Compact Disks make Comeback: Memory could Exceed Petabytes

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What do we want? Better memory.  When do we want it? Want what? Joking aside, I have a two Terabyte   hard disk and used to think that’s a lot. Then  I bought a new video camera and it’s clogged my   disk in no time. And yes there’s cloud storage  but you know, it’s not actually in the clouds.   They still store it on some thing down on earth.  And besides that, it’d take me forever to upload. So I was thrilled to see this recent  new paper in Nature about a new optical   storage method that could bring disk memory  into the Petabyte range. Petabytes. That’s   a thousand Terabytes. Let’s have a look. The new technology is an old technology,   it’s optical storage. Some of you may even  be old enough to remember optical storage.   We used to carry music around on those things  called compact disks and let me just say you   had to walk very carefully if you didn’t want  to listen to the same sentence a thousand times.  Later we put movies on these things called DVDs.  We have a neighbour who’s hung her old DVDs up on  the balcony to scare off the pigeons. True story. These compact disks were usually made of some  kind of plastic with a coating, which gave them   their shiny appearance. They worked by using a  laser to burn the information into the coating,   and then read it out again. Actually, a  pretty nice idea, quite straight forward. Why did compact disks die? They  were outcompeted by hard drives   that can store information packed much more  densely. The information density on compact   disks or any optical storage is ultimately  limited by the frequency of the laser light,   for visible light that’s a few hundred nanometres.  In modern flash drives the information is stored   in little magnetizable cells that are just a  few atoms in size and can be as small as 10   nanometers or so. They can store much more data in  the same space, hence the death of compact disks. But maybe they’ll soon make a comeback. Because  in this new work a group of researchers from China   figured out how to write data in multiple layers  on a disk with lasers and read them out again.  They say this could work up to hundreds of  layers, which would be a huge increase in   memory capacity. They say that a single disk of  this type could store as much as a Petabit. Yes,   a bit isn’t the same as a byte, but  then this was only a prototype. They   also envision that in data centres the disks  could further be stacked into arrays that   could each hold exabits. Sounds good  but just exactly what did they do? This new work is really a combination  of several advances. Partly they made   it work because they have a synthetic  material that can be modified in a very   targeted way by changing how its polymers  are linked. They can write at a certain   depth in the material by focusing  the laser on one particular spot. They actually use two lasers, one that initiates  a change of the molecular property of the disk,   the second one that terminates it, leaving behind  an altered region. This region can later be read   out by causing it to emit light with yet another  laser and that can then be detected. So, to write,   you locally change the property of the material  with lasers. To read, you cause it to emit light. The other advancement that they make  use of is that this two laser method   also allows them to encode structures below the   wave-length of the lasers. This also makes  it possible to pack the data more densely.  I guess it also helps that they were  working with femtosecond that prevents   them from melting the entire disk to a pool  of goo before they’re done working with it. Writing to and reading data from  the disk actually works very nicely,   as you can see in this video. What you  see here is a scan through the layers.   They have alternatingly encoded the acronyms  of their institute and the university and you   can see that they are pretty clearly  readable. The distance between two   layers is just about 1 micrometre. So you  could pack 1000 of them into a millimetre.  That said, there is some way to go from there  to commercialization. First and most importantly   when it comes to storing data it’s not just  the density of the storage that matters,   it also matters how quickly you can write  the data and and read it out. They didn’t   say anything about that, but I assume since this  is a prototype it’s fairly slow. Then there’s the   question how much energy that takes, and also,  where do you get a femtosecond laser from. Then again, you know, this entire area of  technology is currently evolving so quickly,   these challenges might be possible to  overcome given a few years’ time. So who   knows maybe compact disks will make a comeback  in the not too far future. And inevitably the   day will come when we’ll all record our  entire life in 8K, I can’t wait for it. Watching science videos is all well and fine and  I don't need to complain you're doing it. But it's   not a good way to actually learn something  new. If you want to learn something new,   you need to actively engage with the topic. 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Channel: Sabine Hossenfelder
Views: 679,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science without the gobbledygoook, hossenfelder, science, science news, tech, technology, tech news, computer science, computing, optical storage, DVDs, CDs, compact disks, storage data, disk space, memory capactiy, science news sabine, technology news, memory, memory storage, science humor
Id: 6a_yxsJuOMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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