheat [Music] you know what you guys remind me of that time when Omar and Hannah had a timeout huh they got time out too of course they did they're normal kids just like the two of them what happens Baba yeah tell us the story okay so the story goes like this it's just another day at the mall [Music] Omar and Hannah mommy and daddy were in the middle of grocery shopping [Music] Daddy can we have ice cream after this yeah sure we can get some later yeah yay ice cream huh no put it back as they walk through the aisles something caught Hannah's eyes [Music] [Applause] and learned a new Behavior something she never knew before fine you can have it [Music] Hannah finds that new skill interesting and wonders if would Hannah do the same thing too how'd you know simple monkey see monkey do oh what happens next once they finished with their groceries the family went for some ice cream thank you look at what they have at this ice cream store wonderful flavors [Music] I just remembered [Music] I'm so excited to give it a try my One's Gonna Be so yummy I want the green one chocolate mint and strawberry and rainbow lots and lots of marshmallow for me Hannah sweetie oh that's too many you'll hurt your little tummy Daddy I want more lots more for me Hannah [Music] don't cry Hannah don't cry is this what you want you want the stopping you want that topping too okay this one too [Music] uh-huh look at this one in that one daddy gave Hannah everything she asked for just to get her to be quiet and stop crying so the new skill worked or so she thought [Music] huh darling what happened there huh what do you mean the ice cream she can barely finish it oh that's okay you can finish it for her okay okay I'll finish it no that's not the point he shouldn't have given in she'll get used to it that was mommy's point exactly so on their way home you know what I'm trying to say right we shouldn't simply follow whatever they want they'll become spoiled hurry up Hannah it's melting all over mommy Hannah's ice cream is dripping wow something scrumptious caught Hannah's eyes again she wanted to try out her new skill this time for some donuts [Music] all right now come now come everyone [Music] I don't like you behaving like this I want [Music] okay everyone calm down all right relax we'll just relax now it's okay okay what are you doing you turn for donuts no no no way we're going straight home [Music] all right that's it time lapse both of you what oh Mark two but one plus it's wrong to tease your sister right Baba that's true [Music] um dear is time out really necessary don't you think it's a bit too harsh we have to be firm on this they've got to learn thank you [Music] besides this isn't for us it's for them darling I need your cooperation in this please [Music] Daddy was Torn to Pieces but for Omar and Hannah's sake he knew he had to do this [Music] [Music] Hannah tried to come down the stairs what did I say but mommy and daddy consistently carried her back to the steps [Music] as time passed Omar and Hannah got bored managed to get control of their emotions and calm down now do you know why we put you guys in timeout to give us time to think and to calm down exactly but of course different parents have different ways of bringing up their children parents know their children better than anyone else [Music] it's okay [Music] [Music] and they lived happily ever after alhamdulillah [Laughter] May I'm sorry I shouldn't have called you a cheat for giving I'm sorry too I shouldn't have yelled at you apology accepted oh come here you two time for a group hug [Music] please bless me with righteous Offspring I mean the best qurbani be quiet please quiet Hannah we don't want anyone to know we're here don't go anywhere okay huh [Music] here sorry Coco we love you Coco [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bring us [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] my name is [Music] here you go wow Grandpa seems happy it looks like he can't wait to celebrate oh why is that what's happening aha it's the time of the year where we have the chance to make the less fortunate happy right Grandma that's right when I was small I was so excited and I couldn't wait to celebrate Edo arha because we would get beef you were excited to get beef oh of course beef is yummy um couldn't you just buy it [Music] beef is expensive my dear not everyone is well off and is fortunate as the two of you my family was poor we could only eat beef once a year that's why is one of the happiest days for me and that is why when we can we also do the qurbani to make the less fortunate happy [Music] to make the less fortunate happy too me too come follow me it's time to feed the sheeps [Music] you're gonna take good care of the sheeps okay okay feed them fresh oh they love the grass together [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love all our animals [Music] what is yay tomorrow what time will you be doing the qurbani oh usual time after they eat Salah bunny I don't know what's that Daddy gurbani is a type of ibada [Music] and cheese heaps sheep um well let me be good [Music] but they don't know about this I thought you told them yes it's true [Music] we shouldn't be sad you know what the animals love it when we choose them to do qurbani they are happy they're happy Allah created animals for us to eat Lemmy is going to be eaten that's true [Music] what are we gonna do what did Mommy say earlier [Music] quick quick [Music] where could they possibly be mom you stay here sweetheart I'll look for them over there hurry up let's go I'm coming be careful oh hola please help us find them huh we shouldn't paint animals it harms them Allah doesn't