Comparing Every Version of Battlefront 2 (2005)

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if you remember Galactic Conquest Space Battles and flying Palpatine oh yeah then you are playing the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 but which one because there were four versions of this game and in this video we're going to compare each of them but first let's set the scene 2004's Battlefront was a big success for LucasArts Not only was it well received by both critics and fans it also became one of the best selling Star Wars games up to that point so naturally pandemic Studios began working on a sequel straight away and the developers were given less than a year to complete Battlefront 2 as LucasArts wanted the game's release to coincide with the Revenge of the Sith DVD so how do they do well let's begin by taking a look at the PC version there are many different game modes but I always found the campaign to be a good overview of the game and its mechanics so let's start there the original gamees campaign was a collection of iconic battles from across the Saga this time around the developers tried to Branch out and create a story following the 501 Legion this means that each battle is preceded by a very somber very slow motion cutscene narrated by T Morrison himself it was hot was Sandy chaotic nothing at all like the simulations on Camino the tutorial takes place at the Battle of Geonosis and introduces the player to all the main game elements through a set of oddly specific objectives a geonosian got killed and dropped a holocron on top of the Techno union ship take that Droid call me clones Sniper Elite ow of course one of the game's biggest new features are the playable Heroes each map will have a specific hero or villain in this case Mace Windu and the Jedi have everything you'd expect saber attack saber throw Force push and of course the moon jump welcome ladies and gentlemen to the final of the Geonosis high jump championship and he's off and he's done it fantastic A Perfect 10 from the judges this Geonosis map has been slightly redesigned from the first game it's a bit smaller and no longer focuses on the single Spire in the center plus this is the only map that has phase one clone armor now Battlefront 2 is very much a Revenge of the Sith tyan game which makes sense it came out the same year as the movie and the first game already covered most of the major battles from the other five films and the campaign very much reflects this as the next six maps are all from episode 3 the first one is myo where we get introduced to the phase 2 clone armor now in addition to the five existing classes from the first game we also get a second special class the clones have a commander with his Nifty machine gun which does take a second to warm up as for the droids they've called in their cousins the t800s to land a hand the rebels get BFF and spies while the Empire get officers but back to my which is one of the more action-packed maps in the game plus we get to play as everyone's favorite cone head now what's the point in a shield generator if you can just walk around it now I realize where the Kenobi series got it from the campaign also expands the levels beyond your typical Conquest gameplay some of the maps will have you take out targets While others like this one will have you capturing the flag or in this case a giant Tic Tac now the first gamees Maps did have both ground vehicles and star Fighters however the maps were just a bit too small to get the most out of the star Fighters and so this time around the star Fighters now have their own dedicated space combat Maps these do provide a nice change of pace from the ground combat the layout of The Fleets can be slightly different and you have a different planet down below depending on the map but most of these had a similar pattern to them you know what I'm talking about take out a few star Fighters then the command ship Shields then the various bits on the outside pop inside the enemy's hanger and then try to blow up the generator only to run out of explosives and spend ages popping Blaster bolts at it because you were too lazy to go back into the hanger and find the gong Droid finally you run outside and raise the enemy NPCs to the last star fighter only to of course lose I've always wondered how do humans get inside the Droid star Fighters seems like a tight fit well done jents with flying like that the Republic is well on its way to Victory whoops oh never mind still one next up fuchia which comes with these stuttering airls who will take out your entire platoon if you're not careful you do get to play as AA Sakura though so that's nice now this version of the kashik map has also been reworked it's a bit bigger and includes the section behind the wall although I did prefer the brighter colors of the original naturally Yoda is the playable character on this map next up is Uta where you naturally get Obi-Wan who's overdue for a haircut am I the only one who would waste my go of the Jedi trying to jump this giant chasm although I'm leaving the force will be with you always okay time for the epic battle Obi-Wan versus Grievous oh never mind and then we get the infamous Order 66 at the Jedi Temple and these Jedi are a major pain in the ass with the way they spawn out of the ceiling and then try to destroy their own bookshelves what's more as they also hide a bunch of these Mall Cops as reinforcements well AG you just going to stand there or go kill some Jedi all the areas of the temple scen in episode 3 are present in this map we've got the council chamber the archives the library and even this nice balcony area ah corusant what a beautiful city hold on why are there Droid star fighters in the sky the highlight of this level is of course playing as Anakin and going to town on all of these generic Jedi with order 66 successfully executed the Troopers get a change of