Comparing Every MagMod Modifier with the Same Model and Same Light Placement

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if you've ever wondered what every magmon modifier does then you have a mind kind of like I do and in this video we're going to dive straight into it I'm going to show you comparisons between each of the modifiers in the magmod lineup [Music] what's up guys my name is Pai welcome to another magma tutorial so I wanted to make a bit of a reference video why because when I first started using off-camera Flash and specifically trying to understand light modification I had a really hard time understanding what each of these modifiers did so this is your reference video we're going to work through each of the different modifiers in the magmod lineup I'm going to show you comparisons and yeah let's get straight into this let's start with ground rules beginning with our lovely model PR we will link her up so you guys can give her a follow if you would like you will notice that Kiara has this outfit that's fairly tight it's going to show us exactly what the light modifier is doing when it comes to the light landing on the face and on the body we're going to have her also kind of lock in this one pose show me the pose that's the pose throughout every single shot so that we have a good comparison point when it comes to our rules for the camera I have it on a tripod and it's shooting portrait orientation with a wider angle lens why because I want you guys to see the entire background to see how the light modifier is affecting light and Shadows on the background as well so off camera to the right side about 45 degrees we just have the profoto A10 I have it on a c-stand you don't need anything this big I just have something sturdy so that way again we can keep it in the exact same spot each time this direction of light will give us a good idea of Shadow and kind of overall light quality and we're going to keep it right there I will adjust the flash power between shots just to make sure that the model's skin tone just Remains the Same throughout each of those images with all of our ground rules set let's get started so first when it comes to exposure I have set an exposure that basically knocks out most of the ambient light we're going to go with this kind of Center composition plenty of ground space plenty of room one 200 F 5.6 ISO 800 we get that beautifully dark image now with the remote on I've got the flash we're just going to go Bare Bulb so we have a baseline shot let's start working through each of the modifiers let's start with the mag grid I'm going to grab this guy we're going to pop it right down boom we're going to take the shot again okay immediately we notice that with the grid we have a lot more light control compared to that first bearable image the grid is controlling the light funneling it forward and it's mostly landing on the face we're not hitting nearly as much of the background now let's go to the mag sphere this one's my favorite one to pop on just the pop of it you know like it's so it has that like it's the bulbousness of it it's the bulbiness that makes the air pocket and when it pops on ah just beautiful it's a thing of beauty all right again my 12 year old would absolutely love not lighting assisting just popping the magnets on he wouldn't want a lighting assist I love it compared to just that bearable image we get a much more diffused light the light's still kind of going everywhere but in terms of specularity in terms of that reflecting light coming back into the camera it's much less of that light so it's still a hard light source but much more diffused less specular famous combo the mag Grid 2 with the mag sphere 2. pop those on and yes this does a very specific thing as you will see and we have a tutorial just on this technique in and of itself by the way let's go ahead and take that shot awesome so with this we're getting this kind of combination of effects so if you take the Bare Bulb shot and you compare it to the gridded shot you notice how much more the grid kind of funnels the light forward well with the grid and spear the third variation we still see most of the light is on Kiara but we do have a bit more spill but compared to just the sphere by itself if you compare it with the grid you'll see how the grid is still channeling light forward and we get that sphere with a bit of diffusion it's a really nice combo I love this look now we've got the mag bounce AKA the lacrosse stick we're going to put this up and we're going to aim the light a bit up I'm going to lower this just a tiny bit so it kind of mirrors the same angle that light's going to go out and bounce forward [Music] this has such a great look so the first thing that I'm kind of noticing is that the bounce and the light spread is very uniform when compared to say the sphere or even Bare Bulb and the next thing I notice is when comparing against Bare Bulb the diffusion from the bounce is so much softer like we're actually seeing a much softer Shadow transition with the bounce versus just Bare Bulb I love this look and this overall effect next we have the mag snoot so basically this is like the grid but that much more control right we're pinning the light to an exact place each of these levels gives you a little bit more light control so when it's fully contracted when you have it like all the way in that's where you're going to get the most spread when it's all the way out you're gonna get the least spread or the most control basically I'm going to give you just kind of an example of each one of these settings [Music] first shot this is kind of fully contracted so this will be the widest the light is going to go probably be kind of comparable to a grid and yeah you can kind of see that comparing this to the Grid it's going to be very very similar now let's go ahead and just pull it out one level [Music] boom two levels this is a beautiful thing I mean you can do really cool creative effects where you're just snooting and pinning light to the face but I love using this for like say a rim light a backlight a hair light [Music] oh even more control now let's go another now we literally have to make sure that this is right on the face because it will straight up Miss if not [Music] boom so each one of those steps will get it that much tighter so if we put all four of these side by side you can see that each step in on that snoot gives us that much tighter of a beam or focus in that light control so snoot is basically the Grid on steroids with the soft boxes I'm going to switch out my light to the profoto B10 so I'm using magmod's Pro Photo adapter but you can also use their speed light adapters which will allow you to hook up one or two flashes when you're popping this guy on you want the head of the Pro Photo to actually sit just outside of the ring so kind of push it deep inside of there and I'll show you why in just a second you can by the way use it however you'd like but if you want to get the most out of these modifiers that's the way that I would set it up we're going to go ahead and set this up we're done now look this ring is kind of thick right here right so the reason that we're kind of getting the flash head to protrude a bit is so that it's closer to the edge of this inside softbox so when that pops on we get a little more light spread from that with this let's go ahead and pop it onto the stand I want to shoot first with it just not diffuse at all because in another video we were talking about how you could actually have a large light source that gives you kind of