like it no we wanted to paint spots so Coco Lemmy would look like they're sick when they're sick they can't be made for fun do you remember the best thing about it [Applause] um so we can make the less fortunate happy exactly but why do we need to do it to Coco and Lemmy Coco love me so much don't you love them grandma oh dear of course I do it's because I love them that they are corbans remember the story of Kabul and habil the children of prophet Adam yes Allah only accepted the sacrifice of habil why because habil's sacrifice was the animal that he loved the most and now you're doing what habil did when we sacrifice what we love most it's the qurbani that's most loved by Allah [Music] okay Coco Lemmy you'll be over in Hannah's ride in Jannah okay please accept [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what happened here where were you uh Donuts my treat huh come on let's go [Music] [Music] that bad guy is so clever you're Ruby can't catcher yeah Captain Onyx and wonder Ruby have said a lot of traps I'm sure they'll get them next time look at his face it's scary it's okay it's only a story Hannah it's not real here [Music] uh where are you going Omar getting a drink oh okay huh [Music] you surprised me sorry what are you looking at Omar looking at that man huh who's that what is he doing you're a house I don't know maybe he's a bad guy huh really [Music] uh [Music] uh hmm [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what are you doing Omar making a trap hmm uh are you okay Omar what is it for remember that bad guy outside our house yesterday I'm sure he'll come again today so I figured out a way to keep us safe we need to always be ready now [Music] I can't see anyone Omar huh I'm sure he's there hmm [Music] there he is there huh [Music] [Applause] do you think he saw us what do we do what do we do um are you two okay there's a bad guy outside mom look he's excuse me huh there I don't see anyone there is Mommy there's no one there he was probably just passing by it it's the man that was looking around yesterday it's the bad guy Mommy I know guys let's move on [Music] what's that think good people we need to have good thoughts good Hearts find out the facts [Music] that's bad it hurts others [Music] Omar Hana nothing's gonna happen I'll be all starts cleaning up okay okay Mommy [Music] is away okay [Music] okay yeah Hannah the bad guy is back he's coming to our house huh what do we do we need to set the Trap right now Hannah [Music] oh beautiful [Music] he's got a friend come on Hannah [Music] [Music] what do we do what do we do don't worry Hannah our trap is ready I mean I mean let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] Daddy [Music] what are you guys up to we made our traps somebody wants to break into our house a bad guy huh a bad guy where there outside hmm oh come on follow me huh [Music] hey Anil is everything okay okay I've just fixed it alhamdulillah oh Anil meet the kids Omar Hana huh this is Mr Anil he helped to repair the leaking pipe in our garden we pair the pipe yes that's right first I have to look for where the leaking pipe is after that I do a bit of digging a bit of knocking only then I can do all the fixing we made a wrong assumption about you we thought you were a thief huh we're sorry sir oh no no no it's okay little ones it's no big deal thank you Anil yes yes yes you're very welcome like Mr Arnold he's funny yeah it's nice too we have to whose news on we need to have good thoughts good Hearts find out the facts and get the truth we need to have good thoughts good Hearts never assume without any proof [Music] but still take care and beware many bad people are still out there [Music] it's good to have that sense of responsibility but we need to get the facts right first okay Daddy I guess I'm lucky I didn't walk into any of your traps [Music] [Music] Ashura tomorrow is the day of Ashura is everyone ready [Music] Ashura is the day when Prophet Musa saved his people right usas that's right Omar what happened at that time the army of Kiran was chasing Prophet Musa and his followers until they reached the seashore Prophet musa's followers panicked and they couldn't go any further and then who stars Prophet Musa struck the ground with his stick with Allah's will the sea split into two wow split into two Prophet Musa and his followers followed the path and quickly crossed the ocean fear Allen's Army chased after them but they didn't make it fear Allen and his army were Swept Away by the waves and Prophet Musa and his followers were saved that is right it is because of this miracle event that Prophet Muhammad fasts oh let's get to work okay Boris you're with me huh okay that's a lot of wood what are they for we are going to cook Ashura porridge wow a shore of porridge so yummy okay let's start yay Forrest let's start by carrying these logs okay job done hey guys come here a little help please to wear there there are so heavy I wish virus were here [Music] masha'allah you're so strong Forest hey I want to become a fireman I have to be super strong to save people from the fire forest did you know that Prophet Ibrahim was burnt by Kingdom rude huh what happened this event was also in the month of Muharram whoa it was a huge fire really hot however with Allah's Mercy the hot fire became cold and safe for Prophet Ibrahim Allah and is here everyone is happy the Islamic New Year lots of History [Music] [Music] hurry [Music] super cool oh hey wow [Music] [Music] huh are you okay Forrest [Music] Forest you know you can tell me anything right um uh uh I I huh I want to get some gloves oh gloves I'll get them for you huh it's okay I'll go get them huh