wardrobe and begin their Imperial campaign and this is where things get real wacky when it comes to the campaign's plot first up Naboo where the Empire tries to take down the new Queen who's decided to start a rebellion with a bunch of Captain Paka clones this map is pretty much identical to the original only set at night it's nice to see the Empire's do Trooper has received a bit of an upgrade the crappy pistol from the first game has been replaced with this electric shocker this is followed by a new map Mustafa where some Geon ocean has decided to reactivate all the battle droids it's a decent map that provides a good mix of Tide corridors and open walkways plus it ends of you trying to swap this big bug out of the sky we then get the Clone Rebellion on Camino where Storm Troopers take on clones in Phase 2 Armor you do get to play as Boba Fett who faces his toughest adversary the Dual switch you also get this incredible line of dialogue before we leave the Empire wants us to collect some DNA samples from our Evil Brothers and look sure enough it's just a giant strand of DNA now this is the second Camino map and this version is quite a bit bigger than the original plus the cloning facility is an actual facility this time around instead of just a few corridors in the first game okay what's next well remember that time hundreds of Rebel prisoners broke out and almost took over the Death Star yep it happened this is another map with a bunch of Throwbacks to the movie we've got the Docking Bay the trash compactor the meeting room the detention Center oh my God they've imprisoned a Gong Droid now I know a lot of people really like this map but I always found it to be a bit annoying of all the long winding corridors this mission in the campaign is extra annoying because you have to capture the flag and every time you die it spawns you right on the other side of the map oh and it also ends with this random Jedi turning up out of nowhere excuse me sir are you lost the next map is Polish Mara that's right remember the asteroid from the end of avenge of the Sith it has its own map see what I mean when I said they really wanted to tie this game into episode 3 look they even have the room where pad may had the twins o Rebel scum oo this is actually a really big map in addition to the base there are also the caves the hangers and the outside area and this leads us into the event of the original trilogy with the attack on the Blockade Runner all right boys let's go oh well just like in the movie I guess the tide corridors really make this map a meat grinder and it ends with you taking down the princess um these don't look like stun bolts but I'm sure she'll be fine next up is this Yavin map which is pretty much just lifted from the original game you advance up to the temple and then take out the buffin spies the final campaign map is the Battle of ha and this is another map that's really similar to the original game only now you're playing as the Empire which is a nice inverse to the original game instead of flying the snow Speeders we're driving the Walkers and look you can even shoot the Speeders as they try to tie you up sure you can use the Walkers to attack the shield generator or you can be a real man and spend 2 hours chipping away at it with a blaster after making it to the hanger you have to take on wave after wave of really stupid Rebels look why are you hiding behind a crate and why are you staring at the wall after capturing the hanger you get to play as the dark lord himself what why did they spawn me halfway across the battlefield it'll be too far to walk time to Moon jum now this version of the map does have a back hanger where the Falcon sits and once it gets away Vader marches past all the rebels and then places a bomb under the transport I guess they must have deleted that scene in the movie and that's it the Empire banishes the rebels from half and T tells us all about their glorious Victory order had finally returned to the Galaxy that's right nothing else happened after the battle of ho now there are other maps that weren't used in the campaign but most of them have just been carried over from the first game like Endor jaas Palace and Moss icely the jobar map is new and as a expected it is a dark swamp but you get some Easter eggs like Luke's downed X-Wing and Yoda's Hut which is boarded up has it been like a repossessed by the bank the instant action mode from the first game has also been expanded introducing several new modes like the fan favorite hero assault where you pick a side and Juke it out across Moss icely the hero side consists of Han chewy Obi-Wan Luke Yoda Mace Windu Leia AA Sakura and kiotti Mundy who frankly looks shocked that he made it into this game you can also tell this is a 2005 game because lug has that emo Fringe thing going on the villains consist of Boba Fett Vader D Jango Mo Grievous the emperor Anakin and C Dooku who also seem surprised to be here wow Dooku sure is spry for an older fell look he can literally do a quadruple moon jump but he still doesn't compare to the emperor and Vader who can literally just fly in this game another new mode is hunt which literally allows you to hunt down famous Star Wars species for example on Endor you can either wipe out all the Ewoks or play as the natives to avoid elimination ah there we go spear right in the this mode also covers the Geon oceans the wampers on Hof the wookies on kashik the tuscans versus the jwas in a Turf War over the streets of moss icely and of course the gungans who the developers didn't seem to trust with blasters the best they can do is build turrets and then man them the galactic Conquest mode has also been overhauled and expanded this time it's presented in a board game similar to risk the action is spread across the Galaxy with both factions trying to take over all the planets via ground and space combat and of course we also have the online