Community honors victims of Monroe County boat club crash

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joining us live tonight with what he's learned. Dave Yeah, Taryn, I actually just got off the phone with somebody who says they were inside this club when all of this went down. He says, in fact, that his daughter is one of the victims recovering in the hospital. More on her in just a minute. But this was a birthday party on a Saturday for a three year old child. He tells me that there were roughly 70 people inside the Swan Boat Club describing what happened when that vehicle crashed through. He said it sounded like an explosion, like a propane tank exploded and that was just the first explosion. He says the car traveled 25ft into the venue, striking a bar inside another explosion, trapping victims underneath this vehicle, and today we saw a number of people coming out to this same scene, laying down flowers and other tributes, trying to make sense of what appears to be a senseless tragedy outside the Swan Boat Club. A memorial of flowers, stuffed animals and balloons grows bigger. Neighbors and strangers alike come to pay tribute, not knowing what else to do. I can't even speak to how bad this is. It's unbelievable. And this is a small community. I know everybody involved and it's just tragic all around. And it's just touched our hearts. So we wanted to come drop off a stuffed animal and say a prayer for the families, all brought here by a tragedy that unfolded Saturday afternoon. According to the Monroe County Sheriff, a 66 year old woman was behind the wheel of this car, caught on home security cameras speeding down a narrow dirt road, crashing into the side of the swan boat Club house during a news conference on Saturday night, the sheriff says the car traveled 25ft into the building, killing two children. 13 others were injured. The two killed were eight year old Lana and her brother, five year old Zane. Both are named in a GoFundMe account along with their mother, who is currently in critical condition. What would you say that this community needs going forward? Here I know to togetherness, you know, support for each other. That's about all you can really say is we need to support each other. On Monday, another GoFundMe account for a young woman named Leah recovering in the ICU after the crash, according to her dad, she was attending her three year old cousin's birthday party. As for the alleged driver, a 66 year old woman who lives close to the boat club, the sheriff says she was at a local bar prior to the crash. An attorney now representing Verna's Tavern issued the following statement. Quote, we are saddened beyond words by the news of this horrible tragedy. Our most sincere thoughts and prayers go out to all those that lost their lives, their family members, witnesses, and all of our community that is in pain due to this incident. We ask for patience during the investigation and the justice system will be allowed to uncover the actual facts surrounding the accident. End quote. As for the suspect, that 66 year old woman, we're told right now she is in jail. Monroe County Jail being held on, driving while intoxicated, causing death. She's expected to make
Channel: FOX 2 Detroit
Views: 32,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Swan boat club crash, swan boat club, drunk driving
Id: ql-lAc0B9Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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