Como hacer MASA PARA PASTELITOS O EMPANADILLAS Perfecta, rápida y auténtica Mini TAPAS para fiestas

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Greetings and welcome, today we are going to prepare this dough for cupcakes or empanadas that when fried looks like this with little bubbles, besides it is not chewy at all, it is like puff pastry, I know you are going to love it. We need 500 grams of all-purpose wheat flour, without baking powder and we are going to add it to a large bowl, reserving two tablespoons, we add 3 pinches of salt… …and mix, then we are going to heat a cup of water or 250 milliliters until it begins to boil and turn off, while the water heats up add 50 milliliters of vegetable oil to the flour… …and integrate until the flour absorbs the oil as soon as the water began to boil we turn off the stove and add the water over the flour we mix with the help of a palette so as not to burn ourselves until the greatest amount of liquid is absorbed and I tell you that this dough is useful for both salty fillings and sweet fillings once we reach the point where it is difficult for us to integrate with the palette, we are going to use our hands which must be clean and sanitized, the dough still feels hot but it does not burn , use the movement you are seeing on the screen to form a dough in which it has already incorporated the largest amount of flour that was loose in the bowl, I recommend that you do not rush to add additional water because this is a dough that does not stick to the hands it does not stick to the work surface and once we have obtained a compact dough, we can move to the kneading surface, which must be completely clean and dry and there we will work our dough for a maximum of three minutes, approximately, this dough is extremely simple with few ingredients and can be worked even by a child because it does not require much effort after approximately three minutes of kneading we see how there is no longer any flour on the surface and we have a compact dough it will be time to take the dough to rest but not without first smearing our hands with a little oil and with this cover the surface of the dough so that it does not dry out we take the dough back to the bowl we cover and let it rest for 30 minutes after 30 minutes we can work the ma It is used to prepare our delicious cupcakes or cakes and as you will see below, approximately 718 grams of dough are finally obtained, due to space issues I am going to work with half of the dough and the other half we must cover and reserve now let 's go to stretch the dough, but first we must spread a little of the flour that we had previously reserved, the truth is that I invite you to prepare this recipe because you will love the result I assure you, I believe that you will never return To buy dough or discs for cupcakes or empanadas , we stretch the dough to an approximate thickness of 1.5 to 2 millimeters. In my case, I stretched approximately up to 40 centimeters wide by 40 centimeters long. After reaching the desired thickness, we are going to proceed to cut either With cookie cutters or some round utensil that you have at home , before cutting, peel the dough off the surface and realize that it is a fairly elastic dough, I am going to use this cutter that has a diameter of approximately 9.5 centimeters and we are going to obtain some mini-sized dumplings or cupcakes, unlike this container that has a diameter of approximately 15 centimeters and is more or less the size of the tapas or doughs that one buys ready now we remove the surplus but we are not going to discard it because we can use it later I recommend you form a ball with it and grease it so that it does not dry out since it has been absorbing extra flour, cover it with plastic and let it rest to be able to use it again for at least 15 minutes, thank you for being with me and stay until the end because I am going to continue giving you some recommendations, when filling you must make sure you do not reach the edges and then moisten the edge where you are going to close a little, this because if you don't do it this way it can tend to open up when frying, I'm telling you because I've already done it and it's happened to me, this cupcake batter is It is ideal to make them for parties, meetings or to share because you can make it in advance, have it refrigerated yes and covered very well and take it out of the fridge at least 30 minutes before so that it loses the cold and I tell you that after being refrigerated the result is even better, the cupcakes are much crunchier, with this amount of flour you will be able to make approximately 25 or 27 cupcakes of this size and you can store the dough either whole or stretched and cut as in this case, always refrigerated, hermetically sealed and if it is going to be like that on disks they must be with plastic separators each one well I hope you are enjoying this recipe and remember to subscribe if you have not done so yet, activate the notification bell in the option of all and I you can leave a comment about this recipe and a powerful like, and to fry use enough oil that is not too hot so that they do not brown too quickly and time they cook well and you will notice how the oil is completely clean because there is no excess loose flour, which tends to burn first and spoil the oil, you will let them brown according to your preference and you can go observing the little bubbles that are made on the surface of the dough, they really are spectacular in texture, in flavor, once they have browned on both sides we are going to leave them on absorbent paper and continue like this until we finish with all the cupcakes that we have made we are going to enjoy them and I wish you could be here with me so that you can make sure that what I am telling you is true, they are very good not only freshly made even after several hours they still feel spectacular from the heart I hope you liked this recipe, if so, let me know in the comments and please touch any of the cards that I am leaving you as a suggestion for other delicious videos. easy and cheap thanks for having accompanied me see you in a next opportunity bye bye
Channel: Horneando y Empoderando con Yune
Views: 2,227,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #pasteles, #pastelitos, #enpanadillas, #enpanadas, #masa, #recetacasera, #cóml, #cómo, #comohacer, #haser, #aser, #acer, #tapa, #rapido, #rápido, #pastel, #frita, #empanada, #empanadas
Id: h4UIcd-DQtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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