they're in the mosque on the table [Music] what are you doing with us Musa uh we're arranging wood wow you're so strong of course huh let's go [Music] that looks fun super fun [Music] [Laughter] here I found you some gloves let's get back to work we don't want to be late you boys finish cleaning up please quick let's go Forest are you okay you know you can tell me anything right okay [Music] I never want to miss Allah's Rewards [Music] Forest did you know when I was small I always went into the forest to look for firewood oh really I used to go with my dad I loved the forest other than looking for words all right Forest huh yes yes you know if you want to be with your friends what's wrong I need to go to the toilet Forest looks like a tummy ache oh dear poor boy [Music] I wonder if he's okay [Music] forest forest you okay do you need to see a doctor come on I'll take you huh he's not here forest forest come on quickly yay [Music] [Music] Forest is your tummy better oh the tummy ache CK you lied Forest why did you lie Forrest you know you can tell me anything right I didn't want to lie I was afraid you'd get angry if I told you I wanted to play with the others I wouldn't have been angry I appreciate it when you're honest would you like it if someone lied to you from now on don't hide things be brave tell the truth I'm sorry ustas I promise I'll always tell the truth make this your New Year's resolution okay [Music] yeah [Music] it's here [Music] uh Indra over there where are the adults where are they oh my oh my oh there at the back who stars the fire's almost out [Music] I brought this from home Boris wood get the wood okay heavy heavy [Music] whoa first is so strong thank you this is yummy hmm Bucky Ferris came along right if not we wouldn't be eating it Forest is the strongest he can carry lots of firewood so true I can't even carry One log [Music] Allah blessed me with strength Omar Indra and Sufi are also blessed alhamdulillah all of you did great with your fasting today although we Face some challenges Allah made it easy for us thank you everyone you're welcome go on have some more we're not in a diet right there's a lot more porridge come have some more Earth hero [Music] icum [Music] I can't wait to go hiking I want to sleep huh what's this mommy oh that's if you get lost huh stay where you are and blow on the whistle three times oh come on sweetie I'll put blankie away hmm [Music] this whistles only for emergencies it's not a toy let's go we're going to explore nature away from technology when we go hiking we can really appreciate the beauty of Allah's Creations hmm oh I was just about to make a story let's go shall we foreign [Music] [Music] blessings from Almighty given to mankind yes [Music] pretty flowers [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you when we first got married Daddy and I came in height on this hill [Music] the air is cool and fresh and you come across lots of animals wow look frogs of course I became a hero and saved mommy [Music] wow Daddy's a hero come on let's go we're almost at the peak okay [Music] responsible people Daddy come on yeah hold on I'm coming Miss huh wow it moves huh [Music] what a weird plant oh that's a touch me not please how was that oh that's some kind of animal you know let's try and keep quiet close your eyes and listen huh close your eyes come on close your eyes [Music] wow hush quiet just go you're almost there just grab it quick okay okay wait up huh we gotta go uh bad timing Daddy they shouldn't be taking the bird's nest right huh it's on us humans to protect nature let's keep going shall we okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything I love you always remember him [Music] hey hey yeah Ah that's dangerous quick okay okay wait up ah cooking's not allowed up here we're hungry you want us to eat leaves huh yeah [Music] come over here huh [Music] he should mind his own business just ignore him come on get the fire going I'm starving okay sure [Music] huh [Music] nice now we can cook what's that smell did you just fart huh fire on fire what the hell look at what you did [Applause] [Music] what do we do call for hell [Music] [Music] let's go sir my friend he can't get out I'll stop honey take Omar and Hannah down can't we wait for the Rangers sir quickly my friend don't worry take the kids down please all right where is he [Music] let's ask Allah to protect daddy Allah will take care of him let's go help me sir brother over here you can jump here wait hurry John no way you want to live right hurry come on together [Music] help me okay copy that oh oh uh please protect Daddy [Music] ah there's one hold on kid oh kid daddy okay [Music] Omar they're all here [Music] wow you're like a real hero Daddy thank you sir for saving my friend see now the force is on fire [Music] poor animals they've lost their homes we're sorry we've learned our lesson indeed destruction on this Earth is a result of human actions [Music] thank you
Channel: Omar & Hana - Islamic Cartoons for Kids
Views: 3,827,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Muslim, Nasheed, Dua, Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, Kids Cartoon, Omar Hana English, Kids Nasheed, Kids Nasheed English, Omar Hana Compilation, Subhi Alshaik, Islamic Cartoons for kids, muslim kids song, muslim animations, muslim cartoon, islamic kids cartoon, islamic stories for kids, Islamic cartoon english, Allah, omar and hana, oma hana, islamic cartoon for kids, educational video, Zaky & Friends
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 7sec (4867 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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