a bit of a softer Shadow transition but that still has a specular quality to the light right where the light is reflective that's exactly what we get as soon as you put on a soft box without diffusion that's what you get so let's go ahead and shoot our same image okay so with the 24 OCTA without diffusion we have just that a large light source but that is specular in nature so you will notice that if we were to compare this to say the Bare Bulb flash image right well we do see a softer Shadow transition especially when you look at the floor we also notice though too that there's almost a little bit of a grid effect with the OCTA where the light is not spilling out past a certain point so this is where I'm actually going to go ahead and zip on the diffusion panel and it's nicely tucked up in here I'm just going to pull it out and Yeah zip it on foreign okay I'm going to power this up just a bit okay I love this modifier and the quality of light that it creates let's do this let's place this side by side with the mag spear image so basically what we're doing is we're comparing a small diffuse light source versus a large diffuse light source you notice that they both have kind of a nice coverage of the background but with the larger light this Shadow transition is just so beautiful and soft especially when you look at the shadow say on the ground when you zoom in to see Shadow detail on the body the 24 inch really stands out and just how much that larger light source really softens Shadow to highlight transitions now let's do this let's go ahead and pop the Grid on the 24 OCTA has again a magnetic grid system anytime we add modifiers whether it's diffusion grids we have to up the light output a bit because we do lose a bit of light in that process now with the grid we really start to see the shape of the light again right well what if we compared this to the grid and sphere versus the 24 OCTA with grid we basically have the little brother and Big Brother version of kind of the same overall effect we have a funneled light that's going forward with diffusion on it but with the 24 OCTA that light quality becomes so much softer we get such a nice graduation between those highlights and those Shadows it looks absolutely fantastic this is one of my favorite portrait setups because it really lets me put a nice soft quality of light anywhere I want it without it spilling onto the background or everywhere under the scene time for the 36 strip let's go ahead and again leave the diffusion fabric off for now let's pop it on [Music] angle it right [Music] take that flash power down a bit with this bear the best comparison with the 36 strip without diffusion would be the 24 OCTA without diffusion what we see between these is a very similar quality of light in terms of that larger but still specular light source kind of this in between soft and hard right but the big difference is the shape of that light this strip is fantastic for creating this narrow kind of well strip of light onto the sink and I love using the strip box for various things mainly when it comes to like highlighting the edges of a body we can use it as a rim light as a main light anything but now let's look at how much that pattern holds up when we start diffusing it so let's grab this diffuser out oh and Magma Team thank you I have not once lost a diffuser since working with these mainly because it's actually literally attached to the product but you know what I'm saying okay so check this out the 36 strip with diffusion compared to the 24 Pro with diffusion they start to get really similar again right and the reason for that is the diffusion kind of evens out the edges of the scene and kind of the Shadow transitions so when you're using it as a main light there's not really that big of a difference until you start kind of zooming in but even then it's a very subtle one where you will see that difference is when we add the grid now when we go ahead and place that grid onto the light source then you'll start to see the shape of that light start coming out again okay I'm going to power it up a bit now we start to see that kind of line come back so again comparing this to the 24 Pro OCTA with the grid we can start to see the difference in light shape although the light quality on both these is beautiful I typically end up using strips more as side back lights on the body to kind of get that nice highlight I love strip lights and this is a fantastic one this monster is the mag box Pro 42 OCTA this is an absolutely gorgeous light modifier and if you like shooting in the studio I would say this is a must-have let's go ahead and do the same thing we're going to start let's see how this snaps on let's let's listen listen oh yeah that's nice [Music] okay so when looking at this the first thing you notice is that the light source is actually large enough to make it into the frame so we'll need to make an adjustment there but the next thing is that we have that kind of same OCTA pattern although it's larger on the background and again we have that specular light but still it's a larger light source so we get a little bit of Shadow to highlight transition we get a little bit of diffusion in there let's do this I'm going to move it back just a bit we'll take that same exact shot again just so we have a clean frame of it there we go and now let's go ahead and add the diffusion onto this [Music] go ahead and Pop It Up okay now that's wild we moved it back even a little bit when you compare this now to the 24 OCTA so the 42 versus the 24 width diffusion it's again night and day and just for fun let's do this let's do sphere then look at 24 OCTA then look at 42 OCTA and just look at the difference between size of light and the quality of light the transition from highlight to Shadow I mean the 42 OCTA it just creates this it creates this shadow that literally has almost like no definition it's just so soft and gradual beautiful Studio setup let's do one last thing let's go ahead and put the grid onto it [Music] oh [Music] okay now there the 42 OCTA with grid has a very similar lighting pattern to the 24 OCTA width grid again the only difference here being just the size of the light source is giving us that much more of a softer transition in the shadows but a similar look again a great setup when you want to control light you're in the studio you want to control your main light from hitting other areas of the scene pop that grid on that looks awesome that's it you now have a complete reference guide for every single magmod light modifier and I hope this was helpful to you not only to see kind of what the differences are but just in terms of the gear that you use when you want to look at a new magmod product you have this guide to kind of compare and see what each one of these light modifiers is doing we're in a link up everything in the description of the video meantime let me know what you thought of the video you guys can comment I do read all of you guys comments and I really appreciate the ideas I get from y'all so comment if you have ideas thoughts what you guys want to learn next and I'll see you on the next video peace thank you
Channel: MagMod
Views: 26,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MagMod, MagGrip, MagGel, MagGrid, MagSnoot, MagBounce, MagSphere, MagnetMod, Speedlight, Speedlite, Flash, Canon, Photography, Modifier, Magnets, Magnet, Magnetic, Nikon, Olympus, Fuji, Camera, Digital, DSLR, off camera flash
Id: n_T0JPB-vuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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