multiplayer mode Battlefront 2 built on its predecessor to become one of the best online experiences in all of Star Wars growing up many of us have spent hundreds of hours fighting over command posts engaging in dog fights and moon jumping across Moss esper with fellow Star Wars fans around the world the original servers did go down in 2014 but were relaunched in 2017 with the release of the steam version these days the Battlefront online community definitely seems a lot livelier than its predecessor I tried the steam version several times and always found at least one public server filled with players the PC version of Battlefront 2 has also received incredible support from the modding Community there have been so many different patches add-ons and mods released over the years that I'm going to have to dedicate a separate video to them in the future but that will do it for the PC version which we can use as a BAS line to compare against other ports the first being the PlayStation 2 version and straight away the first thing that jumps out at you are the menus which are completely different I'm not sure why the developers decided to go with such a drastic change but I kind of prefer the console menus they're a bit more aesthetically pleasing and I also like the footage from the movies in the background now naturally the PS2 Graphics were a bit of a downgrade from the PC but I think it more than makes up for it with its split screen multiplayer something the PC version had completely neg CED pretty much every single player mode has split screen multiplayer on PlayStation 2 from the campaign to instant action and of course Galactic Conquest which would end up being the definitive local multiplayer experience for this game I can't even begin to tell you how much time my friends and I spent either working together to take over the Galaxy or locked in Fierce tactical combat against each other and local multiplayer aside the console versions could also go online okay moving on to the Xbox version which at first glance seems identical to the PlayStation 2 however this is the only version of the game to have four player split screen across all local multiplayer modes and as someone who had the PlayStation 2 version going over to my friend's house and seeing four player split screen just seemed like some kind of Sith witchcraft but wait there's more the Xbox version also had exclusive DLCs which added two new characters kid Fisto showing off his Beach B and funky lightsaber and Assange Ventress now this was the first depiction of Ventress in 3D and boy did she look terrifying the DLC also added hero assault modes for corusant kashik Mito and the Buu it also added a bunch more maps from the original game including Yavin 4 Cloud City rvar Harbor and rvar Citadel all in all the DLCs plus the four player split screen made the Xbox Port of the game the most complete version of Battlefront 2 and finally let's round things off with the handheld Port of Battlefront 2 for the PSP and I've always been impressed with this version look I've covered a lot of PSP ports on this channel and way too often they just end up being a completely different game from the flagship on the other hand Battlefront 2 on PSP is as close as possible to the console version given the hardware limitations same Maps same classes same Vehicles it has Galactic Conquest Space Battles hero assault and it has multiplayer via PSP ad hoc yes obviously the graphics are lower in quality and there have been some substantial Cuts made to fit this game on a UMD seven of the ground maps and four of the space maps have unfortunately been cut but apparently a few of them are still hidden on the UMD disc the controls have also been adjusted to make up for the absence of a second analog stick you can either auto aim or use the face buttons it does feel a bit awkward to start with but you get used to it surprisingly quick the 501st campaign has also unfortunately been removed instead we have three challenge modes there's Imperial enforcer which is mainly just a repackaged version of The Hunt mode having the the Empire take out gungans Ewoks and Jaws Rogue assassin where you have to take out a bunch of Imperial officers and rebel Raider where you have to retrieve these big pucks all in all I still think the PSP version is a really decent port and so there we have it every version of the original Battlefront 2 this game built on its predecessor in pretty much every single way it would go on to sell over 6 million copies and build a legacy as one of the greatest Star Wars games ever made a direct sequel was pretty far into development but ended up being cancelled instead we'd get two PSP spin-offs and a reboot series from EA but all of those are topics for another video in the meantime please let me know your memories of Star Wars Battlefront 2 in the comments which version did you have who was your favorite hero and how many of you still quote this guy now hear this all hands man your Battle Stations as always thanks for watching please consider supporting me on patreon and a big thanks to my existing patrons also if you've enjoyed this video please like Subs subscribe and hit the Bell thanks for watching and I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Flandrew
Views: 249,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars battlefront 2, battlefront 2, battlefront 2 original, battlefront 2 2005, battlefront 2 2005 campaign, battlefront 2 2005 multiplayer, battlefront 2 heroes and villains, best star wars game, battlefront 2 pc, battlefront 2 ps2, battlefront 2 xbox, battlefront 2 psp, flandrew, flandrew star wars, flandrew battlefront 2, comparing every version of battlefront 2, battlefront 2 funny, battlefront 2 galactic conquest, battlefront 2 mods, battlefront 2 2005 mods
Id: wftwGNyzYj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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